The Arena (Rp Thread)


Each necklace would hold it's still colour and as a short amount of time had passed only two would light up both pointing into the arena (Eon Merc & Pandora Craft) If followed the necklaces would lead to opposite corridors leading to the arena and into a small room.

@Goddess & @YoungDreamer

((Funny how that actually worked out
xD and yes I rolled this it was pure chance))

"well I wonder who's going to fight first." he said as he walked up to the second story, where the seating was. He noticed that people were gathering in the stands. "what in blus blazes is going on in here?" he thought to himself. "why are people gathering to watch us, fight and kill each other." He went back to where everyone was. "Just so were clear their are people in the stands right above us. So something tells me that a fight is going to happen."
Eon looked down toward her necklace that stayed lit but led a new path. She had put her hands on her hips as her visage changed to something more annoyed. She looked behind her toward the door she had walked out of . "...something new." She hissed between her teeth. She turned on her heel and crossed her arms as she walked back inside. The light leading her to a tunnel that led to another door. She opened up the door entering the room. "Ah...I must be up to fight." She flicked her head gear making a clanking sound. "...I haven't even explored the area first....oh well I can make up the map in my head. Afterwards I can search each section ."
Well, she wasn't sure what she was doing. The Pendant just seemed to want her to do so much in such a short amount of time. It had practically dragged her out of the gathering room before pulling her through a maze of hallways ending at a large chamber. Shifting awkwardly as the light finally faded she grabbed at her hair, ringing out the water and looking around. She then started patting down her clothes, wondering if there was some way for her to get a dry pair. In the process she tugged out a small box from her pocket.

"Cards..." She grumbled softly with a raised eyebrow, "How is this going to help me in a fight?" She sighed as she stuffed it back into her pocket and rubbed her face. That was when the door on the opposite side of the room creaked open, revealing light.

"Outside?" She questioned looking down at her pendant for some sort of direction but found known, "Well... Might as well." Starting toward, Pandora stepped out into the sun and looked around through squinting eyes. The arena type area rose up around her, the stands now full of people that pointed at her and cheered. She felt her stomach drop as she looked around, was she going to be one of the people fighting? Spinning around she started back for the door but it slammed shut on her face, trapping her in the ring.

"She trying to run!" One of the people shouts.

"Why is she wet?"

"Kill the chicken!"

"Fight! Fight! Fight!

"Come on, get back here and fight like a real warrior!"

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Eon picked up a small sword that was in the shape of a rectangle but was cut off at the end. A red twine around the hilt. She sighed before her pendant led her outside, the sun barely making her eyes squint of pain. She looked about as the light slowly dimmed down and the roaring of the crowed rose. "For heavens sake." She looked around the arena as she stepped further in, fist flying to the air as the yelled for the battle to commence. Eon had looked down then up, her eyes slowly resting on her opponent that was ahead. "You have got to be joking...useless, I have much better things to do."
"Guessing that no ones gonna kill you yet..." Gryphon mutters under her breath, leaning back in her chair with a small smirk twitching across her face. This might work out after all.She cracks her knuckles, then wincing slightly. She sighs. There would be no way of her winning unless she got some sort of control over her strength, and temper. Blind fury hasn't always worked out for her; she had several battle scars to show for that, not that she'd won the battles.
"B-but..." Pandora felt like crying as she swallowed and turned to look at the person who had stepped out of the other door, "I'm not much of a fighter.." She didn't dare meet her opponent's eyes at first as she took a few steps forward, her hands shaking as she did so. What was she going to do? If she didn't fight she would die and if she did fight she was going to die. All those years of defense classes should help her in this right? But the girl, she had a weapon in one hand. Could she defend against weapons? She could against knives but was this the same thing. Pandora didn't think so. On top of that she had no weapon of her own, just that deck of cards. Something that would be worthless to her in a real fight unless she wanted to do stupid magic tricks until the girl died of boredom. She sighed, she doubt that the people around her would be satisfied with that type of fight.

"I... Guess." Reaching into her pocket she pulled out the cards and meekly looked through them. They weren't even cards she was used to, this strange dream had given her tarot cards of some sort. Still she would have to try her best as she picked one at random and read the words printed at the bottom.

"The High Priestess," She stated to herself, "Alright..." She wish she had done more research on these. She remembered once her friend had taught her how to do the readings but she hadn't really taken much interest in it. She should have paid more attention. Not that that mattered at the moment, since Pandora had more pressing matters to worry about. She now took the time to look at her opponent, which wasn't a good idea. She looked strong.

"Sorry." She muttered, "I guess I won't be lasting very long here."
The King took his spot above the rest of the crowd in his own little "booth" and smirked as he watched the two new people fight. These games would be interesting to him. The man laughed softly seeing the girl stare at her cards as if she had no idea what they were for. He would then shake his head and sit down relaxing awaiting for the first move. "Seems the lady has yet to discover her magical abilities." He said only to look beside him to a younger male dressed in a more 'formal' outfit. "Henry, Go fetch me a small snack now would you?" The man would then bow softly only to say "Certainly Sir." Before walking off for the item requested.


Kiro blinked softly as he watched the two head off to the corridors. He had then glanced towards the area in which lead to the stands only to wander off up into them before finding a seat that looked suiting to him. Kiro would then sit down and await to see what would happen between the two. "The King said dying was an option... Wonder how that will go." Kiro blinked softly and glanced about the crowd who was cheering, some were yelling in anger.



The woman with the red hair nodded as she looked around the crowd. Her metal head gear slanted down to cover her left eye. Pushing it up with the palm of her hands, the color of her orbs darkened a little. She had no clue how to use a power she wielded, all she had were three throwing knives and a short sword. This would do somewhat is what she thought as she backed up ever so slightly. Her gaze now looking over everyone and the vicinity she was now trapped in. She already hated this girl who stood before her. Weak and feeble , negative and tiresome. Unable to see the power she holds even if it was little. She wanted to get rid of her as fast as she wanted to search for an exit. She hissed as she crouched down, her hair bouncing up against her back as she cocked her head to the side. She relaxed her muscle and allowed an alter ego of herself to let loose upon its cage. The key clicking in her mind as her right eye twitched, the side of her head tilting toward the other way.

"I hate people like you, those who say such weak things. If it is death you wish for , then say no more. The reckoning has come and so has your life. Be a good little pup and sit still while I rip you from limb to limb. Maybe leave your head behind so I can devour it while I look for a way out of this place." Ah yes, Eon's evil side, her calm fading away every time her body is positioned another way. It wasn't till she had gotten up that she had lost herself all together. She had her head held up higher than before and the tip of the sword facing her back side. "here I come little pup. Lets count together shall we." Eon had gotten low. Her right knee on the ground while her left leg was extended back. The tip of her left toe pressed against the flooring. Her right hand held the blade back, her arm extended back and out toward the side like a man skating to catch up to he one in front. Her left hand firmly on the ground, the dirt beneath it giving her the urge to leave, she hated discomforted and the sand was just that. "one"

She said in a low terrorizing voice. Lifting her body upward, her rear in the air as her head was titled to the side to where she could only see the right orb staring into her own two ones. "Two" Eon's right foot pressed hard against the ground, leaving her left to push off with the force she wielded already. Pushing forward she had began to dash. "Keep up little pup I am already on three." She said before stopping a few inches away from her , only to kick her left foot in to her right making her run and skip toward the right side of the girl confusing her motion. If the female does not evade in time the sword she holds would be swung in a horizontal manner across her arm and toward the middle of her back, however if she evades Eon would have used the one throwing knife out of the three to flick it toward the woman's neck leaving the knife to hit the nerve system thus leading for the girls body to shut down.
What was happening? Pandora wasn't quite sure as she watched the woman twitch and murmur as if she was being possessed by a demon. As far as Pandora knew that could have actually been happening. However, when the woman finally straightened Pandora finally understood that she was no longer safe. The gleam in the eyes had changed as she tilted her chin upward, her thirsty eyes looking over Pandora as if she were a treat just waiting to be eaten. Somehow Pandora didn't really feel like giving in to this woman's lust would be a good thing, she didn't want to become anyone's dinner.

"I hate people like you, those who say such weak things. If it is death you wish for , then say no more. The reckoning has come and so has your life. Be a good little pup and sit still while I rip you from limb to limb. Maybe leave your head behind so I can devour it while I look for a way out of this place." Just has she had suspected, this woman was not all sane. Which only scared Pandora more as she took a step away from her opponent. What was happening? W-why had she been picked for this? What was the card supposed to mean! She had so much buzzing through her head she barely heard the woman start to count.

"One..." What was she going to do when she was attacked? Pandora was helpless in this fight, she didn't have an ounce of power in her and she needed it to be able to fend off this woman.

"...Two..." Her heart was racing a million miles a minute, at this rate she'd have a heart attack by the time her opponent attacked. No, she had to concentrate. If she attacked... WHEN she attacked, what would Pandora do? She'd need to block that blade. The one the woman held in her had seemed to gleam at Pandora across the space, begging to find a place on her neck to slice. What was she going to do? She'd have to block it, block the sword and pray that she wasn't overpowered. So, Pandora would be taking the defense.

"... on three..." All Pandora did was blink and the woman was in front of her, inches away from her face. So fast, that was all Pandora could think as her eyes widened. W-wait! What was she doing? The woman was moving, it was going to be a right kick. She needed to dodge, play to the right so that she wasn't hit. So she did, Skidding to the right Pandora's eyes flash as the blade sped toward her arm. So she was going to play it like that, draw Pandora into an attack that she wouldn't see come or couldn't evade. Well, Pandora's body tended to act without her thinking anyways. Bending backwards, Pandora felt the swish of metal against the fabric covering her stomach and replied to the attacked with an upward kick as she threw her legs over her in a flip. She then landed a foot or so away, far enough that Pandora felt save but still close enough for her to be in danger. That was when the knife appeared, flying at her as she watched helplessly.

So that was it, she would be dead then? Life seemed to slow as she watched the throwing knife skid through the air toward her. What would she do? She was helpless. The blade was going to fast, she couldn't dodge. All she could do was wait for death. As time sped up Pandora's eyes flashed, her hands flying up in front of her as she tried to stop the blade from connecting with a major limb. That was when it happened, from out of her hands grew a glowing light which turned into a circle of weird markings. As it rotated the knife collided with it's surface and feebly bounced off of it without a noise. As if it had suddenly not wanted to go in that direction anymore.

"W-what...?" Pandora staggered backward as the circle disappeared, "What the hell is with this place!" The last statement wasn't for anyone in general, she was frustrated enough to simply yell it out at the crowd filling the stadium.
"tsk" She stared at the girl with annoyed eyes. She had no clue how to use whatever she had, but if she had the will then it can be done. This went for everything she said ,even when it came to food she had used it. She took the other knife from her pocket, placing the hilt in her mouth. She bit down on it, hard so it would not move to harm her , and for it to have more effect if this ever hits. She had gripped the blade in her hand that failed to slice through the woman's shoulder and mid back. She was done talking , this side of her hated idol chatter, but loved to see blood. Yes she was craving for it, the blood she could smell it through the wenches skin. She huffed before allowing a snarl to release from within her. She had leaned back, her head going back a little, giving her the ability to see the crowd behind. It took nothing but tow seconds for her to throw back her head and run forward.

Yes she was quick on her feet, fast little thing. Always running from cops and thugs gave her stamina and durability. Light feet and agility. The girl had only moved a few feet away, nothing major that she could not close the gap. When she neared her the only thing in her mind was death. Wish for it, become your will. Sure enough her eyes began to turn a foggy color only to have black seep through both sides. Beneath her pants black smoke began to spread. The ends of her hair slowly becoming a gas only to form in to black smoke. She wanted this, she willed this to be done, to defeat her enemy and devour her like a lost dog open for game. She cracked a wider smile as the black smoke that surrounded her began to have a heavy gravitational pull. Ah but it does not stop there no. Eon gets lower to the ground, running as she then lunges forward using her back leg. Her tongue sliding into the hole of the hilt , repositioning the knife to where it would face forward. Aligned with the girls heart of course, for death you must end it quickly. The power she wielded made whatever gift she conjured loose it's effect. If she wanted to do something the power would nullify it, eating away it's energy and returning it to her own.

Yes if the girl does not move, try to at least move from the pull of gravity the girl would be pushed toward her death. Her heart piercing the blade that Eon had turned about. If she does evade this attack she would continue to run 4 feet in front of her before sliding to a stop, using her left leg as the brake and skidding into a c to where she would be in front of the girl again.
"Savage..." Pandora snapped as she watched the woman's transformation, "Are you even human?" She didn't expect the woman to answer, she was half-crazy and half-lethal. In all she was a pretty bad combination for Pandora if she wanted to get out of this. In all Pandora had used some sort of power, one that she didn't know how to use again. It seemed like everything Pandora had on her side was defense, defense, defense. She couldn't beat this person with defense alone. Not when she was this quick, physically and mentally. If Pandora wanted to get out of this alive, well she'd have to start fighting back. So, when the girl spend at her again with knife in hand. What else could she do?

With a quick movement, one that was very practiced from years of self-defense classes, she wrapped her hand around the girls' wrist. This wasn't always a smart idea, it was enough to give her a cut along the soft-fleshy part of her arm from were the girl had angled the blade. Still, it was a very short contact because as in seconds Pandora had shifted her body position and with the leverage from the girl's speed she used it to twist and fling the other's body over her shoulder as she twisted her body in a circular movement. Pandora knew this type of thing wouldn't last very long and the move was risky, from now on the woman would stick to moves that she thought Pandora wouldn't be able to counter. Still she had to take this moment to get herself a weapon. As the woman was flying through the air, Pandora's hand flashed toward her belt and gripped hold of the last knife that was hidden there. She then released the woman all together, sending her flying a good distance away.

"Two can play that game, you animal." As she spoke, Pandora spun the knife in her hand and pointed it at the woman, "Don't think just because you have some sort of misty hair and a blood-thirsty look that you can overpower me. I've been taking self defense classes for years." That was right, Pandora was a living wall when it came to physical attack. However, that's really all she was. A wall. She didn't know any attacks, she doubted she'd ever learn any attacks. In all the knife was probably worthless in her hand. However, it was better for it to be in Pandora's hand then at that other woman's belt. If it came to it, Pandora could simply dispose of it somehow. Staying alive was on the forefront of her mind, so much so she wondered if there was a way to get out of here that didn't involve killing the other person. The King had said that it was up to the stadium and crowd. IF she gave them a good enough fight they had to let her live... right?

"Damn," She murmured as her eyes flashed around the arena. She wasn't exactly their favorite right now, but it seemed she had their blood pumping. They seemed to be growing louder by the minute, calling out things that clearly stated that they wanted blood shed. Well, if that was what they wanted then that was what she'd give them. Just not in the way she wanted. If she got cuts in the right places she'd bleed, but it wouldn't be seriously harmful to her. Like her arm. It hadn't been deep enough to seriously wound her but it was enough to make her bleed and send the crowd into a frenzy. She just needed to use the woman to her advantage, use her as a prop to keep them both alive.

They just want is a good show. Pandora thought as she looked around

"Well, come on! I haven't got all day!" She yelled out at the woman, causing the crowd to jeer and started yelling.
As she was thrown Eon had manage to flip her body by using her core . Landing on her fours. Her hands almost clawing the ground as her feet firmly planted on the ground. Her hair moving up toward her face and back down to her side. The knife still in her mouth and her blade against the sandy floor. Eon had blocked all communications from her ears, unable to allow her mind to transmit the thought of listening. Why not un cage a beast in an arena that is blocked. Why not allow her to go on a full rampage for having no power in leaving. If this was nothing but a cage then of course the animal would do anything in it's power to be released. Yes this was what she thought as she looked at the girl, her nose scrunched up as her eyes narrowed. A monster, a beast, a demon. Call it what you will, her ears were closed and she could hear nothing. Nothing but a scream in side her head as she lifted her face up and screamed from within her. The black smoke spreading out to at least 8 meters from all sides, front, back , right and left.

Her power revolved around emotion. The pull of the gravity began to shift itself in ways that even she had trouble comprehending . It was no longer a pull but a push. Not away or to the left it was pushing the other girl down. Down to her knees, yes this was her gift. The power of gravity. She to felt this, opening her mouth , dropping her blade in to the smoke. Disappearing from sight yet returning one to her side but shooting out forward. You could say this ability not only nullified gifts but consumed it only to spit it out, harder much faster than what it once was before. She liked this, she knew how to use it. This was how she had fought, using the others weapon against them. putting them in a position where they have no wings to fly. if you looked from a far and had deep thoughts you could see Eon to be something of a beast. Big and fierce while the girl was a bird with broken wings. The arena is the cage, and this beast wants out.

Her body acted before her mind. The power to hold the female down made her move into action. No longer running like those of humans but yet of a four legged animal. Her hair bouncing but forming into a mist making it hard to see the ends of her hair land against her back. She was fast like this, the blade in her hand slamming against the ground, sliding under her hand every time she had lifted it up. If the girl does not move this girl would see something quite terrifying. A girl who had fought since she was little, was best at close range. if the girl does not force herself to move from the push of gravity, then she would suffer a fate of Eon lifting herself up slightly , turning the hilt of the blade in her palm to face the girls heart. If she happens to evade even that then her next move would be to follow her of course, leading the next attack to be a right back kick then quickly putting the leg down, turning to where she would face the girl and knee her in her stomach.
Pandora flinched, her body suddenly getting heavy as the woman's hair exploded in a cloud of black mist. What was this? Pandora wasn't sure but it had a horrible effect on her body as she sagged to the ground as if a giant pressure was weighing down on her body. It was to much, even to remain on her knees was hard as her butt dropped downward to sit on her legs. It was here she stayed. She had no idea what to do as she felt the blanket of invisible power wrapping around her and practically binding her to one spot. She knew very well that if she couldn't move, she couldn't defend, and she would die. The thought made her heart pick up speed, her eyes watching the woman as she started forward.

I'm going to die? Pandora almost felt like laughing as she let out a shaky breath. How pathetic. She wanted very much to close her eyes and wake up but she knew very well this wasn't a dream. Closing her eyes would do nothing but show this monster that she had been beaten. That was something that even Pandora's small pride could not do. She just needed to figure out a way around this, her mind flashing at every possibility.

Heavy... She thought wondering what type of power could make her feel this way. It was possible the woman had some sort of gift that had to do with pressures. Maybe there really was an invisible blanket around her that Pandora just couldn't see. If that was the case then it would be simple enough to cut it right? Pandora dismissed this idea, somehow it didn't feel like something constraining her. It felt like the weight of her body had changed, like gravity was now working against her.

Gravity. Could that be it? Pandora's eyes flashed as she came to the conclusion. Yes, yes. Gravity. So... how do I defeat gravity? Pandora bit her lip, she just needed to move. Move out of the way of the blade that was aimed at her heart. The woman was close, now merely inches. Rolling backward, Pandora swung her leg underneath the woman's body. Lodging it on her hip she used the momentum to push the girl upward and then over her body. The movement caused her body to roll as well. It would be mere seconds before the woman was on her again and Pandora's body was still heavy as she staggered to her feet. It would be hard to move like that but she had to try.

"Damn..." She hissed as her fingers found the cut on her cheek, "Honestly." The woman was on her again before she could move, placing a well aimed kick at Pandora that connected causing Pandora to cry out a bit. This was followed directly by a knee to the stomach, which Pandora grabbed hold of. What was she doing? The woman had a knife, this was the stupidest move she could have done. She had to move before the woman could reach, so with a little shifting of her body she shoved. This caused both the woman and Pandora to tumble to the ground where Pandora pinned her.

"It's over. Stop struggling, please." She mumbled to the woman as she trapped her hands, slamming the one with the knife into the hard ground so that she released the blade. At this rate Pandora felt pretty safe, now that the woman was weaponless and trapped. Of course, she would try and struggle but with the gravity that made Pandora's body so much heavier the struggling would be pretty useless. Pandora probably felt like a three hundred pound sack of meat on top of her and with her hands trapped also she couldn't do anything to get Pandora off of her. Even her legs would be useless because of the position that Pandora had taken, straddling her stomach. She doubted even gravity could do anything to dislodge her from the woman's chest.

"I won't kill you." Was the next thing that Pandora said, knowing that it probably wasn't her choice, "I don't want to kill. Save your blood thirst for your next opponent. Someone you're powers are worth fighting." Pandora didn't move as she glared into the eyes of the woman. She wasn't sure if she could hear her at his point, it seemed a bit pointless. However, what Pandora said was true. She was hardly a match for this woman, her powers where clearly useless and the only reason she had gotten out of it was because of a bit of quick thought. She wanted to get stronger, for some reason she felt like she wanted to face this woman again in battle. Not like this though, in a way that Pandora might actually have a chance from not using underhanded tricks like this one.
The Crowd would stand high cheering as if the match was a success. The cheers echoed through the stands as they all pumped their fists into the sky. The match was intense as they each held what appeared to be happy.

The king would soon smile seeing the crowd cheer as they did. He would then stand raising his hands to motion for the crowd to quiet. A few moments went by as they all fell silent to the kings orders. The king would then nod and motion to two of the guards who pulled a lever only to have the doors open. He would then smile and nod to the two in the arena. "Your life has been spared......This time, I am pleased with your performance. Do leave and await for the next battle." He then fell silent and turned leaving the stand he sat in.


Kiro Blinked as he saw the find end, it had been interesting to see them fight. Kiro smiled gently and left the arena. He would then proceed back to the main hall and smile awaiting for the two contestants to return. It was an amazing battle and he learned quite a bit about their powers as well as strengths and weaknesses.
Pandora let out a breath she hadn't realized she was holding as she slumped sideways, falling onto the ground so that her opponent could get up. She was happy that the woman wasn't going to get a death sentence, she didn't know if she could handle watching someone else die because of her. Slowly, she shifted her body so that she was in a sitting position and looked over her wounds. Though they hadn't made much contact Pandora felt as though she had been drug through a meat grinder only to be spat out. Her whole body ached because of the pressure the gravity had been placing on her, plus her wounds were still bleeding pretty openly.

"Good match," She stated looking over at the woman with a smile, "I'm glad they let you go." She then struggled to her feet, her left hand pressed over the cut on her arm in an attempt to stop the bleeding. She wondered if they had any medical units that would help her wrap these but she didn't think so. She figured the people they had pulled here from earth were no better then a bit of meat to them, just as the gladiators had been in the Roman age. Gloried and famous figures that were no better then the animals they were faced off against. Pandora closed her eyes, fighting back the fear that was finally washing over her. They weren't facing animals here, they were facing people. She felt like she was going to puck but held it back as she staggered toward the gates and exited the arena, her clothes covered in filth and blood. When she was inside the shade of the stadium she collapsed onto her knees and pressed her head against the ground. How had she won? She was shaking from head to foot now as she struggled to breath. What was this place? She felt like crying but she couldn't, so with a bit of effort she tore a bit of her shirt off and wrapped it securely around her arm, tugging it tightly with her teeth.

"What a place," She grumbled as she pushed herself back up and slumped toward the doorway, "Stupid pendant." Taking hold of it with one hand she clenched her fist, if she didn't have this she couldn't have to listen to the rules of this world. She could do as she pleased. She was a slave, one forced to fight others of it's own kind. Gritting her teeth she started down the hallway. She didn't like this place. She didn't like this place at all.
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