• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Realistic or Modern Ten Years Earlier


Creator of my own little Universe
Roleplay Type(s)
* This RP is CLOSED. This means only those accepted in the original roleplay, Ten Years Later, are allowed to join. However feel free to lurk, both here and in the other roleplay.

* CS will mostly be copy paste from the other thread I think. Maybe elaborate a bit more where necessary. I think we pretty much know what to expect.

* And yes I am gonna bother you all with code again :P

Brooklyn Barton

Ryan Barton

Lori D'Angelo

Dennis Ely

Winnie Kerrie

Tommy Leroy

Elliot Michaels

Mikayla O'Donnell

Raylene Perry


James Sullivan

Skygge Vuori

Mason Wenshall

Shane Westfall

Natilie Winfield

[img=http://fontmeme.com/newcreate.php?text=CHARACTER NAME HERE&name=Precious.ttf&size=40&style_color=COLOR CODE]
[img={Image of your character here}]

[color=#COLOR CODE][b][i]Full Name:[/i][/b][/color]
{This includes any middle names and such}

[color=#COLOR CODE][b][i]Nickname:[/i][/b][/color]
{Please include your characters nicknames and his/her feelings towards it}

[color=#COLOR CODE][b][i]Age:[/i][/b][/color]
{Ten years younger than they are in the other rp.
Mostly 16-19 I guess also depends on skipping classes and such}

[color=#COLOR CODE][b][i]Sexuality:[/i][/b][/color]
{hetero, bi, homo, demi, pan, a-sexual, and whether or not they are
(still) in the closet}

[color=#COLOR CODE][b][i]Appearance:[/i][/b][/color]
{This includes at least hair color, eye color, height, build and their usual
style of clothes. Mention if they have piercings or tattoos, but elaborate
in the tab 'other'}

[color=#COLOR CODE][b][i]Personality:[/i][/b][/color]
{Please describe their personality. Include strong and weak points
At least one paragraph. NO LISTS}

[color=#COLOR CODE][b][i]Background:[/i][/b][/color]
{How was their living situation? Where did they come from?}

[color=#COLOR CODE][b][i]Traits, charisteristics and customs:[/i][/b][/color]
{Did they have a certain tick, like poking others or fidgetting with a necklace.
Also include smoking/drinking/drugs}

[color=#COLOR CODE][b][i]Hobbies and such:[/i][/b][/color]
{what did they like to do in highschool?}

[color=#COLOR CODE][b][i]Happy place:[/i][/b][/color]
{What used to be their favourite place to be?
Where do they like to go now to relax and leave behind all stress?}

[color=#COLOR CODE][b][i]Tattoos and Piercings:[/i][/b][/color]
{Do they have any piercings or tattoos?
Please include pictures in spoilers and don't forget to mention
whether or not they got them before or after graduation}

[color=#COLOR CODE][b][i]Love stuff, Friendships and Hatred:[/i][/b][/color]
{Crushes, dating, flings and such. Best friends and their exact opposites}

[color=#COLOR CODE][b][i]Other:[/i][/b][/color]
{Anything more we need to know about your character or his/her past?}
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Full Name:

Gaylord Thomass Quinton


~ Gale {only Dennis has the honor of calling him this and surviving it. He pretty much never told any one else that Quinton is not actually his name}

~ Quin {Most common nickname, he will listen to it, Doesn't have much feelings towards it}

~ Quinnie {Dislikes it, but will mostly shrug it off depending on who uses it.}

~ Quincy {Hates it, and he has no idea who came up with it, but he sure is gonna hit that person when he finds out. His best guess is Skygge at the moment}




Homosexual, aware but has yet to official come out of the closet, not hiding in the closet though.


His dirty blond hair is mostly ruffled up, he doesn't care too much for his hair or looks anyway. His honey colored eyes have a certain shy and insecure look, yet can be fierce and determinded if you hurt his friends. He is one of the smaller guys, still waiting for his grow spurt, standing 5'4" at the moment. He is quite skinny, well no he is just skinny, maybe even underweight. His bones are very easily visible under his skin, just as dark bruises over his arms, back and chest. However he mostly keeps his body covered with whatever clothes he can find at home or in thrift shops. His usual attire are jeans and a simple shirt or hoodie on top. Some clothes look really worn off, which they are, but well money is tight and you can't go to school naked, now can you? Though now that he is living with the lovely couple that took him in, his clothing style is slowly starting to look better, yet he still prefers his simple clothes. However despite his troubles at home and not at all pleasant family life, there is always a smile on his face. He keeps his head up high and embraces the mask of someone that doesn't have one million problems going on in his head.


He was a silent boy, who hardly talked about himself (something that hasn't changed much). He needed a lot of time to open to people, but those who stuck through it, had made a friend for life. At times he could be quite naive, due to not keeping up with the trends and everything. He was a good listener and always paid attention to the classes. He liked to help those that needed it, be it with tutoring or giving them notes. Yet he had a hard rule to never let any one cheat of him, to the dismay of some.

He wasn't really a party animal, but would never turn down an invitation to (small) group events. He always seemed to avoid his home, and never invited anyone at his own place. People thought he was weird for using his surname as his real name, but most gotten used to it. He never got into many fights, unless it was to protect his friends and then the more nasty side of his personality came up. He knew a lot of rumors and used them to break other students or make some stinging comments so they would leave him or his friends alone.

He had tried his luck with girls, but most of them saw him as the cute little brother. The times he did went further with girls, didn't really seem to faze him like he heard the other boys talk about. His first time with a male had happened quite random, it had been a dare. And that was also the moment he figured out his sexuality. Though he was not ashamed of being attracted to males, he had a hard time staying put with someone, due to his insecurity or the others insecurity.He was a silent boy, who hardly talked about himself (something that hasn't changed much). He needed a lot of time to open to people, but those who stuck through it, had made a friend for life. At times he could be quite naive, due to not keeping up with the trends and everything. He was a good listener and always paid attention to the classes. He liked to help those that needed it, be it with tutoring or giving them notes. Yet he had a hard rule to never let any one cheat of him, to the dismay of some.

He wasn't really a party animal, but would never turn down an invitation to (small) group events. He always seemed to avoid his home, and never invited anyone at his own place. People thought he was weird for using his surname as his real name, but most gotten used to it. He never got into many fights, unless it was to protect his friends and then the more nasty side of his personality came up. He knew a lot of rumors and used them to break other students or make some stinging comments so they would leave him or his friends alone.

He had tried his luck with girls, but most of them saw him as the cute little brother. The times he did went further with girls, didn't really seem to faze him like he heard the other boys talk about. His first time with a male had happened quite random, it had been a dare. And that was also the moment he figured out his sexuality. Though he was not ashamed of being attracted to males, he had a hard time staying put with someone, due to his insecurity or the others insecurity. His highschool relationships were never long lasting, mostly consisted only of a quick hook up in the Library or behind school, htough he hardly made the first move.


He is born from an herion addicted whore. His father? Probably her pimp or some of the other guys she had between her legs. From the moment he had been born his life had been a struggle and he had to fight for his survival. It is a miracle he has lived to see the end of it. He had quickly learned to be indepent and take care of his mother, since she was in no state to take care of him. He never really got anything back for it as she would not hesitate to use him in any way possible to get to her beloved herion. As a child he had already learned to inject the drug in her veins, when she herself was not able to. He was a smart kid, always able to find solutions even in the seemingly faithless life he had. His schooling? Thanks to his looks and the way he could play people with his big honey puppy eyes. That and the fact that the school principal had probably some things to keep covered up, like the ongoing affair with his mother.

At the age of 17, his mother was shot dead in cold blood by her pimp. Their house burned down to ashes, as the pimp could not find her son. He escaped the flames, but a burning mark on his left wrist was the only silent reminder of that day. He had managed to keep himself alive on the streets for a few days, before a rich, childless, couple had taken him in. A lawyer and his wife, whom paid for his further schooling and were happily to support him in his dream of becoming a lawyer himself. Yet first would be the last year of High School, all while the tabloids still were filled of the story of his mother's death. Quinton himself being more determind than ever to set things straight and take his chances.

Traits, charisteristics and customs:

~ Scratching his armpit when nervous (something he had taken over from his mother when she needed a hit of herion)

~ Avoiding talking about himself or his home situation at all costs.

~ He was very actively anti-drugs, yet no one knew the reason why.

Hobbies and such:

~ Observing people and analyzing situation

~ Reading

Happy place:

~ the Library. He could always escape in the imaginary world or a quick hook up. Whatever would take his mind of things.

Tattoos and Piercings:

No, his body is completely clean, except for the burning mark on his left wrist.

Love stuff, Friendships and Hatred:

~ Mason. His number one crush. The boy had been on his mind since forever and now... now it would be time to confess.

~ Dennis. His best friend and his protege in a way. He hates the way people pick on him and tries to protect him as much as possible. In exchange he told Dennis bits about his home, like his mothers addiction and his real name.

~Skygge. The male just gets under his skin no matter what he does. The way he moves around so carelessly, breaks hearts where ever he goes. He just can't stand that he takes the world for granted.

{He is still open for further flings}


~ He has congenital analgesia, in other words the inability to feel physical pain. His brain will somehow change it to endorphins, causing pleasure instead.

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Full Name:

Shane K. Westfall


Usually goes by Westfall, or just West. (People liked her last name)




Shane is a tall, slender, androgynous woman. (Meaning she has mainly masculine or 'un-feminine' features) She is flat chested and has a little bottom, but has the figure of an hourglass. She is very muscular, with toned features. She has both of her nipples pierced. She has pale green eyes, flawless mocha brown skin that's devoured by freckles, and her hair is sepia brown cut in a short style. She's usually scene wearing clothes as simple as this:​


Shane is typically laid back. She has the appearance of your typical bad ass, with the personality of a someone completely opposite. She is known for being irrational and hard-headed, but usually kind to most people. She never holds her tongue, which gets her into a lot of trouble. She's a sucker for a pretty face and extremely flirtatious. She gives off a 'mysterious' vibe and it makes her very popular with the ladies, also because she looks and acts almost exactly like a boy. She used to be prone to fighting had anyone say anything out of context about her father. She will still react irrationally and defend him.


Not much can be said about Shane as she was raised quite normally. She is an only child who lives with a quite successful Drag Queen for a father. When her mother found out about her fathers habits, she didn't think she could handle it and left. Since then, Shane has been overly attached to her heterosexual, but feminine, cross-dressing father. She tells him all of her secrets and although she doesn't ever speak of him, she wouldn't be able to go on without him. She holds no grudge against her mother, as this experience taught her to be more open minded. Shane never had a 'set' group of friends.

Traits, characteristics and customs:

Shane was an avid party-goer. Everyone greeted her at the door. She never let anyone pour her a drink because they always put ice in it and she prefers not to drink anything with ice in it. Tends to play with her hair since it's so short. Readily puts herself in the way of danger without careful consideration. She was also a smoker.

Hobbies and such:

In high school, she was a determined member of the track team. She wanted to boost her stamina for boxing and decided that track would give her stealth she didn't have before.

Happy place:

In high school, she loved to be on the track field. She would often run laps around it after school for practice and even stay until much later after that. Then she would stop and smoke on her way home.

Tattoos and Piercings:

During her senior year of high school, she went and got her nipples pierced. I don't think she would feel comfortable with showing that off to just anyone.

Love stuff, Friendships and Hatred:



She obviously has a more feminine look to her, under the persona and shades.

She has naturally wavy hair.

She owns her own car (Toyota Yaris NCP93R).

She used to work part-time as a bartender at an LGBT bar.

She is actually quite the nerd.

She has never been seen with the same girl twice because "Shane doesn't do relationships."



Full Name:

Jyrki Sebastian Vuori


~ Skygge {It is practically not his real name, but he used it after he got back to school. And everybody was so kind to accept that as his name instead of Jyrki.

~ Sky {He listens to it and likes the shorting of his name}

~ Sebby {Only his (now dead) twin brother called him that. He will frown when someone else uses it and probably not react on it}




Bisexual, very out, very open, very everything


His black hair is just as unruly as the boy itself. Nothing can tame these wild half long strands that give the boy a look like he just stepped out of his bed. When he has to dress up he will try to comb them backwards, but even the strongest gel will only have a few minutes, with luck a little hour, hold on the locks, before they go their own way again. His eyes are a shade of very dark brown and you can always see a twinkle of amusement, tease or mischief in them. Even at the darkest moment you will hardly see this young male without a smile on his face. His eyes can plead innocent, while his actions speak the opposite and his puppy dog eyes have moved even the coldest hearts before.

His build is lean and muscular. He stand around 6’ to 6’1”, giving him the perfect view on smaller girls and low cut tops, something he likes to abuse. The muscular build comes from working out two to three times a week in the gym and having parkour as a (secret) hobby, which makes him very fast and agile also. His skin is sunkissed from being outside most of the time and being shirtless as he has the feeling those fabrics restrict him too much. However besides his sometimes intimidating build he likes to hug more than to fight with others.

His clothing style is mostly simple. He doesn’t really care for the latest fashion . As long as his clothes are clean it is good, right? Like mentioned before he dislikes wearing a shirt, so he mostly moves around in (torn) jeans and simple Vans or DC’s or something similar. Though it can occasionally happen that you spot him wearing a buttoned down shirt, though it will probably hang open and loosely from his shoulders. However he does have a few expensive suits, yet he feel unnatural and uncomfortable in them.


He is everything parents warn their kids for. He is a flirty badboy. A daredevil, always looking for a thrill. He doesn't take life too serious, since no one is gonna make it out alive. He likes joking and playing around, breaking a lot of hearts as he does so, though he makes it obvious he is not looking for anything serious. He is honest from the start, making sure the other party knows that he is no boyfriend material and it will be just for one night of fun. This however does not mean that relationships do not happen to Skygge, but it will take a lot of determination and patience from the other party. As the rebel prince guards his heart from falling in love very well, just pushing away everything that goes beyond just harmless fun.

Rules are meant to be broken in his opinion and he likes to rebel against authority. Always breaking the rules and pushing the limits (including his own). He is an open and outgoing boy that can be very up in your face. He likes to challenge people and push them out of their comfort zone. This is the second reason you will need a lot of patience to stay around him. He will not hold back his opinion on matters, yet he will be careful enough not to harm any feelings (most of the time). Still he is no fighter and would joke his way out of a fight that started because of something he said. Though when there is really no way out of it, he can stand his ground if really necessary.

However beyond the careless, rebellious and playful mask lies a sweet, scarred and caring boy. He can be a very loyal lover (against the odds) if someone would be able to break through the thick wall he build around his heart. Since he pretty much doesn’t allow himself to fall in love, since it will only bring him heart break and he doesn’t want to go through that devastating pain again. If he'd be honest he would tell you he hates to lead the life he has and would much rather be free from the golden cage he lives in, which only cares for money, power and appearance. If he trust you, he would even admit he is making preparations to leave this materialistic world behind, by changing his name and the wealth and status that comes from it.


Being the stepson of a successful and rich lawyer is not easy when you have no interest in law at all. The more Stephan pushed his stepson into the mold of being a qualified heir to the Vuori-name the more Skygge started to rebel. He had never been a fan of the male, not from the moment his mother had remarried. The new husband had always pushed him and his twinbrother, since failure was not an option. This had lead to a depression on his twin brothers part since he simply didn’t have the intellect to keep up with his two minutes younger brother. This had lead to the suicide of the other at the age of fifteen. Something that was witnessed by the calmer counterpart, Jyrki. From that moment on something had snapped in the boy, refusing to listen to that name as he renamed himself Skygge. He started to fight back, stay out late, run around in the bad parts of the city. Yet, his grades didn’t slip, as he managed to keep his straight A status.

Stephan, still trying to ignore and silence the fact one of his ‘kids’ had commit suicide, started to bribe the young male. He compensated for his loveless behaviour by buying him expensive cars, the newest games and consoles, clothes, everything a boy his age could wish for. It only lead to Skygge resenting him, and the golden cage life of the rich and the famous, more and more. The boy however knew that he was dependent of the new husband, so he settled for the small battles. Causing scandalous and making sure to reach the tabloids and magazines every now and then with his rebellious behaviour. While also keeping up the golden shine by appearing on benefit festivals and parties, yet crashing that image by flirting and going against the well mannered etiquette.

Only his friends knew about his resentment towards his stepdad and his wish to leave behind the golden cage. However he had never given them any explanation for the year he had been missing from school when he had been 15. His friends sure had him seen change from the calm boy to the rebel, but he avoided all questions most of the time. However he had told them about his brothers suicide, but not with too many words and eventually they had let the subject slip.

Traits, charisteristics and customs:

~ Smoking

~ His half crooked smile when he is up to start some trouble

Hobbies and such:

~ Sketching

~ Going against the rules

~ Push people out of their comfortzones

~ Challenges/bets/dares

Happy place:

~ The roof of the school building, both to be alone with his thoughts and to 'talk with his brother' as well as to break the rules, since the roof was a restricted area.

Tattoos and Piercings:

He has a tattoo on his left shoulder. It is his own design and he had set it when he was 15 just after his brothers death. It was his first real rebelious act against his parents as it sent for his real surname and not the name he had gotten when his mother remarried.


Love stuff, Friendships and Hatred:

~ He currently is a sort of together with Raylene. At least the girl seems to think that and he told her it was nothing serious, but she seems to not catch on...

~ He is close to Elliot, the two are loud together, though Elliot tries to make him respect the rules... like that is ever gonna happen

~ Tommy Leroy, well they are the hunters, checking out the girls, commenting shamelessly on them. Yup that is their kind of having a good time.


{might be updated}



Full Name:

Winifred Bren Keir


Winnie - Used by most people, it was the name that she would tell her teachers to use

Win - Used by closer friends

Fred - Used by Acquaintances, she didn't mind it




Demisexual -- No one asks, so she doesn't really care about being 'out'


The general look of Winnie is an unintentional eye-catcher. She is mostly recognized by her natural copper-tone hair, which is always purposefully tousled and waved to shape her face, and her sharp gray eyes will catch anyone's attention if she looks their way, sometimes intimidating them. Despite that, Winnie has a warm smile that acts fast on a dull day. She's often seen smiling, especially when she's with her friends, but due to her living situation, tries to restrict herself appropriately. Her wardrobe is quite dark, with blacks, grays, and the occasional red, but she's always loved a sharp leather jacket to frame her shoulders. She's quite short, standing at a good 5'3", but she hopes to grow fast by college.


Because she was bullied in her younger years, Winnie mostly kept to herself, listening to music and drawing her dreams. In the eyes of her classmates, she never spoke, never raised her questions, never really did anything. She had given up on social skills before Freshman year, and found no hope in trying to sharpen them for people she'd never see again in four years.

When she did find friends, the brighter side of her shone out. Under the tones of the night sky, pastel laughs and cheerful celebrations that didn't really celebrate... anything came out. Once Winnie opened up, she was a cheerful kid who helped her friends through anything and never asked for anything in return. Be it about datefriends, art class, or even rainy days, Winnie always seemed to be right around the corner, and she never asked anyone if they were available to do the same thing. She seemed to take care of herself, and be perfectly content with it.

Although she could do better in History and Math, Winnie excells in anything that doesn't require a 'right' answer. She loves literary interpretation (and ignores the weird looks of her classmates when she dissects poems by shapes and patterns), and is even working on art projects in the summer. Where others hated school, she loved it. It was quiet, and away from home. She could slouch over her work, and no one would yell orders.

Apart from close friends, Winnie never really went anywhere with romance. She was just never interested. Sure, maybe she had a few crushes on friends, maybe... but it was like she always said. 'I'm not going to be interested in someone unless they're my friend, and I can't be interested in my friend because then I'll 'put the friendship at risk.' It was never any use.


In her early years, Winnie loved life with her parents. Her father was native from Scotland, with the quickest wit and sharpest tongue, and her mother was born in the Bronx, with the academic intelligence of a full ride from NYU -- which, incidentally, she had. They lived in the Bronx, and Winnie's parents loved each other and they loved her. They gave her everything that a city borough could.

And then, they left.

They said that they had no choice. Well, that's what they said on the dirty index card that Winnie found on the kitchen table in the seventh grade. They said that there was a problem at work, at both of their works, and that they didn't want to put Win in danger. She was their everything, they said, and they didn't want to hurt her.

And then they sent her Uncle Al to take care of her.

Uncle Al, wasn't really an actual uncle. He had no relation to Winnie, or Winnie's father, or Winnie's Mother. And 'Al' wasn't his real name. It was Alexandr Kriegel, and he was a war veteran found in the Yellow Pages. He lived away from the city, in a two story townhouse with no air conditioning or fire escape. But that was the least of Winnie's worries. Uncle Al was a war veteran, meaning that he had the word 'discipline' nailed above his bedroom door like it was a horseshoe. While Winnie kept to herself in School, she hid her sketchbooks at home and learned to speak only when spoken, and how to break someone's arm. Winnie's relationship with Uncle Al went two ways, for very obvious reasons. First, he terrified her. He still does. His method of teaching, of life... it was something Winnie never wanted to revisit, even as an adult... but looking back on those years, Winnie remembers Uncle Al as an oddly funny man, who took her under his featherless wing when he didn't want to... he gave her just what she needed in High School, and for the rest of her life: a spine.

Traits, charisteristics and customs:

-Biting her lip when she wanted to say something out of line

-Twirling pens or pencils with her fingers

-Biting on erasers

Hobbies and such:

- Drawing

- Band - played the oboe

- Screenwriting

Happy place:

Band Practice Rooms - Soundproof rooms that were always open - only silence allowed.

Tattoos and Piercings:

With Uncle Al greeting her at the door every day? Ha, fat chance of that. But once she's out, she wants to get at least a small tattoo, and an interesting piercing.

Love stuff, Friendships and Hatred:

-Raylene is her best friend. They come in a sort of 'yin & yang' package.

-Lori is so sweet and is kind of the reason Winnie isn't flunking Science.

-Mason, or Othello (the one game that Winnie could never beat) is the teen heartthrob, Win knows that. She also knows that she's gonna fight him. Virtually -- not literally. She'd lose at that.

-Ryan is... pretty sweet. If only he'd get off of Brooklyn's back, though...

-She doesn't know how, or why, but James is... he's got a nice face, okay?

-Skygge is gonna get what's coming to him. One way or another. Promise.


-Winnie's favorite classic artist is Vincent Van Gogh

-Win will fight to the Death over Marvel and DC

-Win has chronic headaches -- they're mild. But they're still chronic.

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Full Name:

Dennis Steven Ely


Four eyes- He laughed along with his teasers at first, but now it's just become a nuisance.





(Some people thought he was gay)


Dennis was a scrawny guy. He was a bit taller than average which only made his body look skinnier than it really was. He has curly brown hair which he gets from his mother's side of the family.


Will edit...

Back in high school Dennis was that one kid with underwear in his head and face being flushed on the toilet. For some reason, back the guys in high school felt they had a right, no, a duty, to pick on the dorky kid with glasses. Had they just asked for his lunch money and asked him to do their homework, maybe Dennis wouldn't have resented them so much. But since the bulling went further than simply throwing his books on the ground, Dennis loathes most of the people in his high school. Dennis used to be that innocent boy that got pushed around. He wasn't confident enough to defend himself and was socially incompetent most of the time. He ended up saying the wrong things to the wrong person and landing himself in trouble. Although so much bullying made Dennis a shy introverted soul, he was never unhappy. He had a great sense of optimism that kept him going all through high school.


Dennis doesn't have an interesting back story or place of origin. He was the only son of a middle class family. His father was a banker and his mother was a school teacher. They didn't pressure him in school or sports, but they somehow always expected him to do well. They were a pretty care free family. Not too many rules were involved in his family just the usual, bed time, chores, and television limit. For the longest time, Dennis wished his family was more interesting, but after a while he began to appreciate his small city folks. Every summer, Dennis and his family would take a road trip to some isolated town and explore the history of little towns. Though it wasn't Cancun or Florida, Dennis loved his escapes from the usual routine. His parents were always loving and worked hard to give Dennis everything he wanted. When they began to notice his friends at school becoming a problem, they went to hell and back to make their little angle safe, but with such a crummy school system, the bullies were never taken care of.

Traits, charisteristics and customs:

Stutter when nervous

Push glasses back when thinking

Random dancing when happy

Hobbies and such:

Play D&D and video games

Happy place:

D&D Club Meetings

Classroom 210

Every Wednesday from 4:00 - 5:00

Tattoos and Piercings:


Love stuff, Friendships and Hatred:

{Crushes, dating, flings and such. Best friends and their exact opposites}


{Anything more we need to know about your character or his/her past?}

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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/57a8c36521605_newcreate(1).png.c6f68ad2daf9a9932fa64cf4f9df4880.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="62591" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/57a8c36521605_newcreate(1).png.c6f68ad2daf9a9932fa64cf4f9df4880.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/iuyt.PNG.96cc9acd6c8fcc978ead977300f08162.PNG" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="62592" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/iuyt.PNG.96cc9acd6c8fcc978ead977300f08162.PNG" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Full Name:

Raylene Marie Perry


Mostly she was called Ray-Bear (thanks to Skygge) due to the fact that she despised it, and was horrified of bears. But most others just called her Ray, and her family calls her Ray of Sunshine, even though she can't stand it.






Raylene is very girly, she's the type who liked to wear things like bright pink poodle skirts, striped shirts, overalls, and colorful retro clothing that just might clash, but never realized just how much of a crime to fashion she is doing, because she always pulls it off because of who she is as a person. Sometimes she wears graphic tee's or tank tops because she is such a huge fan of comics. She's not very slender, but she has slightly wide hips and an hourglass figure that she effortlessly pulls off. The only piercings she has are her ears and a nose ring. Her hair is a deep mocha brown that trails down and is usually straightened out, or if she leaves it wavy she will pit it in a ponytail. Her eyes are a light brown, that resemble a caramel color in the sun and her height stops at a simple 5'5''.


Raylene loves kids and connects with them better than anyone else. She is always babysitting or offering to babysit.

Sometimes she feels a bit out of touch with those closest to her, and feels like they just aren't understanding or listening to her, and she went into a brief (secret) phase of depression in her junior year and missed a week of school.

She is also a bit of a blank space, as if there was this part of her life that she just couldn't seem to fill, and it makes her lack the last little bit of her character. Ray was never one for relationships or romantic involvements with other people, because she just doesn't think she could handle it. Not to mention if her father finds out, she's done for.

Family comes first. School comes second. Romance comes fourth. Sure, she's kissed the random guy here and there or flirted at parties, but she's not the type to let them or her gain any interest in the other. It's an unnecessary distraction.


Raylene's parents were born in India and came to America where they had and raised her up as a child with her older sister and younger brother. Her parents were firm in their belief that their children should get a good education, and did not believe in buying lots of technology or clothing, so Raylene took up babysitting and a job when she was 16 to raise money to buy things on her own. Her home was very simple, with the bare necessities and a few nice things like an antenna television and such.

Raylene's father could be a bit harsh and overbearing at times when she got a B or when she talked about guys that she found attractive or wanted to date. But she knew he was just thinking of the best for her. He and her mother had moved to America so that their children could be successful in life, not to date and gush over boys. And her father was still a believer of arranged marriage. Because in India, he'd be giving a dowry off to the finest suitor for his daughters at this time; if they weren't illegal now.

Her mother wasn't as serious about enforcing the rules of education comes first. As long as her daughters believed they were living up to their full potential, she was happy.

Ray has very little family besides her parents and siblings that are in the Americas, so those that do live in the Americas live very close and are almost always over her house. Her uncle was constantly buying her family things like a new television, toys for her brother, and phones for her and her sister, but her mother and father always refused to take them, and her and her siblings would have to beg and plead before they finally allowed them to set up the desktop computer and the new TV and DVD Player, or use the phones their mother's brother had given them.

Finally, her parents began to crack and just accepted the gifts without a fuss, because the knew that the kids' uncle was very persistent when it came to spoiling his family and his sister's family.

Traits, charisteristics and customs:

She's nice to everyone and loves to chat and ask people about how they were doing, but alcohol in her presence (especially at parties) makes her irritable at times, and she may snap at whoever has it. She always has to write a Quote of the Day on her white board in her locker each morning, or she'll have a bad day.

When uneasy she tugs lightly on her earlobe subconsciously, and bites her lip.

She also bites her lip when making a decision.

Hobbies and such:

Raylene likes to play with her younger sibling and his friends or with her little cousins. She likes to make little videos of her being goofy when she's bored (she never shows them to anyone except maybe Winnie). She's a ballet, hip-hop, tap and jazz dancer and is very passionate about the art, and she also likes to sketch or draw pictures, then plaster them on her door.

Happy place:

Her sister's room. Raylene's sister is always her go-to-girl for advice or just to relax.

Tattoos and Piercings:

Raylene got her ears pierced at age 11 with her sister *Who was 15 at the time* and she also got her nose piercing done with her sister when she was 17 and her sister was 21.

Love stuff, Friendships and Hatred:

Winnie is her best friend of all time.

She got along very well with Dennis, because they were both comic geeks.

Marvel is her life, don't even try to get her started on DC vs Marvel.

Skygge and her are in a bit of a fling, which is already breaking a big no-no rule of her father's.

She's got a crush on Elliot, but will not mention it under any circumstances


Her father had one No-no rule; and that was to not get romantically involved with boys until after high school.

Her high school is too important to risk on boys, if she's serious about wanting to get into a good college.



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Full Name:

Lori D'Angelo.


Lor, Dee.






Lori has blonde hair, just past her shoulders, as well as grey eyes. She is 5'5 and usually wears simple, modest, slightly girly clothes.


Lori is a sweet, friendly individual, but she has always been on the more introverted, serious side. She is very ambitious, which she hopes will bring her success in college ,and later a career. Her hard working attitude sometimes makes her a perfectionist and when it is severe, leads her to anxiety. She may be timid and shy, but she has a couple of close and loyal friends. Lori is very smart and good-hearted, helping her classmates with school work often. She knows that may be setting herself up to be taken advantage of, but she does know when to put her foot down and stand up for herself ,as well as others.


Her parents are happily married, and she had one older brother who tends to be protective of her. She doesn't mind so much, though, since she has not had a boyfriend yet. All in all, she had a loving, functional family. They are middle to upper-middle class, and very comfortable. Nonetheless, Lori is not a snob because of this and is vry understanding and open to other people's backgrounds.

Traits, charisteristics and customs:

Lori has a bad habit of biting her nails when she is nervous or anxious.

Hobbies and such:

Lori is big on community service since she loves helping people. She is also in the anti-drug/anti-drinking club in her school and wants to help those that cannot help themselves.

Happy place:

The school library.

Tattoos and Piercings:

Lori only has her ears pierced, and no tattoos.

Love stuff, Friendships and Hatred

Lori has a boyfriend, but he does not play a role.

Has/had crushes on Sky and Mason, both are unaware.

Lori and Dennis hooked up their first year of high school at a party. The got all the way to third base before Dennis freaked out and ran out on her. He was never able to look at her in the eye again.

Friends with Quinn and Winnie..


Although Lori has never had a boyfriend, she usually has some secret crush at any given time. She just doesn't open up about them from fear of being humiliated.


Elliot Micheals


Full Name:

Elliot Alan Micheals


Pretty Boy




Bi-curious heterosexual




Elliot is a boisterous young man. He is loud, talkative, cheerful, and witty. He always has something to say, weither it be the exciting truth of a story or an exaggerated lie of his dreams, always doing so in a dramatic fashion, with wild hand gestures and facial expressions. He loves to be around his friends. But occasionally Elliot can be found quiet and staring off into space. He zoness out sometimes.



Hobbies and such:

He enjoys acting and drawing, as well as playing his guitar and piano for his friends.

Traits, charisteristics and customs:

Twirling the ends of his hair when he was nervous or anxious

Minor drinking

Minor Smoking

Happy place:

Anywhere the music is

Anywhere his friends are

Anywhere that isn't home

Tattoos and Piercings:


Love, Friendships and Hatred:

~Brooklyn. Elliot's long time crush. She was the drama queen he always wanted.

~Skygge. Elliot's partner in crime. His brother from another mother.

~Everyone sort of liked Elliot. He was never hated by anyone in their group, really.



Elliot in some stage makeup before a show

Natilie Fowler


Full Name:

Natilie Quinn Fowler










Quinn is a very shy girl. She is the one you find sitting in the back of the room way before class even starts. She prefers to keep to herself and appreciates that everyone else just lets her be. But she isn't just shy, she is quiet, if not silent. She rarely says much, she wouldn't even answer questions in class, but she'd gladly talk to her best friend, Mason. She is quiet for all sorts of reasons; one, she doesn't want everyone to notice her (attention isn't her cup of tea), two, being quiet allows you to observe more and she likes observing, and three, she is depressed. Home life isn't the best for her. She feels alone.


Quinn's home life isn't the happiest. When she was 15, her parents got divorced. At 17, her mother remarried, unfortunately to a hot-headed drunk who haden't shown her his true colors. He tends to hit Quinn and her mother, but her mother takes most of the blows. It was rough for Quinn and she became depressed her last two years of high school, but mostly her senior year and the summer before. She didn't think anyone noticed, and she was right, they don't really pay attention.

Traits, charisteristics and customs:

Fidgeting with her small necklace.

Biting her lip.

Hobbies and such:

Reading, sketching, singing

Happy place:

Usually anywhere away from home, but most often the park.

Tattoos and Piercings:

Ear peircings and that's it.

Love stuff, Friendships and Hatred:

~Mason. They were polar opposites but that meant they balanced eachother out.

~Dennis. Her high school long crush. He was the cut nerd she never knew she wanted.

~Brooklyn. Brooke never liked Quinn ever since her fling with Mason since the two were so close.

~Mason. Quinn and Maskn dated for a while, but it was just too weird.


By the beginning of her senior year, Quinn was very depressed, possibly even borderline suicidal.
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