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Fandom Teen Titans: New Generation

Sorry, I don't have as much time as I had when I joined up, but I'll keep an eye on this for when I get the time again. :)
I will try and find anime styled pictures since that is where everyone is going. Also, is it okay if I add a villain too? Autumn's sister?
Since it is for survival, I think she can accept it. Probably won't enjoy it, but she understands
I found it! Its located on the same page as the character sheets. Its to inform about the animal partners you may have
I already got midnight lol I don't need any other partners for my character

But I will fill out the sheet for sure just for info purposes
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@Archangel Galdrael @nighttimecatplayer

Yea hi,could you have your little argue here instead of convoluting the main thread. Oh just for an outsiders opinion,you both were op especially Tabitha. Discharge was up against a group,but he should not be able to absorb all of the city's power.
Hey he is the one who started it

I'm op he basically blocked like every single attack

Ok think of a fire what happens if you throw gasoline on a fire? It gets stronger your just fueling the fire Just like Tabitha her rage is what is keeping her going her instinct to protect her friends
I admit I was op, but Discharge was only using a range of powers that make sense, draining the city was pretty extreme, but I also mentioned how after this, he'll likely not be able to do that for a VERY long time. The drain was still an excuse to have so much power, not to mention my last post was Discharge literally being massively defeated. nightime has no excuse for having Godlike powers, she didn't do anything to become so powerful. Nothing Discharge did harmed her, apparently she has sub-atomic control over sound and electric molecules. 'Rage' is not a reason to become invincible. Hulk gets more powerful with more anger, hey look he isn't invincible. Discharge, with a major amp=Very Powerful. Tabitha=Very powerful all the time. Why? Because. Angry. Not to mention Sound is way WAY slower than light. You couldn't follow. And are you telling me you know where they land because... Your character, has sub-atomic control over sound and electricity molecules? That's God-tier... Villains are naturally supposed to be tougher than the heroes when outnumbered. Though Tabitha was just invincible.
Control over any element, control over electricity. Electricity Manipulation. Which means the ability to use electricity offensively and defensively, what you described was being able to alter electrical molecules to move someone traveling at the speed of light to a location of your choice. So if you can do that, your character can basically drain the whole world of electricity, she could have touched Disharge and turned him off. You telling me that's 'elemental electricity'?
I can only control organic electricity which means thunder and lightning I cant drain the city or the world because its not organic electricity I can travel using electrical molecules because it is organic matter made by the weather
I have to agree with both AG and Jailbird, Tabitha is OP. Also, it states in her CS that the gemstones are the source of her power, not her anger, and her emotions only affect it. I assumed by this statement: "But one problem can tend to be is her gem reacts to her emotion which can often get out of hand." that her emotions cause Tabitha to lose control over her powers, thus causing them to attack everyone and everything. However, as I have observed, despite her getting extremely upset their is still almost full control of her powers albeit some minor debris, along with heavy wind and rain. Everything else is controlled at the enemy, so the only weakness I could see was her dragon. Problem is, it "is already powerful on its own having the ability to slow down time its gashing teeth able to bite through any surface and the ability to create gem like stones which makes a light blast". If is anything that can be shown as a weakness that could actually be used against her, please tell me and I will change me opinion of her, however currently she seems OP. @Archangel Galdrael @Jailbird :I
So, how would you move Soul and Discharge using electricity when they're going at the speed of light?
Long story

Ok how about this I will delete my last post and edit it so it works with everything else but I am still going to use the same turn out

So by that I'm still teleporting Tabitha and Discharge

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