The Adoption [LynxAmelia x Totally a hero] [Inactive]

"Y-your staying w-with me till y-you get married! Y-you terrible c-child!" He spoke trying to stop his sobbing. His words may have been harsh but a seance of love could be felt from them. He proceeded to wipe away his sadness with a handkerchief he kept in his vests pocket.
Andi blinked at the man for a few seconds. Then she burst out laughing. "Is that a threat?" she asked, holding her stomach from laughing so much. "Aw, I feel loved," she said, grinning up at May, "Thank you for that."
He stuffed the handkerchief back into his pocket. He had never been made a full in public so bad. He spilled his heart out,and she just laughed at him. " I can't tell if your being serious or not..." He sighed,his calm personality had come back again. He crossed his arms and smirked. "But still..."
"Honestly? Neither can I," she said chuckling softly, "Are you still hungry or...?" She looked around for a moment. So many people... "Even if you are, we can't eat here now. It's too embarrassing. For me at least." She stood up a little awkwardly. "Can we just go?"
"Yes,I agree..." He glanced over his shoulders to revive strange looks from the other customers. They had certainly caused a commotion. He pulled out his wallet and left a twenty dollar bill on the counter. He felt like he needed to compensate them. He stood and looked at the girl. " how about we just go home?" He glanced at his phone to check the time. It was much later than he had thought. "Shall we be going then?"
Andi was less than excited about the prospect of going to this new 'home'. Each time she got accustomed to a house she'd get kicked out. But this guy had promised to keep her... She nodded a little and looked up at May before heading to the door. "I.. I'm sorry.." she said softly and very, very reluctantly. couldn't...could she?! He could have sworn he heard her say she was sorry. He wanted to celebrate and tease her about it,but that wouldn't be the adult thing to do. " I forgive you." He smiled and then placed his hand on her head. He patted it softly and then turned to leave. He unlocked the car and started the engine. "Come come child!"
Andi huffed a little and climbed into the front seat of the car. "I'm not a kid, ya know. Or a dog," she said, glaring straight ahead and out of the windscreen, her arms crossed across her chest. She looked every bit like the grumpy teen every parent hates dealing with.
"But I thought you liked dogs?" He was joking of course. It wasn't I'm his nature but he felt that the conversation went more his way if he was the one teasing. He opulent out of the parking lot and continued driving down the highway. He took some time to admire the pretty lights of the tall buildings. It was no city,but it had the city feel.
"I don't like BEING a dog," she retorted, resuming staring out of the window. Bad idea. She was seeing more number of... things now. Only for a second, but they were there. She didn't dare tell anyone because no one believed her. She doubted May would. She rubbed her eyes again and muttered a little louder this time, "I need glasses."
"Oh,really?" He found that statement odd. There had been no mention of eye problems on her adoption paper,and he had not seen her squint at anything. Regardless he saw no reason on why he should be suspicious of it. "Well I have health insurance,so I'm sure we can get you a pair if you truly need some" he tried imagining her in glasses. She could certainly pull of the look if she tried.
"Ehh," Andi didn't really want glasses but she didn't like seeing things either. She liked to think that it was because she needed glasses. She didn't want to look out any more. As the sun began setting, she was seeing more and more of them. She took to staring at the dashboard before her, her lip bitten slightly. It scared her to look out anymore.
After a long spell of silence he reached over to turn on the radio. He turned it up just a little bit,but still quiet enough for conversation to be kept. " sooo....what type of music do you like?" She had not really given him to much to talk about with the glasses,so he felt like it was acceptable to change the subject. Plus being the music can he was,he was fairly interested on what she had to say.
Andi pursed her lips a little and made a face. "I can't say I've had the luxury of listening to music, sorry," she said, "I've never stayed long enough or never had the interest in it." She shrugged a little. She was trying her hardest to ignore the voice behind her, calling her name, asking her to turn just once so that it could claw her face off. Another voice joined it, fighting it to leave her alone. She could only gulp as she heard it all, telling herself that they did not exist.
"Aww...well that's a shame." He frowned slightly. "I guess I'll just have to show you some good tunes huh?" That was a nice thing about having a child. You can influence there music tastes,Bobby's,how they dress,what they eat,type of language they use. It was sort of like leaving a little bit of yourself into another person. It was an interesting idea but also kinda creepy. He glanced over at her. She seemed a little on edge. Was she tired? It had been a long day..."is something upsetting you?" He asked with a hushed soft tone. "If it's about going to my house I can assure you that you have your own room to yourself..." Oh wow...he just noticed that...bathrooms were about to get a whole lot more awkward...
"No!" Andria almost shouted, turning to May immediately, "I don't want my own room!" Just the thought of that, being surrounded by all these.. things.. hearing voices all the time. It would surely drive her crazy! "Please," she pleaded, "Don't leave me alone."
Something croaked out of his mouth. It was not words...more as a strange noise. What she had just said had completely and utterly blown him away. Why on earth would she not want her own room?! Was she scared of the dark or something?! There was no logical explanation as to why she wanted to stay in his room. And teenagers are big on privacy right? Staying in the same room as him was compleatly breaking that idea. "S-so you want to...sleep in my b-bed?!"
"I don't mind," she said, "Or we could put another bed in your room. I just... I can't be alone." She'd had horrible experiences with it earlier. All of which eventually led to being asked to get out. "Please," she pleaded yet again, "I'm sorry for being such a bother."
"I-I'll get you your own!" The words flew out from his mouth faster than he could think them. "B-but for now I'll just sleep on a f-futon and you can have the bed." He was slightly relived that he had resolved the issue quickly, but he still didn't really understand why she wanted to be in the same room. He felt like he needed to get to know her more to find out the reel reason.
"Thank you!" she said, heaving a sigh of relief, "If you already have another bed in another room, I could help you move it." She was nearly bouncing in happiness, so utterly thankful for it. So much that she would've hugged him if he wasn't something just short of a stranger.
"It's fine...don't worry about it" he was surprised when she started getting excited. He had seen her laugh at him,but never just straight up joy. This was being a father right?
Involuntarily, she looked out of the window again. Only to be greeted by a horrible face next to her. 'What are you grinning at, my pretty? I'm still going to get you,' a voice whispered into her ear before cackling violently. Andi visibly blanched and began shaking. "No..." she said, moving off her seat and nearly climbing onto May's lap.
"H-hey hey!" He swerved on the road and then quickly regained control. "W-what are you up to?" First she wanted to sleep in his room now she wants to sit on him?! He gets that's she's been lonely but this is just to much "y-you can't jump on me when were driving!" He was thankful that they were almost at his house,he was slowly becoming a road hazard.
The.. thing.. was leering at her. She shook her head vigorously, refusing to return to her seat. She looked at May wide eyed before looking back. It was gone. "Sorry..." she muttered, climbing back into her seat. If only he knew half of what she saw, he wouldn't even be sane.
He sighed heavily,this girl had turned from bitter mean to oddly clingy. "I-it's fine..." He wanted to know what was causing to be so strange,but he was starting to understand why so manny family's had left her. "Do you just not like cars little miss? "

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