The Academy for the Nekos~Closed~

Name~ Athalia Crimson

Age~ 14

Gender~ Female

Personality~ Athalia is probably one of the most adventurous and most curious nekos you will ever meet. She rarely gets serious in doing things, and her happy-go-lucky personality makes her get more friends. She doesn't really like studying and doing things that will make her fragile body tired, but if forced to or given encouragement, she tries her best to finish what she started. She has a soft spot for cute things and likes anime-- drawing, watching, playing it.

Appearance(Neko please)~

Bio/History~ Athalia's family was a very rich and famous one. The Crimson family had large companies all over the world for generations, and they expect Athalia to be the heiress--although she doesn't want to. Her parents would always try to force her or beg her to at least know the basics of business, but she would always totally disagree. Soon enough, she thought of getting in Hardcastle Academy, to be free of her parents' grip.

Other~ Violet! c:

~ She's an otaku and fujoshi.

~ She's practicing some magic/ alchemy.

Here it is! Also posted at the first page.
Name~ Yuki Shirokou(Shiro means white, which is my favorite color)

Age~ 15

Gender~ Female

Personality~ Yuki looks like she is a lonely girl, but really her, "Schizoid Personality Disorder," seperates her from a lot of other people. Her disorder gives her inability to show any emotion through facial expression or for that matter, any expression, including humor.

Though she doesn't show emotion, at times she can be quite childish, through lack of understanding. She gives off an innocence presence, and anything she asks and doesn't get an answer for on the first try will be looked up on the internet, and read aloud in front of anyone who is listening or happens to walk by.

The girl doesn't understand the concept of friendship, and when she tries to be outgoing, everything goes awkward and she makes another person afraid of her.

Yuki doesn't like that so many people are afraid of her, and feels a bit lonely because of it. No one notices it because she doesn't show it in a normal way. Well, she doesn't show it in any way.

Yuki is also easily lost and is so bad with finding her way around that she often ends up in the exact opposite place that she is trying to be.

Appearance(Neko please)~

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_09/Sakura.Kyouko.600.601814.jpg.e2880e220abef35337e9788284ee470f.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="5655" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_09/Sakura.Kyouko.600.601814.jpg.e2880e220abef35337e9788284ee470f.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Bio/History~ Yuki grew up in a large family, so her parents never paid attention to any one person at a time. Yuki was taken care of by her older brother most of the time, so when he died she became a mess. She had 3 sisters and 6 brothers orignally, and now had onlly 5 brothers. Yuki was always sad and she was very disorganized, but no one really cared because no one saw her tears. Yuki went to school normally, because she didn't show tears at all. At Yuki's school, a lot of people hated her for not ever laughing or crying or smiling. The girl was actually bullied at times, and her victomizers would sometimes kick her saying, "Cry, freak, Cry!"

A month later Yuki wanted an escape when the bullying became daily, so she ran away from home and was then found and brought to the neko academy.

Other~ Yuki will follow around those she likes.



  • Sakura.Kyouko.600.601814.jpg
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That I did. xD I must've forgotten to make your letter. :I You've been accepted but for the moment I can really function and copying the letter might take away all of my energy. x3
@L u n a ☁ I am so so so so sorry I forgot to respond. >.< This week is taking a toll on me.

Dear Athalia Crimson,

Congradulations! You've been accepted to attend Hardcastle Academy! We can't wait to see you walking through the hallways with your textbooks and binders, we are sure you'll be happy here! You'll be staying in dorm 9 while you are here. Move-in weekend is from August 10-13, so make sure to check your calenders! As a student here, you will be expected to be here before September 1st, the first day of school. As stated before, we are excited to see you here! Don't forget about move-in weekend!

~ Staff at Hardcastle Academy

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