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The 82nd Hunger Games

My character:

Joshua Clip






Quick to judge and rather sharp-tongued, it doesn't take much to figure out why Joshua's never had many friends. He spent most of his childhood and early teen years lurking on the sidelines, only occasionally bothering to socialize and participate. While one might think that he's bothered by his lack of close relationships, that's not exactly the truth. Joshua's never minded being alone; in fact, he quite enjoys it. He'd much rather wander the streets alone than go to some social event or hang out at some friend's house. Of course, all of this introversion and coldness hasn't completely shrunk his heart. Somewhere deep in his soul lies a kind, generous, understanding man- the only person to have seen that side of him so far being his father. It wouldn't be too far-fetched to say that his bitterness stems from his mother's death when he was five; perhaps he thinks that he can keep himself safe from grief if he avoids forming a close bond with anybody. Of course, everyone knows that you can't survive the Games alone- so perhaps the 82nd Hunger Games will be his time to truly shine.

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Name: Lexi Falcon

Age: 14

District: 8

Appearance: pale skin, blue eyes, long brown hair, short and skinny

Personality: not afraid to speak her mind, usually optimistic (but not always) determined, independent, friendly,

She has become quite skilled at crocheting, knitting, weaving, etc. from helping her mom. She can figure out how to braid almost anything, which would come in handy in the games if there are trees because she has braided leaves before, and then she wove the braids into baskets or whatever she wanted. She doesn't use Her blindness as an excuse, but instead as something that keeps her going. ("If I don't do this they'll think I can't because I'm blind. I have to prove them wrong.") she also enjoys reading and writing and playing with her black lab, Midnight
Oh, Lexi's 16 not 14


Lexi Falcon stood with the crowd of girls her age. She was anxious for the names to be called, and the Capitol representative up front seemed to be drawing it out as long as possible. First the video that meant nothing to her, then fishing her hand in the bowl for at least thirty seconds... It made Lexi want to scream. Just announce the name already, is it that hard? Then the lady started slowly unfolding the slip of paper that held a girl's name. "And the girl tribute for district 8 is..." Long silence. "Alexandra Falcon!" Lexi stayed still, and she heard people shuffling out of her way. She shakily extended her cane and walked forward. It seemed like forever until she reached the stage, but she did and she ascended the steps. She couldn't believe she got chosen. What about her sister Abi? And Midnight? And her mom? Her dad had left them when she was 10, so she wasn't worried about him. She detested him for it. She waited while the Capitol representative reached into the boys bowl.
(Forgot to mention that Josh is in District 8 as well)

Joshua Clip stood at the very edge of the boys group, far enough away to avoid the quiet murmuring between them but not so far so as to attract attention to himself. He watched lazily as a blind girl - apparently named Alexandra - inched her way up on to the stage. He snorted as he noticed that she was the blind girl he'd heard so much gossip about. He wondered to himself just how a girl of her condition could ever have a chance of winning.

"Joshua Clip."

Josh jumped as his name was called. It took him a moment to realize that the District Representative was the one who had spoken it. He felt his face go slack with shock, his eyes almost popping out of their sockets. How? Why? What had led to him of all people being chosen!?

Swallowing nervously under the hard stares of everyone around him, he made his way up to the stage. He tried his best not to look at the girl beside him as he was congratulated by the Representative for the "honor" bestowed upon him.
Lexi shook hands with Joshua like she was supposed to. After everybody departed, they were led to a building where they were given time to say goodbye to their parents. She knew Abi wouldn't want to leave her. Of course, her mom wouldn't either, but the toddler would be more demanding. She followed the representative to the building and waited in her own separate room.

She heard the soft, distinct footsteps of her sister running up to her, before the girl engulfed her in a hug. Her mom entered too, and reacjed over her younger daughter to give Lexi a hug. They stayed like that for quite a while, before her mom pulled back. Abi was curled in Lexi's lap, forbidding her to move.

"Do your best, Lexi. We'll be waiting." Her mom said encouragingly, but her words were empty, meaningless, defeated. Lexi just nodded. She didn't feel like saying anything. "Love you." She whispered. Abi sobbed into her shirt, and she rubbed her sister's back until her family was forced to leave.
"I'll be fine, Dad," Josh assured his father. His dad, Kevin Clip, was the only man Josh had ever cared anything about. For all he cared, everyone else could go to hell. His father was the only one who mattered, and now the Capitol was taking that away from him. He fought back the anger that threatened to overwhelm him as his father wrapped him in a hug.

"I love you, son. Be strong and come home for me, okay?"

He nodded, his anger now having been replaced by tears that he struggled to fight against. "I'll try, Dad," he assured the older man.
Lexi was led to the train after they were finally able to pull Abi off of her. She was guided to a seat, where she sat down and listened to everything around her. She knew there was a window to her left, but she didn't care. Windows meant nothing to her. She started twirling a strand of hair around her index finger.

She was so nervous. How would she stand a chance in the arena where everyone else could see? Of course, now she had to prove it to everyone including herself that she could make it. She would do this. She would do okay, and at least live for a day in the arena. She would train and learn what she was good at... As long as she could bring her cane she would be fine.
Joshua trudged on to the train that would bring him to the Capitol. He resisted the urge to wipe away the one tear that remained in his eye. He was pretty sure the Peacekeepers guiding him couldn't tell it was there; best not to show them. He had to be strong now. He had to win this thing. Not just for his father, but for him as well. He took a seat as far away from the others as he could.
Lexi heard Joshua enter the train, but he sat down away from her, It disapointed her a little, since she had wanted to take some time to get to know him on the long ride. She didn't have much else to do anyway... She couldn't look out at the passing districtsshe didn't know where her room was and she didn't feel like askng, and then now she couldn't talk to him either. Oh well, she would get to know hm at some point...or not. She stayed immersed in her thoughts until it was time to eat. Then she stood, unfolding her cane and following the footsteps to the dining car of the train. She found it a bit difficult to walk on the moving train, but she managed. Someone told her where an empty seat was and she sat down
Joshua, who had since dozed off, jerked his head up at the call for dinner. His stomach gave a loud rumble in response. He set his jaw, his mind warring between curing his hunger or continuing his solitary peace. The hunger won out, and he found himself drifting into the dining car. He ignored the critical looks of their District's escort, Liam Bradbury, and his new mentor, the 64th Hunger Games' victor Samuel Hughes. He could tell neither of them were at all impressed. Honestly, though, he didn't care. He was on this ride to survive, not to be everyone's favorite little angel child. He purposefully ignored the other tribute, not interested in making friends.
Lexi was told what was out on the table, and she thought about what she wanted to eat. She said she wanted pasta and a cup of apple juice, and the escort Liam Bradbury helped her dish a plate. She smiled and thanked him as she dug into the food. She didn't pay much attention to Joshua, who wasn't even making much noise. She said little as she ate her food, wondering how she would survive in the Games. She had to prove to people that she could do it, because of course nobody would believe that a blind girl would survive in the games. She hoped she would get some sponsors, as it could go either way. Though she didn't want pity, that might be what got her the sponsors. On the other hand, she could obtain sponsors by managing to achieve a good score in training. Either one would suffice for her.
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Joshua picked at his food in silence. Even though he was starving, the little fear worm gnawing at his insides was making his stomach churn. He forced down the bile that was rising in his throat. He had to stay strong. What would everyone think of him if they knew he was more scared than a blind girl? He had to make a good impression. Good impressions would get him favoritism, and favoritism got sponsors.

"Well," the District 8 escort hummed. "You two are certainly quiet this afternoon. I must say you're the quietest pair I've had the honor of escorting in all my career!"

Joshua ignored the Capitol resident. Being quiet was his talent. His hobby. He wasn't going to change it for some stuck-up snob who probably had no clue how to do anything for herself.
Lexi ate, still thinking about the Games. She seemed to be more determined than scared. Her only fear was that she would make a bad impression on blind people in general. If she survived at least a good amount of time, they would stop underestimating her. But if she died in the initial blood bath, they would say that it was obvious she died because she was blind.

She nodded and shrugged at Liam's comment. "Yeah i know. I'm thinking. And trying to figure out how I'm going to survivs the Games when I can't see. I can do plenty on my own, but I won't know anything about the terrain." She shrugged. "I don't usually do a whole lot of talking anyway."
Joshua looked up from his plate at the girl and snorted. He still couldn't fathom the idea of a blind girl being able to survive more than five minutes in the arena. Chances were, she'd end up tripping over her own feet and getting clobbered to death by a Career. He suddenly felt a pang of pity for her. Poor girl, having to go through something like that with no eyes. However, he wasn't about to voice those thoughts aloud. No way.
Lexi ate silently and soon finished. She smiled at Joshua before standing. She said, "thank you", before unfolding her cane and pushed in her chair. Immediately, Liam stood. "I don't need help, thanks." Lexi told him with a little smile. "I know the way back to my seat." She shrugged.

She extended her cane and followed along the wall, trailing one hand on the window as she made her way pasf different cars to her seat. She sat down and continued thinking. She wondered what she would be good at. She knew she would certainly be underestimated... She could climb trees, so that might be useful. And she could weave.
Joshua crossed his arms and leaned back into his chair. "What are you going to do if they take that thing away?" he asked, gesturing to the girl's cane. His voice was sharp. The girl had to think over what would happen if the Capitol did something like that; which they probably would. She had to figure out how she'd be able to function if something bad were to happen. After all, they were going to the Games, not a children's party.
Lexi thought about this. She sure hoped they didn't take away her cane. That wouldn't be fair to her. But then again, they weren't fair anyway. She would find her way. It would be hard, but oh well. "I'd probably shuffle my way. Or crawl." She said. she'd have to find landmarks to keep her place. She wondered what kind of terrain there would be. She hoped it wouldn't be too bad, but she knew that was wishful thinking. Oh well, she would figure it out.
He had to laugh at that. Not a humourous laugh, but a sarcastic one; one that expressed his low expectations of her. "You won't make it very far by crawling. If a Career is sprinting after you with a sword, do you really think you're going to be able to get away by just crawling?" He looked at her then.
"I can climb trees pretty quickly. So if there are trees that would probably work. And no, I don't think crawling will work, but it's not like I can just run away, I'll run into something, or someone. Or I'll trip. But I'll find a way to get away." Lexi told him. She hated how he was underestimating her, btt everybody did, so it was okay. She just had to prove herself to him. She didn't like it, but it was what she had to do, so she would.

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