The Apocalypse is upon us. (Zombie Roleplay, Open!!)

Jay saw Maddie's look at ignored it. "Well, anyway, me and Maddie are exploring this beach house because my sister may be in there. I'm Jay by the way" He smiled a sweet kind smile.
Matt smiled,"your so kind"he managed. Bambi kissed Matt's forehead,"butt-face"she mumbled. Matt smiled a bit laughing at the licks.
Maddie pulled herself out of the car and glanced through the perimeter. "Now, I Don't know what happened. But the crawlers have dissapeared." She notd, kindaly. Maddie looked back at Jay, "With the gun shot's, that's unusial." She replied. Maddie turned and smiled atthe Girl. "You can join us if you please. We're just trying to find Jay's sibling." She remarked, as she glanced at the breath taking scenery. "i'm Ready when you are!"
Bambi glared slightly and hugged Matt,"he's mine so don't even try that!"she yelled. Matt rolled his eyes,"sorry"he whispered and Bambi glared protectively.
Mei smiled and took the offer coming closer to Maddie and Jay. "The house has already been looted by me." She dug into one of her small bags, she took out a photo. "Guessing this is your's." She handed the slightly torn photo of Jay and someone else.
Maddie smiled as she approached. Her smile died as Mei explained that she looted the house. "Was the house Vacant?" She asked gently, glancing between Jay and the girl. Maddie glanvced at the photo, as she passed it to him. Maddie's hair blown into her eye's as a cold wind swept threw the area. She pushed it behind her ear as she glanced the way it had come. Madde's expression showed that she was nervous about something. Wherewere all the crawlers at?
Jay looked at the girl. He put his head down and fastened his hat to the right position. "You-You must not have checked everywhere" He dashed into the house, heart pounding. This is the only house She knew of. How....

"Jessica!" Jay had tears in his eyes as he rushed about the beach house. He did find one thing. Her backpack.

"Are you.." Blood was all about the backpack. Jay fell to the floor and hugged the backpack and almost cried.
Maddie watched Jay gently. Maddi watched as he dipped his head. "Jay, I'm so sorry." She mumbled, as he began to ramble. "Jay listen I know..." She trailed off her words as he dashed at the house. "Jay! Don't!" She yelped after him. Maddie turned to Mei. Watched the car, shoot anything that moves." She commanded, Turning towards the house. Maddie ran through the open door. She swept the area with her eyes. "Jay?" Hshe called out, Maddie turned and ran to the living room. She skidded to a stop. Maddie quickly turned and hid behind the wall. "Not good," She murmered. The living room as filled with the undead. Maddie gripped at her blade as she quietly, sneaked to the other side of the house. As she did, she spotted Jay. Maddie leaned down and kneeled next to him. She put an arm over his shoulder. "Jay, I'm so sorry. But we have to go... Now!" She whispered, Maddie looked at him. She peered down at the bloody bookbag and hugged him tightly. "I know it hurts to loose one you love, but if we don't leave we'll die. The house is infested. About ten Crawlers are in the living room. Your sister probably made it out." Se reasured, Maddie stood and glanced back. "Please Jay, we need to leave... Now!"
Jay looked at her. "She is the only one I have left" He got up and went into the living room, looking at the undead. He spotted her. He saw her. "Jessica..!!" He slashed all the zombie heads and looked at her. "Jess...its me..." She swatted at him and tried to bite him. He hugged her tightly. She almost bit him, but he backed up. "Why....."
Maddie glanced at him gently, "I know she was." Maddie mumbled, squeazing him gently. Maddie fell onto her bum, when Jay jumped up quickly and walked off. "Jay, don't get yourself killed!" She argued. Maddie jumped up and reached into her back pocket. She had her hidden gun, with limited ammo. Ten bullets at the most. Maddie pulled her gun out and followed him. As she approached, she noticed all the crawlers dead. All but one. She recongized the girl from the photo. She rissen her gun and aimed at Jessica. "Jay forgice me." She mumbled, as she aimed. "Get back now!" She yelled to Jay.
Jay looked back "If you do...I could never forgive you..." He left "Leave her alone" He walked back to the car and got in
Maddie lost her eye contact with the infected, as she glanced over to Jay. His words were stone cold, She sighed as he walked off. Maddie began to lower her gun, until she looked back at the girl. "Your lucky." She mumbled to herself. Maddie pushed the gun in her pants and pulled out her blade. Surprisingly the crawler watched her exit. Maddie walked back to the car, she glanced back and observed the hoise. Maddie opened the car door, as she slipped in. Maddie glanced out the window quietly. She rolled down her window and perched her arm on the seal. Maddie watched the isolated town, as she waited for him to drive.
"I'm sorry Jay...It was for the best" Jessica said to herself as she pulled off the intestines and sat down

When Maddy got into the car he looked at her "You didnt...did you?"
OCC: Jessica's infected right? Is she a full Zombie or just infected?

Maddie glanced over at Jay and shook her head. "No, I Didn't." She mumbled, glancing out the window once again. "Jay she was infected. I'm sorry, we should of killed her. I know she was your sister, but still. She may not have been fully changed, but she will come back. And it will cause trouble." She replied, her hand on her pocket. Maddie gave him a simpetetic look. "We should have." She mumbled. Maddie glanced into the distance at where the sun was. "Let's make it back before Sun down." She mumbled, watching the seramic view.
(I'll be gone for a few days so sorry if I don't post much and for my short message.)

"I'll be staying with you if that's alright." She said as more of a statement than a question.
((We're all infected, silly))

When everybody gets in the car Jay drives off. "Its ok..." Jay looked in the rear view mirror to see her standing looking at the window ",..." He thought his mind was playing tricks on him..but he saw her. Waving.
Maddie leaned back in her seat as her eye's eased shut. She tried to relax, but couldn't. Although the wind coming in from her window felt nice. Maddie drew quiet as she slowly nodded off into slumber. Her head tilted forward slightly.
((Bleh Yullen-Chan we're coming back))

Jay was driving when he noticed Maddie was sleeping. "Hm" Once he got back to the warehouse he woke her up pretending to be a zombie "Grah...grereaaaaa!!!!"
Maddie jumped quickly, screaming out loud, on instinct she grabbed her blade that was still closed and swung. Maddie opened her eye's hazed, "Jay? You Scared the crap out of me!" She cried retrieving her we#pon in her sash. "I could have killed you!" She mumbled, Maddie shivered before a slow smile relaxed onto her face. "Jerk.." Sje smirked.

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