The apartment experiment

"Well, it's just Flow's idea of a 'house' seems to be a puddle or a monsters belly, so I didn't quite know what to expect."

Florence gasped.

"I would not live in a puddle! Im not a tramp!"

"Oh." Karl blushed. "Sorry."

The two of them followed along by her side.
Lorelle couldn't help the giggle that fell from her lips at Florence's defiance at the idea of living in a puddle. She turned and walked towards a patch of lilies near an old cherry tree.
"Oooh, those Lillies are pretty. Did you grow them?" Florence asked, already having forgiven Karl for his mortal insult.

Karl walked alonside her.

"Thay sure are. Not as pretty as their owner though." he said with a grin.
Lorelle turned red again, deciding she would have to start controlling her easy embarrassment around this human. She stepped through the lilies and to the little house nestled in the center of them.
The two of them followed her, looking around.

Karl was amazed by how similar the house was; and Florence was amazed by how differnt it was.

Florence looked up to her timidly, a little afraid to ask for something when she was a guest.

" you have a bath?...Could I sleep in it?"
Lorelle nodded. "Mhm. It's the second door on the right upstairs. The door is blue." She slipped her little slippers off when she stepped inside, straightening them next to the wall. The room fairly sparkled with various species of plants that let off a slight light and the prisms that hung from the ceiling.
"Thankyou." she said with a smile, giving her a warm hug before she walked up the stairs and to the bathroom, running somewater before pooling into it.

Karl looked around.

"This is amazing, I love the plants. So um..." he coughed.

I dont sleep in a bath." he said with a laugh.
Lorelle looked at him with amusement once more. "I did not think you would," she replied, starting towards the stairs. "But I do have guest bedrooms."
He laughed warmly. "I didnt think you would. I think I might have drowned if Florence offered me a bed though.

"Oh, cool. Thats good. Did you decorate the place yourself?."
"Oh, awesome. Well you've done a great job. I should warn you though, the apartments less...sparkly."

He looked around the pleasent room, then stood a little awkwardly at the door.

"Well...thanks, for the hospitality and all...its been really good getting to know you.
Lorelle smiled slightly. "I think I'll be able to survive," she told him before stepping back so he could go in. "You're welcome. I'll see you in the morning."
Marchus had spent the entire time at the get-together standing by the fountain with a big smile on his face and a glass of wine in his hand, thinking the whole time "i must be high... what was in that cookie i had earlier? son of a *****, they got me baked!" while not saying anything out loud, when the mayor made his speech, marchus clapped politely, then went back to mingling with certain officials, all the while assuming he's really under some carpark complex talking to bums who are equally as high as he believes himself to be, by the time it came to go to bed, marchus decided to take a tent, believing it would help minimize the weirdness of this day's events, of course he assumed he was high because Marchus is a realist, he believes in science, not in fairies...

he was going to the tent, but didn't want to seal himself up in any way in case he really was on some hallucination, so Marchus took the umbrella with the soft grassy-looking mattress, he walked out onto it, laying under the umbrella on Toro's back, nestling into his thick, warm fur like a giant blanket, he knew he would regret this when he woke up, but remember, he didn't think any of this was real... he made a note to himself, next time someone offers him an opportunity he wouldnt believe with his own eye... believe them when they say he won't believe it...
((god, u guys are funny i'm actually laughing my ass of reading this. should we have an ooc thread for this? ToRo will keep on sleeping silentlly for now though :) , gotta wait to let the girls come back and see a human sleeping on him lols))
((Haha, thanks, I am rather enjoying myself. We can probably happily have an ooc thread, but im not going to lie; I arent actually entire sure what it is, but im assuming out of character thread? If so, I'd be delighted.))
The next morning as the sun started to climb back up it's path into the sky, an hour before the trip to the city was due to start, Florence raised up happily from her bath, a little pocket of bubbles running through her from the soap in the bath.

Hiccuping bubbles, she stepped out of the bathroom and went down to the kitchen to wait for the others to wake up;

Around the same time, Karl was just beginning to stir from his sleep.
Lorelle had long since been awake and was currently out working in the garden. She pruned various plants and weeded the beds, biting her lip as she wondered what state it would be in when she came home.
Florence's ears perked up as she heard a snipping noise coming from the garden, so she toddled outside and saw Lorelle at work.

"Morning Lolo!" she said cheerily.

"Do you need a hand watering your flowers?"

Hearing the conversation Karl poked his head out of the door, rubbing his eyes sleepily.

"Hi all."
Flow walked over to a puddle that had collected near the edge of her garden.

"Walking over and standing in it, she stuck her arms in the air and started to spray a fine mist of water out evenly over the garden, a little rainbow forming from the light refraction.

Karl ducked back into the entrance.

"You've got a lovely garden." he commented.
"You're very welcome." they both said in unison, laughing slightly afterwards.

"Have you got everything you're taking packed up? My stuffs already there, obviously." Karl said.

Florence looked down at her stomach.

"Yup, I've got everything I need." she replied seriously.
Lorelle nodded, standing up. "The queen had some of her advisers bring my bags," she told him, brushing the dirt off of her periwinkle dress.
"Oh, there anything else we need to do before we set off then?" Karl asked.

"We're all good for me!" Florence said brightly. "Is a town a big thing?"

"No, our towns actually quite a small one, theres only a few thousand people live in it." he said off hand.

Mind blown, Florence just gaped at him.

"But...but thats more than...than a lot of people!" she exclaimed.

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