The Adoption [LynxAmelia x Totally a hero] [Inactive]

Andi swallowed a few times. She hated when the sun set. Those things talked too much then. It took her about a minute or so before her shaky voice came through, "I-I like c-cars j-j-just fine..."
"Yah...sure you do" he rolled his eyes and turned the radio louder. His house was only a few minutes away,so they could continue the conversation then. He thought about the room that was supposed to be for the baby. He was going to have to re-paint the walls and replace the furniture...he sighed at the thought.
Andria took a few deep breaths. She's got to calm down else she'll land up in the loony bin. 'Yes, yes. Do calm down.' The sounds felt like they came from inside her head, but they didn't. She knew where they were. All around her. Taunting and teasing her. Making her do exactly what they wanted her to. So that she would end up alone and they could torment her more.

She took to putting her hands over her ears and squeezing her eyes shut. She believed it helped. She wished it did.
As they pulled into the driveway of his house he couldn't help but to feel strange. He was bringing somebody he had never met inside his live with him. " well...this is it." It was a average house. It was a one story. It had dark brown Roof tiles and a cream colored walls. A shade simmer to the tiles had been used on the trimming of the windows. The house had looked no different then the other in the neighborhood.

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Andria was glad to have a distraction. Something to take her mind off the painful death that a few of the voices promised her for stepping into their territory. "Fascinating..." she said in a mock excited voice, "It looks so... normal." Her expression remained dead pan as she turned to May, "Are we going in or what?"
"No I live in my car" he said sarcastically and then glared at her. "Go ahead and go inside,I'll get your things from the trunk." He then reached his hands over to open her door. Regardless of how rude she was...he still felt a need to be a gentleman to her.

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Andi huffed and reached to the backseat to retrieve her duffel bag. She did not like anyone else touching it, strangely. "I'll carry it myself, thanks," she said a little stiffly before stepping out of the car and heading to the door of the building, waiting for him to catch up and open it.
"So you can get your own bags but you can't sleep by yourself?" He raised an eyebrow and laughed. "Keys keys..." He then pats all his pockets. "Ahh there they are" he pulls out a silver key with the letters c and d engraved on it. He then sticks it in the keyhole and turns,unlocking the door. He hesitates before opening... "Ready?"

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Andi looked up at May. He seemed to be hesitant over the most trivial of things. "Yeah, what's in there? The boogie monster?" she teased. 'You wish. We're going to be your worst nightmare,' came a voice from behind the door, causing her to step away a bit.
He sighed and then opened the door "your tongue will betray you one day little miss" he stepped inside the modest sized house. The first thing you see is the living room. The room is decorated with lavish furniture and a few paintings on the walls. The paintings displayed breath taking landscapes. From waterfalls to forests,there was also a pairing of a small cafe. "Welcome home"

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"Ooh, pretty pictures," Andria said. But this time, she didn't seem to be mocking. She actually liked those pictures. But she seemed to be carrying her bag like she would a baby. Her tummy let out a low growl for a second and she glared at it angrily. She didn't like people knowing she was hungry or scared or one of the many things she went through everyday.
"Ohh yes..." He scratched his head. The paintings seemed to make him uncomfortable. After hearing her stomachs growl he panicked. "I never did feed you..." He quickly took off his vest,unbuttoned the first button on his shirt,and loosens his tie. "Give me a moment little miss" he said as he went inside a different room to hang up his things. He paced quickly to the kitchen and looked inside the fridge. "Ummm...." He had every little to work with when it came to a vegetarian diet. "Let's see..." He ran his fingers through his hair. "Ohh yes! Margret!" He quickly runs to the door and leaves. "I'll be back in a moment little miss!" He says just before the door closes.

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Andria was surprised to say the least. What was he now? Her butler? She walked up to a painting and reached a hand to touch it. 'Do make yourself at home,' came a sweet female voice, 'Don't worry, I'm not one of the evil ones.' Andi did not care. She stepped away and hid behind a couch. It was all she could to stop herself from running out of the house. 'The evil ones lurk in the darkness. If it is bright, they cannot come.'
The ghost smiled at Andrea, "hush now not be alarmed..." The words came out smooth and sweet as if her lips were made of honey. She smiled as her long hair floated behind her. "This man is very sweet and kind,he will take good care of you" she floated to her and kissed her forehead. "I will se you again child" she smiled,a large grin forming across her face before slowly fading away.

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Andria curled up on the couch, her head between her knees and her arms wrapped over it. As sweet as this ghost was, it was a ghost nonetheless. Ghosts were always scary, nice or not. Once she couldn't hear it any more, she sat up right, visibly shaken. No more. She didn't want to see it anymore. Sometimes she just wished she could gouge her eyes out and be done with it. Then she heard footsteps at the door. She straightened herself and wiped the tears that had formed in her eyes to look presentable.
As he opened the door he spoke on a louder voice. "I'm back little miss,my neighbor grows a garden and she gave me some fresh veggies!" He smiled before noticing her puffy red face. "A-re you ok little miss?" He said as he placed the bag full of vegetables on the ground slowly and then approached her. "You look as if you were crying..." He took his thumb and wiped away a remaining tear and then held her face. A look of concern had coated his face.

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"I-I'm fine.." she stuttered. She hated the stutter she usually developed when she was scared. Then, without warning, she flung her arms around his neck and began crying openly. "Don't leave me alone like that," she pleaded, "Especially after sun down." She knew she sounded ridiculous, but she had no choice. She simply could not be alone.
"O-okay..." He was a pleasant way...she felt warm and he enjoyed it...something inside of his heart felt like it has been filled. He squeezed her a little tighter. "It's fine little miss...I'll be sure to take you with me next time..." He couldn't help but wonder why she was so clingy, he had only been gone for five minutes at the most.

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After crying for a minute or so, what felt like an hour to Andria, she pulled back her arms and wiped her face again. "Call me Andi," she said softly, no longer stuttering, "And I mean it. Don't leave me alone after sun down...." She trailed off, not wanting to go any further. He would definitely return her if she told him about her.. problem right away. "Please," she added, looking down at her lap in embarrassment.
" aww...but I like little miss." He smiled softly and patted her head. He was almost sure that she was scared of the dark,there's no way that she wasn't. Not wanting to sleep in her own room,gets axioms around sundown,doesn't like being left alone. The sighs made it obvious. "It's fine...I won't do it again."

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"Good," she said, nodding a little, still sniffling occasionally. Then she tried peeking in the bag he'd brought. She was most definitely starved. They hadn't fed her before being shipped off to the adoption center. And she hadn't eaten anything all day. "What's for dinner?" she asked, reaching a hand towards the bag.
"Oh. I grabbed some carrots,cabbage,lettuce, tomatoes,and a few other things." He went to a coat closet and pulled out a apron. " I also picked a few apples from her tree." He said as he tied the apron around his waist.

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Andria chuckled softly. "I don't suppose you could cook them all without meat, could you?" she asked, smiling a little. Then she got off the couch and went to the closet, looking for a smaller apron, "I could help you cook," she said, rummaging through it.
Something inside if him wanted to squeal,she was actually being cute! But he knew that she would through a fit over it so he decided to remain silent. " and yes..I can cook without meat,though I do miss it..." He laughed sadly. "Oh,what are you looking for? He asked a bit curious.

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