The apartment experiment

As the mayor ended his speach TorO let out a big old burp. Sending out a huge rainbow out of his mouth into the sky (thankfully he was facing upwards). The rainbow fades away with some cralking lights, making it look like firework. Some of the crowd "ah" and "ohs" clearly thinking it might be firework.

TorO smile's to himself and scribbles on his chalboard "good one, huh?" winks while showing it to the the group, smiling proudly.
Florence clapped happily, beaming.

"That was pretty."

She walked up to the big mass of fur and waved happily.

"Hello! Whats your name mister?"
The mass of fur Beams brightly at Florance and pick a flower from his hat and holds it out to her while growling" Me ToROooo.... who you?" .

TorO seems frustrated about himself sounding stupid and scribles on his chalkboard. "pleased to meet you, are you a fairy or a human?"
"Aww, thankyou so much!" Florence said, putting the flower into her flowing hair happily.

The flower stayed in place despite the constant flow of her hair.

"Me Florence." she said happily, imitating his speech patterns to show she was comfortable with it.

"Im a Naiad. A water nymph. Im verrrry distantly related to fairies, but I don't think I have any human in me. MY freind Lorelle's all fairy though!"
Lorelle glanced over when she heard her name, blinking in surprised when she saw the rather hairy creature standing next to Florence. Her mouth opened and closed, trying to define just what he was.
Florence waved happily to Lorelle, waving her over.

"Come and say hello Lorelle! He's an absolute darling!" she said beaming, breifly trying to hug him, and failing due to his size.

She settled for hugging one of his arms, happily standing with her back turned to him, directly infront of an oversized mouth which could quite easily have swalloed her whole.
Smiles bigly and toothfully at the fairy "me no eat you" he growls happily and scribbles at his chalckboard. " nice wings" while winking at the guy who said the same thing knowingly.
"He wanted to know if I was a fairy Elle, so I wanted to tell him what a fairy looks like, and also I want you to say hello, because he has lots of fur, and a big silly mouth and cool ears, and I bet I could live in his belly." she beamed happily at them both.

"I like making freinds. Im glad I left my fountain."

Karl walked over, as wary as Lorelle but not wanting to leave her standing there by herself, or wanting to leave the water girl who seemed to be doing her best to get herself eaten. Most of the fair folk he'd met so far had looked, well, fair, so he was more than a little nervous about the hulking troll in front of him.
Lorelle folded her wings, allowing them to disappear. His compliment paired with his wink had made her self conscious about her wings. "Ah," she said, nodding slightly, still not entirely easy. "Hello," she said to the hairy thing.
"His furs really soft like grass." Florence beamed, before something else cuaght her attention.

"Wow, do you have two sets of teeth?" she asked, sticking her head half inside of his mouth to get a better look.

That was too much to bear for Karl.

"Florence!" he exclaimed. "What are you doing? Thats dangerous!"

"Hmm?" Florence looked up from her impromptu dental examination. "What is?"
TorO somehow manages to bow gracefully to Lorelle, turns to florance opens his handbag and points down into it. "Bag better home, me no eat you" turns to karl pointing at him growling "human?". Smiling and picking flowers from his hat for elle and karl too. A big red rose for Lorelle and a sad looking bit of grass for karl.

toro shocked scribbles on his chalkbooard " maybe naiad can survive in stomach, but i promised fairy queen not to eat anyone" . Tore nods happily at Florence remark on his teeth. "Me teeth big many" he growls proudly eying karl suspisiously.
Lorelle accepted the rose, somehow managing to allow her hand even close to the troll. Her made her nervous. And Florence's comment on its-his teeth did nothing to help her.
Karl looked at the grass.

"Uh, thanks...I just don't think she should be putting her head in your mouth, is all."

Florence's Mother walked across.

"Hello dears. It's getting rather late, and you'll all want to be rather well rested for tommorow.

Theres some tents nearby if you live far away. Good luck dears." she said smiling to them all fondly before going to tell some others.
Lorelle chewed at her lip slightly when she realized that it truly was late. "My home is near here if anyone would like a place to stay," she informed them lightly.
"Well...I could stay in the fountain, but I need to get used to sleeping somewhere else and...well, I'd rather it be with someone im comfortable with." Flow said.

"But I understand If you'd rather I didn't. Ooh, whats a fairy house even like? Is it a big flower?"
TorO stared at the tents oveffered and let out a big sigh.Seems to consider Lorelle's offer for quite som time but simple shakes his head.He takes out his chalkboard and scribbles and shows everyone. "Good Night, Me Dig Home Here, Can also Make Room for you :) " Sets up his ubmrella to sheild him and the hole and leaves his handbag and hat by the side of the hole and starts digging a small hole fastly into the ground before settling in snoring lowdly. The top of his head/back sticking up from the hole creating a soft furry matrass under the umbrella.
Lorelle watched the troll, swallowing thickly before shaking herself out of her thoughts. "Of course I don't mind. And no...we don't really live in flowers," she told her. She looked at Karl. "Do you all have a place to stay?" she asked, allowing her wings to reappear.
Karl looked over.

"Well...I think were just supposed to sleep in the tents but...If your place is on offer, i'd love to come and have a look at how you live, since your coming to live with us."

FLorence smiled at her.

"Thankyou, I'd love to come along too."
Lorelle nodded at that. "Unfortunately, it's rather small. Are you able to shrink?" she asked, Florence, not quite sure she would be able to change her size because she was water.
"Oh." Karl said. "Well...I don't think Im gonna be able to fit in there, so I'll go back to the tent. Good night to the both of you." he said, walking away.

"Yup, I can shrink. I'll have to leave my water behind, but were right next to my source so it's no problem" she said, sheding the water with a splash.
Lorelle blinked slightly as he walked away. "Oh. Well, I was going to shrink him with myself," she mused with a shrug. "Oh, well. I guess not," she spun slightly, growing small.
"Kaaaarl!" Florence bellowed, and he turned around to look back at her.

"Lorelle can shrink ya!" she said, and he walked back to them.

"Oh, cool. Im sorry, I didnt realise he said, looking at the little fairy, the sparkle around her a lot more pronounced.

"You look really pretty while your small."
Lorelle flushed bright, knowing her glow had likely turned red. Well. That was embarrassing. She flew up and tapped his pinkie with her hand, watching him shrink.
Karl looked around, amazed by his new perspective and the huge blades of grass.

"This. Is. Amazing! Im so honoured right now."

So wheres the house? Is it even a house in the same way I mean a house?"

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