[Telltale] The Walking Dead [Inactive]

Harry just placed his hands in his pockets. "Kinda brings me back to my teenage years, when I was reading about Vlad The Impaler." He tried to lighten the mood, despite being disgusted by the Zombies that were still alive and impaled.
Aylaela straightens quickly, seeing a opening while people filed in and out of the office. Taking a breath, the girl entered the room, not particularly enthusiastically, wary of whoever ran this seemingly safe haven.

Though what she was not expecting was a middle-aged man, sitting in a humble circle of light given off from a small candle. Hesitating, she stands by the door, not sure how she should proceed.

"Close the door and sit down, Please," the man said, nodding at a chair placed before the desk. As Aylaela walked forward, she thought how ironic the situation was, having graduated high school only to be back in the infernal place again.

Slowly she sat down, the older man quietly observing her lethargic movements with hands clasped in front of him. Aylaela squirms, not keen to start any conversation with the man on her own inclination.

"What's your name?" The man says, a resonating sound coming from deep within his chest.

"Aylaela," the girl responded, staring at the wooden desk in front of her.

"Quite a unique name you have there," he commented, which caused Aylaela's eyebrow to rise. It's not like she hadn't heard something of the same nature before.

"And you are?" She asked pointedly, immediately wanting to apologize for her rude tone but biting back. Her time alone had hindered her mannerisms, though it wouldn't hurt to see how the man responded.

A slow smile appeared on his face, "Oberson Crawford, Miss." His Southern accent emphasized. "And how old are you?"


"Alright, and what did you do before?" The man asked easily.

Aylaela quickly looked down at her hands, the mention of her previous happy life bringing an ache to her chest. "Other than school?" She asked humorously, a side of her that she hadn't shown for a long while now. "I worked on my family's farm mostly, and in the county library for a short while..." The girl trailed off. She 'worked at the public library until the dead started walking' was what she was going to say, but she had decided against it, first impressions and all.

"Hm. Well we have a few gardens and farm areas around, how about you work in that field, no pun intended," Oberson suggests with a smile.

"Sounds perfect," Aylaela says while she stands, "Thank you Mr. Oberson, I-" she cuts off abruptly, looking behind him for a moment, blinking back a sudden moment of emotion before refocusing on his face. "I really appreciate you allowing me to stay here, I'll do my part."

"I trust you will Aylaela, nice to meet you."

"And you," she responds, nodding in thanks before leaving the room. Each person she had seen had called for another, so she felt obliged to do the same. "Next," the girl said somberly to the remaining group, before quickly heading for the exit of the school and into the open.
"I'm Lia" she said quietly not looking up at the man. She just looked at Dex's hand that she held

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"Nothing...i was homeless..." She admitted quietly not looking at Dex now, a little embarrassed

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"I cant run..." She bites her lip "i have really bad asthma...and i have anxiety attacks when I'm away from Dex for a while..."

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"okay then you are free to go if there is anyone else out there please call them in ok"he smile
She hugged him "i felt like i was gonna have a heart attack..." She giggled a but trying to keep the subject away from her being homeless and a thief

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