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Realistic or Modern The Bachelor


Basic Bitches Not Wanted


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Mariah arrives at the house, looking out the window smiling so hard seeing how her excitement is taking her over.

As the driver pulls in the drive way she hops out the car grabbing her purse and grabbing her suitcase from the driver

Thanks Mister!" She Slipped him a $50 bill before entering the house

She couldn't believe she was actually chosen to appear on the show.

Mariah ran upstairs looking at the beautiful decor, kind of happy she was the first one to get there, she heads to the first room.

"Damn this is nice" Mariah dragged her suitcase in the room and started unpacking.

Hazel left her house, her car sputtering along the road as she went. When she arrived, she lugged her bags to the front door before opening it and walking in. The hallway smelt like vanilla and lavender, with different scents wafting from the other rooms. She saw another girl and walked up to them, "Hi! I'm Hazel!" She smiled and stuck out her hand.

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"Ma'am, we're here." The driver put the car into park, waiting for Izzy's response. When there wasn't any answer he twisted around in his seat to find the girl passed out in the backseat. "Ma'am?" She still didn't answer so he tenatively leaned back, tapping her shoulder.

Izzy jerked upright, wiping a small amount of drool off of her chin. "Huh?" Her goodbye celebration had gotten out of hand last night and she was either slightly hungover or still slightly drunk so it took her a few minutes tp realize what was happening. "Oh, uh, thanks." After digging through her backpack she pulled out a wad of cash and a pair of sunglasses, shoving them on as she handed the driver his tip. "Wish me luck," She laughed as she got out of the car with her backpack and duffel bag.

As the car pulled out she spent a few minutes just staring at the house. It was bigger than everywhere she'd ever lived put together and for the first time she found herself questioning the decisions that led her here. But she just sighed and wandered inside. It was quiet as she walked through the hallways, finding a bedroom in the back and tossing her bags on the floor. With a groan she flopped face first onto the bed in an attempt to further shield her eyes from the light.
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Kiara was deep asleep for the whole car ride. Until she felt some shaking and someone calling her, "Miss we're here! Get up!" her eyes finally opened. "Hmm? Oh thank you Sir." she said with her accent strong. She didn't lose it,but she felt proud to still have it.She paid the man and walked up to that big house. She finally got in the house and looked around. "Whoa, This is way better than my apartment" She said looking around. She found her way to her room and piled her bags on her bed.

Hey! I'm Mariah and I go by Riah.

Nice to meet you Hazel!

She went over to the doorway to greet Hazel with a hug.

I see the other girls are here!

She rushes out her bedroom door saying Hello to a everyone being friendly.

Even though it's a competition doesn't mean I can't be friendly right?


Location: House

Mood: Snarky

Outfit: Jeans and a Tee-Shirt
"Miss? Miss! Wake up!" Alexandria woke with a jolt, banging her head against the glass windows of the taxi.

"Ow...." She muttered, biting her lip and reached a hand to rub her head. Luckily, she felt no blood. She reached into her purse to grab a ten dollar bill, then handed it through the slot in the glass divider. She driver nodded, then Alexandria opened the door. She could see a couple cars there already, and she could see a body slipping inside the door. Eagerly, she pulled her bag out with her and ran into the house.

She looked around, taking in the house. She took in a deep breath.

"You can do this, Lex. It's what mom would've wanted." She nodded to herself, then walked towards the stairs to the bedroom. She finds her room, places her suitcase on the floor. She opens the drawers, then her suitcase, and began to place her fundoras neatly in the top drawer. After she unpacks everything else, she wanders out into the hallway and down the stairs. She might as well explore it before things start getting nasty, right?

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Camille Oakes | O U T F I T

Camille's bright blue eyes stared out of the window, America is nothing like Australia. The cab halted in front of the mansion, Camille gasped at the sight of the mansion, her farm town was nowhere near as pretty. "Thanks alot mate," Camille smiled, handing the cab driver the money. "No problem love," he replied with a thick Brooklyn accent. Camille smiled and grabbed her suitcase out of the boot and her rucksack that contained her art things. "This better work," Camille sighed as she went inside the house. As she went inside, her gaze explored her surrounding. "Woah," Camille softly whispered, slowly continuing her way through the house. She made her way into the living room. Camille decide just chill for awhile and began to continue her drawing.
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Charlotte loaded her car and ran back in to hug her friend , holding her tight. "Wish me luck" She said with a laugh before letting go and walking to the car. "I'll be watching you every step of the way" Her friend teased to which Charlotte sighed and shook her head "Your not allowed watch" she shouted out the window as she pulled out of her driveway.

Charlotte looked at the house in awe as she pulled into the driveway. "Woah". This experience mightnt be too bad, she thought. She parked her car, grabbed her bag and walked into the house looking around in wonder. She dropped her bag to her room before running around the house like an excited child. She heard voices and stopped running, as she turned the corner to see a few girls talking.

"Hello" She said with a grin as she walked towards them.

Mariah stepped out looking around the corner seeing another pretty girl approaching

Mariah smiled

"Hey, How are you?" Mariah loved seeing so many pretty girls, but she knew this competition wasn't going to be easy, but she stayed positive

"Well if either one of you wanna bunk in here that's cool" Mariah stepped back into the room grabbing the outfit she laid on the bed to get dressed into which was more comfortable and threw her hair up into a frizzed bun.

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Charlotte smiled as the girl "I'm good, how are you?" She asked as she stopped beside her. "This house is amazing isn't it?" She said sounding like an excited child as she held out her arms motioning at the house, her eyes sparkling with excitment and wonder.

"Oh I'm Charlotte by the way" she added.

"I'm good, thanks for asking and nice to meet you I'm Mariah but everyone calls me Riah. And this house is spectacular! This makes my house look like a tiny cottage" She giggled as she finished getting dressed and put away the rest of her stuff

Charlotte sat on the other bed in the room as Mariah got changed. "Yeah it makes mine look like a mouse's house" she said with a smile. "We should go explore, see if it's stocked up for us and all" she suggested.

Mariah got up grinning at Charlotte

"Of course, honestly I'm definitely trying to raid the fridge, it's at the top of my to-do list" She giggled hoping everyone would appreciate and like her humor


If you would have told Amberlynn she'd be in this position three years ago, she would have laughed in your face. Plump limps curving into a tender smile as she politely declined such a strange idea. 'The Bachelor', a show her aunt had been obsessed with for the last few years, carving average girls like herself into fairy tale dolls, set with primped curls and tight bodice dresses. Yet, here she was, reclined in the backseat for the last two hours and twenty minutes. Surely, the chauffeur had to have been more tired than she. Before she could drift off, the car finally pulled in outside the house, glimmering baby blues taking a moment to soak the reality of the situation in. "It's at least six more rooms, and a garden wider than Auntie's house." She breathed, the observation seeming almost miraculous to her.

A loud scoff met her ears, the gaunt shape of a man turning around with his palm extended. An awkward laugh left her lips as she dug into her purse for some spare dollar bills, all too used to the idea of swiping a card before purchase. Scrounging up a twenty and two quarters, she dropped the money into his hands, offering a sparing smile in return for the blasphemous payment. "I'm incredibly sorry, Sir." She mumbled, before quickly making her way out of the car and into the fresh air.

Heels click against the pavement as she walks to the front door, teeth pressing into her lip as she thought long and hard about this decision. At what point would he grow sick of her? Would she even make it past the first day, let alone the first week? What were the other girls like? Who was her competition? What did they look like? Were they going to be friendly, or not so much? With plenty of questions hovering around her brain, she slowly turned the door handle and stepped inside.
Mariah hears the door opening and peers from upstairs

"OMG HIIIII!" Mariah probably over did that welcome but she didn't care

She walked downstairs to greet the new girl

"Hey , I'm sorry I get overly excited sometimes, I'm Mariah nice to meet you" She extended her arms for a hug
Hazel accepted the hug with a smile, good to see that SOME people would be friendly to her. She walked out side to find a room. She comes across one that honestly must have been blessed by God. She lugged her bags onto her bed and looked around her before walking out into the hallway, waiting for someone else to show up so she can talk to them.
"So Hazel..." Mariah said following behind her like a little lost puppy

"Where you from?" She said biting her lip involuntarily

Over the Intercom System

*Attention Ladies, Please report to the outside Patio, your bachelor is on his way*​
"Oops gotta go!" Mariah freshened up really quickly and went outside on the patio facing a beautiful view seeing that she was the first one out there she hoped it would give her some points over the other girls


Location: House

Mood: Snarky

Outfit: Jeans and a Tee-Shirt
As the mechanical voice blares over the the house, she quickly makes her way to the patio. She noticed another girl, and rolled her eyes. She was not here to make friends, she was here to win.

She sits down awkwardly on a bench, waiting for the rest of the people and the bachelor arrive. She picked at her finger nails, and bit her already sore lip.

Giving up being rude, she turned to the girl. "Why are you here?" She says blatantly. She blinked a couple of times, waiting for an answer.

Mariah looked over at the girl feeling a bit of tension, she decided to kill her with kindness

"Well I mean I'm here for the same reason everyone else is..To find love...to meet the man of my dreams" She replied with a fake smile

"And I'm Mariah By the way...you are..?"

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