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Teo Deum Abducto

"Spisson eh? Your previous lord must have been immensely powerful to have fighters like you in his lower ranks. I feel confident in our ability to handle a pack of mad dogs."

Xiao Yan leads you back to the entrance and down a different path. The path is narrow, but not so much as to be a difficulty to move through. Eventually you reach a dirt room, about thirty feet wide, that contains three emaciated dog-like creatures. They turn to threaten you, but you are much faster than them. Xiao Yan Is standing beside you but can't quite keep up.
As before, Teo sets himself in his fighting stance, and advances upon them, engaging the nearest mongrel.

<Teo attacks the nearest Mad Dog>
You miss the far right mad dog by a mile, but a small bright arc of electricity zaps the beast from the tip of your pike.

Xiao Yan rushes at the mad dog on the left. "Octane Blast" he yells as his fist impacts the side of the mad dog's head. A few moments pass where it seems that the blow did nothing in particular, but then the opposite side of the mad dog's head explodes outward bathing the dirt in blood.

The mad dog you are fighting tries to bite and you, but misses entirely. The other goes after Xiao Yan but is thwarted by whatever armor he must be wearing.
That's interesting...

Without much more thought, Teo again thrusts at the Mad Dog that was hit by the inexplicable lighting from his pike
You just barely catch the mad dog with the tip of your pike, but it plows along the side of it releasing entrails and all. It dies a few seconds later.

Xiao Yan throws a kick at the last mad dog, but the force of the hit wasn't strong enough to kill it. The remaining mad dog lashes at Xiao Yan with a quick bite, but isn't fast enough to do anything.

You feel a faint rumbling amidst the combat.
You easily impale the last mad dog, but then that rumble turns into a crash as one of the walls explodes outward, creating a temporary cloud of dirt and tree roots.

"What's the floor boss doing outside of its room?!"

The cloud clears revealing a giant red wolf about six feet tall. It quickly moves to block the exit you used to get into this room.

You now have three options: run further into the dungeon, run through the wall the wolf came through, or fight.

(You gain 150 exp).
"Milord, if we run I fear this thing will only chase us. I advise that we attempt to take care of it now, if you believe we are strong enough"
"We definitely can't outrun it, so we'll have to fight."

The wolf rushes over snapping its jaw at you, but its teeth can't seem to find purchase. You are the second one to respond, with Xiao Yan fumbling with something behind your back that you don't have the time to check.
The wolf is really quite agile and your blow misses by a mile, but that strange lightning from your spear draws a burning line into the wolf's fur regardless.

Despite you trying to keep between the wolf and Xiao Yan, your new liege still moves up to fight the wolf. "There's no need for gallantry on the battlefield Spisson". Xiao Yan throws a punch but just barely misses the wolf.

The wolf itself seems quite angry with you because of your blast of lightning, focusing onto you. It bites at your shoulder, and you can feel where some of its fangs manage to penetrate. A good number of them, actually. (Take 4 damage)
You hit and bury your pike deep into the wolf's shoulder, clearly getting deep enough to damage any organs the thing might have.

Xiao Yan continues to be unable to get a hit in.

The wolf, instead of attacking, begins to back off warily, eyeing the destroyed wall it used to enter.
Your spear pierces through the wolf's eyes with a sickening crunch. It collapses to the ground like a puppet then quickly begins to dissolve away. When the wolf is completely gone, a small pile of treasures can be seen where it had collapsed.

You find a leather bag filled with gallstones that Xiao Yan refers to as 'medicinal ingredients'.

You find a black crystal the size of a palm that Xiao Yan calls an 'empty magic crystal'.

And you find a small cabochon that looks like a polished wood knot that Xiao Yan calls a 'Level 1 Wood Core'.

"That was... bosses aren't supposed to wander from their rooms, just what kind of terrible things have we done to get luck this bad? Either way, we should take our spoils and leave to recuperate."

(You gain 200 experience)
He nods and takes the both of you back the way you came in. When you finally leave the dungeon, thankfully avoiding any more encounters, that ominous heavy feeling clears up immediately.

"We obtained quite a few valuable things despite what happened with the boss. We should go to the bazaar and sell the things we don't want. That Wood Core, however, should probably be infused into one of your weapons. Wood is subservient to Metal so you could say you have found quite a useful thing to complement yourself. Whether it will have a spectacular effect or not, we won't know until we try it. We should also probably pick up some food from a stall, the meat is good for you, especially after such a hard workout."

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