The Academy for the Nekos~Closed~



<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_08/the-morgan-academy-building-2.jpg.877525b202d3d6d3f5415be7a6916158.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="5544" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_08/the-morgan-academy-building-2.jpg.877525b202d3d6d3f5415be7a6916158.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Welcome to Hardcastle Academy!

Here in Hardcastle Academy we like to make our students feel one with their teachers. No student is left unnoticed. Each and every one of our students is special in their own way, just like their teachers.

Over the years, our teachers have learned the ways of their students and we're proud to announce that we recently won an award for "Best Academic Progress" in the country!

Luckily for you, we've chosen you to send us a letter about yourself. YOU are one of 10 lucky nekos to recieve this letter, though you may not be accepted if you are over the age of 18 years. This academy is for those in high school only!

Acceptance Letter(You will recieve this after you post your character sheet):

Dear (Full name),

Congradulations! You've been accepted to attend Hardcastle Academy! We can't wait to see you walking through the hallways with your textbooks and binders, we are sure you'll be happy here! You'll be staying in dorm (Random number) while you are here. Move-in weekend is from August 10-13, so make sure to check your calenders! As a student here, you will be expected to be here before September 1st, the first day of school. As stated before, we are excited to see you here! Don't forget about move-in weekend!

~ Staff at Hardcastle Academy


No god-modding.

Be nice to eachother, if you have to speak with someone about something you don't like, please PM them and keep it out of the thread.

Romance is always welcome! But drama must be kept on a minimum.

BE COMMITED. Don't just post once and forget about the thread..

If you've read all of the rules, put your favorite color somewhere in your character sheet.

Character sheets:





Appearance(Neko please)~



My character:

Name~ Kellin Hardcastle

Age~ 16

Gender~ Female

Personality~ Kellin is a bi-polar child to say the least. She's immature, giggly, and slightly annoying. She does have a more teenage side to her, though. Her "other side" is the hopeless romantic, easily impressed, and rebellious side. With her being this way, she kind of has two names. Her teenage side is named Kelly, while her childish side is named Kellin.


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_08/57a8be11829fe_images(20).jpg.2e4a88f9db414c1858124fe97e2795f6.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="5546" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_08/57a8be11829fe_images(20).jpg.2e4a88f9db414c1858124fe97e2795f6.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Bio~ Kellin grew up with her father, the head master of Hardcastle Academy. Her mother, on the other hand, passed away after Kellin was born. Though Kellin is only 16, she's been going to the academy her whole life. Her father had special tutors come and teach her up until she was 14 and old enough to attend the classes the academy has to offer. Before she was old enough to attend, the students called her names like cutie, sweetie, and whatnot. She was like that child that always hung out with teenagers and never really had any friends due to the fact that she lived in a school her whole life.

Other~ Kellin's character will get loud and annoying so if you don't like imagining high-pitched voices then.. Well. Too bad.



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Of course! ^^ Here's you acceptance letter~

Dear Xeon Black,

Congradulations! You've been accepted to attend Hardcastle Academy! We can't wait to see you walking through the hallways with your textbooks and binders, we are sure you'll be happy here! You'll be staying in dorm 3 while you are here. Move-in weekend is from August 10-13, so make sure to check your calenders! As a student here, you will be expected to be here before September 1st, the first day of school. As stated before, we are excited to see you here! Don't forget about move-in weekend!

~ Staff at Hardcastle Academy
Name~ Athalia Crimson

Age~ 14

Gender~ Female

Personality~ Athalia is probably one of the most adventurous and most curious nekos you will ever meet. She rarely gets serious in doing things, and her happy-go-lucky personality makes her get more friends. She doesn't really like studying and doing things that will make her fragile body tired, but if forced to or given encouragement, she tries her best to finish what she started. She has a soft spot for cute things and likes anime-- drawing, watching, playing it.


Bio/History~ Athalia's family was a very rich and famous one. The Crimson family had large companies all over the world for generations, and they expect Athalia to be the heiress--although she doesn't want to. Her parents would always try to force her or beg her to at least know the basics of business, but she would always totally disagree. Soon enough, she thought of getting in Hardcastle Academy, to be free of her parents' grip.

Other~ Violet! c:

~ She's an otaku and fujoshi.

~ She's practicing some magic/ alchemy.
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Oh and I'll reserve a spot for one girl. >~< 
Name ~ Victoria Leeman

Age ~ 16

Gender ~ Female

Personality ~ Victoria is in one word innocent. She is shy and sweet and also has a empathetic and caring side.

Appearance ~

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_08/57a8be12dc3f5_lukaneko1.png.104981ea97aa05f28707322be15219ad.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="5609" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_08/57a8be12dc3f5_lukaneko1.png.104981ea97aa05f28707322be15219ad.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Bio/History ~ Victoria grew up in a rich family, but when she was 5 her mom died and she was left alone with her father. He tried his best to be there for her, but he owned a company so he never got to spend time with her. Vicky's dad grew so protective of Victoria that he home schooled her until he decided to send her to Hardcastle Academy.

Other ~
Pastel Pink. Everybody calls her Vicky.



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I'm not the creator of this thread but I'm sure all of you can I think 10 people is the limit as the shcool sent 10 letters so hurry up and just fill out the skellies -To all the people asking 'can I join?'
^Just what Mattie said. xD If you all make character skellies then you'll get acceptance letters. ^^ I apologize for the belated reply, I fell asleep whilst watching anime and didn't wake up until now. 
@Lori Williams Here's your acceptance letter!

Dear Victoria Leeman,

Congradulations! You've been accepted to attend Hardcastle Academy! We can't wait to see you walking through the hallways with your textbooks and binders, we are sure you'll be happy here! You'll be staying in dorm 5 while you are here. Move-in weekend is from August 10-13, so make sure to check your calenders! As a student here, you will be expected to be here before September 1st, the first day of school. As stated before, we are excited to see you here! Don't forget about move-in weekend!

~ Staff at Hardcastle Academy
Might as well join.

Name~ Kori Mesk

Age~ 16

Gender~ Male

Personality~ Kori is really serious and is usually alone. He doesn't really enjoy the company of others. He also likes to be very brief and very frank with comments. (This may change if someone tries to get close to him)

Appearance(Neko please)~

Bio/History~ Kori was abandoned by his parents when he was a baby, being left at the gate of an orphanage. He grew up in the orphanage, detached from the rest of the kids because they all bullied him. He was also taught basic knowledge while in the orphanage, but he stood out from the others with his knowledge. The owners of the place were so impressed with him that they wanted to enroll him in Hardcastle Academy when he was old enough so he could try and live a better life.

Other~ He's quite the musician.

His theme~ [media]

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I like it. ^^

Dear Kori Mesk,

Congradulations! You've been accepted to attend Hardcastle Academy! We can't wait to see you walking through the hallways with your textbooks and binders, we are sure you'll be happy here! You'll be staying in dorm 2 while you are here. Move-in weekend is from August 10-13, so make sure to check your calenders! As a student here, you will be expected to be here before September 1st, the first day of school. As stated before, we are excited to see you here! Don't forget about move-in weekend!

~ Staff at Hardcastle Academy
@L u n a ☁ @Armageddon @gutsyGnostalgic Are you all still interested? c:
I've used that pic several times before, so why not use it again? Doesn't he look like he matches his description also?
Yeah. x3 I've decided and making another character.. *Makes character sheet for completely random reasons.* 
My second character/NPC-ish type thing. xD

Name~ Jaime Hardcastle

Age~ 14

Gender~ Male

Personality~ Jaime is kind, cute, and loving. He's basically the child side of Kellin, but he doesn't have the teenager side.

Appearance(Neko please)~

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_08/tumblr_mdx15fyfh91rlsg2no1_500.png.8b2189073edb4cad7281ad2d463b024a.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="5630" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_08/tumblr_mdx15fyfh91rlsg2no1_500.png.8b2189073edb4cad7281ad2d463b024a.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Bio/History~ Jaime, being the youngest in the family, grew up way more spoiled than Kellin. He never had any problems. If he wanted something, he got it. This makes him a bit of a brat. Jaime basically clings to his sister, loving her more than anything. Jaime was adopted at age 3 by Kellin's father. With this, he wanted to make Jaime feel like he was at home so he spoiled him, showering him with toys and sweets. Jaime knew this was why Kellin never really was around, Jaime never had the tutors. Mr. Hardcastle taught him. As Jaime turned 14, though, he started to hang out with Kellin more, now they are inseperable.

Other~ Jaime can be played by anyone. x3



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He's basically a default character. If someone wants to use him for a bit, they can. He's not assigned to a specific person.

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