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Fandom Tenebris Final Fantasy IC

Una Brynhild

Crap. Poison darts. Una threw herself behind the roegadyn white mage's body. Una was safe from the darts, but she saw the white mage fell on her own knees as she tried to fight the pain she got from the poison darts. She didn't even cast poisona or esuna on herself before she got back on her feet.

"You okay??" Una asked the white mage, but quickly answered the question herself. "Oh, wait. Why do I even ask that. Of course not. Hold yourself together."

The white mage was either has no mana to spare, or she's dumb enough not to learn esuna. Either way, it indicated that they were in a bad condition. The monster was a tons of fleshy enraged lion-dragon-scorpion abomination. Without some sort of reinforcement, super spell or magical weapon, it would be near impossible for them to kill the thing. Una wasn't feeling too good either, the needles on her pocket watch was already pointed at 3, a quarter of her mana left. They need to end this quickly before their condition become even worse.

Think Una, think.... Is there something that can harm this thing? Yeah, of course there is!

Una slipped from the back line. With her head held down and her body in half-crouching position to made herself a smaller target, Una crawled her way towards Dorian's backside. She tapped the man's armor to draw his attention.

"Psst. Big guy. We must end this monster quickly. Remember that half-destroyed building we met before? Draw the thing towards that place. I will go ahead and prepare something nasty for our cat-scorpion-lizard thingie."

Her plan was simple but complex, the kind of plan that could only born from the brilliance of her mind. The armor dude would bait the cat towards the half-collapsed building. Una then would use her geniusness to trick the cat and make it ram the building, burying the cat under tons of concrete. The cat dead, everyone safe and happy. The council might even reward her handsomely!

Interaction: Epiphany Epiphany Mqueserasera Mqueserasera
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Dorian Van Dalsen
Job class: Paladin
Mentions: Arcanist Arcanist CaptainSully CaptainSully Donut Fret Donut Fret Epiphany Epiphany Spoiled Bread Spoiled Bread
He braced for impact, whispered the words of holiness to raise his defence and resistance. In his peak form, that much was enough to stop the nastiest of foes in their track. A giant manticore, however, took all of his hard-earned experiences and trashed them before he could so much as yell ‘shit’. The force of its earthquaking attack sent him away from his ground like a loan shark and a bankrupted landlord.

As he crashed to the ground again, so did all the weight of his equipment, which was less than nice. Dorian wouldn’t have clad himself in heaviest armors his money can buy without the ability to get up again after a heavier than usual punch, springing up smoothly like a nimble monk is out of the question, however. His struggle to stand up again sored his body further, but he must, only behind a shield of his own could he feel any safety. Although his resolve had greatly diminished, after the difference in strength was made clear. He was a town guard, not some monster slayer with both the equipment and mentality of one. He was trained to deal with thieves, bandits or stray monsters not this kind of threat. This time the risk outweighed the potential rewards.

Soon, he realized it was a bit too late to reconsider his options. Poisonous darts were coming his way. Luckily they were made with the attempt to inflict deadly substance instead of purely physical damage. The tower shield and the still-active buff was more than enough to protect his body entirely from this distance, leaving him still standing after the onslaught.

After a quick attempt to scan the surroundings, he could see the others also fared rather well. Were the random passer-bys stronger than he thought or had someone applied timely buffs? He did not know, nor did he have the time to find out. In any case, they required a solid strategy.
It was then a girl approached him with a plan. The girl he helped before, who was in a miserable state moments ago. But that was another thing he had not the time to consider carefully.

“Right, I will, it just… I’m not so keen on sacrificing myself, so leave that out of your plan.” Said Dorian.

With that said and another provoking roar, the man ran towards the half-destroyed building. He didn’t check to make sure if it was really coming for him, after all, he didn’t mind staying away from the danger zone if the beast decided someone else was more delicious looking.
Dancing in front of the monster Khen'to jabbed at it's eyes with his enchanted rapier until what mana remained in the blade was expended leaving a half dozen small stab wounds dotting it's face then backflipped out of range of the beast's paws and clear of stray poison barbs. Smirking at his success Khen'to shift3e his grip on the rapier back to resemble a staff in preparation for more spellcasting. He had just begun preparing a stone spell when he noticed the oddly buff healer yanking a barb out of her leg, finishing his cast the Miqo'te launched his projectile at the barbed tail hoping to incapacitate or at least damage it before it could launch any more spines then with his dualcast effect he cast esuna on the Roegadyn woman trying to purify the poison.

Risking a glance at his other impromptu allies he spotted the Hume mage saying something to the paladin and twitched his ears trying to catch what was said, raising his voice over the commotion he called out to them. "If you have a helpful idea feel free to speak up!" He gestured to the manticore with his free hand while chaining two fire spells together. "I doubt it'll adjust it's tactics if it happens to overhear."

Epiphany Epiphany Spoiled Bread Spoiled Bread Mqueserasera Mqueserasera
Mqueserasera Mqueserasera Arcanist Arcanist

The whizzing poison darts penetrated the broken walls which protected her, as she gathered specific spices. Fully pocketed, she struggled to get her bearings, since she was missing a shoe. Taking off the other one, her bare feet gathered splinters, while she sprinted towards the group. Suladinfon and cuperbickel, a sleeping reagent combination that could hinder, or potentially put the beast under. The common ingredients typically found in a secure home with a kitchen. Often the spices were used to make meat and rice bitter, but never put together because they cause drowsiness. She learned this trick accidentally as a kid, when she was experimenting a meal for her dad's birthday. They slept like babies for a few hours.

Spotting a knight headed opposite of her direction, her gaze drifted to the Manticore. Initially, she didn't want to help, but the rubble reminded her of a cave in. A year prior, she participated in a mission with other thieves who escaped via underground tunnels. Unfortunately, the group contained too many members resulting in a cave in leading to the death of two comrades. It was that specific event that encouraged her, even if she knew that time was running out for her current job.

Amidst the chaotic battle, she prepared her steal ability. First, she would limit the beast's speed to give her ample time to insert the spices up the beast's nostrils. However, to do so, would require her to be cloaked and hidden. Using an eclectic variety of abilities would yield a strenuous consequence upon her fatigue. She knew no names, but yelling for attention may cause an interruption in her plan. Then it whizzed past her.

The poison dart, the solution to her problem, barely missed her left cheek. Beautiful pheromones, since the beast could certainly handle its own poison. In fact, it may be attracted, the body viewing poison as a safety mechanism. Carefully, she tread, collecting the darts with cloth she ripped from her shirt. Then, she mixed the spices with the poison, generating an attractive concoction. Covered in glass from an empty bottle, she readied her slingshot. If the spices were disguised, the beast's immune system would be slower to react to the intrusion.

Now at a distance from the lumbering beast, she fired the glass at the beast's head. The glass flung from the cloth strand which clung between the two wooden tail ends of the slingshot. It broke straight in the beast's face, the glass shards not scratching the beast's hide, but the aroma seeped inside the beast's nasal cavity. She hoped that somehow the beast would fall to sleep, or would be hindered in a way to aid the group.
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Leo saw the creatures tail arch upwards before unleashing a hail of poisonous needles towards him. Heavy armour or no heavy armour, manticore needles weren't something to be scoffed at. He tugged at his spear to remove it from the creatures flesh, finding great resistance. The delay meant that he had no option but to brace himself for the incoming attack. He raised his fists in front of his face and closed his eyes. Through his eye lids he could make a flash of light and the sound of magic. Opening his eyes Leo could see the faint outline of a fading protect spell. He turned to see the mountainous white mage, nodding towards her in gratitude.

He quickly took his spear in both hands and planted his feet firmly. With an almighty heave he felt the spear come loose in his hands, its tip emerging with flow of blood pouring from the wound. With his weapon back in hand he made his best attempt to keep his balance atop the creature. He rushed across the creatures back and leapt through the air behind its back. As he made his way over the tail he swung his spear to try and sever it.

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