Telltale's The Walking Dead Ep. 2: After [Inactive]

Sam gathered his things from the little corner of the tent he had claimed. Bummer, he was beginning to get used to the forest life.

Sam picked up each things and each eased him into a memory.

His father's hunting knife reminded him of the days his father used to take him out on cold Saturday mornings in the fall. They had to wake up extra early to get there before the sun came up. Sam learned to be quiet and still in the presence of prey. His father's words echoed in his ears, almost hauntingly.

"The animal notices things. The rustle of a falling acorn, the chirp of bluejays, and the scent of man."His father placed the cool wooden rifle in his fifteen year old hands. "So."

His fathered helped Sam adjust to the stock.

"In the likeness of an animal, be alert. Notice all things. The rustle of an acorn, the chirp of bluejays, and the scent of man."

Sam returned to his packing.

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Daisy woke up from her previous nap, curled up uncomfortably on the floor. She stretched, getting up, and checked her surroundings. Gun: check. Backpack: Check. So nothing was stolen. She got up, a sharp pain shooting through her back. She scrambled up, she had arrived at this Pharmacy yesterday, and immediately fell asleep. She has been constantly on the move, staying in stores, pharmacies, anywhere nearby. She walked around the store quietly, dumping all necessities she'd need into her backpack. She then went up to the counter, and grabbed handfuls of candy and snacks, dumping the few that was left into her backpack. Candy wasn't healthy, but it was all she had.

The town she was in was silent right now, not even a single walker inhabiting the streets. She waited for the low, moaning noise, or the shuffle of feet, but there was nothing. Hoisting herself up onto the counter, Daisy pulled out a crumpled, worn picture from her pocket. She carefully unfolded it, brushing her thumb over the faces of the people in the photo. Four people, a family obviously, smiled up brightly at her. One, a girl, her, Daisy. Another, a young boy, 13 at most, with dark brown hair like hers, doe-eyes, and freckles on the bridge of his nose. Two adults stood in between them, grinning.

Sighing, Daisy re-folded the picture of her family, and put it back in her pocket. The brims of Daisy's boots were brown; they were covered in blood. Some of it, under all the layers of walker, was her father's blood. She was less than a foot away. He was protecting her. Then he was gone. Daisy attempted to force some tears, but her tear ducts were practically broken. She was so used to death, and she had cried already so much, that she couldn't cry anymore. Just like when her brother, Ezekiel, or Ez as she used to call him, died. She cried til she couldn't cry anymore. Sighing, Daisy hopped off the counter and rounded the store once more, seeing if there was anything else she could later need.
Lia frowned a bit and stood up. "Come on let's go then" she walked back with Neri. At least Neri didn't critisize Lia about wanting to die.

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So they were leaving. Matthew had gotten used to that, leaving, but he would miss this spot they had found. It had been great, and supplied them with water for quite a while. The river was pretty and sparkling, and the tents had taken FOREVER to set up. Yes, it reminded him of some of the places he had visited with his friends as a child. Matthew smiled at the thought, then looked over to something splashing in the water. A walker.

Pulling out his machete, he slowly stumbled down the hill and stepped into the sparkling water. He was now knee deep, and the walker continually tried to stand up. Matthew almost felt sorry for it. Almost. He stabbed it in the head quickly, ending it's suffering. He turned around again, and that was when Ryker had met up with him. Someone was following them.

"Yeah, we had best get out of here. Even if they're not from Crawford, they're a freak for following us."

Matthew shook his head the thought, and then continued to his tent. He didn't really have much in there, other than his sleeping bag. He pulled it out, then started pulling down the tent. He had learned to do things good enough, albeit slowly, with only one hand. Matthew finally managed to get the tent in it's bag, and then turned to look at the group. They seemed happy. He smiled to himself, and peered back into the forest. Someone was following them.

Someone was following them. He frowned at the thought, but soon shrugged it off as one of Ryker's fanatasies.

Nathan paused for a minute, taking a swig from his canteen. He was running short on resources like water and food."Darn" he says "they would make me to 400 push-ups for this in the army." He then sighted a sign that said there was a town near by. "Well, might as well start there." He walked off towards the town. He had been walking for weeks, never sitting still and barely sleeping. Maybe he could get some sleep there, although he doubted it. He had killed a lot in operations, but he had never faced demons like these. "I sure hope there are no walkers"

A few hours later, he enters the town. First thing he notices: no walkers to be seen anywhere. He walks about a bit and decides to go to a supermarket to replenish his supplies. He entered, grabbed a few bottles of water and some dehydrated and canned food and got out. "This is very strange... There is not a single walker... anywhere" He readies his AUG, checking his ammo. Full mag, good. He walks around the town, registering houses, looking for bandits or survivors, but he finds nothing. "Hello?!" he yells, at the top of his lungs. The sound of his voice reverberates as he repeats himself.
With a rifle clutched in his hands, in the middle of a forest clearing, a girl had just winked at him. With a firm roll of the eyes, he pushed any further thoughts on the subject , comical or not, out of his mind. Ryker had came back though, saying something about...

Crawford. Sh*t.

Noticing that everyone was gathering up the tents, that he specifically remembered fighting to share in partners, he pulled the rifle into an actual firing position before making a firm bolt towards the Jeep. A leap over the door set himself in the driver's seat, and a turn of the ignition brought the Jeep to roar to life. Jon bit his lip and mumbled an apology for the noise, before sliding his rifle beside him.

The question now was, who was walking, and who was driving. If he had his choice, Lia and Evan would definitely need separating, Evan in the Jeep.
Sam checked his person before deciding he was done packing.

Inside it was the following: the can-opener (found in the gas station store), a shiny but worthless rock fragment, his wallet, his hoodie, two partially loaded clips for his pistol, his aluminum water bottle, and his hunting knife (properly sheathed). The blade only came out when Sam sharpened it however, why it never saw zombie action, Sam didn't know. He never used it in that way.

Sam strapped on his backpack, ready to go. He folded up his blanket and used two zip ties to attach it to his bag. He looked like a hiker. Sam slipped his blunt weapon, a crowbar, into knot made from shoelaces.

"Let's get a move on guys." He said, the sun was high against the blue of sky. In a couple of hours, the sun would descend gradually into the horizon until it brought the darkness behind it.

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Daisy hears a voice loudly scream 'hello,' and grabs her gun off the counter, sprinting behind the counter. She checked her ammo, it was full. She clicked the safety, ready for anything. She felt her breath speed up, and tried to steady her breathing, not knowing who it was out there.

She figured they would come in here though, seeing as it was a pharmacy. It had medicine, and various treats. Daisy whispered to herself, "I'm ready." It was silent for the next few moments, as she waited for someone to enter, or if she was lucky, pass by. She didn't hear the crackle of gravel, or tinkle of a bell. But she definitely wasn't leaving the safety of behind this counter.
Nathan walked up to a pharmacy's entrance, hoping to find medicine. "Hello?" he asks as he enters "Is anybody there?" not getting a response, Nathan puts the AUG down and walks into the pharmacy.
Ryker scowled clearly he hadn't been taken seriously but the group was leaving anyway so that was somthing. He turned away to go pack but decided to make one final point. "Walkers don't try to hide thier prints and the ones I found were fairly fresh". With that Ryler walked away. Packing took little to no time. Ryker kept everything he needed save his bow and gun inside his backpack. The tent had been a sinche to take down, Ryker had been in the scouts before everything hit the fan so it had been fairly routine. Ryker walked to the back of the jeep and threw his tent and pack inside. He kept his crowbar and bow they needed to travel fast but it was stupid to do so unarmed. Ryker debated on carrying his gun. He'd lost his revolver on a run and now used a M-5 assault rifle from they had gotten from Crawford. Eventually Ryker slung his bow onto his back decided to carry the rifle. "I'll walk" Ryker said in anwser to the question Jon had asked earlier.
When they made it back to where the others were it was to listen in on something about "Crawford" a scowl formed on her face at the name. She figured they were leaving as everyone was packing up and loading things into the truck so she went to gather her things as well. There wasn't much besides a few extra clothes, some water, a few guns, ammunition, two blankets and what remained of the medicine she had taken from the two men she killed.

The men she killed.

She flinched as she threw the backpack on. It wasn't heavy in the least, but the gunshot wound she had received when she had "left" her first group, before she met Matthew and the others, hadn't seemed to have healed properly, or maybe it was still healing. She didn't know and quite honestly didn't care. As long as she could could fight off walkers it there was no reason to make a fuss about it. She walked over to the truck, where Sam was starring at the sky, they needed to leave soon.

"What's this about Crawford?" It was better to know, even if she preferred to forget the name.
Lia stayed near Neri. She felt safe around the others when Neri was around. She was the only one who accepted Lias choices. She looked at the jeep

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The door opens, and Daisy counts to ten as she hears footsteps. Suddenly, she stands up and points the gun at a man standing less than 5 feet away. "Who are you? Do you have any weapons?" She asked firmly, masking her fear. She didn't want to kill him, he wasn't a walker. She didn't intend to, anyways. She had the gun to invoke fear, and it was for emergencies.
Sam looked at Neri.

"Something about breaking the rules, escaping, and the possibility we're being tracked." Sam offered the jist of it.

"Unfortunately, we're leaving. You in the Jeep or you walking?" Sam gestured to Jon in the driver's seat and apparently Evan's reserved spot as well.

"Are we meeting up at the main road or what?" Sam asked to the rest of the group.

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Aylaela let out a burst of laughter, the first since God knew when. She laughed at the next few words between the two, hardly believing what she was hearing. She felt bad for the invasion of Neri's privacy, but couldn't help but chuckle abit more as Sam retreated from the awkwardness of the situation.

Aylaela wiped a few tears that had come to her eyes from a good hearty laugh. So they had been talking about her. Biting her lip, Aylaela watched as Sam walked off to collapse his tent, was Evan correct? Did he like her? The girl couldn't help but feel a warmth in her chest at the thought. Maybe he did, and she thought she was alright with that.

Aylaela squeezed Evan's shoulder, "Watching Neri, eh? Tut tut." She said with a smile.
Nathan was surprised by a girl popping up from behind a counter, aiming a gun at him. She asks him who he is and if he has any weapons. He puts his hands up, dropping the katana and the AUG on the ground. "Now I dont have any weapons. As for who I am, miss, I am Sergeant Nathan Carson from the Special Operation forces. I mean no harm, If anything, I'm here to help" he finishes talking and looks at the teenager, awaiting an answer, and prepared to be shot at any moment.
"What are you laughing at?" Neri accused playfully as she walked over to Aylaela and Evan with Lia apparently following. She scanned over the scratches Evan had received from Lia, they didn't look terribly bad.

"Are you alright? Did you cry?" She liked teasing people it was her way of showing she was comfortable around others. Probably not the best way but it was better than not interacting at all. In the two weeks she had been with them, Neri had come to like each of them and how at times they could come normalcy back into things to make it seem as though the situation wasn't as bad as it actually was.
Daisy puts the gun in her pocket, nodding. "I'm Daisy. Anybody else with you?" She came out from behind the counter, one hand in her pocket, just in case. She didn't want him to try to shoot her or anything, he seemed trustworthy but she didn't trust many people anymore. She didn't want to, at least. And as long as she convinced herself that she didn't want to, she wouldn't.
Aylaela turned to the other girl, smiling broadly at her appearance. Neri was a girl she's come to like in their time together, being one of the few girls in the camp, and felt she owed her in a way. "Only a little," she says in response to Neri's jibe.

Turning to Evan her grin widens, "You wanna let her in on the joke?" Aylaela asks innocently, her way of getting back at Evan for putting Sam on the spot.
Nathan sees the girl pocket the handgun and walk out from behind the counter. "No, I wasn't followed. I've been walking alone for days." He keeps his position, hands in the air, waiting until the girl, Daisy, tells him otherwise.
Neri couldn't help but laugh, it was genuine and lighthearted and it made her feel better about the nagging thought in the back of her mind concerning why they were leaving. "There's a joke? Oh please, share with the class." She didn't mind if they told her or not but she had to play along, it was just too great of an opportunity to have some fun.
Bloody hell.

Jon twisted around, giving a blank look towards the group of people talking very casually, whilst Ryker and Matthew were ready to get moving. He would applaud them later, and perhaps would do so to the rest of the group, extremely sarcastically. Who were they even? Ayleala and Sam, it's not like that was even a marginal secret, and Evan had made that extremely clear. Evan was just some ballsy kid who needed to realize that getting on people's bad sides was the worse thing you could possibly even do.

Neri and Lia. One he had shot at, and the other he had stopped from shooting herself, quite the contrast. In the old world, he would of told her to seek help, but in this world... What the hell could you even do?

The whole psychological aspect was all Crawford's fault. What if that new girl was from Crawford, they weren't exactly that far away from it in itself. She didn't exactly look like one of Crawford's own, with that Tri-Force hat, and the glint of metal off her nose. With a breath out, he bit his bottom lip.

He wouldn't even be worrying, if they would just get moving.
Aylaela only shook her head as everyone else began to bustle about for leaving the camp. "I'll tell you another time, hm?" And with that she dropped her hand from Evan's shoulder, heading to the driver's side window.

Placing an elbow into the window, Aylaela looks to Jon. "Do you know where we're headed?" She asks quietly, a serious nature coming over her.
With a swivel of his head, and a flick to the bridge of his nose, akin to pushing sunglasses down, he answered simply. "No," he straightened himself, the joke realized to be pathetic, "but I'm thinking the road. We keep put, it's either gonna be Crawford or walkers that will kill us."

Running a thumb across his palm and his tongue against his teeth he continued, "Sam, you, Evan and someone else in the Jeep sound good?"
Aylaela attempted to hide her disappointment by nodding quickly. "Yeah, sounds fine,"she responded, dumping her backpack on the backseat. Honestly, it would be nice to relax in the Jeep, having just gotten back from their run with little to show. She almost put her tire iron down before tightening her grip. Always have a weapon, it was only survival.

The corners of the girl's mouth turned up, and she whistled the first few bars of "On The Road Again," a fitting tribute for their leave.

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