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Fandom "Tears" (a multi-fandom RP)

Landing in an area of the planet away from human settlements, Angron leaves exits his drop pod and begins to examine the area where he landed as he waits for the rest of forces to arrive.
Warrior set down Accelerator and looked at the new man. "I feel like you are from somewhere close to Parts Unknown..."
Berserk Planet

Gilgamesh composed himself, having heard something land nearby. Thus he moved to greet it as a king should.

"Have you come to grovel at your king's feet mong- Oh." He stopped his grandiose statement as he noticed just who he was proclaiming to. "The nameless captain. I assume you arrive victorious after I allowed you to take the final blow?" There was no way Gilgamesh messed up and blasted himself out of combat. There was also no way he'd made sure no one could have followed him. Such acts were beneath a king therefore they had not happened. If one were to compare Gilgamesh's recollection of his recent encounter with Angron's, there would certainly be a few glaring inconsistencies at this point.
Slightly annoyed by Gilgamesh's words , Angron places his sword into it's sheathe before replying." I see you have come to this planet too. Perhaps you can assist me in conquering this backwater planet. And do not call me "captain", I am Angron, Primarch of the World Eaters." Just as Angron finished speaking, hundreds of drop pods descend from the air and land around the duo before releasing the warriors occupying them.
"What use is conquering it when it is already under my dominion? However, I suppose it would be fairly entertaining to let you do what you wish." Gilgamesh said with absolute confidence, "Yes. I will allow you to establish dominance over this world. If only to remind them what it is like to live under someone else's rule." Gilgamesh's body had mostly repaired itself, however he needed rest to build his prana back up. He would never admit weakness to others, especially this Angron, so he would have to go about it in a different way. It's not like he couldn't just annihilate them all once he returned to full strength. "Hm. If you find someone with substantial mana, bring them to me. That is my price for this allowance." Being cut off from the Gate of Babylon was a grave insult. If finding a Master could get it back...
Pleased that his forces arrived, And Angron gathers up his men and begins leading them to the nearest human settlement with the intention of finding a worthy challange for him and his men.
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"Ugh...That didn't hurt. It's kinda like Fast-Travel." Damon groaned, awakening in some odd house. The design was foreign to him, but aesthetically pleasing to the eye. His sister made a comment about Handsome Jack having a place like this and storing Buttstallion there, but it was rather foggy to hear. The projection she saw of her walked over to the woman and waved a hand through her. 'I wonder if she is powerful enough to see me.' she pondered, causing Damon to perk up. "Angel, that's enough." he said quickly. The way the Office Lady operated, she just might be able to do just what his sister suggested.

"Thank you for the help back there." Damon said, nodding his head in respect. He stood up and took in the surroundings. Bamboo stalks grew sat in the center of the room, cut and angled in a way to hold water and create a waterfall effect. To Damon, it was all just as beautiful as it was odd. "Are you responsible for me falling out of my world?" he asked in a stray, dazed fashion. The transport must have been a lot more on him than he initially thought.
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Sayaka Miki-Magical Girl

Run, they had said. Nothing, not even bullets could kill it, according to Connor, but maybe she could.... Sayaka then shook herself. No... Not right now. These people probably know more than you about both this world, and its enemies. You'll fight later. She turned to the soldiers he had yelled to, but they weren't paying attention to him. They weren't even moving; too busy staring at this.... Wendigo thing. But now others were approaching, and fast. They had to get out of here, now.

Hey!" She yelled at the soldiers, stomping a booted foot for emphasis. "You heard him! If you don't want to die, I suggest you run now!" Sayaka turned to Connor once she was done. "Is there any actual way to kill these things?!" Now she was frantic. In her slight hysterical state, it almost made her laugh. Fifteen minutes after a battle, and she's already meeting a new foe.
"I'm not really from anywhere, really..." The Doctor replied "I just travel a lot."

"How do you know who I am? Have we met before?" Tesla asked

"Well...No. A version of you from another universe might have seen this face in a crowd one day or another but it's...eh...Wibbily wobboly timey-whimey.

"Timey-whimey!? You look like a man but you wield the words of a child. Who are you?"

Agent Stevenson stepped forwards.

"His name if the Doctor. He's a Time Lord...And we have been searching for him since the tears opened." Stevenson explained

"You said that before, but why?" The Doctor asked

"Fury thinks you can figure out what caused the tears."


"I did not cause the clash." The the woman replied "I am merely someone taking advantage of the chaos...And yes I can see you." She turned her attention to Angel. "My eyes are not the eyes of this mortal form."

The woman pulled up a chair and sat down with her legs crossed.

"I trust you have a lot of questions." She spoke, holding her notepad "So ask away..." She raised one finger before Damon spoke "Although, the truth might be hard to hear."


"According to the lore, fire is the only thing that can hurt them." Connor frantically explained "Fire directly to the heart is the only thing that can permanently kill one."

"Does anyone have a lighter, any one of you soldiers take cancer sticks!?" Gregory shouted, drawing his sword before turning his attention to Connor "Get one of your arrows ready."
Accelerator watched the scene annoyed. At least he was on the ground now. "So are we gonna get processed or what? Because if you're just gonna have a little power meeting about those stupid tears then I can just leave." He really didn't feel like dealing with these people, especially if they were gonna try and do some hero work. He had a very limited number of people he cared about enough to expend true effort on. All he really needed to do was find another tear and see if he could analyze its vectors. If he could then he could take control of one just by touching it.


Gilgamesh followed Angron's forces loosely, not terribly interested in their conquest. However. A golden portal opened over his left hand, dropping a ceremonial kris knife in his hand. With this he could drain the Prana out of a few lives in order to replenish himself. It wasn't a tactic he liked using but recent events had made him consider it. When they arrived at a settlement he would partake in the conquest under the guise of allying with this Angron. Eventually, Gilgamesh would have to remind him that there was really only one king, but for now...
The drivers of the Type-97 had noticed the Wendigos outside and had quickly closed the two back doors over, now cowering in their heavily armoured vehicle as 2 of the creatures began to circle it, probably just waiting until the two crewmen inside had to get some air. The squad of soldiers looked at the group of 3 aggressively, jerking their weapons up and yelling the usual `Shut up` or `Hands on your head` but Leia, understanding English turned around to see the pack of hideous creatures, now yelling. "還有更多,跑!" (There's more, run!) To which Yeuzen turned around only to be presented by the now advancing creatures, jerking his head and yelling "你聽說過她,走了!" (You heard her, go!) The squad now sprinting in direction of the unknown group of 3, some spraying their weapons behind them in a vain attempt to halt the creatures.

Leia was unfamilar with the term `cancer stick` although she quickly picked it up as meaning a cigerette obviously, and with the Native American looking hunter stating that light could kill the creatures, she yelled "走出你的火把!輕傷害他們!" (Get out your lighters! Light hurts them!) The soldiers now frantically scrambling for the lighters that were in the emergency survival kit strapped to their belts, flicking them on and waving the now enlarged flames towards the creatures. Yeuzen jerking his head as the soldiers formed a semi-circle around the group of 3 they still hadn't verified yet. "Is there a way out of here, or we could get to our vehicle!" She said to the men and girl. Pointing to the armoured vehicle that two of the Wendigo's were now pounding onto, the panicked calls for help coming from the crewmen inside.
It was sometime before Vance arose. He was sure he had dozed off at some point. Vance crawled out of the pipe and stood up.He didn't know how to explain it but he felt stronger after his fight with Croc. A moment flashes through his head then. Him stabbing his claw into Killer Croc's stomach. Vance felt like he had siphoned a bit of power in that moment. He shook off his thoughts. What he needed to focus on was the strange portal or rather tear that brought him here. Vance emerged into the daylight with a plan in mind. He would go to a library and do some research.
Upon seeing the fire, some of the Wendigos turned their attention away from the soldiers and towards the group of three, as well as the soldiers cowering in the truck. One soldier's hands were shaking too violently and he was unable to get his lighter lit, prompting.one of the Wendigos to grab him and attempt to drag him away. He screamed in terror, clawing violently at the snow in an attempt to get a grip.

"Lighter! Here!" Gregory shouted, trying to get the attention of the soldiers. Before any could respond he snatched a lighter from one of their hands and used it to light Connor's arrow. He aimed and fired at one of the Wendigos, hitting it directly in the heart and causing it's entire body to burst into flames. The creature's body slowly disintegrated but the others, although noticing that one of them had fallen continued to attack.

Gregory lit two more of Connor's arrows and jumped into the fray.

"Look at me, I'm a distraction!" He shouted, waving his arms in the air as Connor hit another Wendigo straight in the heart.


At the library Vance saw a bearded man wearing a suit and hat sit behind the desk. The same one who had encountered The Doctor in "Pete's World"

"How can I help you?" He asked
Vance studied the man for a moment. Something seemed slightly off with him. He shook it off and spoke. "This will sound strange. But do you have any books on tears between dimensions or supernatural rifts between realities?" Vance knew he must have sounded a little crazy but he needed to know.
After marching for some time, Angron and his army arrive at the outskirts of the heavily fortified city known as Doldrey. Eager for combat, Angron and his legion of warriors gather near the city and begin to wait for their opponents to show themselves.

Sayaka Miki-Magical Girl

Sayaka blinked at Gregory's antics, before smirking. Smart. Taking a deep breath, she used some of her magic to jump high into the air, over a Wendigo's head. "Hey, ugly! You're stench is so bad I bet your own mom disowned you as a kid!" It roared and swung at her, but she dodged it swiftly. Now occupied, it gave Connor the opportunity to shoot it.

Although they were slowly becoming triumphant, Sayaka could feel the energy drain from her body as she used more magic. She had to be more careful; a grief seed (something to regain her strength with) hadn't come up in a while, so she might be in trouble soon. However, she couldnt dwell on that right now. Summoning a sword, she stabbed it into another's leg, making it growl.
The soldiers noticed their comrade being dragged away by one of the creatures, Lang yelling in panic as he saw his close friend Cho being taken. 2 more soldiers running to his aid, where they waved their lighters at the creature, scaring it away as it let go of Cho, the two younger soldiers now backing away from the creature as Leia spotted Yeuzen running towards the Type-97 where he banged on the side of it, yelling for the crewmen to open the doors, which they complied to quickly, heading inside and running back out with a fuel canister in his arms, jerking his head as Leia, Cho, Lang and the rest of the squad ran towards him, both grabbing large sticks from the ground, Yeuzen pouring a little bit of fuel onto the ends of each one specifically, the soldiers lighting their fuel covered sticks on fire now as they began to charge towards the creatures with them. Forcing them to back away a great amount.

"Citizens, you must leave now. We shall end the creatures ourselves." Leia had noted that they were doing perfectly fine by themselves, but it was still protocol to get civilians out of the combat area, looking in awe as Yeuzen actually jumped onto the back of one of the creatures, shoving his flame stick directly into the back of it's head, it squealing in pain now as it shook violently, throwing the older Sargeant off of it. Two PLA soldiers now helping him up as the squad quickly adapted to their foes weakness, making gains in ground as they forced the creatures to back away with their fire sticks. The two crewmen however had started up the armoured vehicle, driving it directly into one of the creatures, running over it, but not killing it. However it was dazed for a few moments.
Oregon and Zeta

Location: New Mombasa, Africa

Year: 2552

"Are you sure you don't want me to plug in and help out, Oregon? We both know how you are with locks."

I roll my eyes and grumble, my fingers stopping in their tracks for a moment in the hologram as I sigh at my pestering A.I. Yes, I know, I'm no York when it comes to locks, not even Wash, but I still have an idea as to how to crack them. Even these holographic pieces of shit. But Zeta "peeking" over my shoulder and being persistent about helping does not make me feel very confident about this crap. And I need to get in here, because I feel like there might be some valuable stuff behind this door. I don't want to pass this up.

"Oh, no shit, Zeta," I snap back sarcastically at him, even though he could no doubt feel my emotions. "I know I'm not very good at this. But, hey, at least I'm trying. So, please, shut the hell up." When Zeta gives off an annoyed internal acknowledgment a moment later with no verbal reply, I shortly add, "Thank you kindly."

Good. Maybe that will get him off my back.

I fiddle with the lock for a few more minutes, not exactly worried about tripping any alarms due to this place being abandoned, but I'm still cautious nonetheless. Eventually, I sigh and sit back on my haunches, rolling my wrists. I really am not made for this shit.

As I'm about ready to have another go at the blasted lock, Zeta radiating both amusement and annoyance in my mind, the hologram suddenly blips off in a twitch of static. It makes me jump slightly, still on my knees but my hands up and stiff in the air in a guarding position, looking like they are going to catch me if I randomly fall. A moment later, the door unlocks. I stare for a moment, confused, then look to Zeta's hologram, which I instinctively know is now sitting on the ground to my right.

"What the hell did you do that for?" I demand in an accusing tone.

Zeta glances at me with a mixture of confusion and annoyance on his face before he replies, "I didn't do that, smart one. The only way I could have accessed it is if you had plugged me into a console that was attached to this lock. I'm still in your helmet and mind. I couldn't have done that."

"Well if it wasn't you-?" I start up again, before I see something out of the corner of my eye. My head snaps forward to look at the door, which has started to acquire a hot, burning appearance in its middle, the color of blue fire. I stumble up and reflexively grab my rifle off my back, take a few steps back and aiming directly for the middle of the rapidly growing, bright blue circle. Zeta takes a few useless steps back in his holographic form as well, curiosity and alarm written all over his face. As we do, a sucking, popping sound gradually begins to build in volume with the circle.

"Can you tell what that is, Zeta?" I hurriedly ask. "Is it a torch? Plasma from a rifle?"

"It isn't giving off any signatures or indications known to me," Zeta replies instantly, processing the data in a split second. "I have no clue what it is."

My heart pounding in his ears and gut, I take a few more jerky steps back, preparing to run if the need arises. By now, the blue circle is as wide as the metal door housing it. Also, a small hole is actually starting to form in the center of the circle. It is dark, almost like a redish-purple, and it looks bottomless. As the hole grows, I feel...I feel like I'm being sucked forward, into the hole, which is now seeming to spin on the inside.

Seeing and feeling this, I falter, and lower my rifle slightly to stare at what is in front of me while taking another step back. What the hell is that thing?!

Suddenly, the door begins to crack due to, what I'm assuming, the force of whatever is going on.

"Move, Oregon!" Zeta bellows in my ear, looking back at me with his hologram. "That door is about to break!"

In an instant, I have my rifle attached to my back. I then turn to run, but before I can so much as fully look away, the door cracks apart and gets sucked into the hole, which now appears to be behind the door and much wider than it. And, Zeta yelling in my ear, my body gets slurped in a moment later like a it's nothing, following the door to its doom.


Suddenly, all I see is a dull white color all around me. My boots hit mostly solid ground, and I land in a stumbling run due to the momentum, my arms flailing a bit as I try to catch my balance and control. And I am running towards what appears to be-

-a goddamn cliff!

"Watch out, Oregon!" Zeta yells in my ear as I yelp in surprise of the sudden realization. I try to stop my feet from cascading off the frozen cliff, but I am on a bit of a slope, and the snow isn't helping. At the last second, I grab onto a narrower tree at the edge of the cliff since it is the closest solid thing to me, gripping it for dear life. I can also tell that Zeta has manually lessened the strength of my armor's overshields under my boots and hands, giving me more grip and traction. As my toes reach the edge of the cliff, I also feel the artificial gravity turn on in my boots, which sucks them to the ground without a moment to spare. Snow shoots off the cliff around my feet as I stare down with wide eyes concealed by my helmet, the foggy crevice below yawning it's hungry maw. All I can do is stare, and heave in bewilderment at what almost happened.

After a few seconds of nothing, Zeta and I both emotionally spent for the moment, I mumble, "What kind of crazy bullshit was that?!"

"I'm not sure," Zeta quietly responds after a moment. "But, whatever it was, I do know that it was not normal. At all."

"I think I realized that," I reply in the same quiet tone. Then, as kind of an afterthought while my eyes are still locked below me, I ask, "So, is it safe to walk back up and away from this death trap of a situation, Zeta?"

"As long as you walk backwards and take careful steps, and I leave the gravity on and your specific overshields off, yeah, that should be safe."

I give an acknowledgment to Zeta, then I do as he says. My feet slowly creep backwards up the hill after I let go of the tree, becoming safer with each step. For moments like this where I have to walk backwards, I can't help but silently thank my six years of showing dairy cattle in 4-H at livestock fairs back home on Harvest, for dairy cattle were the only livestock species where you had to constantly walk backwards while showing them. Trust me, it makes you grow used to it and see things behind you better while making you stumble less, and it makes running backward very easy.

Anyway, eventually, I make it a good thirty feet away from the cliff, safe and sound with no more trouble. The gravitational pull on my boots then eases off, and I feel the ever so slight slippery feeling under my boots of my overshields being turned back up to normal. It is very comforting, to be honest. And I need that right now.

"Thanks, Zeta," I comment genuinely.

I can feel him smiling as he replies with, "Anytime. Also, I didn't want to die either. So I tried my dammedest to keep that from happening."

I give a short, quiet laugh, then become more aware of my surroundings as my adrenaline drains off. The first thing that I notice is that, whatever threw me here, its gone now. Poof. Nowhere to be seen. I then see that I am standing in a forest of coniferous trees, everything covered in thick snow. From above, more of the white fluff drops down in a bit of a violent flurry, the clouds they are raining from looking thick and gray and uninviting. A sudden shiver trickles down my spine, and I shake slightly as I look forward again. My armor may keep me at the right toasty temperature without letting in the outside cold, but I certain have an idea of what it feels like out there. And, to say the least, I do not like the cold. Obviously it's in the middle of winter here, I guess..wherever here is.

In a hesitant tone, I ask, "Uh, where are we, Zeta?"

"I don't have much of a clue, to be honest," he gives in response. "But wherever it is, it's cold."

"Wow, thanks for that insightful info. I never knew."

Zeta sighs dramatically and finishes with, "Oh, shut up. At least I'm trying to help."

I just shrug in response and look around the forest. Where exactly should I go in this blasted place?

As that thought processes in my mind, I hear a faint noise off to my left. My head snaps in that direction, looking over my left shoulder. The sounds at first seem to be animal noises, like some animals in a brawl or a pack of predator animals taking down their next meal. But when I listen harder, I pick up what sounds like humans as well. And to be honest, it does not sounds pretty. I can't see anything, but I can certainly hear it.

"Any idea what that is or what is going on, Zeta?" I ask as I turn fully in that direction.

"Sorry to disappoint you so much today, Oregon," Zeta starts, "but no, I do not."

"Well," I say in a matter-of-fact kind of way as I grab my rifle off my back, "let's go take a gander at it, shall we?"

"Just be careful, Oregon. We are in a strange place that we don't know. That could be Covenant soldiers fighting humans, or some other crazy thing terrorizing the place. We really don't know."

"I'd go with the latter, Z, because I would know easily if that were the Covenant. I've fought them enough in the past for the noises that they make to be pretty distinctive to me. That is definitely something else."

After a moment of silence between us as we listen to the apparent fight, me staring ahead through the snow and not completely wanting to check it out, I suddenly start walking through the snow with a purpose. If something is harming humans, and they can't stop it, well then I guess I should at least do something about it. I've been trained to do this, and, hey, it will give me something to do, at least.

"Run my camo unit once we come within forty feet of the action, Zeta, so I can take some inventory on the situation before they know we're here," I huff as I trudge along. Zeta acknowledges, and I shift my rifle up to eye level by muscle memory, watching through my sights for anything that could be the cause of the funny business.



Damon got two bits of good information. 1. She could see Angel. That was a problem. Angel shared his concious, but that should have been exclusive to him and him alone. Angel, on the otherhand, was a little thrilled that someone else could see her other than her meathead of a brother; 2. There was a clash. And from the sound of it, there was a war between other heavy-hitters, like Office Lady. Damon chewed his lip at the prospect of fighting a war. When it came down to it, everyone wanted power. And to get it, countless others would die.

"There's a Vault Key everywhere, I suppose." he sighed, giving the woman a once over.

'Can you give him some real clothes?' Angel chirped in, causing her brother to growl. "No, I have no questions to ask. I have a request." He looked at the woman, with a stern disposition on his face. "When the war is won, I want my sister to have her own body. She was killed so our Father could be stopped. That just doesn't sit right with me." Angel uttered a choked gasp, utterly speechless toward his gesture.

"Do that and I will follow you into Hell."
The woman grinned in response. The Siren had something to ask of her, a deal she could make. She quickly frowned as she thought about the idea of war.

"There is no war...There are plenty of wars going on at the moment but no big Multiverse-scale war." She explained "Do not mistake me for one who fights in wars. I am someone who takes an opportunity in them. Someone is on the brink of death, I heal them. Someone needs a bigger gun, I give it to them...However."

She stood up, slowly approaching Damon

"All of it comes at a price. I am no good Samaritan. Just a businesswoman"

She turned away, her back now facing Damon.

"You named your price as loyalty. You said you would follow me to the gates of Hell if I gave your sister a body, right?" She spoke about the gates of Hell in Damon's voice but otherwise kept a calm tone "Well...I might have something in mind, something that might require someone of your talents."


The Doctor and Tesla

Stevenson sighed in response "Processing first. But I do hope you reconsider. Countless lives are at stake and we really need all the help we can get."

"Let's get it over with, then." The Doctor sighed

Stevenson led all of them into separate interview rooms. As he watched on a monitor two SHIELD agents would interview members of the group individually.

"State your name, rank and intention." One agent asked the Doctor

"The Doctor. Doctor. Fun." He replied

"State your name rank and intention." One agent asked Tesla

"Nikola Tesla. Chief scientist..." He paused on the final question

"What are you doing here?" The agent rephrased the question

"Oh...I saw the tear and my curiosity peaked."

Agents in separate rooms would ask Accelerator and Warrior the same questions. On the bridge of the Hellicarrier, something was being picked up on radar heading straight for New York city.


Connor and Gregory

"Bollocks to that!" Gregory shouted, still trying to evade the Wendigo he had led away. It swiped for his head but he was able to dodge the attack "We're fighting these things with you, whether you like it or not!"

The creature hit by the vehicle stood up and began to scratch at the windows in an attempt to get inside. It was hit by Connor in the eye and turned around to face him.

"Gregory!" Connor yelled, getting the man's attention as well as the creature's. The Wendigo charged at Connor only to have the Assassin roll out of the way, causing the creature to fall off of the cliff. It wouldn't kill the creature, not if the stories Connor knew were true but it would slow it down.

The Wendigo running after Gregory swiped for his head only for Gregory to block the attack with his sword and roll out of the way of the next attack the Wendigo threw at him. It snarled and continued swiping. Gregory led it to the side of the cliff and prepared to make his move. The Wendigo swiped three more times, one swipe missing Gregory by millimetres. It snarled angrily and charged forwards, falling off the cliff as Gregory rolled out of the way.

"Cheerio bitch!" Gregory shouted. He turned around only to see that another Wendigo had joined the fray and was charging towards him.

"Torro, torro..." Gregory muttered under his breath as it approached. As he attempted to roll out of the way however the creature reached one arm up as it started to fall, attempting to grab a hold of Gregory while one hand held onto the side of the cliff.

Gregory did not give himself enough time to react and the clawed hand grabbed onto his leg, knocking him onto his back.

"Oh shit!" Gregory shouted as he was dragged to the edge of the cliff, the snapping head of the Wendigo trying to get at his legs. Gregory reached for his sword, attempting to cut off the clawed hand but found that it was too far away, just centimetres from his reach.


At first the librarian had a confused look in response to Vance's question, but his face eventually brightened.

"Ah! You're in luck, I have just the thing!" He spoke excitedly before going under the desk and emerging with a large and heavy book. "I had to bring this one out of storage, someone came in here earlier looking for it."

The book was brown and did not appear to have a title, instead it had a pattern of strange runes and markings on the front.
Oregon and Zeta

As I trudge through the snow, my instincts on high alert and my rifle snapping to wherever I look, the sounds become louder. I hear a mixture of yelling humans, gunfire, and...roaring. Like, freaking weird roaring that does not sound like an normal creature I've heard before. At all.

Then, as I round a small hill, I see the cause of the sound. A very creepy, disturbing cause.

Ya know, I've never been one for those demonic fairytale creatures. They always scared the living shit out of me and kept me up at night, as well as being the cause for never, ever going out alone at night. Especially when we had to do chores out in the dark. Not even when I was still at home..and 18 years old. They just always messed with me, even though I knew they were never true. So, as I walk around the corner and see some creatures that look like shit right from my nightmares, I don't know what to think at first. I just kind of stop abruptly and stare, not believing my eyes. But I soon realize that this is real, and that those creatures really are there, and that I am no less than fifty fucking feet from them, and I have to face them. I really, really do not want to do that. But, since I am here already and a whole bunch of people - both civilian and army men - appear to be trapped by the group of them, I kind of have to help. Fucking great.

"Those are Wendigos, Oregon. They can be killed by fire, with a lethal blow being fire to the heart," Zeta says in a calm but quick voice. Actually, I already knew what they were, but I still appreciate Zeta's help. Because he knows how I get when I see something that scares me; I can't think, and I can't fight very well, and I just want to run. But he knows that staying calm himself and giving me feedback that can aid my fighting will make me feel better. So I silently thank him.

After taking a deep breath, I instruct quietly and shakily, "Please, just turn on my camo now. Might as well get this shit done with."

A moment later, I hear the slight hum of my enhancement powering up, and then I see my rifle and arm blend to match perfectly with the snow. I also know that the rest of my body is blending in to match whatever is behind and below me, making me damn near impossible to see. Then, I reach for the grenades at my hip.

I would let these people handle this on their own, because I really don't want to get involved. But I know I should help as much as I can. I hesitate and stop with my grenade in my hand as I watch a man take on one of the devils. I'm almost positive that he is going to get ripped to shreds, but then, at the last second, he rolls out of the way of the beast. The man is safe, but the Wendigo isn't, and it can't stop itself before it tumbles over the side of the cliff and disappears.

"That won't kill it," Zeta comments very quietly, mainly so he can inform me rather than nitpick the actions of the agile man. I remember the comment, and watch as the man makes another Wendigo go MIA for the moment by using the same tactics as before. Damn, this man is a quick thinker.

Until he doesn't move away quick enough from his third fallen victim.

As the third beast stumbles over the edge, it smarts itself quickly, and latches onto both the ledge and the leg of the man. He gets pulled down in an instant. He does quickly grab his sword and tries to kill off the cliffhanger, but the clawed hand is just out of his reach. If something isn't done soon, he will be dead.

I quickly look down at the grenade I grabbed. It's an incendiary grenade, more commonly referred to as a firebomb grenade. It works in a similar fashion to a molotov cocktail, except that it was constructed and used by a Covenant species commonly called Brutes. So it's alien made. But it creates a huge fire upon impact, and has one hell of a radius. Not to mention that it burns at almost 4000° F while it is up in flames. So it's my best option right now. And since I need to save that man without blowing my perfect cover to lob this puppy, I decide to do this first.

"Break the camo as soon as this grenade leaves my hand," I instruct Zeta quickly. Then, a moment later, I jog a good ten feet closer and chuck the grenade with all my might, using the momentum from my short jog to help it along.

I stay there just long enough to see it smack into one of the Wendigos. Then, I clip my rifle to my back and sprint for the man, completely visible, reaching him in a couple seconds.

Holy shit, these things are even scarier and more disgusting up close. But, screw it, I need to save this guy. Lets get to it.

With little hesitation, I shake my hands into fists, the shake providing the force I need. The second I do, my energy daggers deploy from my wrists. Extending 14 inches beyond my closed fingers and made of nothing but hardened light and energy, they are extremely strong and deadly things. But, lucky for me, very useful. I swiftly swing downward at the wrist of the Wendigo that is grasping the man's foot, careful to both dodge the guy's sword and spare his foot. With one quick, precise swipe, I cut through the wrist of the beast. It falls as soon as I do so, screeching the whole way. I rip it's hand off of the man and toss it off after its owner. Even though I know that that only wounded the demon and did not kill it, I still feel a bit better about at least slowing it down for now.

After opening my hands and retracting my daggers, I grab the hand of the man that is not gripping the sword, pulling him up and away from the cliff edge before I know how he will react. I give him a quick nod, let go to let him gather himself however he will, then turn back to the rest of the enemies. Chit chat can be saved for later, unless it is important to this fight. Otherwise, it is useless.

When I look back to the larger fight, the first thing I look for is the beast that I tried to turn into a torch a moment before. All I can hope is that the grenade worked, catching that one on fire and maybe another with the large blast radius. Because I have one more of these grenades to spare if it did. And the closer these things are to each other, the more birds I can kill with one stone. Or flame, in this matter.
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Sayaka Miki-Magical Girl

"Gregory! You alright?" Sayaka asked, not noticing the man was thrown over the edge until the last second. Thankfully, the strangers were there to help him. And they did it in a very clever way. Using a grenade, too. Very interesting. Her thoughts were cut off, however, when she felt claws rip at her her waist. She winced, and bit her lip to resist crying out in pain. She swung her sword, and it sliced into the Wendigo's arm with ease.

Magic was used to lessen the pain of the gash, and to cease as much as she could of the bleeding. But that didn't make it healed. That would have to wait. "How many of these are left?" She asked no one in particular.
Warrior shouted his answers, short and to the point...as well as Warrior could. "I AM THE ULTIMATE WARRIOR! I AM THE DEFENDER OF DESTRUCITY! I AM HERE TO FACE STRONG OPPONENTS AND SPREAD THE WORD OF THE ONE WARRIOR NATION!" He went on for a while about desrucity and Hulk Hogan after that.
Vance found it suspicious how the man had this book ready. "Oh really? Someone else was in here researching tears? Mind telling me who it was?" Vance spoke politely with a smile on his face. He took a glance down at the book and eyed the strange symbols. He didn't know what they were or signified, but he knew they were important in someway. Vance slipped his phone from his pocket secretly and lowered the book below the librarian's line of sight. Then he took a couple of pictures of the book's cover. Vance slipped his phone in his pocket and waited for an answer.

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"Accelerator," He answered the first question before pondering if he should actually answer the others. Oh whatever. It's not like they actually knew what any of his titles meant. "Number one Level five of Academy City. Intention is to get the hell out of this dump and go back home." Accelerator briefly wondered how Last Order was doing before returning to the situation at hand. "Is that really it? All that fuss over shit you could have asked me on the side of the street?"

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