The Academy for the Nekos~Closed~


Isaac Remilli






Normally, Isaac has always been viewed as an emotionless, quiet person. He remains reserved and tends to internalize his feelings a lot in fear of being prosecuted for his emotions, opinions, and beliefs, and he rarely is ever able to show much positive emotion. Whatever it is, it has to be very effective to invoke some type of sign of happiness of excitement or whatever else could be considered positive. But since his acceptance into this new private school, he has had his spirits risen up slightly, and is more prone to showing positive emotion more often - but he still internalizes a lot. He tends to internalize his negative emotion so that it doesn't show on his face or in his expression, and you know whenever he's feeling saddened or guilty or whatever else - a blank, monotonic expression tells it all. He has never been able to obscure his emotions in his eyes, though, so you'll usually be able to tell what he's internalizing just by taking a good look at his eyes. He's a very shy person around strangers, and tends to stammer over his words when in conversation, or correct himself often. It takes him a pretty long time to develop a bond with someone in friendship, and will slowly become noticeably more comfortable around them as time passes. But once the bond is struck and sealed, you have a big responsibility. Isaac becomes attached to people, and tends to have his heart broken quite easily in these cases. Even though he is one of the most loyal, trustworthy, and caring people you will ever meet or need, he becomes a bit clingy at times. This is why he is always very reluctant to open up to people - he fears to have his heart shattered. He will attend to your every need and worry, and expects very little in return, even though to some people it can be a big responsibility - he expects much patience, trust, and a shoulder that he can cry on every now and again. He will sometimes spiral into intense emotional meltdowns whenever memories of his past are triggered, with hyperventilation, fright, and instability all in one, and requires a caring, comforting person to help him pull through it. That's one reason he's afraid to leave his parents - these meltdowns strike at random, and he always had his parents to help him, but here he won't. He desperately hopes to find someone who meets these simple little needs, and has opened up just a crack more in desperation to find such a person. But he isn't all negative emotion. When Isaac becomes happy and more light-hearted (which is mostly just around his very close friends), he becomes a wonderful young man to hang around. He tends to have this aura that shifts from his normally introverted attitude to a simply beaming, infectious aura of sunniness and warmth. When Isaac's spirits are lifted, it definitely shows through; he becomes a ray of sunshine to brighten anybody's day, and releases an inviting, warm feeling to others that just seems to spread. But all-in-all, Isaac is a cautious, timid young man, whose shell of shyness has only been cracked a small, yet noticeable degree in desperation to find one to help him pull through his moments of emotional instability. But, when this shell opens, it opens wide to reveal the beautiful, loving, and slightly clingy treasure of a person encased in his shell from the traumatic experiences in his past life.



- Isaac stands at about six feet (6'0) and weighs about one hundred and seventy nine (179) pounds.

- He has a lightly tanned, flawless complexion that tends to heal from bruises and wounds more quickly than most Nekos.

- He has a very lean build, with fairly long, spindly, yet lightly muscled arms and long, equally spindly legs.

- Isaac has light blonde, shaggy hair and eyes colored a bright, shimmering topaz which are luminescent in the darkness.

- Isaac's feline ears are a fair size, shaped in two normal triangles. His left ear is missing a chunk that seems a fair size, and they are colored a blonde just a shade darker than his hair. They are very sensitive to sound and move around a lot.

- Isaac's tail is fairly long and nimble, about three and three quarters to four feet in length, and is colored a similar color to his ears, a blonde a shade darker than his hair. He will usually use his tail whenever he needs a third hand, just to pick various small objects up and such, having practiced while in his bindings in the home of his kidnapper.

- He tends to wear monotonic or simpler colors, having a repellence to neon and colors that are too bright. He only partially likes very dark colors.


Isaac was raised in a Neko family, with a loving father and mother. He lived a wonderful childhood from birth to age eleven - until his entire life flipped. Isaac was actually kidnapped while out with his family, and taken away without a trace. He was then sold into a slavery position, and was treated more like the animal he had in his blood rather than like a human being, planned to be used for - get ready for it - a sex slave. Yes, you heard me right. He found a Neko to be a perfect choice, so that's exactly what he turned Isaac into. For two years, Isaac was neglected, abused, molested, and forced into horrible, unimaginable acts of sexual nature (I won't go into any further detail). Isaac soon developed Stockholm syndrome for his 'master', and cooperated for a good amount of years with too much fear and traumatic attachment to attempt to escape - until he was finally found at age thirteen. His parents had been desperately in search of Isaac, refusing to give up hope that he was out there, and had continued to conduct investigations until the police came to his 'masters' door to conduct a warranted investigation of the house, narrowing down possible suspects to this man. They found Isaac locked in the attic of the home, skin and bones, covered in wounds and bruises, and completely naked, chained like an animal by a collar to the wall. He was immediately taken to the hospital for treatment and given much, much care and comfort, even though the young man fought to get back to his 'master', who was being arrested (caused by his Stockholm syndrome) and had to be restrained when he was removed from the home. Isaac has had about two years of counseling to help him out of his state of unhealthy attachment, shattered and traumatic conscious, and pure shock. By this time, he is fully recovered from his Stockholm syndrome and his other insecurities - but he has been changed as a person forever. He is no longer the bright, open-minded child he used to be - he was changed into who he is now. The quiet, emotionless, sympathetic, empathetic, and
dependent Neko he is seen as today. He was sent this letter, and his parents were very reluctant to let him go out of their sight again - but when they saw how he reacted to the letter, their minds were immediately changed. He seemed hopeful, and almost . . . happier seeing he was being invited to a private school, very nearly excited to be able to meet new Nekos like him, and his age as well. A spark of hope had lit in his gold eyes, and they simply couldn't ignore it. And so, he is now being sent here, his moods having lifted somewhat and moved into his shyer, yet more willing nature from his parents' approval on going.


He seems to be intimidated often by men, and trusts women much more, even though he's a bit of a big guy himself. His experiences being sexually abused by a male have caused this. Oh, and
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@X64 I do believe so. ^^ Go ahead and make your character. c:


Dear Isaac Remilli,

Congradulations! You've been accepted to attend Hardcastle Academy! We can't wait to see you walking through the hallways with your textbooks and binders, we are sure you'll be happy here! You'll be staying in dorm 7 while you are here. Move-in weekend is from August 10-13, so make sure to check your calenders! As a student here, you will be expected to be here before September 1st, the first day of school. As stated before, we are excited to see you here! Don't forget about move-in weekend!

~ Staff at Hardcastle Academy
I saw this last night and I really want to join!~ :3 SPOT HOLDER!!


Zachary Hua


"I'm sorry for getting your hopes up, princess, but I am female." - Zachary Hua

  • Name~ Zachary Hua (or Zack)

    Age~ 16

    Gender~ Female, a very masculine female.
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The Genius With A Record~

Azuryu Yojincho (also known as simply Azu)






A musical genius with an extreme lack of common sense, Azu is the quiet type of kitty that rarely seems to interact with other people. Instead, he can most often be found playing or writing music in the most obscure of areas; although, since he doesn't really have any common sense to speak of, 'obscure' to him is most often just a random classroom. He is also the type of person that is very observative and always gauges a situation before making decisions.

Likes: Music, reading, and tea.

Dislikes: Fighting, coffee, and manual labor.

Appearance Notes:

-Azu is very short for his age. He is also of a slender build.

-Strangely, his eye color is yellow.

-Because he is short and small, he tends to look younger than he really is.


Azu was born the only child of the happy (although quite poor) owners of a dojo, whom took it upon themselves to teach Azu the ways of martial arts in the hopes that he would someday take over the dojo in their stead. From as soon as he could walk until he was 15, he followed his parent's wishes and practiced the art. However, he never really liked fighting- he was never the type of person that enjoyed hurting people, although he was absolutely sure he'd never hurt anyone, ever.

He was so, so very wrong. One day, when he was 15, a young gangster at his public school thought that it would be funny to bully him and then attempt to stab him with a knife; something that they would sorely regret if they ever woke up at the hospital. Azu had, on instinct from the martial arts training that his parents had given him, beaten him so badly that the poor kid had gone into a coma. Even though it was self-defense, he was charged with assault and sent to Juvenile prison.

Azu hated it. The only solace he had in that place was a piano tucked in the corner of one of the activities areas; day after day he would play it for hours, often needing to be carried away by a guard. By whatever chance or luck the universe held, he found a love and incredible talent for music.

Now, two years later, Azu is finally out of Juvenile. Having received an acceptance letter to a most prestigious school, his parents were all too happy to send him in hopes of giving him a good education. Who knows what they had done to get that acceptance letter?


Memories of what he had done still haunt him to this day. His loving parents believe that he was only defending himself, having been the ones who trained him.

He hates the color
red....the color of blood. He can't stand to look at it.

Azu is blind in his right eye, another outcome of the fight that led to his inprisonment.
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Alright, I'll get to making my starter post now. xD After paipai posts her characters I will call this roleplay officially closed! xD
Jaimie is adorbs! Xeon will have fun here @paipai900 what kind of weird backstory should I have for why Xeon's here?, and I have an Idea maybe you can make an older Luna here so she can finally have Xeon in a different rp and scenario lol
I feel a little bad for taking two spots, plus I'm getting busy soon, I'll take out my female character for someone else to take :3 don't feel bad, I won't have time to respond to both of them ^^"

Name~ Minx Grey

Age~ 15

Gender~ Female

Personality~ Random quite often, as she likes to yell random comments and prank people she first meets, she has a shy side when it comes to her feelings.

Appearance(Neko please)~ <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_09/k.jpg.98a3ac63c481e00d490e5e84391eb394.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="5645" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_09/k.jpg.98a3ac63c481e00d490e5e84391eb394.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Bio/History~ Minx is an only child. She was born into a family where her parents beat her. Finally came the day where her parents were driving home drunk and they crashed into a truck. That was her happiest moment of her life.

Other~ She likes to sing.



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I'll just put up Zach's brief personality and background, I'll add more in a few hours once I get on a computer :3 I've decides to make a very masculine female!~

Dear Minx Grey,

Congradulations! You've been accepted to attend Hardcastle Academy! We can't wait to see you walking through the hallways with your textbooks and binders, we are sure you'll be happy here! You'll be staying in dorm 8 while you are here. Move-in weekend is from August 10-13, so make sure to check your calenders! As a student here, you will be expected to be here before September 1st, the first day of school. As stated before, we are excited to see you here! Don't forget about move-in weekend!

~ Staff at Hardcastle Academy

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