The Arena (Rp Thread)

As another person entered and demanding what was going on, he was not in the mood to be nice. He stood up from his chair."you think your in charge here." He slammed his fist on the table. "The day I get told what to do, by a women, none the less, is the day h*ll freezes over, and the I day I die. So why don't you just sit down over in the corner and cry like the little b*tch that you are." He said as he motioned to one of the chairs across the room. He was not happy and his temper was growing. He didn't like this, it was worse then training and being thrown into a gunfight with a knife.
Gryphon freezes slightly, eye twitching. She has always had quite a fiery temper, though never getting along with someone with a temper just as fiery as hers. That was a clear equation for explosion. Her teeth ground against each other and she replied "Sure I do. Now donkeys can fly. I just wanna know if any of you know what's going on, but it seems that you're to incompetent to recognize a simple question." She spits out at him, fists clenched in rage. She'd give anything to just straight up punch him in the face, though who knows what could have happened to her strength. She already runs like the wind, who knows what's next. Her eyes practically, glow, reflecting her anger.
@Ember Bare

Just so you know, your being attacked. It states in the Notes that you can be attacked at anytime when your not in a battle or in a safe zone. Failure to react to the attack will just result in you getting defeated quite early in the RP.
(Eh? Wait who's attacking me? O.o where?)(Found it! I thought you meant someone else sorry! Working on it! >.<)
[QUOTE="Ember Bare](Eh? Wait who's attacking me? O.o where?)(Found it! I thought you meant someone else sorry! Working on it! >.<)

I should have been more specific I apologize.
(Only issue is how to fix it while still getting to the arena since I think I was mentioned by another that I was there so lets see~)
[QUOTE="Ember Bare](Only issue is how to fix it while still getting to the arena since I think I was mentioned by another that I was there so lets see~)

It seems a lot of people rushed to the arena, without adding any descriptions or anything, rather annoying but oh well.
Mattin looks at the two people having a... "delightful" conversation with each other. Humans. I don't care if I'm one of them. I hate them all. Mattin thought, thinking the fighting with words was just stupid at this point. He was sickened by humans, and he face remained a blank canvas- with no emotion drawn on it whatsoever. What did he care about three people he'd never met? Nothing. Mattin leaned back in his wooden chair, keeping balance by keeping his feet on the table.

"Imbeciles..." He mumbled, looking at his new weapons. Why did he have these, anyways? He looked around at the arena, and took in some of the scenery. There were stands inside of the arena, a custom of all arenas. They were long since deserted, rows upon rows of stone benches, that were probably just collecting layers of dust at this point. No good to anybody.
Hester noticed her fist clenching, he put his hand on knives and opened the sheathe. " You think you can take on a seal, sister. We're trained on how to take on people five times our size and still win. I think I can take a twig of a girl like you." he noticed her eyes. "Oh you think your eyes scare me, I'm taught no fear, and never regret your action." his fist began to clench, he felt stronger, his anger brought something out in him. SOmething he never felt before. Noting his forcefulness, he doesn't back down. He won't budge till she backs down.
Staring down at the person who just dodged his attack he paused for a moment hearing the words he spoke in his mind. Geez that's not very nice... Is this how you always say hello to strangers... Noticing the smile given from the male which appeared to be around the same age as him, his mood changed from being frustrated to passive just simply wanting to leave him be. Jumping out of the circle of fire he continued to sprint towards where the gem on his necklace was directing him too leaving the man behind within a few seconds. Within about twenty minutes from leaving the tropical area to getting towards the center of the Island, he had reached what seemed to be his destination. As he approached this large structure which appeared to be a coliseum, the gem on his necklace would glow and react more vibrantly. His stamina seemed to be at such a high level that he barely felt tired after his long run, though he took a few seconds to catch his wind. Stepping closer to the front gate it began to creak and open by itself, which made Baransu grin slightly. Beginning to walk into the large structure he came across a large hall which had a long table and appeared to be some kind of dining room. Seeing a few people already there sitting in chairs, something told him to sit down as well, so he did with a sly smirk on his face. Looking around at the others with a stern expression he gave off a smug look while closing his eyes waiting for what was going to happen.

Kiro watched as everyone followed the gem, he would only stare at his for a few moments not really sure as to what to do with it. Maybe it led to a trap but maybe it didn't? He sighed softly and shook his head waiting to see if he would hear a scream or anything of that sort. Maybe he would get lucky and something would happen. A few minutes had passed by and of course, nothing had happened and Kiro was stuck just standing there. Sighing softly, the boy headed for the light. It lead in the same direction of people he was near but that didn't matter.

Kiro wandered about the forest for what seemed to be an hour but, had only been about twenty minutes before coming to a large round building. "Here?" He spoke out loud as if questioning the necklace. "Huh.....Big building." Kiro would then move to the building entering the two doors that seemed to open by themselves seeing numerous people around. "H-hello." He said softly then silently stepped in moving to one of the seats that was furthest away from everyone.


The large doors just to the north of the tables would soon open about twenty minutes after everyone had arrived, only to have a larger male step out. He looked as if he was in his later thirties and knew his way around the place. The man had moved towards the group with a sly grin only to look to all of them and nod. "Well then, looks as if all of you have made it. Glad to see you all have made it." The man smirked softly and placed his arms behind his back before continuing with what he was saying. "Each of you have been chosen at random. All of you probably have found a weapon near you if not have found a magical aspect to you. Might not be what you'd expect, and can control but each of you have something new about you. Might even notice a slight appearance change in you. But that doesn't matter. You have all been chosen to fight in an arena, you might die I'm not going to lie to ya. That will be chosen all on the luck of the crowd. Put up a grand fight and you might be spared. Put up a lousy fight, well lets just say the crowd will love watching you get killed." The man turned and began to head for the door before stopping for a moment. "Oh yes, the battles are chosen at complete random. So good luck, when battles aren't going on feel free to roam the island but remember night time is a whole new world."
Shan had Staring off at where the man went he stood straight and tilted his head slightly confused,"Well now,isn't he a fun one."He said chuckling.After a bit he notice something glowing around his neck,this was actually the first time he noticed the necklace since he had two around his neck to start with the new one wasn't noticed. He was curious where it came from and wondered what purpose it had in all this,He grabbed it and looked closely to see an arrow pointing in a direction. Turning to where it was pointing the arrow stayed pointing the same way,"Ah I see."He smiled,"Like a unique compass?"Holding the note book he found to his side he walked on to where the arrow was pointing,not really thinking twice about it. Continuing he just stared down at the arrow but never ran into anything,he had quite a bit of practice at doing this with his phone or notes so this was similar. It took him a bit but he was led to what he knew was a type of coliseum by the way it looked,seeing them in books was never better then seeing one in real life though."Very old fashion,but for a game it would be perfect.~"He continued to walked to find a way in,after getting in he looked around. He saw the others that were already here and seated but he had a bad feeling,he also saw the one from before.*So this is where he went...*He thought to himself and looked around at the others,walked off to the side he did not sit but just stood leaning against the wall with his hands behind him holding the book still. He seemed relaxed but his expression had changed,his smile had gone and a serious look took it's place as he looked over the room.

After the new guy had came and somewhat explained what was going on Shan went though his words,*I have no I would have some magic type deal right?Like hot head from before....If so I don't know what it is yet and if this fighting starts before I figure it out this'll be a serious pain...* He didn't seem to surprised,scared,or confused, he understood what was going on now which was all he needed. He stood where he was going through all he knew now and focused remembering only the important parts,though he wasn't happy he was randomly picked to be here he wasn't sad or mad about it ether.there were good and bad parts of this but what he liked was that he could tell this was going to be very interesting and maybe even a bit fun.
Hex saw other people following a strange light around their necks. He looked at his own necklace and immidiatly got up. It had began to glow aswell. He followed the gem and its arrow wherever it wanted to take him. It must have been a good half an hour before he found the round building. Hex looked up in awe, "wow....." He stated heading towards the building. Once he got to the door he was immidiatly over come with a feeling that there was a lot more than just him in this room. He walked through to the big table and looked around. He saw all the other people around, everyone of them was atleast a year older than him, and he stopped for a minute taking time to look each of them in the he before putting a hand through his jet black hair and taking a seat at the large table. There would be more shortly.
Standing against the wall she listened to the small man. A huff coming out of her mouth as she uncrossed her arms. Petty games like these she had no time for, but if she can not leave then that is another issue. "King of the hill huh, leaving isn't an option. This sounds so sick, feels like I left reality behind to join in a game of Russian roulette." The woman stated before lifting herself up from the wall and walking toward the double doors that had shut on them. If there was a way in then there must be a way out. She rather had not fight with a bunch of children if she could find a door way. She had opened up the doors, the field showing themselves to her once again. Finding the door in a world like this would take time, is what she thought. She need to break off her job in sections, make sure she covers everything. While she rest she could see what abilities she gained by coming here. This plan pleased her and with this plan she nodded her head before leaving and shutting the door behind her.
Hester watched the man walk in. He noticed that he held him with authority, and pride. "Guess that's the b*astard that took us from our homes." He mumbled."may I ask a question before you go." He didn't care about the answer he just asked anyway."I just want to know, why are you, at random, would take people. I mean, why would you do this at all. I never did anything to you, are you a sadist, or crazy?" He said as he sat back in his seat with the number seven."
(I didn't get any alerts... :/ )

Gryphon glares at her, not noticing anything else as her anger bubbles up in her, boiling over. She seems him talk again after his sneering reply. She gets up from her seat, eyes blazing with rage and face rigid with anger and stubbornness. She leaps at him, leg launching out and knocking the chair out from under him, anger clouding her vision, she sees red. Knocking the knife from his hand with the other foot, she pulls back one hand, ready to punch him. 
He falls to the ground landing with a thump. "ahhh, OH little lady I can not wait for our fight, I'm going to enjoy killing you." He began to get up. He stood up on both legs." hey you said these fights are random, can we volunteer for a fight, or set one up, so I can kick her a*s, she has been nothing more then a pain to me." He picked up his claws." you think your speed is going to save you."
Gryphon turns away, fist flying and smashing into the wall partly, and she's shocked. It takes her a second to pull it out. "Same here, so I can kick his." She says in an icy voice, a grin on her face as she crashes into a chair again with a smile on her face. Cracking her knuckles, the grin widens. Speed and strength would match up with her skills perfectly, as in wrestling and sports as well as strategy; which is the only reason that she won any matches.
(I seriously apologize... it's really long...)

It was a strange feeling she had, her eyes pressed closed as she tried to get herself to stay in the numb sleep she had barely just reached. There was something brushing against her face as it tickled her cheek only to be brushed roughly away by her clumsy fingertips as they scratched as the annoying itch. Her hair most likely, but there was no reason for it to be brushing her face unless there was wind. Pandora shifted, trying to get cozy as she tried to not be bothered by the uninteresting fact. Then it was there again, the tickle. She groaned and swept her hair out of her face one more time before noticing that it actually was windy. This was the odd because she was sure she hadn't left the window open, she had closed and locked it just before going to sleep. So then, why was there wind? Her body stiffened slightly as she ran the possible scenarios over in her head. It was quite possible that she hadn't actually closed the window despite the fact that she thought she had, she was often very forgetful after all. Another thought was that someone had opened it after she had closed it, causing her to believe that maybe someone was in the house with her. In that case she'd be in danger if she stayed in one place much longer. First thing was first, she needed to check to see if her window was open. Holding her breath as she lay there, Pandora somehow talked herself into opening one eye.

"Wha..." Well, this certainly hadn't been what she was expecting, "What is this?" Pandora's other eye fluttered open as she pushed herself up, feeling the warm sand underneath her palms as she did so. Gazing out she looked over the dazzling golden sands and pure blue waters that now surrounded her. She was... well, she was on a beach and not any beach she was familiar with. Feeling a bit dazed, she looked down at her hand as her fingertips dug into the warm earth and lifted letting the sand run from her fingers. It certainly did feel rather real but she'd never heard of this kind of place. Racking her brain for a few minutes as she sat there was completely pointless and it didn't seem like she was going to come to any other conclusion then that this was all simply a dream. Satisfied with that answer she stood, brushing off her legs to get all the sand off and noting the strange marking the decorated the area in a large circle around where she had been laying.

"That's not normal," She muttered blandly as she went to run her fingers through her hair but came up short. Panicking slightly, Pandora's hands flew to her head as she looked about frantically. What was she looking for though? A mirror? Like there would be a mirror on a random beach in some unknown place she had dreamt up, that didn't stop her from nervously hoping in place before darting of toward the structures she saw in the distance. Jogging along as a somewhat fast pace she stumbled just barely catching herself as she continued along and eventually found her way to the best thing she could find that wasn't a mirror. It was a little puddle, well it was bigger then a puddle so perhaps a small pond was a better description for it. Anyways, flopping down next to it she stared into the water for several long minutes. Her eyes taking in the appearance that reflected back at her.

"T-that's not normal," She stammered touching the ginger hair around her shoulders as she gazed downward, "When did that happen?" That wasn't the only thing that was off though. Securely placed around her neck was some sort of pendent, and as she spoke it faintly started to glow. The light's volume slowly increased until it was a quite bright, in an annoying way that is. Grabbing hold of it to cover the light, she felt it sort of jump in her hand. She dropped it of course when she realized the jumping wasn't just her imagination. She staggered as it dragged her forward and successful dragged her into the water and soaking the thin clothes that she wore. In many ways she just wanted to wake up but that didn't look like it would happen as she drifted in the water for a second before pushing upward and gasping. The necklace didn't seem very satisfied with just soaking Pandora though as it started tugging her across it. She supposed that it wanted her to go somewhere, that somewhere being the rather large building that stretched upward in front of her.

"it's like Rome..." Pandora muttered as she waded across the water and climbed out, "What kind of dream is this..." She sighed, trying her best to shake off the moistness as she started forward, her necklace being everything less then patient. It was starting to hurt her neck to be honest and as much as she tugged it wouldn't come off. All Pandora could do was stagger onward, leaving puddles behind her as she went. Eventually she entered the building, her footsteps making noise against the floor that echoed through the hallways. She wasn't sure what to think of this place, it gave her the creeps as she followed her pushy pendant through the halls ending at a large set of doors. Standing outside it she glared at the wood, her Pendant finally giving up and going to sleep. Well, it didn't really go to sleep it just stopped glowing and thumped against her chest as it fell. She was shaking again as she reached her hand out and turned the knob, pushing the door back to reveal a group of people already inside. She shifted awkwardly, it seemed no one really minded her late entrance much but she was still sopping as she went inside and hesitantly took one of the seats. She wasn't even sure if she would be there but her pendant seemed to think she should be so why not sit down. It was a bit uncomfortable as the water dripped down her face onto the table but she ignored it, her eyes fixed to a notch in the table's wood. That was when the man burst through the doors on the opposite side of the room and looked them over. He didn't really study Pandora for long but she felt his gaze linger on her face a few moments before moving on, no doubt wondering why she was wet.

"Well then, looks as if all of you have made it. Glad to see you all have made it." He said clearly once he had finished looking over them, "Each of you have been chosen at random. All of you probably have found a weapon near you if not have found a magical aspect to you. Might not be what you'd expect, and can control but each of you have something new about you. Might even notice a slight appearance change in you. But that doesn't matter. You have all been chosen to fight in an arena, you might die I'm not going to lie to ya. That will be chosen all on the luck of the crowd. Put up a grand fight and you might be spared. Put up a lousy fight, well lets just say the crowd will love watching you get killed." The man turned to leave but paused, looking back at them after a slight second of thought.

"Oh yes, the battles are chosen at complete random. So good luck, when battles aren't going on feel free to roam the island but remember night time is a whole new world." He stated causing Pandora's heart to skip a beat. Weapons? Magic? Fighting? Random? What was happening. She felt like crying as she stared down at the table. How could she fight, she didn't have a weapon either. She cursed herself for not looking around the sand better. Could that mean she had magic, surely not. She swallowed and glanced up at the people around her. She even jumped slightly when one of the girls jumped a guy, drawing her hand back as she readied to punch him. What kind of world was this?
Derivik stood waiting for the bus after his last class of the day. "Damn teacher is an idiot..." he muttered while checking his watch. "6:15... I should be home by seven. Great." He leaned against the side of an old building, and glanced around inspecting his surroundings. Not many people were walking about, an old man, two students chatting, and a young women waiting for the bus a few feet away from him. He checked his watch again. "6:18... hope the bus makes it." he said aloud to no one in particular. The women to his right nodded, apparently having heard him. She stood slightly lower then him, standing at about 5'8. They stood their in silence, until the bus stopped by a moment later, and they departed.

It was almost eight when he finally departed. After a quick walk he arrived at his apartment. His room was on the second floor, so he entered the old building, and took the flight of stairs up, walked down the hall, unlocked his door, and walked right in. It was a fairly small room, just a kitchen, a bed, and a bathroom, but it was fine by Deriviks standards. To him, anything more than was inefficient, and therefor a waste of resources. As always, he prepared a microwavable meal, reviewed his materials for the next day, and crashed. As he drifted in to sleep, a single thought went through his mind. My life really does suck doesn't it.

Derivik awoke slowly, Alarm didn't go off... hope I'm not late for class. As he opened his eyes again, he noticed two things. First, he was not on his bed, but on a deserted beach. Second, his left arm was on fire. Needless to say, the second raised more alarm. With adrenaline pumping through him, he jumped up and ran at the sea. Though in the chaos, he did manage to notice three things. First, the fire stopped before his upper arm. Second, the amount of flames stayed the same even with limited fuel. And third, he felt nothing but a light tingling. When he reached the water after what seemed like an eternity, he quickly jumped in. The fire went out... but it did so slowly. Not only that, but his arm had not even a first degree burn. Nothing. However, Derivik was now soaking wet when he got back onto land. He took a deep breath, and forbid himself to even consider the events that just happened. One thing at a time. First, examine the area for more danger. He scanned the area, but saw nothing, though two more things were apparent to him.He was wearing a leather padded armor, and he was wearing an amulet with a glow the pointed inland. "Well damn, what just happened."

He turned and looked on last time into the water, and noticed that his reflections left eye was green. Well, not nearly as strange as a burning arm that burns without burning... How is that even possible... Derivik let out a laugh, "And I thought life was boring." And with that he began to head inland, following the amulet directions.

(The post was a bit rushed, but I believe I followed the guidelines/rp story.)
Blake had continued his pointless searching in hopes of finding somebody. He was in all pretense of the word, lost, at this point. He knew this because he crossed the same tree five other times, which was shown to have five X marks on it as proof of so. "My god, this is hopeless..." he muttered, slumping against one of the trees and looking at the forest around him, contemplating what to do as means of finding somebody. Forget food, drinks, or shelter, he wanted knowledge. He wanted to know where in the hell he was and how he got here, a place like this was definitely not safe. "Well, there's no point in just sitting and whining about it..." Blake said to himself, getting up and walking around aimlessly in a certain direction, taking in the flora, which had seemed slightly odd since he hadn't seen any animals as of yet. "Hm, I need to get out of here..." he thought to himself, the wind brushing softly against his face; and with that, he continued on.

After a certain amount of time walking, something around his neck was going crazy. He knew he didn't wear any jewelry around his neck. Maybe he wore a ring or arm band once in a while, but never a necklace. He looked at the mysterious piece of jewelry, attempting to remove it, but was met with a slight shock once he tried. He flinched and released the necklace, shaking his hand slightly before grabbing onto necklace again, this time, without the intention of removing it. He then looked at it, questioning its slight vibration and the Amethyst jewel that was located directly on the crest. The jewel itself appeared as if something inside of it was moving, a type of dark flame that flickered within the purple jewel. He rubbed the jewel with his thumb slightly and watched as the crest vibrated more violently, which made something shock him again. It wasn't like the last shock he had recieved, but rather, something else that affected his body. "Jesus this is the worst piece of sh*t jewelry ever!" Blake exclaimed after he had recieved the slight 'jolt'. Almost instantly, something rushed by his shoulder. It was too fast to catch a glimpse of, but when he looked, something slipped out by the corner of his other eye. "What the hell?! My mind is playing games with me!" he muttered, clearly irritated. He then loked at his arm and was amazed to see some type of dark aura emenating from his body, swatting it away, but it wouldn't leave. Whatever this thing was, it was somehow attached to him, and his feelings about this were more aimed to 'hell yeah' then, 'oh no'.

He inspected the crest once more and saw that the appearance of the black flame inside the amythest jewel had dissapeared, and the jewel was starting to glow. With a violent eruption, the crest released a beam of light, which pointed in a direction opposite to that of which Blake had been walking to. The beam itself was a type of darkish purple almost black, which mached the color of the dark aura which emenated from Blake's body. The beam istelf bassed through several object with actually going through them. "I guess it wants me to follow it?" he asked himself, turning around to face the appointed direction before heading off, walking around trees and through some thick foliage that was in the way. He hadn't walked for too long, which made him question what in the hell he was doing while walking around. Maybe he just wan't paying attention or maybe the area was hidden to those who hadn't had the beam show the destination to them. Either way, he got to the colloseum in no time.

He observed the large building, placing a hand against the wall trailing it to the closest entrance wihin the large coliseum. He continued to follow the direction appointed to him by his crest until he had eventually reached the location. A single room, filled with several people. "God, this feels like coming to school late..." he muttered to himself, feeling a slight awkwardness as he stuck himself to a wall, hands dug into his pockets. He still couldn't lose that black arura which emanated off of him. It's not that he wanted to lose it, it's just that looked weird to see black lines coming from his body, waving despite no wind close within the area. He stayed looking away from the others within the room, trying not to make contact as of yet. Suddenly, the doors opened and an elderly man walked through them. Elderly wasn't necessarily the right term, but he seemed pretty old, yet not too old. The fact that he knew this information must've meant that he was the one who brought them there, or something similar to that. "As badly as I want to kill somebody right now and then ask questions, most of these people look ready to pounce themselves..." he muttered, looking around the room. He heard bickering amongst a couple others, obviously they were in the same mood he was in.

As soon as the man had appeared, he went on his way, but then turned as to give them a little more information. "Great, so we have no choice but to fight..." Blake thought to himself, wondering if this is how dogs felt before they were sent to fight the other dog in the ring. Then that's when he had heard the words 'night time is a whole new world.', which sent a shiver down his spine. The fact that this place was in God knows where - scratch that, this was something God had no clue about. "So what does that mean exactly? Wild animals or wild people?" he asked himself, placing his hands into his pocket and watching the others. He didn't trust any of them, not a single one, but then again that probably went for the others as well. He went back to the thought of fighting possibly to the death, which honestly didn't scare him as much as it usually would. He wondered why he wasn't as scared. He knew himself to be a somewhat cowardly person before he came, not he just seemed to be nonchalant about everything.

He honestly hadn't even had the time to look at himself in some sort of reflection to notice that everything about him... Red. As far as he was concerned everybody came here exactly as they were, that was until he head the man usher words about their appearances slightly changing. "Wait did he seriously just say we've changed?" he asked himself looking around for something to look at himself on. Nothing. There was nothing with such reflection, no visible sword was polished enough, there were no mirrors as far as he was concerned, and any trace of clear water was probably too far from his current location. It kind of irritated to him to know that his look changed somehow and he couldn't do anything to know what he looked like. He just wanted to cure out the world right now, he was annoyed. "Jesus man, get a hold of youself..." Blake muttered to himself, in an attempt to cool down and not stick out.

"I just need to get away is all, yeah that's it, just leave this room and go back to that cave..." he thought holding out his rock, which, over a certain amount of time of marking trees, had grown relatively sharp. He simply held onto the rock tightly moving it around in his hand, as a tye of stress ball. What he wanted to know, was if this was still on Earth or not. He could either be kilometers away or galaxies away from his house, and if that was the case, then how the hell did he still get here. He didn't feel a thing when he got here, it was just the light that disturbed him, which must've signalled that he had just arrived. Whatever the case, he wondered how his family was going to react when they went to check up on him. Oh how disastrous that would be, to see their worried faces wondering where their son was, contemplating the worst, then thinking of his sister.

He then looked around at the others. "They probably have the same problem too... All taken away from their homes, their family, just for the entertainment of another." Blake thought, his eyes narrowing at the thought that he might not even make it back home. "My God, it's like that Predator movie where they yank people from their planet to have some type of hunting game. Except there aren't any aliens or parachutes." he muttered, his mind wandering around, thinking thoughts of how long this has been going on and if they were the only ones in this damn place. "I guess we're all just going to have to find out then, huh?" he asked himself putting the stone away and digging his hands back into his pockets. He saw no reasonf to keep something which could probably be considered a weapon to others, out, mainly because he didn't know how to use a rock as a weapon. He could only think of hilariously horrible failure at an attemp to overpower somebody with a sword while only using a rock.

(Hopefully, this makes up for my lack of posting... ^^; ;)
Hex looked around the room at all the new entrances, he looked carefully at their necklaces and noticed that they glowed just like him. Again, being stupid enough to do so, he tried to pull off the necklace. "Ah!" He squeezed his eyes shut and his hand tightened on the necklace which didnt help at all. When he had finally managed to open an eye eh forced his hand away from the gem. "Well that hurt.." He muttered to himself so no one could hear.

All the people around looked older than him by at least a year. Hex sat back in his chair and watched as the others all file in properly, looking around at the coliseum. A man came in, he looked as if he knew his way around and had an odd smirk on his face. He tilted his head to the side and listened to the man speak. Battles eh?, he thought, he wasn't ready to die yet and certainly didn't want to,time to master my powers, he thought uneasily.
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Hexed said:
Hex looked around the room at all the new entrances, he looked carefully at their necklaces and noticed that they glowed just like him. Again, being stupid enough to do so, he tried to pull off the necklace. "Ah!" He squeezed his eyes shut and his hand tightened on the necklace which didnt help at all. When he had finally managed to open an eye eh forced his hand away from the gem. "Well that hurt.." He muttered to himself so no one could hear.
All the people around looked older than him by at least a year. Hex sat back in his chair and watched as the others all file in properly, looking around at the great coliseum and waiting for someone to tell them what was going on. Hex looked up and shouted out to everyone, "so any of you guys know why we're here?" He asked, turning his head to the side and ready to make a mental note of who was spiteful and who wasnt that bad. He waited for replies.
Quick note :P At my last post I explained that after everyone had made it to the room, the king explained everything. Go back and read it o:

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