The apartment experiment

"I was freinds with a rock once! He was called Sedentare, pleased to meet you, sister of my freind."

Florence look at them, suprised her not knowing anyone was such a shock.

"Well, I've lived in that fountain for my entire live, and we spend like, 90% of our time completly formless. The fountains a very very
very important one, so usually the only people who come by are related in one way or another. Whenever a mermaid or a kappa swins across for business they always send someone who knows us already."

She grinned at them, a little timidly.

"Actually, im a bit of a rebel. Most of my sisters didn't leave the fountain at all until they were 30. Not a one of the sixty-four of them."
she said, not aware her family was obsencely large compared to other free folk.

Lillian looked at her a little warily when she told her that she had been friends with a rock. The sisters nodded in understanding when she explained exactly why she hadn't met many people. Their jaws dropped open a bit when she told them how many sisters she had, glancing at each other at the same time.

"We'd kill each other if we had 64 sisters," the girls said at nearly the same time. Lorelle tried to wrap her mind around the idea of 64 sisters and just couldn't.
"Aww, my sisters are all sweeties. They all tease me a little though, im the baby of the family. Most of them were around when Zeus was still hurling lightening bolts. Do you have any other brothers or sisters?"

As she spoke to them, a
nother Naiad, a graceful looking lady, hair intracetly coiled into a series of little crags and waterfalls, a crown upon her head, walked over with a stately place, an exquisitly crafted white dress adorned with moons and stars swishing softly as she walked.

She smiled at them all, and patted Florences head warmly, her hand somehow touching Florences liquid hair like it was solid.

"Hello dears. Are you all having fun? I imagine the first lot of you will be sent along soon. My dear Florence hasn't been causing you any trouble, has she?

She's still awfully wet around the ears. Ah, to be young again. Why, it was only a few years ago my dear little Flow stopped drying her bed at night."

Lorelle chewed her bottom lip slightly at the appearance of another naiad as the queen made her leave, heading to speak with a few of the humans. "No, not any trouble at all," she replied, folding her hands together before looking at her sister. Lillian patted her shoulder before stepping back and heading over to a group of fairy boys who were flirting easily with a few of her good friends.
"Mom, stop it!" Florence exclaimed huffily.

"I did
not dry the bed! Just because you're the Queen of the water folk, doesn't mean you can say that stuff about me!"

The Queen laughed richly, a twinkle in her eyes.

"Of course you didn't dear. You'll remember to take some holy water inside you, wont you? And you must remember your allergic to salt water. It mixes horribly with your system."

She hugged her daughter warmly, before turning to Lorelle, and shaking her hand.

"Pleasure to meet you dear, I happen to know your Mother. Well, duty calls im afraid; I need to go show my face to the fire sprites, convince them I don't intend to put any of them out anytime soon. Good day dears."

Florence watched her walk off, then shuffled her feet timidly.

"I wasn't going to mention I was a princess, because I didn't want you to treat me any different. Also, Im only sixty-sixth in line, so, Im not anyone important anyway.

Lorelle rubbed her forehead, already beginning to get a headache from all of the new information and people and situations. "Ah. Alright." She replied, not bothered at all by it. "Why should I treat you any differently?" She asked, raising her brow a bit. Her mother was a lady of the fairy queen's court and her sister was to be a lady in waiting as soon as August. She was used to mingling with royalty.
"Well...I have met one person who wasnt related to me before, but...he didn't like me or my family so much. And he wanted my Daddy's crown." she bit her lip and coughed, looking down at the floor, unusually somber.

"So, um...have you ever met a human before?" Florence asked, perking up a little again.

"My mother says there differnt to us, but, no more differn't than I am to a fire sprite. quite differnt, I guess."

Lorelle shook her head slightly, deciding to allow her to change the subject even though she was rather curious about who she had met before. "I have not, no. But they can hardly be too horrible," she mused, glancing over.
"We should probably go talk to them, since were going to be living with them."

She looked over at them.

"You know, my mother said there like 85% water, but they certainly don't
look it to me. Come on then, we'd best introduce ourselves soon, it'll be speech time shortly, and then the first lot of us are being shipped off."

She happily took Lorelles hand again, and pulled her over to the small group of three humans, who were stood grouped together by the the stage.

Lorelle allowed her to pull her again, beginning to fidget slightly with nervousness. She wasn't quite sure yet what to think of being around humans, much less associating with them. "Are you sure we should be doing this already?" she asked Florence.
"Well, we can either meet them now, or once were living with them Lorelle. And I'd quite like to know them a little before that." she explained her thought process to Lorelle.

"Im sure there totally nice people, but i'd like to make sure before I sleep near them, because I don't want them to heat me up or freeze me or put me in a bottle. I dont think i'd like that very much." she said, happily sharing her intrinsic potentially weaknesses with Lorelle.

She had a very good and evil view of people.

She'd gotten on with her for over five minutes without being attacked after all so she must be completly trustworthy.

Lorelle looked at her idly. "I do not think they are going to kill you," She said, furrowing her brow slightly. "But I suppose that that is understandable." Her eyes roamed towards the group of humans, wanting to disappear at the moment. She didn't want to embarrass herself by coming off odd, but she supposed that that was likely to happen anyways.
Making up her mind, Florence walked up to them resolutly.

"Hello human-folk. Im Florence, and my freind here is Lorelle, and Diane, and also Faye all at once. Because of reasons. Do you all like the forest?"

She curtsied as she spoke, not sure how human society worked in terms of formal ranking.

The small groups of humans, two boys and a girl, turned to look at them. They were all looked to be between 18 and 23, and while there were others living in the apartment block, these and a few others had been chosen for their young age.

The girl, dressed in a black dress, with several peircings and tatoos, held out her hand casually.


Lorelle looked at the girl in confusion. Sup? She waited for Florence to respond so that she might follow her lead. She looked at the others warily. The girl kind of reminded her of a vampire, but she was not going to be the one to speak that particular thought out loud.
"'sup?" she questioned.

"if you need a drink, theres a table over there. Don't drink the fountain though.

Florences mental response
to the strange girl infront of them was much the same as Lorelles, but she was slightly more direct about it.

She was the one to speak the thought out loud.

"Are you a Vampire? If you want blood, I don't have any. I thought you were all meant to be human anyway?"

The girl looked at them, amused but slightly judging.

his heres Mark, and thats Karl. Im Anya. Naw, I aint a vampire, this is fashion, but...I guess you wouldn't know about that." she said, looking up and down at Florences simply woven dress, and the pink of Lorelles.

Lorelle's usual smile folded into a frown, catching the insult easily. She looked her over again. "Fashion. Right. I'm Lorelle. And this is Florence," she said, not entirely certain she would be able to get along with these people if they were all like her. Lorelle was quite content with the shimmer of her pink dress. It was bright and cheerful. It was the color of lilies.
Even Florence caught the tone of her voice, hurt visible on her face,

"I spent hours making this. I only own one other dress."

The girl smirked.

Making? Precious. I suppose all you have to buy things around here is pebbles.

As she spoke Karl stepped forward, hitting the girls shoulder gently.

"Give it a rest Anya. Im sorry about her, shes currently suffering from teenageracy. It's not contagious, I promise."

He looked at both of the girls and smiled warmly.

"Hi, I hope we can get on well. I love the glowy jazz you've got going on Diana, and your hairs awesome Florence."

Lorelle offered him a slight smile. "Obviously not everyone is afflicted with the case," she said, holding her hand out to shake his. She made up her mind not to allow that girl to make a fool out of her. "Florence, your dress looks wonderful. Not everyone is born with taste," she said. "Obviously," she added, recalling the weird marks on her skin and the things stabbed through various places around her head.
"Well, I had it once, but it turns out the cure is time." he grinned at Lorelle's remark, impressed the fair folk knew how to deliver a social jibe when they wanted to; well, some of them did anyway.

Naiad's lived indefinitly unless something activly killed them, so they only really had two stages of growth, childhood whilst they were still learing about themselves and the world, and once they reached a certain level of maturity, they underwent one instantanious growth spurt into matriachy.

"Oh no! That sounds awful, does it hurt? Does everyone get it? Are those wierd pictures on your freinds skin magical medicene marks? Do you even have magic? Or medicene?

"Woah woah, calm down there Flow." he said, overwhelmed, ticking things off his fingers.

"No it doesnt hurt, yes, everyone gets it, the pictures are for decoration, we dont have magic, we do have medicene." he said, exhaling a deep breath.

"So are you a Pixie or something? You're wings are really pretty." he said, before regretting it slightly.

As far as he know he could have just said the fair folk equivalant of your boobs are pretty.

Lorelle watched Florence with a sense of amusement. She reminded her greatly of a much younger girl than she was, but she wouldn't ever say that. "Florence, I think that they would have to have medicine," she told her. "How else would they get better if they're not well?"

Lorelle flushed happily at the compliment, reaching back to touch her wing reflexively. Her nose curled slightly at the pixie comment. "I am certainly not a pixie. Pesky creatures. I'm a fairy," she informed him.
"Umm...techno-magic? Or, when I get sick, my Momma gets a thing called a 'dishwasher-tablet' from the mayor, and I go all fizzil-izzy and then im fine. Maybe humans do that Can you make a car?"

Karl patted the girls head and laughed, strangely finding his hand hit the water solidly despite the fact it was still flowing down her back.

"You eat detergent? Really?" he laughed again and smiled.

"No, If I ate one i'd be sort of dead. Oh, im sorry Lorelle." he said looking a little guilty.

"I didn't know there was any differnce. Are you totally unrelated to Pixies, then?"

Lorelle watched the exchange, a little amused once more. "They're cousins. So they're barely related," she said, holding her thumb and forefinger about an inch apart. "Barely."
After considering they naiads warning for quite some time TorO suddenly gulped a huge section of the buffet in one bite. Cuttlery and all(part of the table to if it was set out on one). Swallows it down and makes his way towards thowards the other participants noticing they've started to mingle, all the while his stomach rumbling audibly from all the pixie food magical qualities mixing.

Stopping infront of Lorelle and florance, and the vampire girl and here gang holds upp his chalkboard and scribbles the word "Friends?" and smiles hopefully at the group. "I no eat you" he purrs out looking proud of himself managing to sound a few words.
"Not much love there, huh." he said with a knowing smile.

As he spoke, there was a loud wailing shreik from a banshee, her hair tied in a bun with a sensible pair of spectacles.

"The mayor would like to adress you all now." she said in a business manner, and the conversation gradually died down.

The mayor walked onto the stage alongside some of his forest equivalants.

He looked around for a microphone, and a minute fairy flew up to him, throwing some fairy dust over his throat, amplyfying his voice.

At the same time a rainbow sprite stood at the back of the stage, multicoloured letters sparkling in the air behind the mayor, mirroring what he said.

"Hello fair folk of the woods. Today is a great day, that will surely be remembered in the history books. Today we take a step forward into a future of cooperation, as we begin cohabitation for the first time."

He stopped and pointed to the back of the crowd.

"Im sorry, a fire sprites just set that bush on fire, could one of you Naiads put it out? Great job, super." he carried on as one of the older Naiads walked over the the sheepish looking sprite and put the bush out.

All you you involved are about to be involved in something incredible, and if you'd all meet her at 8 am, there'll be transport ready to take the first lot of you to your new home.

We'll send a smaller group of you first; just to ease into things, and if all goes well as im sure it will, more will follow. Have a great night."

Lorelle was about to respond to the boy and to the one who came up just moments ago, but her attention was caught by the mayor speaking. Her wings fluttered nervously when she recalled what all of this was about. She was leaving her home for a little while.

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