That one special Night... [Inactive]

I look around and see no one except Layfon who leaves me to wait for his sister(unholyredeption thats you) 
I sigh and spin the rose with my fingers waiting
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Octavius said:
"Oh no I'm fine, It's a beautiful night out I thought we would go enjoy it…. Together" Tavian said with a grin on his face. Tavian looked around the room and saw the same thing he did before laughter, drinking, and dancing all around although surrounded by the joy he still felt the guile deep inside him. "I'm going to enjoy myself tonight, Perhaps she would understand if I told her" This thought quickly raced through his mind over and over. "So what do you say princess shall we go?" He said while still keeping in step.
Akari blushed alittle and nodded "O-Okay...I guess we can.." she said with a warm smile. Following him, holding his hand as she was led out "You're something, Lucas." she giggled softly "You're so different." she told him, glad to have met him. She waved to layfon and her little brother before she was brought outside "It is beautiful out tonight..."
Juliana was ecstatic! The eleven year old grinned with glee as she wal- skipped into the ballroom with cheeks a bright red. Of course, to see such a grin on her lips meant she had avoided her guards as usual but the unhealthy shade of red that was on her cheeks was odd. Of course, she became sick near the time of the ball and even now she was quite drowsy. However, the girl was always excited by parties and so she was here regardless of her health.

The small girls hair was neatly pinned up and a braid wrapped around her bun. Two strands fell around her face to caress her cheeks gently. Her neck was adorned by a small ruby, silver curling around it like vines to give it a rose like appearance as it rest upon her torso. Her dress reached her knees in a burgundy red, one side pinned up to reveal a white skirt underneath. She had shoes to match with a small amount of heel along with some white stockings. In her hair was a small white flower to finish the outfit off.

Once inside she looked around, searching for her brother because she caught a faint site of him. Eyes wide and her lips curled to a smile she bolted over to him, once catching him she wrapped her much smaller arms around him. "Layfon!" She cheered, only pausing when she felt her throat hurt slightly, although quickly it was ignored by the over joyed girl.

Layfon hugged her sister as she ran toward him "Hello there Julie! You look beautiful tonight. But you're always beautiful." he smiled and kissed her head softly before looking over at the younger prince who seemed to have paused and his face turned a bit pink. He chuckled softly "Juliana, you do know who this is, right?" he smiled. Not really sure if she knew or not, but he really hoped she did. Then she would be able to dance with him!
Im lost for word at the princess so i bow respectfully and head her the rose"h-hi" 
"Hey Layfon is this your sister?"
At the introduction, the girl slipped behind Layfon, her eyes watching the other boy carefully. She was always cautious about new people and this person wouldn't be an exception to this. She peered up at her brother with a small frown before she shook her head furiously. "No..." She mumbled quietly, accepting the rose with a polite nod to him. "Thank you." She added, diverting her gaze as she remained hidden behind Layfon.


Samantha was...uncomfortable. She no longer adorned the maid uniform as she was supposed to 'enjoy' herself at the ball, however it didn't help the small twitch coming to her fingers as she stared over the scene worriedly. She was confused by the fact she was supposed to relax and stop working, mostly since she enjoyed working! She bit her lip as she remained seated at one of the tables, seconds continued to pass as she attempted to stop herself from getting up and beginning to clean.

Her silver white hair was pinned up in a messy bun, a few strands fell out of place but were pushed back slightly by a thin blue band. Her eyes, the strange yellow eyes still stared at the table with curiousity on what she was even doing here. She wore a floor length dress that fit nicely upon her, the blue and black suiting her despite her usual colour pallet being black and white. There was a sash around its waist, black skirts underneath the seemingly dark blue.

Samantha's hands were resting upon her lap as she groaned. 'I dont even get to have my weapons...' She looked up, beginning to glance around in hopes of finding some method to get back to work. Oh, sweet, sweet work. With that simple thought she began to go over her duties for tomorrow, letting them settle her.

"Your welcome Juliana i believe thats your name right"my words are soft and kinda slurred 
I bows and hold out a hand to her"may i have this dance juliana?"i blush shyly my cheeks turning pink
Layfon looked behind him and chuckled softly "This is the Prince from Kazuka, Montana is his name." he told his little sister as he moved out of the way for her, letting her go to Montana. He smiled warmly and looked around, noticing his maid at a table and sitting there I wonder why she's by herself... he thought
I hold out my hand to Juliana hoping she will accept my request to dance and thinks 'Wow i would be lucky shes so beautiful and kinda like me shy but caring'i watch Layfon move so i could see her and formally ask to dance" princess Juliana will you give me the pleasure of having this dance"i bow deeply and hold out a hand
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Outside was somewhat cold and windy but in a pleasant way, Tavian instinctively looked up at the stars it was something he always did as a child and followed him to adulthood but then looked back at Akrai. "Iv'e never thought of myself as different" after this he stopped talking for a minute "Different doesn't always mean good my princess." Tavian knew his act of Lucas was slowly fading away but he had to hold on to it for just a little while longer. "But you are as well my princess for royalty you are not what I expected"
Akari looked back at him and tilted her head "What do you mean?" she asked him, not sure why he was acting a bit more funny now "You're acting differently and its making me worried..Are you hiding something that is too scary to tell, or something that would embarass you?" she asked, her hand squeezing his a bit more tightly.
Tavian lightly grabbed her hands and raised them up slightly "It's nothing, my princess I'm sorry to worry you it's not what I meant to do" Tavian didn't want to run the risk of upsetting her, he was having fun and it had been such a long time sense the last time he felt the slightest bit of joy even if he was using a fake persona he was planning to hold on to this. "Now we should probably go back inside before your family thinks ahem polisher whisked you away" Tavian said letting out a slight chuckle .
Akari giggled "Its ok, we can stay here alittle longer. Everyone is having a good time." she said, looking at his hands who held hers up. She never felt so special, except on her birthday. She kinda liked this. But she realized she was in a pickle. She not only liked Lucas, but she liked Yasuo too...Well this was going to get interesting "We can walk around for a little bit. Go around the gardens, go on the terrice."
I move forward to embrace and dance with Juliana but quickly move back unsure if i was too quick to approach her and try and dance"Juliana um would you like me to request a slower dance or is this song good enough?"
The night was crisp and clear, only a few clouds were spattered across the great wide sky, but the stars outnumbered them by many. The moon, even seemed brighter on this day. Maybe the dances in this kingdom held something special that made everything seem so much more magical than the rest of the year. Noella sighed, looking at the Palace from the rooftop and then down at her muddied up clothing from the days work.

"I wouldn't fit in there. Even if I were to go, it would just be to look at the couples getting all cozy." She looks up at the moon and smiles.

"I know you are looking down at me, papa. I know you've always said I was going to marry a prince some day, but I don't think that is who I am." She sighed quietly and put her hands behind her head to count the stars and make pictures and in the quiet air, Noella sang a quiet lullaby to the stars and thanked the God for every day she had been alive. The Hanabusa family had been good to her and she was forever grateful for that.
I walk outside and start walking around and i meet another princess laying on the ground and i summon up the courage and walk over to her"hi im Montana Kazuka. Whats your name princess?"i bow respectfully and then stand straight
Noella's song was interrupted when she heard a young voice below and, curious enough, he had mistaken her for a Princess. She climbed down the ladder of the barn and snickered quietly and approached the boy.

"It is a pleasure to meet you, Prince Kazuka. I am Noella. The Hanabusa Family stable girl." She bows in his presence, regardless of her being nearly twice as old as him.

"If I may ask, what are you doing out here and instead of in the party? Do you need a horse? I can get one for you if they aren't all asleep." Noella looked down at the young teen and smiled graciously.
"Well i acctualy was just walking around"blushes and looks at her"um do you have a dress you can wear to the ball?"
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(Back >_< I was eating food. Fox, ya' should be patient ya'know O.o )

Juliana glanced up at Layfon, a frown on her lips. "I would've gave him a cold..." She mumbled softly, sighing. She hated the feeling of guilt, even turning up here made her slightly concerned by the fact she could end up infecting someone. That is something she'd feel terrible for days if she did! The small girl pouted slightly, annoyed by the fact that she could only remain avoiding people in hopes of not making someone else ill.


Samantha could not take it. She reached over to the small sandwiches settled upon the plate, fixing them so they were orderly before she leaned back with a small smile. "Perfect." She whispered before standing up, brushing down the blue and black skirts before she decided to take a walk. Otherwise, she would remain fixing everything she found up and that would just be a very strange site to behold.
"Well, it is a good night to be walking around, young Prince. The air is fresh and crisp. Would you like me to retrieve a blanket? It is a tad chilly out and I wouldn't want you to get sick." Noella responded hastily with much hospitality.

[Let us wait for other people to post so we don't spam post everyone out of the role play, ok? <3]
"No thanks im heading back to the ball room soon i just needed fresh air"continues to walk around and picks some roses, lilies and bluebells and heads back to the ball room and puts them in a small vase
Layfon nodded "I know. But its ok. As long as you dont sneeze on your hands or on people, you'll be fine." he smiled and hugged her "Why dont we talk with Samantha? She seems pretty lonely." he said with a warm smile, taking his little sister's hand and walking over towards Samantha. "im sure she would love to talk with us."
"Hey Layfon"i call over to him and walk towards him and blush when i see Juliana again and suddenly become shy"um h-hi Juliana these are for you"i hold out the flowers to her and then bow"may i have this dance?"

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