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Fandom Teen Titans: Inherited(OPEN)

-- Lobo src

[Realistic Image / Gif


|NAME| Lobo, The Main Man


|AGE| Unknown

|SEXUALITY| Straight



(or zodiac sign)

[Realistic Image / Gif] Unknown



|WEIGHT| 305 lbs

|HEIGHT| 6'4

|PARENTS| Killed by a swarm of flying scorpions.

|HISTORY| Lobo, whose name means "one who devours your entrails and thoroughly enjoys it," is the last of his people for one reason: he killed them all. He hailed from the planet Czarnia which was a virtual paradise that knew nothing of war and the Czarnians were almost immortal. When Lobo was born, his evil was so frighteningly apparent, the nurse who delivered him went insane. Lobo knew he was one of a kind, but he wanted even more. Inspired by the idea of genocide, Lobo created a swarm of lethal scorpion-like creatures, he set them on his people wiping out his entire species but himself. He claimed it was a science project and gave himself an 'A'.[1] Since then he has traveled the galaxies collecting bounties. Despite his ruthless nature, Lobo has a strict code of honor when it comes to these agreements. Along the way he has met and battled a number of superheroes.

|PERSONALITY| Lobo is a big, bad biker on steroids. Less stupid than he looks, he enjoys nothing more than bloody violence, cheap booze and terrorizing the whole galaxy by just being around. He’s a walking powder keg ready to explode at any moment, for any lousy reason, just because he can - and because he really enjoys it.


  • Czarnian Physiology: It is said that Czarnians can only be truly killed by other Czarnians (though this does not matter to Lobo either way, as he cannot die by any means). Furthermore, Lobo has been banned from entering either Heaven or Hell. Lobo can survive unaided in the vacuum of space.

  • Superhuman Strength: His strength varies greatly from writer to writer. Lobo has shown strength sufficient enough to knock out Superman with his blows without too much apparent effort, but at times is barely able to pick up cars. At most times, Lobo is shown to be on par with Superman in terms of strength. He has even shown enough strength to destroy entire planets. More often than not, Lobo is able to effortlessly lift far in excess of 100 tons.[23]
  • Superhuman Stamina: He possesses inexhaustible stamina and in most interpretations cannot tire.
  • Immortality: Lobo is functionally immortal and cannot die no matter what happens. He is immune to the effects of aging and disease and has been banned from entering either Heaven or Hell.
  • Invulnerability: He has at times shrugged off blows from the likes of Superman with no damage, taken planet-destroying attacks without so much as a scratch but at other occurrences has had his skin penetrated by bullets and had only some resistance against most magic spells and attacks.[24][25]
  • Superhuman Speed: Lobo possesses the ability to sharpen his awareness and increase his temporal flow, appearing to move faster than humanly possible. He can move at incredible speeds.
  • Self-Sustenance: Lobo does not need any food, water, air, or sleep and he can survive in the vacuum of space without any harm.
  • Regeneration: If Lobo does somehow sustain an injury, his accelerated healing factor enables him to regenerate damaged or destroyed tissue instantly, with little apparent pain. He will apparently heal from any injury. For instance, Lobo can regenerate out of a pool of his own blood, apparently recycling the cells instantly. The speed of regeneration has also varied throughout his appearances.


  • Genius Level Intellect: As unbelievable as it may seem, despite his violent and loutish nature, Lobo seems to have a genius-level intellect in matters of destruction and violence. He can create complex virulent agents and the necessary antidotes to them such as the one he let loose on Czarnia, resulting in the deaths of the entire population in the span of one week. He was also able to scavenge parts from a destroyed time hopper and attach them to his own bike, producing a working time machine.
  • Tracking: The tracking ability allows him to trace any prey across even the Universe.
  • Multilingualism: By his own account, Lobo can speak 17,897 different languages from across the galaxy.[26]
  • Expert Combatant: Lobo is a proficient hand-to-hand combatant, having mastered numerous forms of martial arts from all over the galaxy.


Chained Hook: Though he employs a wide arsenal of firearms, explosives and blades, Lobo's signature weapon is a large hook on a chain. Aside from use as a weapon, he also uses it to tie up opponents or drag them behind his bike.



Azrael Pierce


  • Azrael is handsome guy to put it simply,with hazel eyes and an almost alluring visage he can charming even if he doesn't mean to be. His body is toned and defined with muscle from years of work and is all but stripped of body fat.





    The costume actually has latent abilities of it's own. It increases Azrael's own movement speed and reaction time substantially.
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Despendium “Despina” Bennett


"The Mist"


Appearance is 23 but is closer to late 30s

















Sports pointed ears and teeth but lacks the red eyes typical of a vampire; usually wears all black and some form of leather jacket. Can change appearance slightly with her abilities. (Usually to scare passersby)




Deborah Dancer and Andrew Bennett


When Deborah Dancer the Vampire Slayer took the Russian Serum designed to create a new type of Vampire she had no idea of the unborn child she carried within her. After Mary, Queen of Blood turned her into a vampire she didn't hesitate when she got the chance to drive a stake in her heart. As she held her lover and good vampire Andrew Bennett and watched him turn into dust she had no idea what to do with herself in her new vampire body now that their ultimate goal had been completed. A month later of tracking the remaining vampires she notice a change in her body and realized she was with child.

Deborah had the child in secret only letting in her most trusted friends know. Deciding she would have a normal life she raised Despendium just like any other child. Giving her the last name of Bennett in memory of her former lover. Though for some reason Deborah knew that her child wasn't normal. Maybe it was the way her stare never wavered or maybe it was her knack for picking up things but by the time Despina could walk and talk her canines grew sharp and she grew dissatisfied with normal human food. So one day her mother caught and killed a surprised doe taking the body to her daughter she cut the side of it's neck and the child became delighted and entranced by the flow of crimson, eagerly drinking it in.

After that Deborah knew for certain that her daughter wouldn't have a normal life. She taught her how to catch her prey, how to hide the bodies and to never feed off humans which to her surprise responded that she didn't like the taste of their blood. Perhaps it was the half human side of her but for some reason Despina never showed the thirst that drove most other vampires. She didn't shy from the sun either, only complained that it make her skin prickle. Her Father would have said it was simply will but Deborah knew it was something else. Some of the serum that had entered her blood long ago must have found its way into her womb, transforming Despina into something more than human.

After 23 years of watching her mother stand the test of time she decided to make her deal with Death. Summoning her with the help of ancient Celtic writings from Madame X'anadu. Never being able to fit in either the Immortals' or the Mortals' worlds she decided to side with the Immortals so she could be like her mother. In exchange for ever year that she remained Immortal she would have to give up one memory to Death, so that Death may also live through her eyes and experience what a life was like.

Fast Forward to today and thanks to the help of some recruitment agents Des has earned her name as “The Mist” and has been employed by S.H.I.E.L.D. to help with some of their darker missions. Recently been transferred to be a mentor in the Titans’ Watchtower.


Mischievous. Doesn’t mind causing a mess but usually follows her own moral code. Will ferociously protect those who she is in charge of or close to her but doesn’t care who gets hurt in the process. Believes in living every moment to the fullest.


Sometimes will disappear for long periods of time. Likes to make hasty decisions and experience and pick up new things.


(During the Night):

Transformation: Has difficulty keeping a uniform shape without intense concentration so she usually prefers to transform into a white mist form, thus granting her name, that she can move around in more freely.

Enhanced Vision, Sight, Smell

Invulnerability: Bullets, blades and blunt objects do little to no damage

Superhuman Strength & Speed


Superhuman Strength & Agility

Enhanced sense of Smell


Picking up languages

Martial Arts




None at the moment


"Save your time for those who are worth it"

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