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Fandom Tears: Rebirth

Okabe Rintarou

Universe: Undertale

Near: Frisk, Amber, Sheogorath

Status: [NULL]


Universe: Undertale

Near: Okabe Rintarou, Amber, Sheogorath

Status: Determined

Frisk grabbed the pie from their head and held it before them, eyeing it. They took a sniff and cringed. Somehow, they felt assured it would be worse than Toriel's snail pie. Making sure not to seem rude, they placed it on the ground before them. "Violence is easy, but that doesn't make it right or the best way. Anyone can just kill someone else, but it's much harder to be nice." Frisk smiled. At least, that's what I've heard anyway. "I've saved the world through pacifism and kindness too. Violence isn't needed to make the world a good place. The world in which I didn't use violence is much happier than the one where I did. With powers like those, you could make so many people happy!"
MCU: Helicarrier/SHIELD HQ

"Well let us know if we can do anything to help. I want this alliance to work, Jason." Coulson replied. He noticed Temmie and waved at the creature with a smile before Temmie ran through the rest of the base, with Emma following her. "That creature is called Temmie." Coulson explained to the others "She's harmless though."

"I heard she played Chas and Dave on full blast on the Helicarrier." Fitz replied

"Chas and Dave is harmless." A scientist cut in

Stevenson approached the scientists with a grin, removing his sunglasses and pocketing them. He offered the female scientist a friendly handshake "My name is Agent Stevenson and I'll be your tour guide for today. Welcome to where SHIELD puts a lot of it's cool stuff."

Emma followed Temmie deeper and deeper into the base, passing various agents along the way. When she first joined SHIELD, she didn't expect herself to be chasing a harmless creature from another dimension around HQ but quickly brushed it off. She had been told that life within SHIELD would always be unpredictable.

Inside the TARDIS the Librarian smirked "I have given your TARDIS the ability to travel between dimensions. I did you a favour. That hour or so when she couldn't do a damn thing, that was her adjusting."

"How?" The Doctor asked, shocked and taken aback by what he was hearing

"I already told you Doctor, I'm just that powerful. I can travel between dimensions with a snap of my fingers."

"Why?" Tesla asked

"I thought you wanted me to stay out of your way." The Doctor spoke in a grim tone

"I had a change of heart. Talked with two mates of mine after our little meeting. Yes, your TARDIS can travel between dimensions but not all of them. Not dimensions I don't want you to visit."

@LegoLad659 @ryanpk200

MCU: New York

"Hey, fingers crossed, right?" The female SHIELD agent asked, leading River up to the roof of the building where the Quinjet was waiting.

American Frontier 1790

"Something else is at work here." The Woman muttered "I need to get her out of here and figure out what's going on. You boys are on your own."

"Her?" Gregory asked, turning around only to see that The Woman had vanished "Brill." He muttered in an annoyed tone.

Without the wards, the Wendigos began to ram into the gates of the fortress to get at their prey inside.

"Gregory." O'Malley began as one of his soldiers handed Gregory a bow and arrow "You still think that plan of yours will work."

"Nope." Gregory shrugged "Won't stop me from tryin' it."

The ramming quickly stopped as the Wendigos began to climb the walls, quickly grabbing some of the guards stationed and dragging them over the edge. From inside the fort, screams of fear and agony could be heard only to silence quickly.

"Is there another way out?" Gregory asked

"Yes, a tunnel that woman installed." O'Malley nodded in response "I can show you."

Marvel Cinematic Universe

Sash Lilac

Dragon Energy



"Huh. Why did you want him to stay out of your way before, then?" Carol asked him "Not that I'm complaining about the upgrade to this thing or anything..."


Mood: Cautious

Condition: Doing good!

Location: The TARDIS






Temmie continued her crusade through the SHIELD HQ. Her mission: To greet anyone and everyone inside the base.

That was her ultimate goal.

U ther! must check... TEM SHOP!!!

OMG!! hyOOManz! such a... CUTE!

hOI, cute hYUManS!!!

oh, iz roLPlY ovver? oki, bOI!!!​




[border]"Indeed." River replied, nodding. She followed the agents to the Quinjet and boarded it with the rest of them, wondering how exactly this vehicle worked.[/border]



[QUOTE="Some_Bloke]Nikita replied to this by firing at Sans and running back to her ship with Prinny in hand. She knew that the monster would simply follow her back to the ship, but she hoped that the creatures of this world would slow him down. She arrived back at the ship and began to scan it, seeing that while it wasn't fully repaired it was at least flyable. She dashed inside, setting Prinny down in the co-pilot's chair as the ship's computers activated
Perekos privod: onlayn (warp drive: online)

Pavigatsiya: onlayn (navigation: online)

Podrulivayushchiye: onlayn (thrusters: online)

Ekranirovaniye: onlayn (shielding: online)

Sistemy vooruzheniya: onlayn (weapons systems: online)

Stels- sistemy: onlayn (stealth systems: online)

Nikita sighed down and waited for the monster, waiting for him to wander into her trap.

Error dodged Nikita's shots with ease. "̸̛͘͢͝Ş̡̢̧͝h̀͞͞ȩ̀͜͡ ̶̡͞j̡͡ừ̵̕s̶̷̶̢̢ţ͢͏ ̴̧̕̕͝h̢̀á̷̛͠͏d͘͜ ̀҉̶t̴̴̨o̸͘ ̵̷̵̷̨g̀͠ơ̢͘͞ ̴̕͢͟͞a̴͢n̨͞d̢͏̛ ͟͏҉͢g̷̴̵̀͠è̀͘͢t̶̛̀͢ ̀͏m̨̀e̷̡͘ ̨̢͘͡m̴̧͞a҉̢҉̀͘d̛͡?̛̀͡͠ ̸͜Á̵n̸̕͠d͢͏̴͝ ͝҉͟҉t̵r̕͜͝҉y̨͟͡ì̵̵̶n̡̢҉̵̛g҉̨̧͠ ̧͟͟t͜͡͡o͞͠ ̢̢͘͞҉l͠ȩ͡a̵̢̛͞d҉̨҉ ̴͘m̢͞é̛̛͘͟ ̨̛̛̕i̸̷̢n̢̕t̴̢҉̡o̵̶͜͠͞ ̛͢a͟҉̡͟ ̵͞͝t̡͏̕͟͠ŕ̷̡͘a̴̴͝ṕ̛,҉͏͟ ̸͜͞͝H̷̢͜͠A̕͏Ḩ͜͏.̷̧̕͢ ̸̛͠Ǹ̛ò̢̧͝͡t̨͞ ̷̵̡̕̕g̴̨͠o͏̵̕i̷̢ņg҉͞ ̷̴́̕͝t̶͟͠o̵̧ ̕w̢͘͜o̵͠r̴̢k̡͘͡͝.҉̵"̨̛͘͢͝ He says, shaking his head. The Anti-Void opened up behind him, and he headed right in before any demons could get close enough to find him, closing the void behind him.

"I'll let you know if anything comes up." Replied the Commander. "Temmie? She does look harmless." He then heard Fitz's and said. "So that's where the music came from."


The doctor took Stevenson's hand and shook his hand. "My name is Doctor Valhen. I'm XCOM's chief scientist. If possible, I'd like to see some of this "cool stuff" and be lead to the labs of course."

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San Francisco-Terminator Universe

Raiden: After barely making it through the hostage situation, Raiden immediately retrieved his blade and charged into the frenzy. He leapt over one of the machines and bisected it across its waste, then again from head to toe. He rolled under a laster blast and then dismantled the machine that fired it at him. He picked up the weapon it was carrying and sprinted towards and up a wall, then continued to fire at the Terminators while he continued sprinting on the wall.

Achilles: After hearing the briefing, Achilles determined it was going to be shoot first and ask questions later, the usual Spartan and Titan plan. He popped out of cover and chucked a grenade into the midst of a large group of people, followed by several bursts from his MA37 using armor piercing rounds. The whole concept of dimensional travel was over Daniel's head anyways.

@Some_Bloke @ryanpk200

Assailant said:

Okabe Rintarou

Universe: Undertale

Near: Frisk, Amber, Sheogorath

Status: [NULL]


Universe: Undertale

Near: Okabe Rintarou, Amber, Sheogorath

Status: Determined

Frisk grabbed the pie from their head and held it before them, eyeing it. They took a sniff and cringed. Somehow, they felt assured it would be worse than Toriel's snail pie. Making sure not to seem rude, they placed it on the ground before them. "Violence is easy, but that doesn't make it right or the best way. Anyone can just kill someone else, but it's much harder to be nice." Frisk smiled. At least, that's what I've heard anyway. "I've saved the world through pacifism and kindness too. Violence isn't needed to make the world a good place. The world in which I didn't use violence is much happier than the one where I did. With powers like those, you could make so many people happy!"
Sheogorath eyed the child with mad grin plastered on his face "Oh but i do make people happy" Sheogorath grin only seemed to get wider and with wave of his hand a window open in-front of Frisk and their party "This is Mania" the ones who peered into the window could a pathway that led through a forest of large tree-like mushrooms

The view changed to that of a city landscape, one could see men and women of all species of Nirn, practicing there artistic crafts be it painting, music or simply casting transformation spells upon each others, turning each other into sheeps, cheese or even deer.


"Do you see what a little murder can bring child?" Sheogorath then pointed to Amber "and just look at you're companions one is threatening to murder little old me. what makes her any better then me when she is actively pointing a blade, you can practically see it on her soul there's a girl that has killed before. BUT NO YOU LOOK AT ME AS THE VILLAIN FOR KILLING SOMETHING THAT WOULD HAVE TORN OUT YOU'RE ENTRAILS AND GIFT THEM TO IT'S LOVER AS SOME SORT OF JEWELRY, though the last part is quite common in the Shivering isles. So how about we end this little debate for we are never going to get anywhere. you saved one world through Words while I saved one through Violence." Sheogorath changed the pie into a sweetroll "Admittedly the pie was had gone horrid, you always should bake it when the brain is fresh and perhaps with a little cheese"
MCU: Helicarrier/SHIELD HQ

"You don't know The Doctor like I do. I've seen the things he can accomplish. You already know that he'll lie to get his way."

"He was preventing bloodshed." Tesla butted in "Not a selfish intention." He shook his head

"Intent?" The Librarian asked "The worst crimes imaginable have been committed with good intentions in mind. Look at Dracula, all he wanted to do was prevent his own species from going extinct."

"That is a different situation." Tesla retorted "He was driven by a hunger for blood. He said so himself."

"Before your friend sliced his head off."

"How could you possibly know this?" Tesla asked

"I am what your friend calls an entity."

Tesla stepped back "Hrist (Christ)." He muttered, leaning back on the railings

"Don't worry." The Librarian chuckled "I am not one to drive you insane or set you on fire for the hell of it."

"So what do you want?" The Doctor asked grimly

"To protect my interests." The Librarian folded his arms and leaned, back supposedly balancing himself on nothing "I wanted you to stay out of my way because I thought you could be a threat to those interests. My friends told me you were the opposite. After all, you've defeated enemies of mine before. Other entities. You're useful Doctor."

The Librarian shot Tesla a playful wink and stood up straight "Your own Earth is safe, for now but a quick look couldn't hurt."

Inside SHIELD HQ Stevenson let go of Valhen's hand and led him straight to the laboratory with an enthusiastic stride as he walked "That's director Coulson, our two chief scientist Fitz and Simmons and your own commander of course. A lot of the work trying to figure out the tears has been done from this very room. Everyone, this is Doctor Valhen. XCOM's chief scientist."

Coulson stepped towards Valhen and shook his hand "Glad to meet you."

Fitz and Simmons approached Valhen next "We have an idea, it might help us track and even predict tears." Simmons explained "I was wondering...If you don't mind, if you could take a look at it for us."

Stevenson turned to Valhen "Up to you." He shrugged "There's a bunch of other stuff in the base you might want to see."

Emma managed to finally catch up with Temmie as the two approached a training area. Multiple agents stopped what they were doing briefly to glance at Temmie, leading to one agent letting his guard down as he was punched in the face by a sparring partner.

@ryanpk200 @LegoLad659

MCU: New York

As soon as everyone was aboard the Quinjet it took off "Hope you don't get airsick." The female SHIELD agent joked, sitting across from River "Can I ask what kind of technology they have back on your world?" She was afraid that if all of this technology was new to River there was a risk that they might be frightened by it.

San Francisco: Terminator Universe

As a group of Terminators scattered following Daniel's attack, Syeron jumped out from behind cover, igniting her lightsaber and charging towards the Terminators, cutting the survivors to pieces. An HK tank fired on the young Jedi only to have her dodge the blast and run forwards, slicing through the tank in six long swings of her blade. She pushed it back several meters using the force, crushing two T-600 units behind it. She smiled only for this to quickly fade as yet more Terminators approached their position. She quickly ran for cover inside a nearby destroyed building as two HK tanks opened fire on her.

Inside the facility Mil took advantage of the attention on Raiden to decapitate a T-700 with it's omni-blade. Mil then used it's omni-tool to sabotage the gun of a T-700 aiming for Connor, allowing Connor and Valentine to finish it off with shots from their weapons.

JackOfHearts said:
Error dodged Nikita's shots with ease. "̸̛͘͢͝Ş̡̢̧͝h̀͞͞ȩ̀͜͡ ̶̡͞j̡͡ừ̵̕s̶̷̶̢̢ţ͢͏ ̴̧̕̕͝h̢̀á̷̛͠͏d͘͜ ̀҉̶t̴̴̨o̸͘ ̵̷̵̷̨g̀͠ơ̢͘͞ ̴̕͢͟͞a̴͢n̨͞d̢͏̛ ͟͏҉͢g̷̴̵̀͠è̀͘͢t̶̛̀͢ ̀͏m̨̀e̷̡͘ ̨̢͘͡m̴̧͞a҉̢҉̀͘d̛͡?̛̀͡͠ ̸͜Á̵n̸̕͠d͢͏̴͝ ͝҉͟҉t̵r̕͜͝҉y̨͟͡ì̵̵̶n̡̢҉̵̛g҉̨̧͠ ̧͟͟t͜͡͡o͞͠ ̢̢͘͞҉l͠ȩ͡a̵̢̛͞d҉̨҉ ̴͘m̢͞é̛̛͘͟ ̨̛̛̕i̸̷̢n̢̕t̴̢҉̡o̵̶͜͠͞ ̛͢a͟҉̡͟ ̵͞͝t̡͏̕͟͠ŕ̷̡͘a̴̴͝ṕ̛,҉͏͟ ̸͜͞͝H̷̢͜͠A̕͏Ḩ͜͏.̷̧̕͢ ̸̛͠Ǹ̛ò̢̧͝͡t̨͞ ̷̵̡̕̕g̴̨͠o͏̵̕i̷̢ņg҉͞ ̷̴́̕͝t̶͟͠o̵̧ ̕w̢͘͜o̵͠r̴̢k̡͘͡͝.҉̵"̨̛͘͢͝ He says, shaking his head. The Anti-Void opened up behind him, and he headed right in before any demons could get close enough to find him, closing the void behind him.
Nikita continued to wait on the ship with her trap in place. She turned to Prinny "Are you injured?" She asked, concern in her voice
[QUOTE="Some_Bloke]Nikita continued to wait on the ship with her trap in place. She turned to Prinny "Are you injured?" She asked, concern in her voice

Hero Prinny shakes his head. "No, dood. I have a feeling that he wasn't trying to hurt me, dood. He just wanted to scare you or something, dood. And, didn't you hear what he said earlier, dood? He mentioned being able to go anywhere in time and space with that 'Anti-Void', dood. There's no escaping him, dood!!!"
Marvel Cinematic Universe

Sash Lilac

Dragon Energy



"Woah, wait, hold up." Carol said "You're losing me here. Back up a little bit, what do you mean by you're what they call an Entity?" She asked.


Mood: Cautious

Condition: Doing good!

Location: The TARDIS






Temmie cringed when the agent was hit in the face "oOoh... yoU GET hiT! BEttER LUck nexT TImE, TEm thinks." She told him, giving him a quick pat on the head before moving on to greeting the others.

U ther! must check... TEM SHOP!!!

OMG!! hyOOManz! such a... CUTE!

hOI, cute hYUManS!!!

oh, iz roLPlY ovver? oki, bOI!!!​





"Extremely primitive, from what I have seen of yours so far." River replied "Most Armellans would call all of this stuff magical if they were to see it." She explained.[/border]



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The Commander nodded at his scientists as they walked in. When he heard the options for Valhen, he suggested. "You brought multiple scientists. Send a few to see the base and you and the others stay here."

Valhen liked the idea and split the scientists into 2 groups. She pointed at one of the groups, and told them to follow Stevenson. She told the other group to stay with her. Doctor Valhen walked over to Fitz and Simmons and said. "I don't mind at all. Please tell me about your theory and show me what you have."

JackOfHearts said:
Hero Prinny shakes his head. "No, dood. I have a feeling that he wasn't trying to hurt me, dood. He just wanted to scare you or something, dood. And, didn't you hear what he said earlier, dood? He mentioned being able to go anywhere in time and space with that 'Anti-Void', dood. There's no escaping him, dood!!!"
"Don't be naive Prinny, he attacked you. If you truly believe he had no intentions of harming you, fine. I'll have to be the one to keep my eyes out for both of us." Nikita replied "Anti-Void." She muttered to herself. She would need to see what the archivists said about that place, if they had any information at all. Nikita sighed and scanned the area, seeing that multiple creatures were approaching the ship. As the ramp retracted, the ship quickly flew back into orbit as Nikita searched for another tear.

MCU: Helicarrier/SHIELD HQ

Stevenson nodded in response and led the other scientists around the base, showing them the armoury, the training room and what appeared to be several dorm rooms where the agents slept. As he led them down another corridor he noticed Emma running with Temmie and rolled his eyes "That creature is harmless. I wouldn't concern yourselves too much with it." Stevenson reassured the scientists

"In his defense you are a little distracting." Emma chuckled at Temmie's reaction "He'll be okay."

Inside the laboratory Fitz showed Doctor Valhen the same image he had shown Jason and Stevenson, that of the green light within the tear. He allowed Valhen to study the image for several moments before clearing his throat to speak "When the Dwarf...That's a robotic drone I designed flew though he picked up on an unusual energy reading."

"We believe we can use this to track and even predict tears...Instead of doing the usual routine of picking up the pieces." Simmons added. "Things are never that easy, though as we're trying to decipher just what that energy is."

The Quinjet carrying River quickly arrived at the base, landing inside of the hangar bay. It was quickly greeted by four more SHIELD agents as River was led outside and towards the laboratory.

Inside The TARDIS The Librarian smiled, running his left hand across his own face "Means I'm a God."

"Not exactly. While he is more powerful than us, if we were to stand in the presence of a Godly entity, we would not survive." Tesla explained "My friend has studied these entities for years."

"Who is this friend of yours?" The Doctor asked Tesla curiously, with a slight touch of suspicion in his voice

"H.P Lovecraft of course." The Librarian explained, the smug grin on his face refusing to fade

@ryanpk200 @LegoLad659
Marvel Cinematic Universe

Sash Lilac

Dragon Energy



Lilac and Carol both looked at each other at the supposedly shocking mention of this H.P. Lovecraft person, but neither looked entirely surprised and even shrugged their shoulders at each other before turning back to the Librarian "Alright, so to put it simply you're super-powerful." Carol clarified, mostly to herself "Got it. So, what do you want from us?"


Mood: Huh.

Condition: Doing good!

Location: The TARDIS






Temmie gasped in response "teM NOt diSTRactING!!! tem... BIG HELP!" She said, running back over to the man and helping him stand back up, however little strength she had to do so with. It was adorable.

U ther! must check... TEM SHOP!!!

OMG!! hyOOManz! such a... CUTE!

hOI, cute hYUManS!!!

oh, iz roLPlY ovver? oki, bOI!!!​





River simply followed the SHIELD agents without question or comment, looking around at the facility as she did so. The Rabbit Clan would have a field day with this place...

That thought reminded her of something. What happened to Amber? Did she make it through her portal okay? Was she able to fight off the Bane that followed her? Where was she now? She didn't know why she suddenly had these growing concerns for the Rabbit Clan noble, but they were surfacing, and at an alarming rate. She didn't dare voice them to the agents, though, as she knew for a fact that their only answer would be that they didn't know. Better to save her breath.[/border]



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[QUOTE="Some_Bloke]"Don't be naive Prinny, he attacked you. If you truly believe he had no intentions of harming you, fine. I'll have to be the one to keep my eyes out for both of us." Nikita replied "Anti-Void." She muttered to herself. She would need to see what the archivists said about that place, if they had any information at all. Nikita sighed and scanned the area, seeing that multiple creatures were approaching the ship. As the ramp retracted, the ship quickly flew back into orbit as Nikita searched for another tear.

Below the ship a horde of demons merely stared up into the sky, watching the ship fly off. Suddenly, about four of them were pulled into a hole in the sky leading to the Anti-Void by Error Sans' blue strings, which then sent them out right through another hole right above the ship. The ship shuddered once the colossal stone skinned demons landed. Two slipped off, falling to the ground before and landing relatively unharmed, but the other two managed to stay on top of the ship, banging on it furiously. Meanwhile, back in the Anti-Void Error merely smiles. "҉̡̛̕͝T͜҉͏̶h̢͜e͜҉y̧̛͢'̀͞r҉̴͜͡͠e̸͏̴̷͝ ̷̶̢́͡l̷̡͢e̷̵͜͡à͡d̸̸͜į̵n̸̸͢͞g̵̕͏̛ ̨̛͘m̶̵͟e͘̕͠ ̧͟r̸̷͟i̛g͏͏̵̢h͏͞t̴̵ ̷̕͡w̨͢҉͡ḩ̷̡͠e̸̵͜͡r̛̕͘͡e̵̸̡ ̢̢͘͠I̴҉͏͏ ̧̢͠w̕͢a͏̢̛͡n͜͢t̨ ̷͟͝͠t̶̨͘h͘͜ę̵̧͢͝m͏҉͟ ̴̴t̸̶͢ǫ̡́.̵͜ ̧Ś̨͜҉̕t͏̶̡͠i̷͘l̵͡͞l̴̛̕͜͢,̧͟͜͡͝ ҉̡̀͝m̀̀̀͢a̸͞y̛͜͝͞ ̷a̴̡͜͟ş̧͘͢ ҉w҉̷́e҉̢l̢͢ļ̕͟ ̵̧́͡m̶͝ȩ̸͘ś̷̀͡͠s͜͢͏̶̢ ̵̷͢w̛͘͜i͜͝͞͝t́̕͝h͘͟ ̵̛̕t̸͘h̶̷́a̵̷͡t̢́͝͠͝ ̀̕b̧i̴҉͏͏t̵c̴̀̕͟͠h̡͝ ̴̀̀͟͡w͏͝ḩ̴̕͏̨ờ̕͟ ́̕͜͝ţ̷̴̕͠h̶͜ŗ̵̸̛͝e̡̕͟͡a̴̡̢͜t̴͢e҉̶n̷è̡͘d҉̧ ̛͏m̸̢͞҉͞e̴̴.̸̵̨͏ ̛͠͏T̨͝h͏̸͟è͟ ̢̛͠P̴̢̢ŗ͘͠͞į̸̕͜ņ̶͞͠n͏̕͢͞ỳ̸͏͏ ̸̶͢͢i͏͞҉s̶̨͟͠n̷̢̢̛'҉̴̧̛́t̶̴͢ ̨̕͢r̡̀͝͏̨e̶̶̶̡a̸҉̸̡͜l͏̢͏l̀͡y̛̕͡͠ ̧̨t́͏͜͠h̷͘͟͏͝á̡͢t̴͢ ̵̢ḿ̴͝͡e͟͠͏͢͡ą̵́́n͏̕.͏̴̕ ͏̧̡M̶̡͢á̧̢͘͘y͏̷̛̛҉b̸̧̢̕ę͏ ̵͡ḩ̢e̸̢'̵͏̀d̢͏̷̷ ͟͡m̴a̴͘͝҉̵k̷̛͏̴e̡͘ ̶̵̨͜à̸́͜͟ ̵̡͡͞ģ͝o͏̷͡ǫ̵̢d̢ ͏͏̷̧̀p̛͏̸̀u͏̴̛p̴͜͢͝p̶͏̨͠e͘͜҉̸t͏̸?̸͘ ̡̢̧̕N̸̡͟a̸̸͜͟h̨͏,̵̷͞͝ ͏h̀͜e̵̵̴̷͡'̧̀͘s̸͠͞ ́͜͝f̶̴u̴̷ǹ͞n̢͜į̸̕͞e͟҉̧r̀͞ ҉̵̢͠o̷̷n̛҉͡͏ ̧̡́͢ḩ̵̸̵̕i͝ş͞҉̧ ͘͜͟͡ó̶̧͢w҉̢̛͜͠n̸̡͠.̴͢͞"̡̢̀

As the scientists followed Stevenson, they took notes on their datapads of anything they thought were important. When they came across Temmie, one of them joked. "You better keep it away from Doctor Valhen. She'll probably toss it into the interrogation chamber."

The Lab

"Perhaps we could repurpose the Hyperwave Relay?" Suggested the doctor. She then explained her theory. "The Hyperwave Relay is a communication device that we recovered from the aliens. There was a theory that the device could transmit across multiple dimensions. Now that we're aware of multiple dimensions, I think we could repurpose it to track the energy from the tears." She then asked. "What do you think?"



"I guess that's a relief." Said Crane. He continued to fire shots into the Deathclaw as it went after the others.
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Rodimus walked up to Homura, "For not blowing us up with the high amount of explosives you laced Mindwipe with, I proudly award you another Rodimus star, young human girl!" Rodimus gave Homura another one...
Marvel Cinematic Universe

Sash Lilac

Dragon Energy



"A war?" Lilac asked him "What kind of war? Does it involve these Tear things that the SHIELD guys are looking at?"


Mood: Huh.

Condition: Doing good!

Location: The TARDIS






Temmie, once she finished 'Helping' the SHIELD agent up, waved to him "gooD LUck, cyOOt hyOOman! bOI!!!" She said, before running back over to Emma and the XCOM guys "hOI!!!"

U ther! must check... TEM SHOP!!!

OMG!! hyOOManz! such a... CUTE!

hOI, cute hYUManS!!!

oh, iz roLPlY ovver? oki, bOI!!!​





River looked at her and nodded in response "I am fine." She insisted "What we should be more concerned about is if anyone has been infected by Rot."[/border]



theManCalledSting said:
Rodimus walked up to Homura, "For not blowing us up with the high amount of explosives you laced Mindwipe with, I proudly award you another Rodimus star, young human girl!" Rodimus gave Homura another one...
Constantine shrugged in response to the Star and turned to Homura "What are you gonna do now?" He asked in a soft tone. Constantine began to wonder that himself. This world was not his own and he'd been so caught up with Mindwipe's plans he hadn't tried to figure out what the portal was and how it had brought him here. For now, had had to make sure this girl was alright. The rest could wait.
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[QUOTE="Some_Bloke]Nikita clenched the controls of the ship and steered it to the side in an attempt to knock the demons off. "Hold on." She told Prinny before turning the ship into a barrel roll, knocking one of the demons off in the process while another managed to hold on.
Seeing this on the ship's scanners Nikita pressed a button on the ship's console, electrifying the shield and causing the demon to let go. It plummeted to the ground as Nikita steered the ship in the direction of a tear that appeared to be opening.

She increased the speed as the tear expanded in size, driving the ship through it and into another world.

On the other side of a tear was a planet Nikita recognized as earth...Only, something was different. There was no signs of any kind of defence or any large structures on the ground. Nikita quickly drew the assumption that this yet another alternate universe and engaged the cloaking mode on the ship as she started to scan the planet.

"You alright?" She asked Prinny

Hero Prinny's head was spinning. "With the exception of feeling like I'm going to throw up, I'm fine dood." He says, putting a flipper to his forehead. Meanwhile, the tear provided Error with a way to follow Nikita and Hero Prinny. The Anti-Void opened up a hole leading to the planet Nikita was flying above, scanning. The hole quickly closed behind him."͠͠Ẁ̨̡͡͡e̢̢͢͝ĺ̵̡͝ļ̧̨̕͜ ҉̸̡̕w̴̵͜͠e̵͞͡l̷͘͜l̸ ͏̡́͡ẁ̶e̶̴ļ̵͜l̴̡̀!̛ ̷̨̡͞Ẃh̸̡̧́a̶͝͞t̨͘͢͜ ̸̵̡́͘ą̸̶ń͡ ̨̀͘͝ì̸̀͞ǹ̵̢̢t̶̷̀e̴͟r̡̛̀͠e̵̕͝s̶͏t͝͏̷̛͡i̡̨͘̕n͜g̵͘ ̷̢͡͠t̷̢̢͡u̕͜ŗ̴͢n̸͟͏ ̧̀͟͠ờ̧͘f̸͘͢͞ ̀͟e̴̶̕͠v҉͠e̸̡̡n̶̡͘͡t̷͠s͘҉҉!̷͜͟ ̧͢͜͢͞L̵̴̨͝ò̷͡o͏̧̀͘͞k̵̴̨̕s̀̀̕ ̷̶͘l̨͠į͏̷k̡̛̀͞͠e͡͠͝͠ ́͢I̕͟͞'̸͘͏̛m̡̛̛͢͡ ̛͢҉̵ń̛͡҉ǫ̶͏t̀͘҉҉ ̷̡̧ţ̛h̕҉̴̢͘é̕ ̕͠͡ǫ̀͘͝n̶͏l̴͘͢͞͝ỳ̢̨ ̶̧͞͝o͟͜͝ņ̀ȩ̷͝ ̢́w̨̢͡h͏̶͞͏o҉ ̴̧̢͠ć̷̀a̵͘͜͢n̷̛̕͟ ̵̧̢́t́҉̴r̶͠͞͞a̶̷͟͞v̶͜e͏̷̡̢͠ļ̸̴̷̕ ̴͏̛͜a̢̧l͜l̛͢ ̡͟o͏̷͜͠v̸̕e̴̴̢̛͟r̵̡͠ ̨̀̕͡ţ̷̀h̷͏̨è̷̶̸̢ ̷́m͏̴͜͞҉ų͟͜͡l̵̸̡͟t̡͢͞i̡͜͢v̵͝e̶͢r̷̨҉ş̶͜e̴̶̢͞ ̸̨͜͠a̛҉̵̸͝ǹy̵͜m̸͞o̡͏r̢̛͟ȩ͠!҉̡̡͠͠"̶͠͡͞

"Alright." Explained Valhen. "The device was recovered during the alien base assault and was used by the base's leader to communicate with its boss. When it was recovered, we used the device to uncover a cloaked UFO and shot it down. We didn't have the time to pursue multi-dimensional communication and there were more pressing matters at the time. I can assign scientists that are still on the ship to pursue my idea. " While she waited for a response, she used her datapad to give orders to the scientists aboard the Avenger.

Someplace else in SHIELD HQ

"I meant that as a joke. That's just what the doctor likes to do when we come across a new species." Said the scientist. "It's clear that it's harmless.



Seeing his chance, Crane fired several shots into its head. "Maybe I could stun it?" He suggested. Crane quickly grabbed firecrackers from his bag and tossed it at the Deathclaw's face. "Let's see what that does." He said as he waited for a result.
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JackOfHearts said:
Hero Prinny's head was spinning. "With the exception of feeling like I'm going to throw up, I'm fine dood." He says, putting a flipper to his forehead. Meanwhile, the tear provided Error with a way to follow Nikita and Hero Prinny. The Anti-Void opened up a hole leading to the planet Nikita was flying above, scanning. The hole quickly closed behind him."͠͠Ẁ̨̡͡͡e̢̢͢͝ĺ̵̡͝ļ̧̨̕͜ ҉̸̡̕w̴̵͜͠e̵͞͡l̷͘͜l̸ ͏̡́͡ẁ̶e̶̴ļ̵͜l̴̡̀!̛ ̷̨̡͞Ẃh̸̡̧́a̶͝͞t̨͘͢͜ ̸̵̡́͘ą̸̶ń͡ ̨̀͘͝ì̸̀͞ǹ̵̢̢t̶̷̀e̴͟r̡̛̀͠e̵̕͝s̶͏t͝͏̷̛͡i̡̨͘̕n͜g̵͘ ̷̢͡͠t̷̢̢͡u̕͜ŗ̴͢n̸͟͏ ̧̀͟͠ờ̧͘f̸͘͢͞ ̀͟e̴̶̕͠v҉͠e̸̡̡n̶̡͘͡t̷͠s͘҉҉!̷͜͟ ̧͢͜͢͞L̵̴̨͝ò̷͡o͏̧̀͘͞k̵̴̨̕s̀̀̕ ̷̶͘l̨͠į͏̷k̡̛̀͞͠e͡͠͝͠ ́͢I̕͟͞'̸͘͏̛m̡̛̛͢͡ ̛͢҉̵ń̛͡҉ǫ̶͏t̀͘҉҉ ̷̡̧ţ̛h̕҉̴̢͘é̕ ̕͠͡ǫ̀͘͝n̶͏l̴͘͢͞͝ỳ̢̨ ̶̧͞͝o͟͜͝ņ̀ȩ̷͝ ̢́w̨̢͡h͏̶͞͏o҉ ̴̧̢͠ć̷̀a̵͘͜͢n̷̛̕͟ ̵̧̢́t́҉̴r̶͠͞͞a̶̷͟͞v̶͜e͏̷̡̢͠ļ̸̴̷̕ ̴͏̛͜a̢̧l͜l̛͢ ̡͟o͏̷͜͠v̸̕e̴̴̢̛͟r̵̡͠ ̨̀̕͡ţ̷̀h̷͏̨è̷̶̸̢ ̷́m͏̴͜͞҉ų͟͜͡l̵̸̡͟t̡͢͞i̡͜͢v̵͝e̶͢r̷̨҉ş̶͜e̴̶̢͞ ̸̨͜͠a̛҉̵̸͝ǹy̵͜m̸͞o̡͏r̢̛͟ȩ͠!҉̡̡͠͠"̶͠͡͞
"You never have been." A voice spoke, coming from behind Error Sans. It was that of the Librarian who wore the same cocky grin "Mind if we have a little chat, skeleton?"

Nikita's ship had finished it's scans of the planet, the structures and traces of civilization below matched that of the late sixteenth century. It wouldn't be until the early twentieth that the Soviet Empire was born. Based upon the snowfall in parts of the world, Nikita took the assumption that it was either during the winter or this planet's climate was naturally colder than that of her own world. While scanning, the ship detected a large supernatural presence in America and Nikita flew the ship downwards. As it entered the atmosphere above the skies of America, several Wendigos hiding amongst a large forest looked upwards with curiosity.

@apoliseno @amybri18

MCU: Helicarrier/SHIELD HQ

"Do you know how it works?" Coulson asked Valhen

On another side of the HQ, Emma sighed in response "Sorry, we had to deal with another group who's solution to Inhumans was simply locking all of them up."

"The ACTU." Stevenson explained "They merged with us when the tears opened so they're a bit less dickish now." He paused "Right, Inhumans are people who have obtained superhuman abilities after making contact with Terrigen Crystals. Only if they have a repressed alien gene though. Someone that dosen't..."

"Dies." Emma added grimly

"If we ever come across these crystals tell your team not to touch them. The gene is only present on our Earth." Stevenson warned in a stern tone

Commonwealth: Fallout Universe

The Deathclaw reeled, touching it's face as it was blinded, letting out a snarl before lunging forwards blindly. Harleen pushed Crane out of it's path and jumped out of the way herself as Groot attacked the Deathclaw from behind, knocking it to the ground. The creature quickly stood back up as parts of it's vision began to restore slowly and swiped at Groot who managed to dodge the attack and hit the Deathclaw across the face.

[QUOTE="Some_Bloke]Constantine shrugged in response to the Star and turned to Homura "What are you gonna do now?" He asked in a soft tone. Constantine began to wonder that himself. This world was not his own and he'd been so caught up with Mindwipe's plans he hadn't tried to figure out what the portal was and how it had brought him here. For now, had had to make sure this girl was alright. The rest could wait.


Homura Akemi

Universe: Puella Magi Madoka Magica

Near: Crash Bandicoot, 11th Doctor, Achilles, Kuro, Rodimus, Cadance, Constantine

Status: Relieved

Homura still didn't understand the Rodimus Star, but this was the second one she received. She noticed, however, it seemed almost a point of pride for Rodimus to give these out, so she just decided to play along for a moment. She bowed to Rodimus and offered her thanks to him, despite still not understanding exactly what it was. She then addressed Constantine.

"I am not exactly sure. I suppose I'll stay here and continue my loops to attempt to save Madoka. It's what I've been doing for as long as I can remember," Homura said in her normally stoic voice, having finally calmed down fully. "Although I must say, nothing like this has ever occurred in my experience with time. I've seen these few weeks over a hundred times, and I've never seen any of you. Where did you come from, and why are you here?"
billthesomething said:
Sheogorath eyed the child with mad grin plastered on his face "Oh but i do make people happy" Sheogorath grin only seemed to get wider and with wave of his hand a window open in-front of Frisk and their party "This is Mania" the ones who peered into the window could a pathway that led through a forest of large tree-like mushrooms

The view changed to that of a city landscape, one could see men and women of all species of Nirn, practicing there artistic crafts be it painting, music or simply casting transformation spells upon each others, turning each other into sheeps, cheese or even deer.


"Do you see what a little murder can bring child?" Sheogorath then pointed to Amber "and just look at you're companions one is threatening to murder little old me. what makes her any better then me when she is actively pointing a blade, you can practically see it on her soul there's a girl that has killed before. BUT NO YOU LOOK AT ME AS THE VILLAIN FOR KILLING SOMETHING THAT WOULD HAVE TORN OUT YOU'RE ENTRAILS AND GIFT THEM TO IT'S LOVER AS SOME SORT OF JEWELRY, though the last part is quite common in the Shivering isles. So how about we end this little debate for we are never going to get anywhere. you saved one world through Words while I saved one through Violence." Sheogorath changed the pie into a sweetroll "Admittedly the pie was had gone horrid, you always should bake it when the brain is fresh and perhaps with a little cheese"

Okabe Rintarou

Universe: Undertale

Near: Frisk, Amber, Sheogorath

Status: Coming to grips


Universe: Undertale

Near: Okabe Rintarou, Amber, Sheogorath

Status: Determined

Once Sheogorath pointed it out, Frisk, for the first time, noticed Amber pointing the sword. Frisk turned to her. "Amber, could you please put away the sword? We don't want to hurt anyone. I don't think he wants to hurt us either." He then turned to Sheogorath and, once again, smiled sweetly.

"I don't think you're a villain, I just think you don't understand. There's always a way out besides murder. You-" Frisk felt a hand placed upon their shoulder. They looked up to see Okabe looking down at them.

"Frisk, I imagine you know that to win a debate, you need to know your opponent." Frisk paused a moment and nodded, prompting Okabe to look up at Sheogorath. "Why are you here, Sheogorath? What do you want with this world?" He said with a tone of grandeur to his voice.

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