• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Fantasy The Balancers

Vengeance Spirit

Seeker of Justice
Alright let's begin. The rules are simple enough.

  1. The GMs will control the story line. As of now the GMs are: Only myself(For now)
  2. I understand that combat will sometimes need combos, writing something as "She dashes forward in an attempt to stab the man in the shoulder. If this succeeds, she will follow it by twisting her blade."
  3. I will not write a system for energy or combat. Instead, I will entrust you with the ability to pace yourself.
  4. Death does occur. Character attachment is normal but character obsession destroys the roleplay.
  5. Remember your emotions. Fear is a strong emotion that helps survival and hinders it. Our quest will interrupt our normal life styles. Fear and other overwhelming emotions are to be expected.
  6. Be unique! What sets characters apart is the execution not the character sheet. You can have a one of a kind ability then roleplay your character with solemnity.
  7. If you ever feel that you need your own character arc, message me. Families may appear in the roleplay or other factors may deviate from the main arc. It is fine. It only grows our characters and I actually encourage this behavior.
  8. Please approach each other. Don't just sit down next to one another and do nothing. Chemistry between characters enhances the strength of a roleplay.

Character Name










Distinguishing Marks:(Tattoos, Scars, Piercings)




Long-Term Goals:



Personality Overhead:


Format as pleased, just don't be overpowered. Include equipment and training


Family: (Format: Name | Relationship to You | Status)

Backstory Here

[border=0px solid white]

[center][h=option][size=7]Character Name[/size][/h][/center]










Distinguishing Marks:(Tattoos, Scars, Piercings)


Long-Term Goals:



Personality Overhead:
Format as pleased, just don't be overpowered. Include equipment and training
Family: (Format: Name | Relationship to You | Status)

Backstory Here
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  • Name: Kreckbo (creek-bo) Of the Alluin tribe

    Titles: The Traveling Healer


    Age:52 (20's in human years)

    Birthplace: A Tribe of Gnomes set deep in the Bellial Forest

    Birth Month: August

    Sexuality: Asexual


    Weight: 36lbs

    Distinguishing Marks: Has a Phoenix tattooed on her chest over the place of her heart.

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Aldrate Forbis

Knowledge is always the first step
Name: Aldrate Forbis

Titles: Adept Transmuter

Race: Grey Elf (Also known as Mountain Elf)

Age: 23

Birthplace: Sindor

Birthmonth: March

Sexuality: Homosexual

Height: 5'7"

Weight: 131 Lbs

Distinguishing Marks: He has a faded scar across his cheek. The scar reaches from his nose down to his lip. It isn't noticeable from the distance but up close it can be seen as a slight discoloration.

Studying someone can always provide meaningful information

  • Learning: Aldrate loves to learn new information. His natural curiosity leads him to analyze everything.
  • Runes: The history of runes runs deep with mystery, this leaves a never ending puzzle in Aldrate's mind.


  • Inadequacy: Aldrate fears that he will not be powerful enough. This fear stems from his tough beginnings with magic.
  • Overwhelming Power: Aldrate doesn't like to use his mana to its full extent. He fears that he will create a disaster if he does.

Long-Term Goals: To become a master transmuter

Flaw: Aldrate can't stand when people are too soft. He believes that without strength we cannot fulfill our destinies.

Insecurities: Aldrate is insecure about his story before the mage tower. He doesn't like to say his parents were insane.

Personality Overhead: Aldrate is a calm man who uses more thought than actions. He thinks everything through before he commits to an act. His mind leads an examination of the situation before his body is able to react. This leaves him quite vulnerable to attacks when in solo combat. He works best with a team rather than on his own. Aldrate loves to joke around. He has the Sindor humor as some might say. He will find a way to laugh in even the dimmest of situations. This creates a block when it comes to social events. He isn't the greatest at being charismatic. Aldrate carries his strength on his sleeves, he believes that strength is the only way to hold onto the reigns of destiny. Anyone who is weak cannot ever amass to their fate. This annoys him as he sees these individuals as wastes. Aldrate will speak his mind but he isn't heavily opinionated. He goes toward whatever makes the most sense. If he is wrong, he will admit it. If he is right, he won't let go of it.

An aggressive foe is a foolish one
Aldrate is a trained Transmuter from the Mage Tower. He is considered an adept in the field. He still has a ways to go when it comes to controlling his abilities and understanding them more in depth. However, he can still hold his own in combat. His Transmutation skills involve the following:

Prana Bolt:Most mages have the ability to shoot unused mana, instead Aldrate can shoot raw prana at his target. This ability is inexpensive and deals low damage.

Magical Circle: Aldrate can create a circle of mana where a reaction will occur when the right ingredients are dropped onto it. These incantations include:

  • These ingredients create a small arcane explosion inside the circle.

    Eye of Newt

    Scale of Lizard

    Mandrake Root

Rune Reading:Training in the field of Tramutation has equipped him with the ability to read arcane runes.


Wooden Staff

Padded Robes

Scroll of Runes

To know the past is to know the present


Yearl Forbis | Mother | Unknown

Kindor Forbis | Father | Unknown

Out of all of the types of mages in the land, none are as strict as transmutation. The ability to change the properties of an object can lead to ill comings if taught incorrectly. A sad few transmuters who are not taught correctly know the woes of this drastic magic. Aldrate Forbis happens to be one of these unlucky souls. But perhaps fate had played these cards for a reason. To teach the young mage a lesson? It could be.

You see, Aldrate was born nowhere near the mage tower. He was born in the ice capital Sindor, the only true city that lives with health in the terrible tundra. According to the inhabitants, of course. He was born to Yearl and Kindor Forbis. A pair of grey elves who believed in the old regime of the elvish kind. They were strict to the idea that someday elves would be as powerful as they once were in the lands. Yearl was a woman in politics while Kindor was a warrior. The perfect couple to have a child who could be the right mix of the two. No magic had ever been in either families, yet even with the slimmest of chances, Aldrate the transmuter was born. In the lands, it is heavily believed that mages should be sent to the mage tower to learn. There are no rules against it, but it is a moral obligation. Aldrate asked his parents once and their answer was simply "No". They saw the mage tower as a human creation that would only lead to harm to their young child. Instead, the pairing decided to try and teach Aldrate themselves, without any knowledge on the matter.

Kindor knew a pyromancer who was a grey elf. In his mind he convinced himself that this pyromancer would be able to teach Aldrate more than any teacher from the human infested mage tower could. The lessons with the pyromancer had begun when Aldrate was merely the age of 8. Every evening after school, Aldrate would travel to the pyromancer's cottage to learn. He learned how to control his mana and concentrate it into a bolt. The simple spell was all the pyromancer could truly teach Aldrate. However, Aldrate's father pushed the pyromancer to teach more. When Aldrate was 16, the pyromancer came back with a book on transmutation. He set a circle and made Aldrate place the ingredients inside. Aldrate was unsure of himself, he looked at the pyromancer with confusion. Even at his young age he could tell this would not end well. He placed each ingredient inside the circle. After that the pyromancer told him to channel his mana. He shut his eyes and began the channeling. The spell swirled violently. A flicker of light started in the center, the sound of snapping followed quickly. The small fire grew rapidly as the cottage was soon engulfed. Aldrate ran away without even looking for the results of the catastrophe. He decided this power could hurt others if left uncontrolled. He stole money from his mother and bought a ride to the mage tower. The long ride lasted an entire month, however the journey was worth it.

The mage tower was an astonishing sight. Sindor's high snowy mountains were the opposite to these grassy plains. Aldrate couldn't help himself but make a bitter sweet smile at his new life. He loved his parents, despite how crazy they were. They just weren't right for him. He needed to control this ability. The headmaster listened to Aldrate's pleas and took him under his wing. Even though he was already 16 at the time, and a little older than a majority of the students. The rarity of transmuters were always admired. He began his teachings. He loved to learn about various types of magic. He graduated as an Adept Transmuter at the age of 22. He still resides in the mage tower waiting for the right moment to leave.

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Name: Mebuyan Agi-an

Titles: Daughter of the Sea Sands

Race: Human

Age: 25

Birthplace: A small village quite some distance from Destrato

Birthmonth: July

Sexuality: Straight

Height: 5'9"

Weight: 160

Distinguishing Marks: Has an earring made of amber and sapphire one on each side. Two thick lines that wrap around her wrist.


Interests: Fame, Fortune, Power, Family.

Fears: Failure, shame, powerful creatures.

Long-Term Goals: To be able to stop the slow exodus of village people due to lack of economic stability.

Flaw: Rash and often acts before she thinks.

Insecurities: Feels useless and perhaps not as strong as the others.

Personality Overhead: Energetic and polite, Mebuyan often has an intimate air when she converses with people. Because of this, she has made some good friends in her travels. However, her energy often makes her act first before thinking. When in doubt, she often defers to the more experienced person nearby. This makes her a good listener.


Equipment: Kris Sword (Proficiency: Knows how to use the sword, parry, and knows the techniques of the sword but is not an expert at it).


Long Robes.


Contains Flask (Water), Dried Food, Money.

Illusion Magic - Manipulates the wind to mimic crude voices and make it seem as if there were people around them. However, the sound is quite rough as it lacks refinement therefore those with better hearing can easily discern it as the wind.


Gifts of the waters: Knows the flora and fauna of the waters very well. Tied with her skill in fishing, she is often the most prepared when it comes to traveling in terms of food logistics.


Family: Anhian Agi-an\Father\Alive

Selosa Agi-an\Mother\Alive

Hoyuhoy Agi-an\Brother\Alive

Katakatakan Agi-an\Sister\Alive

Born in a small fishing village, Mebuyan from early on was known as the swimmer. She loved the sea and would bathe in the cold waters in Spring, Autumn, and Winter; dive in the warm sea during the Summer. Because of this, her title as "The Swimmer" became "The Daughter of the Sea Sands".

There were two talented magicians in her village. A couple who had decided to stay in there after traveling the world. They were respected the moment they decided to stay and even rivaled the elders in their respect. In return, the couple taught simple magic to those who were talented. Mebuyan was one of them. She made shadows and voice to entertain the children, as well as make pacts with the sea and the forest guardians to help defend the village from the wild animals that came from the hills.

She was a warrior and a fisherwoman at heart, and in her courage and dedication, she herself became respected among the defenders of the village. Years passed, Mebuyan had blossomed into a fine woman in her adult years. But she was not interested in the proposals of the men, nor did she fancy their advances. She wanted more, to see a life beyond the sea and the island she lived in. What could she see? What could she find? But her heart had not the urge to travel.

One day, feeling for a swim, she dove in the sea waters when in the depths of the darkness she felt a vision overcome her. It was an odd vision, for it had an old man and a story. A story that she could never have imagined nor envisioned in the tales she crafted for the children. But as she saw this vision to its end, she felt the darkness close upon her like the night eclipse the brightness of the moon.

When she awoke, she found herself in the sands, the village folk all around her. She did not know how long she stayed in the waters. But she did remember the vision, and in her vision there was an order to head to a tower.

After the scare she gave the village folk, she went to the elderly couple who lived in the center of the village. She asked about a tower, to which they answered -amidst light conversation- about the Mage's tower.

Curious, she felt like she was given something that dispelled the doubts in her heart that broke free the chains of fear of travel. She was filled with determination and excitement instead. Informing of her parents -despite their protests- she made her way to the local port and boarded a ship.

Days passed, sun and moon rose in cycle, until one bright cloudy day, she could see in the horizon the rising view of the tower. Her heart beating in excitement and anticipation, she clutched the net of the ship as the sailor called to prepare for landing.

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Anika Tekeli


Name: Anika Tekeli

Race: Human.

Age: 23.

Birthplace: Mogila.

Birthmonth: October.

Sexuality: Straight.

Height: 5’6.

Weight: 128 lbs.

Distinguishing Marks: Just above the bone of her right wrist there is a marking found on any Traveler(explained further down). The marking is of three triangles, each open on the bottom. They overlap to form a mountain range, and the central “mountain” is significantly taller than the others, symbolizing the monstrous mountain towering over Mogila.


Interests: Really anything that isn't man made. She's fascinated by the world and how it's built and structured. She's often caught in her step to appreciate the sunrise or sunset, and shows an unusual interest in nature in general. Most couldn't care less, and so find her excitement toward these things a little odd.

Fears: The sea, due to that being the cause of her dear brother's death. She fears being more destructive than constructive in any kind of way. Anika also fears being a disappointment.

Long-Term Goals: Perhaps to later on mend her relationship with her mother and settle with a husband.

Flaws: She is very stubborn and persistent when set on a goal, leading to certain conflicts when it comes to making agreements. She also tends to become overly-guilty and stuck on her failures at times. She is not experienced in any form of battle, but can handle a weapon.

Insecurities: Her family's past and relationship.

Personality Overhead: Anika is very observational, and through her experimental trait she prefers a path-less-traveled kind of approach. She’s a very open-minded woman, but isn’t entirely patient or sympathetic if it comes down to it. Toward those who she trusts and cares for she is a very loving and warm-hearted person.


Skills and Abilities/Equipment:

When Anika was of age, Roman gave in to her persistent nagging when it came to taking her hunting with him. She learned to navigate, to track game, to use her reflexes, and over time learned to overcome the guilt of a kill. She carries with her the spear shown above, as it had originally been her brother's.


Family: Alevi Tekeli | Mother | Living

Roman Tekeli | Brother | Deceased

Masson Tekeli | Father | Living

Eysma Herle | Grandmother | Living

Backstory: Anika was born into a briefly happy family of the Mogila. Her father worked during the days but spent many nights away at the local tavern, and her mother cared for her two children at home. Roman, her elder brother by eleven years, spoke of exploring from a young age. He was a child full of wonder and excitement. By the time he was of age, this trait happened to be rather popular among the coming adults. He and few others dedicated their times to exploring beyond the mountains surrounding Mogila, simply calling themselves the Travelers. Roman hadn't returned from one of his Travels, having reportedly fallen overboard during a storm at sea. His recovered body could not be revived.

After much protest by her mother, Anika had followed her brothers steps and joined the Travlers. She felt just as confined in their small village as her brother did. Masson Tekeli continues with his drunken ways, and spends nearly every evening at the tavern. Alevi Tekeli now cares for Ankia’s grandmother and shuns the young woman. Her daughter had disobeyed, and she can’t bear to love and lose another child.

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Loriah Brightstar[WIP]


Name: Loriah Brightstar

Titles: None

Race: Moon Elf

Age: 112

Birthplace: Lusterleaf, a small village hidden away in the Bellial Woods

Birthmonth: February

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Height: 5'7"

Weight: 135lbs

Distinguishing Marks: None


Interests: the firmament, nature, magic

Fears: necromancy, imprisonment, wyrms

Long-Term Goals:

Flaw: Loriah is blind to her shortcomings but terribly aware of the consequences of failure.

Insecurities: too concerned with how people perceive her.

Personality Overhead: possessing a story or parable for every occasion as written in the stars, people often perceive Loriah as being haughty or arrogant. However, due to her long life and years of solitary study, she simply wants to impart her knowledge upon those around her. She spent much of her life relying on herself that she tends to be overbearing when working with others, believing she knows the best way to get the task done.



Weapon - Sickle

Attire - Simple travel clothes comprised of a bodice, boots, bracers, trousers, and a cloak. She possesses a silver bangle, cloak clasp, and circlet.

Additional - Arcane Staff


Arcane Spellcasting - Loriah casts magic by channeling mana like most spellcasters. She has an affinity for celestial magic, harnessing the powers of celestial bodies to attack or bolster the abilities of others. Her preferred attack is to conjure star fire and hurl it at an enemy. Sometimes she calls upon the power of constellations like Pegasus to bolster the speed of an ally or Leo to instill one with bravery.

Celestial Familiar - Loriah's family star is Antares, and she can summon a weak celestial avatar of the star from the astral plane. Often taking the form of a small ferret, Loriah relies on the familiar for companionship.

Divination - There is quite a bit of lore surrounding the stars and constellations and some believe that the fates are written in the stars as well. The silent observers of the heavens can be spoken to with some training and magic, granting the caster information to the best of their knowledge. This often gives the diviner the appearance that they know the future, when in reality, they are simply making educated guesses based on information not widely known to denizens of the world.


Family: (Format: Name | Relationship to You | Status)

Backstory Here



Cowards die

Name: Roland Sloane

Titles: Lord Sloane, Sir Sloane, Knight

Race: Human

Age: 18

Birthplace: Baulk

Birthmonth: August

Sexuality: Pansexual in theory, but more like worksexual in practice. He's aggressively goal oriented and not very romantically inclined.

Height: 6'1

Weight: 221 lbs

Distinguishing Marks: Sloane is a tall man in intimidating armor, but really it's his disgruntled, pinched scowl that makes him look like a mercenary. Or cold-blooded killer.

Up close though.

There's a mole under his eye. His jaw is peppered with light freckles and there's a bruise shaped birthmark on his neck. It's tan and looks like a hickey.

many times before their deaths;

Interests: Novels, History, Ancient Battles, Flutes + Learning to play the flute.

Fears: Grieving mothers, Bad strategies, Dark magic, Showing Weakness

Long-Term Goals: To be historically significant. To be a champion to scholars by funding encyclopedias and rescuing ancient texts. To become a master flute player. Mainly to be historically significant, and possibly die in an interesting way.

Flaw: Temperamental + Arrogant + Spoiled + Angry

Insecurities: That he's too spoiled and angry (he suspects). Another big but less obvious insecurity is Sloane's decision making skills on the battlefield. He doesn't want people to die because of him. Historically, this has resulted in him acting independently and not consulting others before making rash decisions.

Personality Overhead: Sloane is a difficult boy to know. With eyes that glitter like war and his ever present sneer, he can be off-putting. Sloane is a soldier. Regardless of the circumstances, he accomplishes his mission. The manner in which he proceeds can be brash, often forcing a conflict where a more cunning mind could find other ways to proceed. Sloane treats everyone as if they have wronged him in some way. Maybe because he has been wronged deeply in the past, or maybe he's just that way. Sloane challenges the things that scare him. Conquering fear to him is equivalent to ruthlessly confronting something until it backs down. He's not so good at eliminating fears he can't physically intimidate. Like the black, angry insecurities that sometimes plague his mind.

Sloane has an honor code. It's ever present in his thoughts and behavior. If someone were to violate the code, he wouldn't think highly of them. In fact, it could start an altercation. His code consists of self-imposed personal rules like: don't lie, don't hurt innocent people especially children and animals, and being honorable.

Most of what Sloane says is an insult or a allusion to an insult. His verbal venom spares no one. Sloane is a collection of weaponized hurts.
He doesn't care about anyone until he does. Sometimes Sloane is critical of himself, but he mostly keeps those thoughts smothered and internal.

The valiant never taste of death

  • Equipment: A glossy silver blade. There's an orange sunburst in the hilt of it. Sloane own a second shorter blade strapped to a sheath outside of his boot.

    Sloane wears pieces of armor. The equipment is colored a dusky gold. The material covers his joints, plating shielding his knees and elbows. The piece on his chest is lighter at the expense of being less durable. Sloane wears a navy blue cloak with a loose hood. When worn, it drapes his face totally from view.

but once.


Roslyn Arry Sloane | Mother | An aristocrat. Living.

Kory Pel Roland Sloane | Father | A lord. Living.

Claus Arry Sloane | Older Brother | An aristocrat. Living.

Icarus Richard Sloane | Younger Brother | An aristocrat. Living.

Backstory: Sloane is privileged. He never went

without as a child, and had any toy he wanted and soon as he wanted it. Sloane developed a hunger for knowledge at a young age. His father was interested in history and battles long past. Sloane adopted the fascination from him (and soon after that, Icarus did too. He mimicked everything Sloane did). Sloane has never revered another person like he does his father. The man was, and still is, a introverted individual. A stern, practical man of action. Kory Sloane spent a few months in the home every year. The rest of the time he was with other nobles. Strengthening ties, or bullying lords and ladies to do what he wanted. Kory was seen as a man other people don't cross.

Claus is several years older than Sloane. They got along, in a way but were never peers. Claus did let Sloane follow him around as a kid. As they grew up, the two drifted apart and mostly only talk at family gatherings. He was the first one to put a sword in Sloane's hand, and later, Icarus's too.

For the last few years, Sloane has been settling disputes between villages, guarding rich people, and looking shiny for the aristocracy. He didn't know about his magic until his 18th birthday. The incident with the wolf happened. Then later that same day, he accidentally caused a tulip to bloom. Sloane kept it a secret. He suspects Icarus might have magic too but is committed to not knowing. The fewer people who know about a secret, the less dangerous it is.

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no slide no slide

Race: Elf

Age: [...]

Birthplace: Northwood Isle. The now obsolete location was once home to a small community of Elven Mages who, in attempts to conceal their specific, artistic use of mana-infused weaponry and their unique style of combat, tucked themselves away into the highest branches of trees littering the coast of Eastern Isle. The community thrived, tucked neatly between the forest's edge and the mountain range south of Cordington.

Birthmonth: Winter

Sexuality: Asexual

Height: 6’2”

Weight: 175 lbs.

Distinguishing Marks: Heygull's disfigured form is hidden beneath his ominous, off-putting mask.


Interests: Speech, debate, lore, and wine.

Fears: Humanity

Long-Term Goals: Finding the Northcloak Elves that fled from the fire, and mastering the art of Lorecraft. His greatest difficulty is doing so alone; all of his masters have, to the best of his knowledge, perished in the flames.

Flaw: His obsession with finding the Elves who escaped.

Insecurities: His appearance.

Personality Overhead:


Magic: (*Further information in backstory.) However, to summarize: Heygull can never learn a spell. He can only channel the mana stored in crystals through his Blade Staff.

Current spells: ***WIP

Weapon: Double-Sided Blade Staff


Family: None.

The Northcloak Clan held firmly to their beliefs that, in order to continue to rise and meet any threat of danger, their magic must be able to match that of their opponents'. Before the execution of the Northcloaks, the clan developed their use of mana, which they called "Lorecraft"; this ability allows the mage to learn the magic of the opponent after bearing witness to it, or by drawing mana from the source--usually by weapon, letting the mana flow through the weapon.

Their Magic showed promise, though limitations prevented the Mages from ever actually being able to channel mana through themselves; in short, they could not "learn" a spell permanently. The only way to permanently store a spell for them and, as such, for Heygull presently, is to channel the spell into an empty crystal. Most of the clan's Bladestaffs had three allocated spots for crystals, and, thus, access to three spells. Bearing this in mind, crystals for the Northcloaks were practically gold. They carried a pouch of empty shards at all times, though they were limited in stock; sanctions against mining crystals from the mountains came from the west in Rainmill where, at the time, the kingdom made profit off of the crystal. The Baulk citizens, unreasonably afraid of their Elven neighbors to the near-north, reported them to Rainmill. During the night, soldiers of Rainmill set fire to the forest, catching the Northcloak Clan’s homes ablaze. Without time to react, let alone launch an attack against Rainmill soldiers, many tried to flee—many were unsuccessful. Heygull lost his family and suffered severe burns, forcing him behind a mask. Others were rumored to have snuck away in time, riding in boats and pushing off from the piles of ashes they once called home.

Others suggested the soldiers of Rainmill had nothing to do with it—they accuse the refugee Elves.


Syvas Valerian


Name: Syvas Valerian

Race: Woodlands Elf

Age: 128

Birthplace: Bellial Wood

Birthmonth: Semptember

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Height: 5'9"


Distinguishing Marks:N/A


Interests: He has often found himself enthralled by the history of wars and the tactics used in them. Sword-play and learning about different fighting styles.

Fears: Spiders, he hates them. Falling in love.

Long-Term Goals: To master his craft and become renowned as an assassin.

Flaw: He is far too prideful and at times cocky. These things hinder him when trying to be diplomatic.

Insecurities: To let down those he cares for.

Personality Overhead: Most would refer to him as an introvert. He tends to be quiet and reserved when in the company of others.


Primary skills/abilities.

Skilled in the use of single handed martial weapons.

Proficient in the use of a long bow. (His preferred weapon.)

Poison usage and minor poison crafting(alchemy). (He is learning to make minor poisons but for potent things he must buy them.)

Shadow step- This ability lets him travel from one shadow to another unseen. As he has not mastered this ability it's range is greatly diminished. (10 yard maximum) If used more than twice in a short period of time he will become fatigued.

Shadow meld- The ability to become one with a shadow. Moving or attacking cancels this ability.


Enchanted arrows- He has learned to enchant arrows he shoots with stored mana to slightly increase the damage they deal.




This ones life was wrought with strife from the beginning. He was born to a whore of mother who cared little for the life she gave birth to. He was dumped as common trash in the streets and left to die. As it turns out, fate held a different story for him. He was discovered by member of the order of thieves. While normally one of his nature wouldn't have thought twice about leaving the child to die, there was something he seen in the boy and he took him in.

Syvas spent his early years cleaning and catering to the various members wishes. He was for all intents an errand boy. He would often become distracted by the sparring and sword fighting in the training area and found himself dreaming of one day becoming an assassin like those around him. Kato, the same man who found him, had taken note to the attention paid by the boy and decided that he would begin receiving training in addition to his daily chores. Years passed in this manner and Syvas enjoyed each day more than the last.

The guild has since fallen to ruins and Kato long passed of old age leaving Syvas alone in the world once more.

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