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Realistic or Modern Heat of the Moment [ Anime ]

Zero Gravity














History; [ Optional ]

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"27 years old, how about that, hm~?"


"Ah, you see, there's a little thing down there that makes me a boy."




Hayate can be very sarcastic and rude most of the time. He doesn't really care what anyone thinks besides himself, and he's always rolling his eyes and ignoring people and their opinion. If you think that your opinion is valid to him, think again. He's cocky, manipulative, and downright sadistic. He often masks it with fake kindness, walking with a royal aura as if he is the king himself. He is also very tricky, some people calling him downright evil. However, when it comes down to the center of his heart, he actually helps people as equally as he hurts them. He hates it when people can see right through him, as it makes him quite mad. He gets offended when people criticize his ways of aiding others, but plays it off as fake hurt. He is also generally nonchalant most of the time; he's always just taking a super slow stroll around town, anywhere he wants to go. He doesn't care about the gangs, or the people he might run into, because he's always prepared for it.


-his switchblade

-helping other people


-making people mad

-eating good food

-walking around town

-his coat


-people who can read him

-people who fight back

-being ignored






Hired Assassin/Yakuza Worker




-no emotions

-he's strong

-he doesn't grow attached

-he's quick with knives and other weapons


-soft on the inside

-tries to play it off cool

-very selfish

-doesn't have a lot of human socialization

-doesn't care what people think




Takano Kira





<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/57a8c3613224a_TakanoKira2.gif.4867375f3000d12f0e4b8c286912840e.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="62430" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/57a8c3613224a_TakanoKira2.gif.4867375f3000d12f0e4b8c286912840e.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/57a8c3613632a_TakanoKira3.gif.982e2e40e6158e406193c0643fb709d0.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="62431" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/57a8c3613632a_TakanoKira3.gif.982e2e40e6158e406193c0643fb709d0.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/57a8c3613a381_TakanoKira.gif.092dbcfa54ba3aa3646754b81c726fe0.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="62432" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/57a8c3613a381_TakanoKira.gif.092dbcfa54ba3aa3646754b81c726fe0.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


Kira is an absolute psycho pass. Anything you say or do to this kid can either piss him off or severely trigger a major change in his demeanor. He is almost always looking to spill some blood and will attack anyone for no reason. No matter how nice you've been to the kid...he'll kill without a second thought.











Sweet things







Doesn't care about anyone no matter what. He can give up or accomplish anything he feels like. Things like gore and torture, etc., don't phase him in the least. He's very good at thievery and trickery due to being young.


Being called weak.

Remaining calm.

Growing attached to someone. (Meaning it would be bad in his eyes for that to happen.)


Kira was born three years before the destruction of the government. His parents raised him to fight and fend for himself so that when they were gone, if anything bad happened, he would know how to live on his own. Kira has no other relatives...that he knows of. The boy took a great interest in the sight of blood after watching a murder happen right before him on the streets. His mother shielded his eyes and held him in her arms...poor woman didn't deserve what happened to her.

One night, Kira snuck into his parents room and brutally murdered them before dismembering them and hanging each of their body parts up on the wall.

He stood there in awe, laughing at the magnificent work of art he had managed. Ever since then, Kira has roamed the streets in search of something to entertain him, blood to spill. One day when he was 10, a man saved him from being killed...which shouldn't have happened...but Kira took to him and was trained to steal in order to benefit himself. That was the first and last time Kira ever grew attached to someone...later on the man tried to rape Kira due to a horrible desire for pleasure. Kira, a 10 year old boy, had slit the man's throat.

Shortly after that, he cooked and ate the man's arms and legs...what a disgusting little boy he is. But yes, that is the past of this poor...evil child.



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nishio, jun


assumed to be between twenty-four and twenty-six


the entirety of his anatomy points to male


jun is a tall, slightly built male with evenly tanned skin and an unruly mane of dyed blond hair. his eyes are a slackened grey, similar to those of the dead, devoid of sparkle and interest. his frame is wiry, lean, and strong, littered in scars and bruises that never seem to heal. decorating his skin are a myriad of tattoos, each telling a story important to him, retelling a tale that even he may not remember in full.


in the simplest of terms, jun is apathetic. uncaring for what occurs around him, deadpan, and seemingly bored, this young man doesn't see the world with the brightest eyes. his apathy and lack of enthusiasm and heart applies to most things, whether it be in work, human interaction, or mercy. in most cases, men such as him have a secret warmth and affection, though alas, he is an exception. to those he considers "close," he expresses only the barest lights of concern, portrayed through quiet conversation and gentle caresses. he's forgetful, absentminded, and spacey, quick to distraction and slow to attention. in addition, he's often bored, adding to his air of indifference. he has vaguely misanthropic tendencies, frequently straying from those around him, and is difficult to gain the trust of. almost dissimilarly, however, he has a godly sense of patience, slow to annoyance and slower to anger. life is, after all, simply business.




lazy days

late nights


aimless walking


pointless violence





most people



yakuza//freelance tattoo artist


works quickly and efficiently

is not hindered by emotional ties

calm, calculated


clean work




too emotionless

not driven


slow to trust

vaguely alienized





admittedly, much of jun's past is unknown, even to him. he remembers nothing of his early life, not how or with whom he was raised. in fact, he remembers nothing prior to ten years ago, the closest hints stowed away in tattoos he's had for as long as he remembers. around then, he remembers being shipped to the town. he was young, simply a teenager, but that seemed to matter naught. he was sold from place to place, used solely for manual labor and his body. this was how the first years of his remembered life was spent, a slave to fellow humans driven by mundane lust and selfish desire. his escape, of course, was performed by no moral deed. jun found his freedom with a murder, performed in the dead of night with a letter opener. a simple enough task, considering he was sharing his master's bed for the night. after the deed was completed, he stowed away, taking a fair bit of money and getting a career in the lesser of decent business practices. he took up a rather odd hobby of body art, as he discovered he had something of a knack for it. this is all we know about him at this moment.

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Masumi Yamamoto//"Sumi Yamada" (first name-last name)








Upon first impression, she may seem soft spoken and reserved. She has a quiet aura about her and almost never stands out, she's practically invisible and is very forgettable. However, that is certainly not the case. She just has an excellent poker face and is a talented actress. She is very intelligent and observant, as well as clever and adaptable. She is sly, calculated, and observant. She rarely misses details and plans her strategies meticulously. She works with what she's got, and although her work might seem less refined, it usually works. She's witty and flirty, and is actually quite sharp tongued. She will do anything to get her way, which has helped escape many bad situations. Although not exactly the most talkative, she is an excellent listener and picks up on subtle hints. She easily picks up on other people's emotions, and can just as easily manipulate them. Being an expert liar herself, she also has a keen sense of when someone is lying. She is cold, vain, and very selfish. Her first priority is herself and she doesn't care who she has to leave behind to protect her own life. Even if she helps someone, chances are that it was because it held no risk for her or it was a step in manipulating someone. She has almost no actual emotional connections with people despite what they may think. She is pretty numb to strong emotions, but death is something that always triggers her emotionally.


Manipulating, sweets, cats, puzzles, card games, smoking, war fans, rain


Being tricked, heat, the sun, weak people, bitter things, pretentious people, arrogant people


Works at second hand/pawn shop sometimes, which is run by a close family friend; mainly thief


Stealth, speed, intelligence, acting/manipulative


Bodily strength, numb to most emotions, reacts to death, can kill someone on her own but it would take a terrible toll on her mental state


Takeda, Yuuri (Last name, First name)








She desperately seeks camaraderie and human affection however is socially inept and has trouble approaching others. When she is trying to make friends she puts up a happy facade and fabricates a happy, normal upbringing as her backstory. Too often, she herself often gets wrapped up in her delusional "happy life" persona. When brought back to reality she becomes thoroughly distraught and throws a temper tantrum.



Pretending her life happy and loving




Being alone

Prostitutes, "shady" work (hypocrite, because she is a thief)


Pickpocket, Thief

Murders to steal, if needed




Some gardening knowledge

Carries syringes with anesthetic

Carries syringes with potassium cyanide


Compulsive liar (could be a strength?)

Physical strength

Short height (could be a strength?)


Yuuri never had parents. However it didn't matter. After the collapse of the Government, there were plenty of children who lacked a family. To Yuuri, her older sister took the traditional role of parents and taught her, fed her and loved her. Before the disaster, Yuuri's sister spent her days doing part-time work to provide for her younger sister. However after the Collapse, there was a lack of decent jobs that could support the two. Yuuri's sister turned to prostitution for the money and drugs to numb the pain. (Yuuri begged on the streets) Yuuri was unaware of her sister's new job but she became increasingly wary about her sister's odd behavior. One day she was suddenly informed that her sister had been raped and almost killed. A thin, trembling woman covered in bruises and cuts was sent home. She screamed the slightest sound and only wept day and night, cursing Yuuri under her breath for ruining her life.

Yuuri knew the mad woman was not her bright, diligent sister. However Yuuri also knew that she had to find some way to make money to keep the empty shell of her beloved sister alive.


Kuri Nakashima








Kuri used to be a complete and utter sweetie. Well, to her parents, that is; she was a bitch to everyone else. But now? Not so bitchy, just... Manipulative. She enjoys acting like a sickenly sweet, innocent teen around adults, but from her eyes alone you can see her true malicious intent, but only when she's playful. Kuri is coy, playful, sneaky, sarcastic and can just be plain evil.









Her bunny rabbit plushie



People telling her what to do

Adults, particularly men

Anyone talking about her parents. Just. Don't.

Brats who think that the world is going to back to how it usually was


Thief, murderer from time to time, 'prostitute' (AKA, luring men into her home and killing them)


Acting and appearing innocent

Rarely ever lets her emotions take over


Hiding and melting into a large group of people or background; once she's gone, you'll have a difficult chance of finding her


Anyone talking about her parents

Her rabbit plush

Fist fighting

Her meltdowns; once she's hit one, anger just takes over and she can do very, very stupid and reckless things


Oh Kuri. The girl used to the best life you could have ever imagined! Her parents were successful and rich, she had everything she'd ever wanted, butlers and maid to perform to her every whim... Pretty much, the perfect life. However, her parents decided such a life wasn't good for a young girl of six, so they made the choice to move to Kurusano and become 'normal'. Unfortunately for the family of three, this was far from what happened.

Once the girl hit seven years of age, disaster struck. All around them, the world crumbled and broke into madness. The two adults were horrified, but for this little girl... Heh, she was far from horrified. Every night she'd escape from her window and walk the streets, watch the madness overcome the people of the town, and she loved every single second of it. The human brain is a very interesting thing, after all. She never helped the people who begged, never batted an eye at the murders around her; she would just walk and observe from a safe distance. And, thankfully for the family, they still had plenty of money, so they would never fall into the same torment that the rest of the world was! They could hire people to protect them, and all was well for years. It took a turn for the worst though, once their money ran out...

It was when Kuri was fifteen that the money was starting to run dry. Poor mommy and daddy had to do the hard task of telling the group of bandits that they would have to go. Surprisingly, they shrugged them off and left without a word, and the family all breathed a sigh of relief. It wasn't for long though... The group of men returned that night when the family was sleeping, locked the door, and all hell broke loose... Kuri witnessed as her parents were tortured right in front of her eyes and her house ransacked. Each time a bandit found a wad of money, the torture grew worse and worse, and the horrific experienced lasted the entire night until her mother and father died from bloodloss. The men then had their way with the poor girl, and left her into a beaten, broken teenager who was no longer a virgin. For three days, Kuri just stayed in the same position they left her in, drifting in and out of nightmares and pain until she finally stood up. She dragged her parents bodies outside and buried them, swearing vengeance on those men who ruined her life.

Nowadays, Kuri roams the streets with the white cuddly rabbit her parents gave her at birth. The majority of the group have been killed in 'freak accidents' or fires, but some still breathe the same air as her. It disgusts her. And for her prostitution? Well, she never goes as far as that. Before anything serious can happen, she'll end their miserable lives. If a guy thinks it's right to take away the innocence of a young, underage girl, they don't need to live. That's just her opinion, of course.​

Asuka & Kenshin Matsumoto


We both are 18!

Asuka is the female here.

And Kenshin the male.

I like to be very straight forwards, you can't accomplish anything in this world if you ain't!

I am childish, even when I am already grown up, I see this world as one big playground to fool around in. This is my era, my time! Also I have a short temper so don't try to scare me, I won't be amused!

I am almost the same as that dumb goose there, but I tend to take the world a bit more serious, still a playground if you ask me, but I don't end in trouble as much as her. And I have a better temper then her! I am helpful and like to make the world a nicer place, even if it is only for three or four people. I guess you can call me generous.

Still, don't misjudge me.


I Like -

Weapons in general!


Fresh water

My brother of course. 'Nhnnng'

Messing around.

Females, a lot.


To cook

Females, also a lot.

My own face


My sister


Dislikes -

Animals, all of them may die.


Serious people


My feet.

Dislikes -

People who live to kill




I am constantly searching for joy! Or, well whatever brings ME joy.

I am the cook for people who are lazy to find anything on their own. Come to me an I´ll show you some baked fish!

Oh and I tend to steal from time to time, or spy. To get information. I can do anything.

Strengths -

Running, throwing and creativity. Oh and I can be flirty!

Cooking, creeping and Having fun. Being able to enjoy the little things in life

Weaknesses -

My brother, I have no patience at all, short temper. And My concentration is reaaaally bad. Believe her.

Running, my sister and Reading the atmosphere,

Name: Karahara Saejima

Age: 45

Gender: Male

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/c90b6b55140068e7628db6c1d7def29e.jpg.b7b6e82ece85c9f0163140af31ab1e50.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="62545" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/c90b6b55140068e7628db6c1d7def29e.jpg.b7b6e82ece85c9f0163140af31ab1e50.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Personality: Saejima is a utilitarian with a strong code of ethics. Charity is a dirty word to him, as is stealing. Everything has its price, and Saejima is determined to name it.

  • Fair deals
  • Electronics
  • Cars
  • Power tools
  • Loud noises

  • Thieves
  • Unabashed hagglers
  • Money
  • Slackers

Occupation: Hardcore survivalist, mechanic, and trader.

Strengths: Saejima has a master's degree in mechanical engineering, a souped-up muscle car, several (wildly illegal) guns, and a well-stocked well-defended garage he calls home. In addition, a lifetime of hard, technical work has made him both muscular and analytically-minded.

Weaknesses: Saejima has no combat training, generally tries to avoid conflict, and is wearisomely patronizing at the best of times.

History: Born in Tokyo, Saejima was a gearhead from the age of ten. He practiced programming and racing toy cars with his classmates, and managed to earn an internship with a local construction firm while still in secondary school. Saejima's life took a wonderful turn when he was admitted to Tsinghua University as part of a foreign exchange program, where he rapidly took to Tsinghua's mechanical engineering courses. He passed near the top of his class, and promptly returned to Tokyo.

Saejima, with diploma and experience in tow, promptly got a job with Kajima Corporation, a major construction firm. With his expertise, Saejima rapidly rose to a comfortable position, and very handily made a tidy living. In his spare time, Saejima liked to browse the internet, particularly boards covering survival. He wasn't a rugged outdoorsman, but he loved reading all his online buddies' SHTF plans. However, all his buddies' talk of future doom and gloom did affect him... what if the apocalypse happened? Saejima promptly began taking preparations to ensure he could survive the ensuing apocalypse.

With a heavy heart, Saejima graciously bowed out of Kajima Corporation and moved to Kurusano, using his generous parting wage to purchase a long-abandoned garage on the edge of town. Thanks to the town's illogical Yakuza presence and general lack of police attention, Saejima was able to purchase several handguns, small-caliber rifles, and an antique hunting shotgun, each with plenty of ammunition. Thanks to regular trips to the local airsoft range and dozens of foreign online guides, Saejima learned a small amount of expertise with using, cleaning, and storing firearms. To help pay his rapidly-increasing bills, Saejima got a job at a local convenience store, and took a part-time job with a temp agency. It was at this point that he stealthily bought several thousand dollars' worth of rations, water, and emergency supplies with the last of his money.

After the apocalypse, Saejima did his level best to help his fellow man. Though he would refuse entry to any refugee families who approached him, Saejima would do his best to make sure they could feed themselves and find a safe place elsewhere. Thanks to the general remoteness of his home, Saejima was spared almost all of the looting, but hearing stories of it on the news certainly helped to prepare him for it. Studiously, Saejima hid all his supplies around the garage and surrounding areas, in nigh-on invisible caches. Only Saejima knew the location of these caches, and a thief would be hard-pressed to find any.

Saejima travels into town once a week, to search for survivors and supplies.



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Name; Lord Edwin Farraday, Sovereign of the Vermin Spires (When not actively roleplaying, he goes by Eddy)

Age; 35

Gender; Male


; Lord Edwin Farraday is what you would expect a Champion of the Realm to be like. He is honest, full of integrity and takes his duties to the land seriously, especially defending Vermin Spire against the dark times coming. He is a rather boisterous man, and does not hesitate to go on about his deeds. (Such as stopping the Eastern Hordes, or defeating the Ironblooded Dragon of Corex.) When he is out of character, Eddy is a noticeably more relaxed individual who prefers peace and quiet. Eddy is a caring individual, both to beast and man. And he is a man with a jovial and humorous demeanor most of the time.

Likes; Live Action Roleplaying, Animals, Airsoft Guns, Circuses/Carnivals

Dislikes; Villains/Scoundrels, Soda (Soda Water is fine), Horror Movies

Occupation; Insect Farmer (Formerly Circus Animal Tamer)

Strengths; Expert at domesticating/breeding animals. Rather nimble. Has quite a few fancy rats and dogs which can defend him.

Is really intense when engaged in roleplay, so much that he unwilling to accept reality while playing. Terrible Liar. Smells awful. Has to maintain a good amount of food for his rats/dogs (which tends to cut on the amount of insects he can sell)

History; Hark fair denizens of the Realm! Here be the origin of Lord Edwin Farraday, Sovereign of the Vermin Spires!

Long ago, from a far away land/

Came the wonders of the traveling band!/

Merriment embraced all the souls of man/

Herein we find Sir Edwin before the plight!/

'Twas not a man of the blue blood/

But his heart was as pure as any knight/

All of the beasts would heed his call/

And they would do as they were told!/

While the band was setting away/

Darkness was coming to reign this New Day!/

The band knew they had no choice but to flee!/

But, lo such a choice Edwin did not have.

For his creatures had escaped from his sight.

Thus sparking Edwin to search all night.

He had found his beasts, in the Sacred Spires/

Forged by the most twisted of scrap/

Lorded over by ravenous rats/

Edwin saw his animal companions in danger!

The swarm was fast approaching/

And with all of his mettle he found himself able

To calm the Horde of its savage bloodlust

And with it, the Spires he would now command.
Name: Higashi Masakatsu

Nicknames: Gourikioh Masakatsu, Gourikioh-oyakata. Gourikioh means King of Brute Strength and was his shikona, his sumo ring name, while oyakata is a personal honorific marking him as a retired sumotori and a coach.

Age: 38

Gender: Male


A heavyset man, not particularly tall standing at 6 feet sharp but weighing in at around 260 pounds, which gives him a rotund, stocky build. He has a barrel-like chest, incredibly thick arms and legs that end in burly, appropiately large hands and feet and a thick log of a neck holding up a big round head that would appear oversized in a smaller man. Feature-wise, he has brown eyes and sports thick eyebrows and even thicker sideburns, though his black hair is cut short and neatly combed back at all times and his face remains clean-shaven. He also sports a slightly flattened nose, cauliflower ears and heavily scarred and callused arms and legs, a result of his dedication to hardening his body.

Clothing-wise, he walks around in a simple, thin cotton kimono known as a yukata, colored blue, and wooden sandals known as geta. While this outfit is usually reserved for those in the lowest divisions of professional sumo, Gourikioh himself feels that he shouldn't demand of his students something that he doesn't do himself and wears a rookie's clothes as a sign of humility. Underneath these loose robes he only wears an etchu type fundoshi, a traditional japanese undergarment that was even worn by soldiers during WW2. The little "apron" on the front sports the kanji hisshou, or certain victory.

Personality: Gourikioh is good natured and well meaning, always willing to lend a hand and opposed to unnecessary violence. He's not, however, a pushover. A born and bred fighter, he'll readily engage in a fight if justified and is unlikely to back down once provoked.

Food, sumo, martial arts in general, peace, music, training, victory

Dislikes: Criminals and other wrongdoers, weapons, cowards, laziness, giving up, people talking crap about sumo

Occupation: Coach of an unofficial (as in, not recognized by the Japan Sumo Association) sumo stable, owner of a chankonabe restaurant that operates on the same building as the stable, general strongman for people's needs.


-Freakishly, inhumanly strong and tough

-Bottomless stamina

-Can size up people quite well

-Koryu Sumo: Modern sumo has lost much of its martial focus. Though the ability to push, pull, lift and throw around opponents who weigh an average of 350 pounds on a regular basis while preventing those same things from happening to you is impressive (UFC champion Lyoto Machida credits much of his standup grappling success to his training in it), Sumo wrestling lacks a proper striking game (its open hand strikes are meant to push and shove, not damage the opponent) and has absolutely no ground game. Gourikioh's sumo tries to return to the times where the art was seen as another weapon in a samurai's arsenal by mixing it with strikes and grappling methods from other martial arts.


-Requires a large amount of food, almost perpetually hungry. Peckish at the very least.

-Believes in second chances in a world that makes them illusory at best

-Will help others for free

-Overconfident in his own strength

-Attacking his students will upset him quite handily

-Has made quite a few enemies


Gourikioh was a sensation of the sumo world. A native from Kurusano, which lacks sumo stables, he didn't emerge into the professional sumo scene from the collegiate scene as many expect from top wrestlers nowadays. One day he simply appeared at the door of a stable in the mainland, asking to be a sumotori. Though he started from the very bottom and was considered small for the sport, his truly outstanding strength and toughness ensured that he would not be seen as an underdog for very long. The shikona of Gourikioh seemed to fit him like a glove.

His eight year long career was quite fruitful, with a spectacular undefeated record, and he seemed to be a shoe-in for the highest rank of yokozuna, but it never happened. His profile was just too troublesome, he was an outspoken critic of the blind traditionalism of the Japan Sumo Association and repeatedly came under fire for what were seen as attitudes unbecoming of a sumo, which included his push for the sport to regain its martial aspects. Finally tired of putting up with what he saw as a sterile environment for the development of sumo, he quit the sport at age 28.

After his retirement ceremony, he returned to his hometown and with the money he earned from his career sought to open an unofficial sumo stable, where he could promote a more combat-ready version of the art, derived from study into a myriad of other martial arts. He was only getting started when the government fell. Though he had the opportunity to leave the town for safer areas, he decided to stay and promote his stable as a safe zone where people could learn to protect themselves effectively.

Though many an outlaw took exception to this, a few close encounters with an enraged Gourikioh and eventually his better students ensured that the area around his home would be recognized as his turf and left in peace, lest they suffer the same fate as the Burning Core gang. Poor, poor Burning Cores. Setting the place ablaze just wasn't worth it in the end.

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