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Realistic or Modern The Academy for the Unusually Gifted

"It's definitely bigger than my house." Oliver said looking up at the the ornate ceiling. "I feel like it's a lot bigger than it appeared to be." He bit his own lip, deep in thought. He wondered how the food would be here, and the dining area. Would he really be expected to sit with everyone else?
"... How can you tell? But still, will you be okay?" asked Ken. How had she figured that out? No one had found that out. He wondered how she knew... It must have something to do with her power. "I'm going to the SWARM. I'm worried you won't be able to get there safely. I wonder if they already reached their destination... Anyways, what was their destination...?"
Amy looked over at him. "I'm Amy by the way." She said offering a hand to shake his. "I think it's bigger than everyone's house here combined." She added as she kept walking.
She laughed, "This is gonna sound creepy, but me and my brother know everything about everyone!" She smiled a creepy smile and looked at him "I should be fine,im just gonna need a nurse with me all the time." She tried to look okay but anyone could tell she was hurt.
"How do you know about everyone...? And who's your brother? You are truly mysterious." said Ken. Did they read a class list, or something? "Anyways, can you tell me where they're going, please?"
"I know about everyone, because im different! My brother is a boy already inside waiting for the rest of you, his names Alden. No I did not read the class list!" She laughed, how could a male be so funny. Are all males not mean and abusive? She thought to herself
(I THOUGHT about the class list. You can't read my thoughts, can you?!)

"Where's the place they were going to? And how'd you know I was reading your mind? I feel that these topics are important." asked Ken. Where the hell were they going?!
"Oliver." Oliver said and shook her hand gently. He was careful not to come across as too rough. "This has got to be a design flaw, no one in their right mind would make a corridor this big, unless it was meant to house something really big."
(Its a first thought thing... Most people think that first! Shes really smart...)

The caf, to do an announcement go catch up before your left behind okay okay?" She smiled and waved her hand towards the door. She looked around, and thought to herself good thing he did not ask what my power was....
She slowly withdrew her hand and they were both shaking slightly. There was so much blood to play with here but she didn't want to hurt her new classmates if you could call them class mates. "So why are you here? Did you do something wrong?" She asked him.
(Really? Because he never mentioned anything about reading her mind, or anything that would even hint it.)

"The cafeteria? Oh, that's not far. Okay, thanks for telling me! I hope I meet you again!" said Ken smiling, as he ran to the cafeteria. When he arrived, there were tons of people there, and he sat down at a table. Seeing a boy and a girl there, he asked "What're your names?"

(@DanDanDan and @GaspAmy, I'm at your table and I'm talking to YOU!)

(Now you made me wonder what her power is. >:l)
(She knows everything about everyone! But im not telling yo her power)

She waved him off and then layed down in the infirmary bed, and looked up at the sky
"Oliver," Oliver said, pointing to himself with a safe, inoffensive two fingers. "Amy," he said, not pointing to the other girl with him. "And who are you?" 
((Isn't that power of knowing everything about everyone a bit over powered...))

"My name's Ken." replied Ken. These people seemed nice enough. "Want to be friends?"
[God this post is going to be terrible - every time I try making a post, you guys start posting a million times a minute. I'm so confused about what's going on, and where everyone is. Ugh.]


we'll go down in history - remember me for centuries.

Patrick held his golden gaze on Delaney for a long heartbeat, her words sticking in his mind. She did have a brilliant point, and worded the situation unexpectedly maturely. So far, he decided, out of all the students he'd been able to interact with today, Delaney seemed to be one of the nicest.

He wasn't able to hold that thought for long though, since his attention was dragged to the crowd he was leading. An injury, so early in the day? He remembered predicting something this morning that involved an injury - he assumed that it was his own episode that had happened in front of the students - but perhaps, he was wrong. Either way, he knew it wasn't anything serious enough that desperately required his attention. Although, a shred of doubt pricked at his chest. Something told him that it might just resolve in disaster later on.

"I'll go... I'll go check up on what's happened later," he said, pulling his eyebrows together in confusion. He rose his voice more, to address the students. "There's nothing to worry yourselves about, everyone. Please, do not distract yourselves from having a calm and enjoyable day today."

It almost sounded as though he was trying to assure himself, more than the students. He nodded slightly, taking a breath in, and twisted on his heels again. They were now terribly late for the first meal of the day, and, sighing, Patrick realized he was going to have to explain the delays to the angry workers in the cafeteria.

Speaking of the cafeteria, they had finally reached the large oak doors around the bend of the last corridor. With a grateful flourish, he pulled open the doors to the echoingly huge cafeteria hall, and let the students flow in. For the welcoming breakfast, the impossibly long tables were draped in white tablecloths, and topped off with platters of food on every inch. He noticed that the workers had tried to make the cafeteria look as cheery as possible, letting in mass amounts of sunlight through the windows. He chewed on the corner of his mouth as he took in the room for himself, a pang of disappointment poking at his chest. He knew - sadly - that every day, the meals at the academy weren't this spectacular. They were more dull than he wanted them to be.

But today is for enjoying yourself, he told himself, taking his hat off of his head, and running his hands through his messy brown hair.
Gage rolled his eyes at the group talking a few feet in front of him, "What, are we in kindergarten?" He put on a mocking little kid voice, "We should totally swing together at recess!"
"There's recess in high school? Weird." replied Ken to the kid named Gage, whose mind he read.

(The hell dude? This post isn't bad. I'm liking it.)

Jen, Ken's sister, walked into the lunchroom and admired how majestic it was.

(I just wanted to control another character xD )
"Oh come on, Gage, don't be such a spoilsport." Oliver said, grinning about the fact he was no longer surrounded by strangers.
Amy sat there listening to the ongoing conversation. She looked to Oliver "You didn't answer my question of why you're here." She said to him quietly.
Jen sat down at the table with Gage, and looked at all of the students. "Wow..." said Jen in astonishment. This place was like a mansion...

Ken read Amy's mind and said "Yeah, why we here? I kinda found this place. It didn't make fun of me by saying NO OTAKUS ALLOWED. It happens alot more than you think."
"No you're right." Gage looked at Oliver, still mocking them all, "Let's all pretend like we're totally okay with being ripped from our lives and be best friends here! Should we braid each others hair and make friendship bracelets later?"
"Yep. We should. I never had a life to begin with. I don't have long hair, I can't braid it." said Ken as his hair started to turn light blue.

Jen heard her brother, and looked over. She waved her hand.

Ken waved his hand back. The hell are you doing here?
Delaney smiled and nodded to the headmaster, then entered the cafeteria. First thing she noticed was the sunlight. Being deeply photosensitive, she slid back on her jacket and tried to seem comfortable. The thing was too hot, but as long as the other students were enjoying it she supposed her opinion was not one that mattered. In such a scenario, she would be an outlyer.

Entering the room fully, she quickly gathered her meal. It was evident that they were frustrated by the tardiness so lane offered a 50 watt grin and said a quick "thank you for the meal" to the staff before moving on. Tables appearing a bit crowded, she found an empty place and dug in as if she hadnt eaten for weeks. Ah the joys of teenage hunger.

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