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Fandom "Tears" (a multi-fandom RP)

Focusing all of his attention on his opponent, Angron grasps his Deamon blade with both hands and precedes to send an attack powered by his rage and bloodlust at Gilgamesh's sword before it could hit him.
The Durandal slammed into Angron's Deamon blade, grinding to a halt against the weapon. However Durandal would never lose it's edge no matter what kind of abuse it took. Gilgamesh's smug smile had yet to drop from his face as he struggled against his opponent. "It seems we've another added to our audience. Not surprising. A king deserves onlookers." He gave a small chuckle before contemplating his next move. If he wished he could use one of the three miracles Durandal granted him, however he was sure his opponent did not deserve such a thing.
Surprised that his opponent's blade was not shattered by his attack, Angron continues to press his Deamon sword against Gilgamesh's blade before attempting to deliver a powerful head-butt to Glgemesh. As the fight continues, the Devourer of Stars nears the Beserk planet.
Gilgamesh met the headbutt with one of his own. He realized pretty quickly how bad an idea that was as pain shot through his skull. He would show none of it however, he was a king after all. A thin line of blood trickled down Gilgamesh's face from the point of impact. He smiled in response as another golden portal opened to the side of Angron. A gladius of remarkable make but lacking in magical properties peeked from the disk before being fired at the same great force he'd fired his initial attack. He aimed it at the warriors leg, hoping to nail him to the floor. It was also a rather difficult place to forcibly move Gilgamesh in the way of. They both had a fair amount of force going into their locked forms, a simple shift could send one or the other to the side.

There was the matter of that new man as well as his metal box, but Gilgamesh did not care about them at the moment. Only the joy that could be obtained from brawling with his current opponent mattered to the King of Heroes.
Sitting on the Quinjet, Warrior had one question. "Tell me about this green giant...He peaks MY INTEREST!!"
Location: Hellmouth (I.E., Sunnydale, CA)

Harden stood on the edge, looking into the abyss of it all. This used to be Sunnydale, a cheery place full of bobble-heads who were too clueless to know what really bumped in the night. How he wished he was still one of them. "Ignorance is bliss..." he said to himself, swiping his thumb against his phone screen. Faith was supposed to meet him over an hour ago and, due to the fact that Willow was playing Deus ex Machina in the clouds, he was the next best thing in terms of magic. He started playing with his magic, igniting the energy in the form of a violet-black mist. New magic was surprisingly flexible, especially when you were pretty supercharged. The drawback? He didn't know many spells, and the ones he did know were
so super-powered, things usually went wrong. Buffy once called it chaotic. Faith thought it was a hell of a time.

Harden just wanted to know why it had to be him.

He sent another burst of energy into the air, when a glow came from behind him. He could feel something off about it...something just
wrong. "Faith?" he called out, facing the green portal. Something was entering his world, fast.
Roaring in surprise as lost his balance due ti his left leg being nailed to the floor by a gladius, Angron grasps the hilt of the gladius as he attempts to remove the blade from his leg. While Angron is trying the gladius from his leg, he grabs his plasma pistol with his right hand and begins to rapidly fire it at Gilgamesh in order to stop him from getting too close.
Gilgamesh sneered as his opponent opened fire. Quickly putting an arm in front of his face and moving to the side he opened another portal and aimed the large zweihander that emerged from it at Angron's center mass. "Enough of this! You have lost Mongrel!" He announced, his armor straining under the force of a few bolts. The red cloth which hung from his waist had been burned and a few places on his chest were radiating a bit too much heat for Gilgamesh's taste. "I have not come here to end your life, but I will if you insist on continuing your futile struggle against me!"

One too many bolts struck his left forearm, his armor softening greatly and burning Gilgamesh's arm. Again, he showed none of this pain. He took stock of himself. He only had enough power to fire another handful of blades and he still had two possible opponents. If this mongrel couldn't control himself he would simply end this fight and move on to subjugating the others.
The Siren

At the declaration of ending someone's life, Damon was pretty fed up with the both of them. He could tell from their looks alone that neither entity was necessarily "good"--they were totally bad. And, when one bad guy kills another, they usually go on to killing anyone else in the vicinity.

'Don't do it.' Sister scolded, rather harshly. She knew exactly what he had in mind. Damon had done it a few times before, in a tricky situation. Apparently, it was only the most basic form of his "Phase" skill, as he was told. But it would really have to do(this looks pretty bad).

He slung his Sandhawk and raised both arms, the mark flowing down each arm illuminating a strange shade of cerulean.

"Make way!" he yelled out, swing his arm vertically as opposed to the other times he used the strange force. The shock wave sent Claptrap flying back a bit and cut a solid part into the ground itself, going deeper until it ended 12 meters, or so. Damon prepared to run, SMG back in hand again. Whether the two combatants would leave him alone or not was entirely up to them. 'But, we will make their day just as bad as mine.' he told Sis, with a twisted grimace of a smile on his face.
Realizing the situation he was in, Angron decides to end the fight so that he could deal with the new arrival. Pulling out the gladius from his leg, Angron speaks to Gilgamesh as he stands up." I believe it would in our best interest if we dealt with that idiot before he destroys my ship."
"Agreed, I would be most aggrieved if he were to damage my ship further," Gilgamesh said as the portal containing the Zweihander closed. "So you are the captain of this vessel?" Gilgamesh gave a casual glance back to Angron. "Perhaps we can discuss terms over some fine wine later." Of course, there was really no limit to where Gilgamesh could open the gate. There was nothing out of the ordinary when another golden portal opened mere inches away from Damon's chest. "As for you, Mongrel." He turned his attention onto Damon, "Tell me, do you think you can outrun a king's wrath?"


With a loud crash, what seemed to be a large misshapen troll passed through the Tear near Harden. It quickly fell as it was missing it's left leg for some reason. The cause for this giant's grevious injury was soon apparent as a man with brown hair leaped through, planting his sword in the beasts chest as he landed. He tore the blade forward, ripping the creature in half. The strange caped man smiled at the gore near his feet before turning his attention to Harden.

Dragon the fuck am I looking at?

His thoughts were met with the same silence as always. Oh well. He sighed and stuck his tongue out, displaying the pact tattoo upon it. Hopefully whoever this kid was, he'd know what Caim was trying to communicate.

Sayaka Miki-Magical Girl

Sayaka followed close behind Conner, worry, hope, and apprehensiveness clouding her mind. She hoped Madoka hadn't ended up here; her friend would be confused and scared. However, it'd be nice to see a person she knew right now. But....

When they reached the high cliff the men had told her about, she scanned the area, her fists clenched tightly. "Madoka!" She yelled, cupping her hands around her mouth to increase volume. But no matter how much she called and called, nobody answered. She sighed and not the inside of her mouth, relieved and disappointed at the same time. "Well," she muttered, "it looks like she didn't come." She looked up at Gregory and Connor with a sad smile. "Thank you for your help, but... Looks like it was all for nothing." Her gaze turned down to her feet, trying not to let the tears that began to prickle in her eyes be seen.
The Siren(ability recharge--2 turns left)

"One word." Damon said, turning his gun on the man "holding" a blade to his chest. "Corrosive."

He blasted a round at the other and 8 other rounds followed in its wake. Glad that his luck gave him the one gun that would literally chew at his target's protection. The other didn't look like too much of a problem. His Phaserend would be recharged soon, so he'd be able to end this fight pretty soon.

'Don't underestimate them, Damon.' Sis whispered in his ear, but sounded eager to see him shed some blood.


The Witch

'What sort of magic is that?' Harden projected back. He could feel the unidentified man prodding at his head. His fists curled, stance forming. Unlike Will, Harden could put some ass down physically. The magic would just help him out--a lot. "Are you friend or foe? You aren't from here, and obviously you didn't drop in on your own accord."

In fact, the rip lead somewhere. Harden opened his conscious to it and felt the...tear. That was the only way to describe it. It wasn't only confined to his realm. It ripped through multiple planes, and that made the witch that much more cautious.

@Zerodeath98 @Barbas
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Seeing that Damon was assaulting Gilgamesh with some kind of corrosive weapon, Angron grabs his Deamon sword and begins to unleash a fury of attacks aimed at the idiotic fool's arms and legs. As Angron attacks Damon, a group of ten cultists armed with a variety of weapons from chainswords to pieces of sharpened metal surround the Siren in order to stop him from fleeing.
The corrosive ammunition began to quickly eat through Gilgamesh's armor. A couple of bullets managed to strike close enough together to make it through, grazing his shoulder because of the angle of deflection and burning the flesh underneath. Annoyed, Gilgamesh dispelled his now incredibly damaged armor. Underneath it, a series of red lines adorned his body. It was easy to see where he'd been burned through his armor by the plasma bolts. One thing these fools probably did not realize was that Gilgamesh's armor was constructed of his mana. Seconds later a new pristine set of golden armor appeared upon his body. The expenditure of mana was one that would hamper his firing of more weapons but he gauged that, not counting the one he was about to fire into Damon's chest for his insolence, he probably had 3 more operations of the Gate of Babylon. If he was going to use another Noble Phantasm, he would only have one, or risk damaging himself.

Gilgamesh changed the angle of the golden portal slightly. He wasn't sure if his former opponent wanted to kill this fool himself so he decided to err on the side of caution. It would be rude to kill a man who had damaged someone else's property before the owner could seek justice. Even if the property in question was now Gilgamesh's in his own eyes. He fired a large lance that would hit at an odd angle. It wouldn't take a large chunk of the Siren, should it connect, but it would probably give him pause for thought.


Caim sighed before closing his mouth. So this idiot knew what magic was but he didn't know what a pact was. Of course. He shrugged at the boy noncommittally and pointed his sword from the troll to Harden and then back to the troll. He then sheathed his blade at his side before looking around a bit. The place looked a little like the empire's capital, especially after he and Angelus were done with it. He glanced over his shoulder at the tear he'd come through, pointing at it and then raising a questioning eyebrow at the boy.
The Siren(ability recharge-1 turn left)

All attacks did connect, causing Damon's shield to overload and go off. He did take a few scratches, nothing serious. But what had resulted was him collecting more amps in his weapon, jacking up the damage substantially. "Awesome." he remarked. blowing down eight of the ten random lackey guys. They melted almost faster than a psycho would. "Let's do this."

(full amp shield recharge time- 2 turns)

(damage boost- 1 more turn)

Becoming annoyed that the pest wouldn't die, Angron swings his sword at Dmon's right leg while quickly thrust his left hand at Damon's neck with the intention of grabbing his throat." Your death will not be quick, mortal."
The Siren(Amp Shield-1 turn)

Damon fired his rounds at the swinging arm, letting himself roll with the recoil from his gun. It didn't stop him from being hit by the big ugly though. He was knocked into the air, along with the wind in his lungs. But behold!

Ability Recharged!

Damon swiped his arms in mid air, the Eridian energy raining down at his foes in a diagonal like path.
Gilgamesh chuckled. The man he'd been locked in combat with was more and more someone he might consider worthy. Maybe. He didn't want to step on any toes so he simply crossed his arms in front of his chest and watched. He did however decide on a Noble Phantasm to use. Since this Mongrel was so keen on spraying bullets in his direction, Gilgamesh settled on a defensive one. At the expense of most of his remaining mana, Gilgamesh manifested the Auto Defensor. A series of golden disks began hovering around the King of Heroes, waiting to intercept any attack that came his way with lightning.

The Auto Defensor moved to intercept the energy rushing towards both Angron and himself, the golden disks releasing their own energy to counter it. Half of the disks remained around Gilgamesh, the other half that had expended their power clattered to the ground. "Enough mongrel. Know when you are beaten." A golden portal opened behind Damon, firing a pike that would impale the Siren's right shoulder if it connected.
Seeing the energy attack was stopped by Gigamesh, Angron places his Deamon sword in it's sheathe before lungeing at Damon with the intention of pinning the Siren to the ground while he deals with Gilgamesh.

"You mean the Hulk?" Agent Stevenson replied "He's a scientist who experimented with gamma bombs. It went wrong and now every time he gets angry, he turns into an unstoppable green monster." Stevenson explained, he was not going to disclose Banner's name just yet. "I'm glad he's on our side." He smiled

Tesla paced around the Qunjet, admiring it's advanced technology.


Connor and Gregory

"She could still be here." Gregory tried to reassure Sayaka. That was when he remembered he had forgotten something obvious and slapped himself across the face.

"I'm a fraking idiot!" Gregory shouted

"Fraking?" Connor asked in a confused tone

"It's a reference to...Nevermind. Back in my universe there's a woman...She's my girlfriend and she could help us out."

Mirus could use her telepathic abilities to help track down Madoka, as long as Madoka wasn't blocking her out as April had done. At the thought of April, a shiver went down Gregory's spine. He turned around to face Connor

"Show me where the tear opened up to my universe."

"I don't understand, how can this girlfriend of yours help us out."

"She has abilities. It's a bit difficult to explain, but it'll help us out."

Connor nodded in response "I'll take you there."

"No. Just point out it's coordinates. I want both of you here in case Madoka heard you. My helmet can track it down."

Connor pointed to the left of the wilderness

"There is a tree that lies on it's side next to a formation of large rocks. Your tear is a several minutes walk from it." Connor explained "But be careful, there are wolves in that area."

"Right then..." Gregory muttered

He prepared to jump off of the cliff and glide to the location only to hear a spine-tingly roar come from behind the group. He turned around as did Connor to see a Wendigo standing at seven feet tall walk towards them with it's jaw wide open.

"What the fuck is that thing?!" Gregory shouted, trying to hide his fear


Harley Quinn

Five goons had entered the sewer having heard Killer Croc shout in pain. He was a powerful ally and so Harley had wanted someone to check up on him. Each goon was armed with either an assault rifle, a sub-machine gun or a shotgun.

"What's taking so long?" Harley asked in an intimidating tone, over the radio

"Well we haven't heard from Croc since the..."

The goon was cut off as they heard Croc roar as he battled Vance. Croc attempted to grab for his opponent's throat with one hand and his chest with the other.

"Nevermind..." The goon replied "I think we've got him." The team of five ran towards the sound of battle with their guns ready to fire on what was battling Croc.


Upon seeing how things had gotten completely out of control, the woman levitated into the middle of the control room. She had been watching from the sidelines for most of the battle, waiting for her time to strike when one of them was injured.

"ENOUGH!" She yelled in multiple voices, unleashing a massive shockwave intent on knocking all three off of their feet or incapacitating them. She wanted them alive.
The Siren

Damon hit the ground with the wave from the sudden stranger. She looked prim and proper, like a requisitions officer from Helios. She obviously wasn't, but it still made the hair on his neck stand on end.

'Be careful.' Sister whispered to him, and he nodded in agreement.

"What are you?" He asked out loud, using what little strength he had left to lift himself onto his ass. The woman looked like she was all business and no play--not that Damon would want to play with that fire.
Gilgamesh stood, unconcerned of the shockwave. His Auto Defensor lost another few disks but was able to repel the attack. "You presume to stand in our way once more? I thought you had perhaps learned your lesson and were simply waiting your turn." Gilgamesh of course still had the Durandal in his right hand. Perhaps using one of its miracles to slay this wretch would be something he could justify. He did not need to concern himself with conserving his blade's power, it would return to the height of it's power as soon as it reentered the Gate.

"What do you even deem so important as to interrupt our battle in the first place?" The clearly annoyed Gilgamesh asked as he unfolded his arms, pointing the peerless blade at her.


"How do you fuck up experimenting with gamma bombs that badly?" Accelerator murmured to himself. More importantly, if he messed up with gamma bombs shouldn't he be dead rather than mutated. Perhaps this world called something else gamma radiation. He knew it couldn't have different physical properties as he hadn't instantly died upon moving through the tear.
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Slightly annoyed that his fight was interrupted, removes his Deamon sword from his sheathe and waits to see what the strange women wants.
"H-Hulk? HULK HOGAN!" He began to shout about things that didn't make sense to anyone there. “YOU INTERFERED WITH MY PATHWAYS OF COMMUNICATION TO MY WARRIORS, HULK HOGAN! YOU, HULK HOGAN- Wait, he's our ally?"

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