The Band [Inactive]

"Because I'm not an idiot!I know my dreams from reality.Now who the hell are you."Cria barked back at the girl.Cria heard a hint of rudeness in her voice,but could careless about it.
"Ladies please!" Derek shouted. "We don't need to fight." He turned towards Kat. "I'm sick of games. Either stop trying to deceive us, or leave."
"I just told you, I'm Kat. If can' tell, I'm a mutant, and as I can tell, you can't take a joke. And you, cutie, need to calm down, you're going to pop a vein." Jesus, people really need to lighten up. "And no day should ever be the day you hoped for, because if it is, then you're living a boring life." 
Not that it would be the first time I've wanted to hit a girl, but man, this one knew how to aggravate me. "You need to just shut up, Derek isn't going to pop a vein, you are!" Out of all the annoying mutants, she was the worst.
"Alright, whatever. Now that we've got that settled, I think that's all we need for tonight. I'm closing the audition, and big surprise, you guys are in. Now for what I really called you here for. This is more than just a band guys."
"I'm not one for jokes."Cria turned to him and instantly thought about he was gonna say

This is more than just a band,it is a family.I bet he is gonna say that.

Cria chuckled as she started to go through her bags of new clothes.
"Ooooo, a surprise, I love surprises!" If this girl says one more word, I am going to rip her vocal chords out of her neck. "Can I talk to you outside please, Kat? If you would just give us a moment, James."
"Hey James,what made you want to make this band?Did you see something on tv or did you just want to bring mutants closer together or something?"Cria pondered as placed some of her shorts back in the bag.
"Now that's the right question," piped James, giving a wink to Cria, "I've always wanted to start a band, but ever since becoming a mutant, I wanted to create a mutant fellowship group. Something to help out lost mutants, you know what I mean?"
Alek and Kat return from their conversation, Kat has a slight smirk, and Alek is glaring at her. "Do that again and I swear.." Who was this girl, she was so all over the place I couldn't even read her when I focused. "Don't act like you didn't like it, Alek" He was fun toying with, he gets so worked up over everything. "Besides, the band needs a lead guitar, without me, you would need to hold more auditions, and I'm sure James does not want to do that." giving a glace at James' face.
"Actually,I can play your part.If you didn't show up I would just have to do both parts,by combining my synth and guitar."Cria explained as they returned.She didn't care what they were doing,but she felt like they were doing some naughty things,and that joke made her chuckle when they came back in.
"You are no fun, Cria." She always had a way to me up didn't she?

"Thank you for clarifying her deviancy, Cria, and no, the only thing that happened between us was in her f***ed up mind." I have to find a way to make her stop playing games and act for real if she is going to.
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"Stop it, everyone. We've all gotten off to a bad start jumping to judgement right away. Guys, we're all mutants, let's try to get along, okay?"
"I mean no harm, you guys know this." These people were too uptight for me, I need to change that.

"Just warn people before you go doing that." That cutie innocence game she plays has to stop. I need to make her realize that we can't just throw our powers out in front of every body.
"Seriously, calm down guys. Let it go. None of us are perfect, I got it. But us sitting here arguing isn't helping any other mutants. So stop selfishly bickering amongst yourselves. Yes, it's okay to have fun here, but for God's sake don't be so defensive about it guys. We're all mutants, so we can relax. Take it easy guys."
"Alright, so down to the first order of business. Do you guys know any other mutants? This band and studio will be a front to our mutant activities. And what were those other groups you were talking about Cria?"
"Well, as I said earlier, most mutants tent to annoy me," He then glared towards Kat who smiled back, "and I don't exactly react peacefully to others."
"I see. Are you willing to work with us at least? We don't have to be a perfect team, we just need to be able to tolerate each other enough to get things done."

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