The Arena (Rp Thread)

An hour would go by before the King would step out into the dining section and smile softly. "The first fight was a great success, I enjoyed the fight and would like to let you all know a second battle is about to begin. Baransu, you are up. Go to the corridor to the left. Shan, you to the right. After this battles will be over for the night and all of you will be either forcefully removed or leave kindly. Your choice, and do remember, I run this place for a reason. You will leave shortly after the fight. I will be seeing you soon. And those who I don't see, I'll see you tomorrow." The King then turned and made his leave chuckling softly.

@XEmptiness @Ember Bare
With both of his arms folded across his chest and eye lids closed, Baransu sat comfortably in the dining section. A glass cup half filled with wine held its place in front of him atop the long table, indicating that he'd been there for a short while drinking. He didn't know why the hell he was here, and didn't really care, he just wanted to enjoy the ride while it lasted. If that meant killing people then so be it, to him this was all just some sick dream game, so might as well enjoy it. He could hear the cheers of a large crowd echo throughout the hall, and catching a scent of fresh blood in the air, it seemed as though the first match was over. Hearing the loud voice of the "King" speak over to them, he didn't pay much attention until he heard his name being called out to battle. Baransu opened his eye lids, his red eyes glaring towards the man speaking, he then fixed his eyes towards the young man named Shan. Remembering his face from within the forest, a flashback went through his mind when they clashed blades, causing him to grin from ear to ear. Moving the seat back, he stood up on his feet and stretched back causing his joints to crack a bit, his gear making noise as he moved. Grabbing his glass cup, he downed the rest of his beverage and placed it back onto the table. Baransu then began walking towards where he was instructed to go, walking past Shan, staring down at him with an evil glare as he passed by. Entering the dark corridor without any fear at all, he began to think back, and thought how ironic it would be to draw blades with him again. A bright light would be seen at the exit, while walking out of the corridor, Baransu's eyes squinted a bit as he would be greeted by a roaring crowd. Continuing to walk towards the center of the arena, he looked around with a grumpy expression, not really liking so many people around him. He folded his arms again, and waited for his opponent, wishing he could just kill everyone who was yelling.

Shan stood relaxed in the same spot he had been as he looked down to the book that was now a pencil laying in his hands,he hadn't said a word nor looked up to anyone. Though that didn't mean he wasn't paying any attention or doing nothing,he was thinking about all sorts of things. He had thought of things he wanted or needed here and there as he waited and that book had changed to what he had been thinking,which gave him a good idea on what his 'magic ability' was. Once he heard his name called he finally looked away from the book to who said it,with a sigh he smiled as soon as he saw who he was up against and chuckled."Well,well,well.wasn't that just lucky."He spoke to himself as he started walking to where he was told to go,keeping the pencil in hand. Getting the death glare from his opponent Shan just stuck his tongue out at him like a child,he continued where he figured he was suppose to go talking out loud to himself like always."So his name is Baransu? What a weird one he is,he used fire last time we met which must be his ability....So he wouldn't like water very much right?...Or the dark?...."He started making suggestions to himself till he got to the end of the corridor,and just by listening he could tell they weren't going to be alone. He should have expected a crowd,it was a coliseum after all. shading his eyes with his hand he looked around as he exited and stopped at Baranus,with a smile across his face he held his hands behind his back and went on over to the middle. Standing right in front of his mad looking friend his smile slightly twisted."I was wondering when we would finish our little chat from before." He still seemed quite relaxed even in this situation and was planning to have a little fun before this was over,though the fact that Baranus seemed to have a handle on his fire and Shan just now understanding his could be a problem. But with the way his seemed to work he could have a chance,even though those chances didn't really matter to him.


The noise from everyone annoyed him, but his attention was caught on the man who entered the arena just a few seconds after him, Shan. Baransu held his gaze upon him and felt an inner feeling within his eyes, it felt as if it was burning, as if he could stare into Shan's very soul and mind. As Shan approached him with that arrogant smile, Baransu held a plain facial expression, not breaking eye contact or responding to anything that he had said.

The crowds noise became faint to him as he focused on Shan, he would then discover something strange about his visual prowess, it was almost as if he could read his opponents thoughts.

I wonder if I could control them,

Baransu thought to himself as he reached for his tachi which was sheathed in it's casing attached to a strap around his waist. Everything seemed like it was in slow motion to him, however, Baransu moved at speeds faster than the naked eye could see.

Unsheathing his weapon with his right hand he swung his blade in a horizontal motion aiming for Shan's mid torso, his intention was to cut the man in half. The blade made a piercing whistling sound from the speeds it was going as it was about to make contact with Shan's figure. Baransu continued to glare into Shan's eyes, a grin spreading across his face as if he had something up his sleeve.

Baransu was visibly seen attacking from the front, though a sharp sound could also be heard from behind Shan as well, sounding as if he was actually being attacked from behind. Baransu had discovered something new about himself during this action, he could manipulate his enemies senses with a simple gaze. Tricking Shan's sense of sight at this very moment, as Shan thought he was being attacked from the front, the man was really being attacked from behind.

Though of course Shan would obviously be completely unaware of this mental action, as he boldly stared off at what he thought was an attacking Baransu right in front of him. Not completely perfecting this ability he had with his eyes just yet, he couldn't muffle the sound of his blade by controlling Shan's sense of hearing. The crowd roared at the action which was happening seeing Shan simply stand there as his mind was being tampered with, Shan only had a split second to react in time or else he would be in pieces on the ground of the arena.

Hester watched as the others fought and couldn't help but look on in disappointment that they were spared. "Oh, I was hoping to see someone die." He said as he was leaning over the railing, it was stone. He spit into the arena. He knew that it was a sign of disrespect. He didn't agree with the fight's ending. After a while Hester walked down to one of the chambers. It had nothing in it, so he fell on the bed in it.

(I was thinking about hester and his weapons seeing that everyone has an awesome weapon and I have are daggers I was thinking maybe I could have a better one, I was thinking that this would only be for defense, I just wanted to run it by you guys before I make the post about he finds them.)
dakup said:
Hester watched as the others fought and couldn't help but look on in disappointment that they were spared. "Oh, I was hoping to see someone die." He said as he was leaning over the railing, it was stone. He spit into the arena. He knew that it was a sign of disrespect. He didn't agree with the fight's ending. After a while Hester walked down to one of the chambers. It had nothing in it, so he fell on the bed in it.
(I was thinking about hester and his weapons seeing that everyone has an awesome weapon and I have are daggers I was thinking maybe I could have a better one, I was thinking that this would only be for defense, I just wanted to run it by you guys before I make the post about he finds them.)
When it comes to weaponry then I have no problem with whatever weapon you desire as long as the weapon doesn't have a special augmentation.
Hex looked at the man across from the arena who spit in it, "looks like someone's unhappy." He joked turning around and looking around for others before walking around the arena he was bored and wanted the next fight to start. Why are we here? For entertainment? Oh I'll give them entertainment! He thought scowling and clenching his fists which made dark energy surge around them like a protective barrier. Usually Hex was all up for fighting but this was just complete and utter stupidity, people would die for the publics amusement. What kind of sick world was everyone living in?! He just hoped that everyone gave enough of a good fight to survive, he wouldn't die from a bad fight..

Shan had not broke eye contact with Baranus as he knew he'd make the first move since he himself had no intention on doing so,and with how he loves to pay attention to everything he could hear Baranus' move. But with what his senses were telling him confused him,with a sigh he smiled."Time to try this out."He whispered with a smile as he cleared his mind of all but one thing,and as he expected the pencil changed to what he was thinking. It shifted as if a shadow into a pitch black suit of armor covering Shan's entire body and was solid enough to block whatever attack was coming,since his senses seemed to be off he figured a full block would work.

Hearing where his real attack came from his he glared at Baranus,"Well that's not very nice or fair now is it?"He laughed as he grabbed the weapon that hit him and his mind went blank again as he tested once again what he could do,the armor faded into a shadow again and slipped off Shan and onto Baranus' weapon. Crawling up and started heading up to Baranus himself,hardening again as it went on.Shan clearly focused on the strength of it since from what he had seen and felt he knew how strong his opponent was,though now thinking about it this strength wasn't normal. *I see,I've underestimated this one...*He thought to himself,with the fire he had used,the strength he has shown,and now a hunch of something else going on here.

As Shan's mind wavered the strength and form of the shadow also wavered,catching himself he focused once more seeing his weakness already. Which this weakness was very bad for one like him since his mind couldn't really stay on one thing that easily.

(Gees my guy is at a disadvantage if I don't work with his one thing well O.o )

dakup said:
Hester watched as the others fought and couldn't help but look on in disappointment that they were spared. "Oh, I was hoping to see someone die." He said as he was leaning over the railing, it was stone. He spit into the arena. He knew that it was a sign of disrespect. He didn't agree with the fight's ending. After a while Hester walked down to one of the chambers. It had nothing in it, so he fell on the bed in it.
(I was thinking about hester and his weapons seeing that everyone has an awesome weapon and I have are daggers I was thinking maybe I could have a better one, I was thinking that this would only be for defense, I just wanted to run it by you guys before I make the post about he finds them.)
Pandora doesn't have any weapons... O_O

Baransu's tachi made contact with the shadowy substance which seemed to be hard enough to endure the hit from his blade. A clashing sound would be heard echoing throughout the arena as his attack was successfully blocked by Shan's unknown ability. The image of Baransu who was initially in front of Shan went emotionless and faded into thin air. Glaring at Shan for a moment, with his hand still on the blade handle, he noticed the blade being grabbed by his opponent. Normally he would have retaliated with this kind of action, but he was curious as to see how Shan used his ability. Soon enough the dark substance began to consume where Shan had gripped the blade and travel along the steel attempting to take hold of Baransu's hand.

Without breaking his gaze, Baransu allowed the substance to take control of his body and within seconds it consumed him. Holding a calm expression, the crowd suddenly appeared to all be slaughtered and silenced by unknown reasons, and the sky above them turned pitch black with a bright full moon illuminating the arena. The area around them was so silent you could hear a pin drop, and the substance which covered Baransu slowly began to come off of his body and back onto the blade, then within seconds began to consume Shan slowly. It appeared as though Shan's very own technique was attacking him instead with Shan not being able to have control of his bodily functions, and with Baransu's hand still gripping the handle of his blade he pulled his arm back releasing it from Shan's grip and smiled deviously towards the man. Shan was obviously under the influence of Baransu's manipulation by making direct eye contact.

More than just one of Shan's senses were being controlled this time, his sense of sight, hearing and touch, which would be the reason for his shadow manipulation backfiring on him in such a way and not having control over his body. Baransu of course had no control over Shan's actual shadow ability outside of his manipulation. However, in this state of mind that he had his enemy trapped in, he could control Shan's mind to it's fullest extent causing his enemy to believe this were actually happening. Baransu's red eyes beamed into Shan's very soul and mind, reading his thoughts and feeling his life force as the shadow substance reached up onto Shan's neck. An image of Baransu appeared behind Shan equipped with a wakizashi and holding it to his neck ready to slice his jugular open. The Baransu in front of Shan slowly impaled Shan in his torso with his tachi avoiding vital organs though causing a false pain which felt as real as it could get.

In reality, the crowd watched in confusion as to why Shan stood in the same position. Shan's shadowy substance was still gripping Baransu's blade at the very base of it, though Baransu no longer had ahold of it. Instead, he positioned himself behind Shan and whipped out his wakizashi, with his tachi being held in mid air by Shan's shadow ability.
I'm beginning to like these eyes... He thought to himself, and with a wicked grin and quick hand gesture, Baransu attempted to thrust the short blade into Shan's backside which would cause substantial damage since he was aiming for a killing blow.


Shan stood still,feeling the pain,seeing what was happening,but yet didn't smell metal as if he had been hurt. Surely with this damage the blood's sent should have already been strong enough to smell,and he should know with what he's been though already.He had to admit he was fooled for a while but one this he was good at was thinking things through,"You little rat."With a smile he closed his eyes and cleared his mind of all but one thing once more,"Lets see how you work with non-living things."With that his 'pet' grew form as it and him released the blade,and with no command from Shan nor from his mind the beast grabbed Baranus' short blade into it's mouth just before it reached Shan and whipped it away out of Baranus' hands as it shoved him backwards. Then it stood between him and Shan growling as it stared Baranus down with a cold glare,as if just one wrong move and it'd rip him to shreds.

With a sigh Shan had opened his eyes and the pain he had felt seemed to fade and so did the scene he had thought was real,but turning to Baranus he smiled."Guess I won't be trusting myself for now...So I'll be trusting you my little friend."He said brushing his hand against his pet as he walked to it's side,he focused on thinking about a picture he had drew of a experiment a while back and thinking of it having it's own will he seemed to not have to be as focused because of it. He didn't have to think too much on the structure since it was something he had actually seen and giving it will meant he didn't have to move it,it would simply do what it would like.

Shan was not looking at Baranus this time but more of spaced out looking down at the ground as the floor started to grow black starting from his feet and spreading wide. Closing his eyes he spread it further as it covered the coliseum and the sky,his smile had faded and a serious look took it's place."Lets see how you like it when your the one being tempered with...." He said in a cold tone as he focused on what he could do with this ability. His pet had stood in front of him as if guarding him as a smile crossed it's face showing it's sharp teeth.


Baransu sensed that his visual prowess failed a second time, and as the shadow upon his tachi formed into a beast-like creature he fixed his eyes upon the oncoming attack. Quickly reacting, he moved his hand which gripped his short sword avoiding the vicious bite from the beast made of shadow. Taking a few steps to the side, he took the opportunity to rush behind his opponent who was staring blankly at the ground. Baransu made sure to keep eye contact with Shan, knowing that even though Shan wasn't directly looking at him, he could still try to spot him with his peripheral vision. While picking up his tachi from the ground, now behind his opponent, Baransu noticed the dark substance beginning to spread at ground level from Shan. Understanding what kind of matter he was dealing with, an idea caught his mind, though he had to react quickly before the substance could spread beyond him.

Equipping his blades he began to sprint towards Shan, sending a wave of scorching fire towards the shadow substance which was spreading. Baransu understood Shan's technique, and knew the limitations that came with his shadow/darkness ability. The flames, which blasted onto the ground from behind Shan would subdue the shadows due to the flames generating a constant elemental light generation. Shan's shadows continued to spread in front of him and to the sides, in which Baransu reacted quickly too. Using his supernatural reflexes, he rushed around Shan in a circular motion, shooting powerful waves of flames which would create a barrier of flame around Shan about ten feet in diameter subduing the spread of darkness. The shadows would fight it's way in attempt to escape but due to the constant elemental light that would generate from the heat the darkness would hold no match.

Given that Shan nor his shadows possessed superior speed over Baransu, the assumption would be made that Baransu's attempt to create the barrier around his opponent would not be countered with enough reaction time. Baransu's eyebrows furrowed as the flames roared and within a few seconds he leaped into the air just above where he had trapped his opponent. Glaring down at Shan he shot a massive fire ball that ranged twenty feet in diameter which beamed it's way downwards directly atop of Shan at great speeds. With no way to escape without being burned by the walls of flame around him, and with his shadow/darkness ability being unable to match against the elemental light generating from the massive fire ball because it was so constant, escape would be near impossible levels. The flames crackled and lit up the entire arena as it made it's way and within seconds would crash on top of his opponent causing a loud explosion.


Shan's eyes opened in surprise as he looked around,then he smiled as the shadow seem to fade away and knew by he had little time to think of something,which it didnt take long for him to have and idea. Focusing he croutched down and jumped just in time he went high and fast over the ring of fire and dodged Baranus' attack just in time,though he did get a little too close and got a burned but it was nothing serious. Landing on the wall he held his hand against the wall and stood there sideways looking to Baranus,he sighed with relief happy his idea worked but his attacks are getting too close for comfort.

He had used his shadows under his shirt and pants like a power suit which helped him move better,he thought of little hooks he could use to hold onto things like a wall which formed onto his feel and the bottom of his shoes. The light couldn't reach it thanks to his clothes,he got the idea from his secret move,his shadow never left when the fire came out. It simply hid underground creating a complete layer of shadow under a small layer of earth,which kept it hidden and covered the entire field. He let Baranus thing his fire could shine it away,if his shadow couldn't stay in the light he couldn't use it anywhere because of the sun,and if the sun couldn't shine out his ability what made Baranus think his fire could? Shan figured he'd mess around with him and make him think he figured out something,who knows maybe he'll actually think a little and realize without him showing what was really going on.

He sure hoped he would because Shan wanted a good battle,staying where he was he waited to see what else Baranus had up his sleeve. He worked another thing at the moment too,a ways away his shadows worked on getting water,all these different motions was killing Shan's thinking but he was a very bad disadvantage with how much this pain in the butt could do. So he kept the motions as simple as possible so he could focus more on around him,though it was starting to get obvious how much of a toll all of it was taking on him.

If anyone were to be nearby, Lorelei would have been the laughingstock of whoever those people were.

After her blatant outrage with her new self, she stood up onto her feet, her boots more or less. She stuck them into the golden yellow, coarse sand. Her fist rested right next to where her heart would be, clenched and shut tight. Nothing really made sense to her, everything had just happened at once.

It was quite aggravating.

She supposed she would have to get moving to accommodate the situation. If she kept moving then maybe, just maybe she could find clues as to what had happened when she gone to sleep. So she went, stomping off into the distance, to wherever she had felt like moving with her head held obnoxiously high.

That was how it went for two hours.

Along her elongated journey, the long extensive plain of sand had graduated into a forest-y setting. Trees had begun to dot the path in which Lorelei had decided to traverse. Lorelei, while musing over these masses of trees that took over the sand, couldn't help but feel a growing anger of confusion and worry. No place I've been to has a beach and a forest near eachother like this, that's just insane, thought she. Who else wouldn't feel this way, after being the culprit of a massive environment change.

Still, she pushed on. Keeping on the path that the thought she would go. Her target, after walking so much in that piece of time, felt close in range. Exhilarated, her pace increased. Her walking became a trot, then a jog, then a run, then a massive leap.

But she leaped into captivity.

When her foot oh-so-unluckily reached the ground, it was snagged by a thick, rough rope that squeezed her ankle and pulled her high up into the air, nearly ten meters up. She gave a wail of surprise. Her body teetered on the rope like the pendulum on a grandfather clock. With her head facing the ground and the exhaustion of the trek, it was pretty obvious what would happen within the next five minutes. The stress in her head had broke down, liquified, and burst out of her mouth, onto the forest floor.

Lorelei spat out the remains in her mouth in disgust, and wiped the saliva off with her fingerless gloves. Her mind, now fully emptied of everything, was ready to go haywire. Lorelei let out a bunch of screams and shrieks, hinted with furocity yet still hinted with the confusion from before. 'How dare there be a trap in my way', 'How dare they put this here', and 'I worked too goddam hard to get this far' were all thoughts storming through her mind. If only she could get out. There must be a way. There was always a way in stereotypical anime shows. The heroes always won.

Was she a hero yet? For walking her way there?

She stayed there. Another hour passed. She seemed unresponsive. The blood rushed to her head too fast. It was a brief moment, though, when she had finally took up her body and grabbed at the rope tangled around her feet. Her right hand, away from the left that was holding her in place, formed into a cone shaped and pierced through the rope like the rope was only air. Her leg now free from her unconscious act, the girl plummeted to the ground.

Time had slowed at that very moment. Her arms and legs were still stiff, rock stiff. She could, in the far side of her mind, feel her doom coming slowly with each millisecond that passed. She didn't want to die. It would be too fucking stupid to die right there and now. What the heck would she do about her current situation? Now, it was if she were on one of those "stranded on an island" television shows. One thought came to mind.

"Protect the head, protect the head, protect the head, protect..." She crossed her arms behind her head for protection. It was best to loose your hands then your head. Better armless then dead. But, her energy wasn't concentrated there. It was probably another section of her forever-raging mind, but her spine felt amazingly resilient.

She hit the ground.

The noise was made.

Nothing more happened.

Lorelei staggered up. She looked around in panic, but there was nothing to see. She rose her hand to her face. No blood. She looked over her back, as difficult as it was. No blood. Was her fall somehow protected? In addition to all of this, a certain object glowed into her face and pointed in the direction she was heading. Apparently it was a necklace, though she didn't notice it until now. With all of these new, confusing things on her mind, she bit her tongue and headed off once more, to follow the path she deemed justified. Into truth.
(Sorry, I got no alerts! I just skimmed it slightly, so please tell me if anything important happened with my character or tag me in a post with my character being mentioned.)


Sorry for any delays with this rp currently @XEmptiness is at the hospital with his girlfriend with their new born child. He has been busy with this the past little while and hsn't had time to post and when he has had time his writer block has gotten in the way. I am severly sorry for those who are awaiting on everything and I hope to get this up and going soon.


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