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Fantasy ☯-⊕The Age of Kemonomimi⊕-☯

@Blackrose7 @Leone Sorry! I took a gamble in the hopes that Leone might reply before I went to bed (Hint: I failed). Anyways, I am going to sleep now and since I have classes until preetty late tomorrow I understand it if you guys need to move around my character heheh. I'll figure something out to make it less awkward later. Didn't mean to hold you up ;;
Karcen said:
hmm i need to find some way to interact
My character will be accepted soon!! I... hope. "^3^
Karcen said:
your character can kill peopel by just saying die
No. not while she's chained. and she can't open them. also... she doesn't exactly want too... she would literally do anything to get rid of her Aura.
Karcen said:
her power is basically Eu from this is a zombie
*Sticks tongue out*... maybe.
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well that's not dangerous to have someone who has an uncontrollable power that overrides free will and can simply yell die in a crowded room to kill a bunch of people if they get really really mad
Karcen said:
well that's not dangerous to have someone who has an uncontrollable power that overrides free will and can simply yell die in a crowded room to kill a bunch of people if they get really really mad
*walks out of the room* I'm not dealing with this at 12:32AM I'll explain it laster but trust me. she's not over-powered and doesn't have as much strength as Eu!
Karcen said:
well in the end not my rp so up to them if they let words of power be a thing
(>P) *hides behind corner* Karcen still scares me... (*^*)(:3)( :o )(o.-)(:'()


Karcen said:
side note you may want to change the last name from the royal last name to something lol
xD Oh, thanks!!! xD
Geez, @TheHappyPikachu, giving me all them notifications. :P

Guis, sorry if my posts are lacking more than they usually do for today. I've had straight up two hours of sleep total since saturday. I guess my body is punishing me for forcing myself to stay awake from Saturday to Sunday morning (But sadly I failed at staying awake, but only for the two mentioned hours.)so I wouldn't miss my chance to get a robot character and now I can't sleep no matter how hard I try, lel.

Maybe my posts will be even better than usual from the hazy thought process I will surely be having.

ANYWHO, ANYONE WANNA INTERACT? My character has just entered the Kemonomimi Kingdom area, place, thingy, majigger, except he's sort of run/hiding(Not like if he comes across one he'll try to hide from them, he's just going to the less dense areas. :V) from all the weird animal people since they keep staring at him, IF ANY OF YALLS ARE THERE AND AVAILABLE.

EDIT; Upon rereading this I can already feels my soul slightly dying off in shame.
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-impatiently taps foot- I'm starting to find the convenience of school issued iPads not so convenient anymore >.< Stupid school, blocking the IC threads of RpN.
Pfft, yeah. You're missing the action with @Verdas. Speaking of, your character is doing some good work at keeping attention in your location. <3 Easier for mine to get around and search.

@Zareh With all those binary numbers you posted did you make a specific message or did you just randomly put in binary code? Just curious if I'm wasting my time converting each code into it's symbol. :v
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