Telltale's The Walking Dead Ep. 2: After [Inactive]

Aylaela took the box in her hands, examining the contents. There wasn't a whole lot, but it was enough that they could share it among the females.

The girl did her rounds, going to Cynthia first to offer the youngest child her choice before offering a piece of the loot to Cloe. Aylaela felt it was the least she could do for their small group, lightening moral since the events of yesterday weren't helping anyone's thoughts. Lastly the girl returned to Lia, handling her the box back. "Thanks, and give Neri a piece when she wakes up will you? The rest is yours, Happy Birthday." With that she let Lia be with her new possessions, looking at the necklace with the blue stone she had acquired for herself before putting it in her pocket.

Aylaela walked past her brother, giving him a light nudge with her foot, causing Braeden to look up at her with tired eyes before heading outside for some fresh air.

Lastly she went to the counter where Sam was examining a map, suggesting plans to get Wickford into living condition. Looking at the map, Aylaela agreed that they should set up some sort of barricade to keep the dead from coming in. A small smile crept onto her face, realizing that they could make this their home.
After he finished gathering antibiotics, John looked at the boy who was examining the map. It seemed like a solid plan, despite the risk of staying in a place. While he was there, he decided he would make himself useful.

"I'll be off for scouting. Who's going with me? And decide quickly, 'cause we should be on a rush before the walkers come".
Aylaela came up and Sam moved a little to give her a better view of the map he laid out. There was supposedly a lake in a corner of the map, a high school (the map claimed that the stunt double for Indiana Jones went there), a church, a court house, and other buildings.

Sam observed a subtle happiness about her.

"Must be nice reuniting with your brother." He said, still studying the map.

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Neri woke up with an ache in her lower back, which made sense considering she had fallen asleep leaning against a wall. She he got up to see that some of the others were already awake, and relatively clean.

Oh, she looked herself over and saw that she wasn't as filthy as she had been last night but that was because the rain had washed a little of it away. She dug through the backpack and pulled pulled out an extra shirt, it didn't have sleeves but it was still summer so it would be a bit warm, they were going to have to find warmer clothes soon though. She wandered into a room where Ryker was in and found another door that lead to the stores public bathroom. She tested each of the knobs on the sinks and came upon one a few that had running water that would be useful later. She pulled off her shirt and ran it through the water to try and clean most of the dry blood from the dead and alive off. Her jeans were filthy but she could clean those later.

Her hair was what caused her the most problem, it was matted with dry blood. The more she ran her fingers through it the more red went down the drain. It took a good while for the water to become clear again. She changed into the dry shirt then twisted the water out of the other one so it would dry a bit quicker. When she finally looked up into the mirror she frowned at the reflection.

Neri’s skin still showed her background as expected,but she was pale and her face was thinner along with the rest of her body. Under her green eyes were shadows of dark circles, it wasn't a mystery why. She hadn’t been eating or sleeping well for a while now. She had had a few problems with depression in the past but she usually brushed it off with the business of her life until it fixed itself eventually. This was different, there was no “waiting it out” in the middle of an apocalypse, she either had to deal with it on her own or let it break her. The latter wasn’t an option.

She walked out of the bathroom running her hands through her hair to try and get it air dried faster. She heard the groups talking amongst themselves about a birthday and as she walked towards them she saw Lia holding something with a smile on her face.

It looked like she was starting to feel at least a bit better.
Aylaela heard the man's offer, watching as her brother approached John and offered his help to scout and introduced himself. She watched but didn't protest, Braeden could make his own choices.

Taking a moment to respond, Aylaela mulled over Sam's question, not wanting to rub her happiness in anyone's face. "Yeah, I just thought I'd never see him again," the girl said as she watched her older brother head out.

She looked at Sam as he studied the map, face in a mask of concentration. "Do you have any siblings?" Aylaela asked, realizing she hardly knew anything about him.
Matthew and Cynthia just sat back and watched the scene from afar. Where were they going to go? Well, Matthew wasn't going anywhere Cynthia wasn't, so he looked to her for her answer. She was twiddling around her newfound bracelet, but she didn't put it on. "So, what do you want to do?"

Cynthia looked up at her father. Where were they going to go? Stay and clean, or go and explore. Those were there two options? They sounded incredibly one-sided to her, but she mentally just shook it off. What could that answer be? She asked herself sarcastically.

"Let's go out and explore."

Matthew nodded, and walked over to the table where the currently held the map. It appeared that Aylaela and Sam were having a moment. He looked at Cynthia and rolled his eyes playfully and she slightly giggled.
Nathan wakes up. He had slept in late and pretty much everybody was up and moving around. "Damn" he says to himself "I haven't slept this much for more than a year" He grabbed the AUG and the Katana and stepped out of the pharmacy, to check on the humvee.
John approached the map and looked at it. The nearby blocks could be covered by a group of four or five people, without trouble. The region seemed to be pretty safe of walkers, with only a bit of them walking the streets. He wasn't sure on how they would make safe barricades. Not far from there, there were hundreds of walkers, enraged by all the noise and movement they had witnessed not long ago. The pharmacy clearly wasn't a safe place. Walkers would put that walls down in seconds if they wanted to. But other places in the city seemed to be more solid. John looked for the people around. Some were talking, giving little smiles. Too emotional for John.

"When you guys are finished waking up, call my name and I'll come to the scout..." John remembered he still haven't told his name. It was time to give them a name already. "The name's John, by the way". John sat back on the ground, leaning on the wall, waiting for the group to gather and make a scouting trip.
When conversation began to buzz through the air, Cloe jolted up, giving out a surprised squeal and almost falling off the chair she had come to rest in. One side of her cheek felt a little damp, probably from a little amount of spit. At this realisation Cloe hurriedly moved to wipe her cheek with her hand before glancing nervously about trying to see if anyone had noticed or not. After a few sweeps or so however, Cloe eventually decided she was safe, unless of course she had snored but she tried not to linger on that thought for too long.

Sitting up and stretching, Cloe adjusted her position before giving a smile to the people in the room. It was then that one of the girls, Aylaela, approached her with a box of jewellery. Inside the pieces weren’t of much particular value, at least to Cloe they didn’t seem so, but they were pretty. When Aylaela said to take one piece, Cloe couldn’t help but grin and thank her for the generosity. This group was turning out to be nicer than she had first thought. Picking a small velvet chocker which had acorn pendant of silver and a rosy coloured gold metal, Cloe handed the box back and once again said her thanks before watching the girl walk away.

It was then that Ryker moved. Cloe hadn’t notice him wake up until it was too late. With a thump, Ryker hit the floor.

“Shit!” Cloe hissed as she bolted from her seat. “Ryker! Man, you shouldn’t move!” By the time she reached him, he had already pulled himself up against the wall, where he had buried his face into his hands.

Grabbing one of his arms without thinking much over, Cloe tugged it over her shoulders and tried to pull the man back to bed.

“Listen. Just put your weight on me, we need to get you back to bed… then I can talk you through what happened.”
Lia heard Sam ask about Aylaelas brother and remembered Matthew had his daughter back and frowned. She would never get her sister back. She went over to a corner and sat down pulled her knees to her chest. Reality hit her again. She needed to smarten up. Be an adult and protect these people. She was acting like a dead weight. She stood up looked for Matthew, he had her gun. She wanted to go with the stranger and Aylaelas brother.

Standing slowly she walked over to the door and jogged out after the stranger.

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He looked at the girl coming after him. It was the one he called "the crazy one". Didn't matter anymore. She looked as she was trying to be useful too, just as him. No more crying and weeping again. No more pain. His face was serious as he analyzed her. She could be fast if she really wanted. A good runner, perfect for the scout mission, since she wasn't big. Smallest the target, better the chances. But could she be trusted? Well, who could be trusted this days anyway? And who was John Harker to talk about trust?

"Are you going too, girl?"
Braeden watched as the man who called himself John questioned the girl's intentions. If was all the same to him, as long as he could make this place safe for his sister and the child.

Pulling his gun from its holster, Braeden debated how they would go about this, probably the best defensible building was what they should start with and work their way through the others for supplies. He turned and voiced his thoughts to John.
Nathan sees the man he called himself John and said to himself "Probably better than anything im about to do" He walks over to him and says "Hey, I'm Nathan. Mind if I join you?
"Ok, there's four of us", said John, looking around to the girl and the two boys. "Put the gun down, the last thing we want here is more sound", he took off the military knife out of his pocket and gave to the boy who had unholstered the gun. "This thing is big enough for you to make a hole in their heads, just don't lose it okay?". He gave his small axe to the other boy. "The same goes for you. And you,", he said, while pointing to the girl, "stick behind me, and just be a good runner. Two blocks north from here, there's supposed to be a city hall, and that's probably one of the safest spots around here. That's our goal."
"Hey John, you don't mind if me and the girl come with you guys, do you? I mean, we can both run fast, and she can crawl into right spaces, if need be." Matthew looked over to where Ryker was now lying once more. He had fallen off his bed a little while ago, but someone was already helping him up so Matthew let them go ahead. He scratched at his t-shirt, as his hoodie had been stuffed away due to reeking so bad.
Lia narrowed her eyes at John. "I have a silencer for a gun. I have better aim and, I have really bad lungs so i cant run" she crossed her arm and then grabbed her silencer from her backpack. "Give me your gun" she looked at Braeden and held out her empty hand "and if you think you cant trust me go ask Matthew. Ive been with him the longest."

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John looked at the man asking to join. It seemed like he would do okay, and he really needed a runner after the crazy one had just said she had bad lungs. The other girl, who was with the man also seemed to be a nice runner. "Okay, you guys can join, but how many people are still inside the pharmacy?", he looked back at the girl, who was now asking for a gun. "And are you sure you wanna go? It can get tough for someone who can't run. You'll fuck up your lungs".
Braeden handed the knife back to John, pulling his own out, "What can I say, I prefer the long range." The man said with a shrug, not minding all to much that John had told him otherwise.

Braeden narrowed his eyes at the younger girl, wary of anyone who asked for his weapon. Though when John questioned her, the man bit back his remark in favor of letting the girl respond.
Nathan kind of laughed when John gave him his ax. "No thanks" he said, refusing the offer "I have my own melee weapon right here" He unsheathes his katana and lets the light bounce off the blade, making it shine.
"I'll be fine" she said to John then looked at Braeden and smiled "I'll return it after" she closed her fingers then opened them again while holding up the silencer "I'm the only one who has a silencer"

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John smiled after seeing the katana and receiving back his axe and knife. "Oh, shiny", he said, looking at Nathan smile. He turned to the other man, with the gun. "Then maybe you shouldn't come. Walkers will be over us before you guys can even build a barriage when they hear the sound of shooting. Unless of course, Ms. little lungs borrows you the silencer".
Braeden raises an eyebrow, deciding not to instigate the situation. Pulling the gun back out he hands it to the girl, "Don't waste my bullets and sure as hell don't shoot any of us." He warns her calmly before turning to John, prepared to head out.
Nathan started to feel the air inside the gas mask change. -Oh crap- he thought to himself -the filters.- He quickly screws out the two filters, throws them on the ground and pulls two new ones out from the backpack. After replacing them, he looks at John and says "Well, I'm ready when you are."
"Anything else? Are you guys all set? Everybody geared up? Ms. Little Lungs is ready to run? Everybody said goodbye to the people inside the pharmacy?", said John, smiling. It was nice to see a bunch of people gathering like that again. He noticed the man being a bit upset when he gave the gun to the crazy girl. "Do you have something else other than the gun you just gave?"
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"Dont worry" she attached the silencer to the gun "thanks" she hooks it in her belt and smiles "i wont waste the bullets"

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