The Academy of Secrets (actual RP)

"Thanks?" Naomi says, a bit questioningly. She then starts on a creative writing essay, about the world ending. SHe smiles. Well, this'll be easy! She thinks, and rapidly writes.

I jab the button on the side of my camcorder, hitting record. The world will need of new record of what this current version of mankind has done; they must know why they must pay for it.

“Hello.” I say, smirking into the lens of the camera, “I am Mary-Jane, the founder of the so-called ‘terrorist’ group, the Apocalyptica's. We are not terrorists. On the other hand, we are invested in saving the world. That is why it will burn. Mankind must pay for what they have done, and burn along with the majestic earth. Pollutants spoil streams and oceans, and no one pays.”

I grin manically, pausing for dramatic effect, “Now they will. They will die in a glorious fire of truth; no one will be left. Except for us. You, the new people of Earth are the chosen ones in our groups descendants. You will keep our planet beautiful no matter what.” I grin, and stop the filming. There will be no electricity after the bomb.

I stand and walk to the cliff. I smile down at the world, and spread my arms. I welcome death, I don’t shy away from the inevitable.

“Release.” I proudly say to my fellows, and a bomb is raised. I laugh maniacally, smiling at the prospect of gulping in the fresh air as our atmosphere erupts.

The bomb is not atomic, or even capable f harming the earth. In t minus ten seconds, the large machine will rupture our atmosphere. It takes a minute, and all not sealed into a special chamber will die. Their skin will bubble and burst, their eyes bleed. They will no longer ruin this planet, and no one but them must die. The superior, majestic race left would recreate mankind.

I counted down, my hair whirling about my face. Black as pitch, gleaming in the white light put off by our sun, burning the greenhouse gases in the air.

As of 21907, the Earth would be cleansed. No more poisons being spewed into our rivers, air. Only the rich live in comfort, with purified air while we breath their putrid fumes.

I wait patiently, counting down.


I grin wildly, my pale brown eyes gleaming in the suns flaming light.


My dark brown skin shines with sweat, similar to that of my ancestors.


My thin fire colored dress whips around me, and I spread my arms wider; I welcome the blast.


The number one flickers into my mind, and I grin wildly as all hell breaks loose. I begin to die, laughing wildly as my skin bubbles and boils, as oxygen is sucks out of my lungs. Before My heart and lungs burst, I take a wild gulp of oxygen, or carbon dioxide. It’s hard to determine which is which. I feel a lung burt, and shut my eyes. I flow to the ground, smiling gently as my life abandons me.

Zero leans against the classroom wall going over some paperwork when a pencil comes flying in his direction, and sticks into the wall 5 inches away from him. He makes no move, not even raising his eyes, except one snapping of finger, and another piece of paper with an additional 100 math questions lands on Soul's desk. Noticing Naomi, he blinks, rather pleased that there is somebody who is hardworking. She seems to be really into the essay she is writing right now, so he decides not to disturb her, and goes back to his own work.
"Sure, math seems sucky enough...." She murmured, grabbing a pencil and her notebook, waiting for questions. Surely, she barely knew how to do the problems that were to be given, but, she might just do half of it, and move on if she doesn't get it.
Soul groaned loudly as the extra math asignment appeared on her desk she started to wonder if she should just jump out the window and run like no tomorrow, she glared at Zero.No he just follow me and I would end up being dragged through the school AGAIN!!!!....The minutes dragged by slowly as she worked on her problems they started blur together. " ZERO, May I PLEEEEAAAASSSSSEEEE go to the rest room before I wet my pants and leave you nice puddle to clean up," She asked squirming a little to play the part better the truth is she just need a break from her math.
Naomi took a break from writing. If I keep writing, I'll have a novel! She thinks, and smiles to herself. Naomi sets aside the essay, and starts on her math. She starts with algebra.

  1. 3x-6k+98=86+9k/4x k=_ x=_

Naomi chewed on her eraser, thinking. She then heard the girl next to her, and giggled slightly. SHe continued to work.
May walks up to the doors of the large academy and sucks in a deep breath. Wonderful, just absolutely wonderful, May thought to herself, first day of school and I've missed so much of it that it's already the end of the day. Why did I have to help my stupid father with his work!?!? She walks in and finds herself lost already. "Oh now what shall I do," May groans out loud.
Zero sighs, "Soul, you can wet on the floor. Your body can be controlled to clean it up yourself. How about you just be the Good Naomi over here and do the work?" He glances over at Taryn, "And be like her too, not complaining, doing her work. Just do it."

From his window, he notices the new girl and knocks on the window slightly, "Lost?"
Naomi giggles a bit to herself, but scots her chair to the side a little. SHe then finishes up on math, and starts on Social Studies.
Rei stepped through the hall, yawning and rubbing her face. Damn, that was a good nap. What time is it? She looked around the halls for a clock, but having found none, decided it was best to find out where her first period class was. This was her first day at school after all. Her stomach stifled a growl and after awhile, she gave up trying to read the map on the wall. She leaned against the wall and slid to the floor, sitting cross-legged and stared at the floor.
She looked at Zero. "Meeeeerr...." She sighed, doing whatever she was told to do. I didn't learn This-WAIT...." She paused for five seconds. "I know how to add, is that what I have to do? Yeeeup...." She grinned, writing answers and new problems.
May turns around to find herself standing next to a classroom, How could I have missed that? "Yes quite lost actually."
Frowning Soul was getting ready to poke Zero in the eyes and make a run for it. "Fine," She said almost growling.Soul turned herself upside down in her chair so her legs were sticking up in the air and went back to her math barely understanding the last 2 problems she had left. "God please help."

After 30 more minutes of trying to figure out the answers something clicked in her head.She quickly scribbled down the last two answers and slams the papers down on the desk. "I'm done,"She yells loudly announcing it to the whole classroom while doing a little victory dance.
(you already post a sign up didnt you just join in~ :) )

"Since you're done...Clean the classroom." Zero orders without a bit of hesitation as he turns around to May, "The classroom is right across from here. This is 1-A, and right behind you, 1-B."
"Oh thank you but I think I'm supposed to be in 1-A but I'm not absolutely sure. Do you know if there is a class list of something of the sort?"
Zero blinks and turns around to take out the class list without a word, he then showing it to May. "Ah, you should be in class 1-A, but that is for next period. Since you are late for this period for about 40 minutes, I guess you can stay in this classroom till the bell rings." His voice is cold and hard when he realizes that this student is late for that long.
"Yeah sorry for the inconvenience and being late, my father wouldn't let me leave until I finished helping him. I had to stay up the entire night! I really can't stand the buffoon," she answers, cursing at her father. She winces once she realizes it sounded like she was whining.
"Is that so," Zero sighs, "Tell he if him delayed you from school one more time you are suspended." His eyes grow even colder, "And no excuses, even if he writes a letter to explain."
"Funny, I don't think he would care, let alone write a letter," May said in a venomous tone. She absolutely hated her father. He didn't even raise her! He only calls on her when he needed help with his stupid work. "Anyway there won't be a next time," she says after a moment of thinking. She could tell she was already on this guys bad side and didn't want to go any deeper.
"Ah I see, and I wish your words are true," Zero replies only to the 'there won't be a next time' part, though he quietly wonders why she sounds so pissed with her father. He opens the classroom door for her, thinking about when will this period ends.
May walks in waving a hello to everyone and quietly sits in an empty desk.
Soul sweeps the class room staring quickly like she sonic ex finishing her cleaning quickly and stares at Zero with big eyes just for the heck of staring at him."I'm done with this to,"She says quickly. 
"What's next mr.Graudian clean the hallways till i die,"Her voice full of scarcasm.
"Not clean enough, and you are always welcome to clean the hallways." Leading May into the classroom, he notices what Soul said and switches it around as he answers, tilting his head to a side as he lets his long hair fall and stares back with his crimson eyes.

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