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Fandom "Tears" (a multi-fandom RP)

Accelerator: New York (MCU)

The Boy's hand finally left the electrode on his neck. He took the opportunity to reach down and grab up his canned coffee, taking another swig before glaring at the Agents again. "Now that we're feeling cooperative. Where are we, and apparently when are we?" He directed the question at Stevenson since he seemed to be in charge. "And have you ever heard of Academy City?" This was just a personal question that would make explaining things fairly easy if he had to. "And this processing crap, who sent you to do it and why?"

Aboard the Devourer of Stars

A broadsword was fired, approximately around mach 2, towards the woman assaulting Angron. Across the control room stood a figure, clad in golden armor and radiating a figurative aura of kingship. "So this is why you mongrels have not appropriately greeted my arrival. You've been busy infighting. I suppose that's only fitting, after all your ruler is only claiming to be a a king." He spoke with a casual air as he regarded what had been a fairly brutal fight. He crossed his arms over his chest and waited for one of the two of them to acknowledge the presence of their king.
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Sayaka Miki- Magical Girl

Sayaka laughed and giggled as the witch drew it's tentacle-like spears into her sides. She didn't feel anything. She didn't need to feel anything! She was fighting and she didn't feel any pain! "Heh." Her giggle started out softly, then rose in volume the more her sword slashed and slashed at the limp witch. It turned from a soft giggle to a loud, almost psychotic laugh. "He was right!" She exclaimed. More blood trickled down her limbs. "Kyuubey was right! I don't feel any pain! HA! I don't feel anything anymore!!!" She was about to finish off the deadly thing, until suddenly she felt a wind rise up. That made her blink with confusion. There wasn't supposed to be any breeze in a witch's dimension. "What...?" She trailed off as the wind grew more violent, to the point of sweeping her off her feet. She let out a scream as the wind drew her out of the dimension, and somewhere that wasn't familiar to her. She landed on her behind with an, "Oof," and groaned. "Where... Where am I?"
Seeing the arrival of a new stranger who reminded him too much of Horus, Angron shoves the ruble off of him with little effort before facing the new arrival with his sword in his right hand. " Who are you to claim authority over me, boy!"
The woman turned her attention to Gilgamesh, holding the sword he threw in her hand. She tossed it to the ground and looked back at Angron. "I can take you both on." She muttered, shrugging.

"Well I suppose this saves me the trouble of tracking you down myself..." She spoke in a smug tone, outstretching her arms with the same smile still on her face as she faced Gilgamesh. "I've got time, you spared me some by showing up...So I'll let you throw the first punch. Go on, hit me." She shut her eyes, waiting for Gilgamesh to make his move.


"New York, the year is twenty-fifteen." Tesla confirmed

"I've never heard of Academy city, is it dangerous?" Agent Stevenson asked, butting in "As for the processing, we're trying to document everyone...And everything that comes through one of these anomalies or tears, whatever you want to call them. With people we just take a blood sample and interview them. Find out what their universe is like and if anything in proves a threat to our own universe."

Agent Stevenson cleared his throat before continuing "It should only take a few hours at most." He tried to reassure them.


Connor and Gregory Nelson

"What planet is this?" Gregory asked Connor

"Planet?" Connor asked. He was confused yet defensive, having seen the blood on the snow and the marks on the floor. He did not think this man was responsible, but he was on guard anyway.

"Yeah...You're human... I think. That's at least what this thing says." He tapped the side of his helmet

"Where are you from? You sound like you're one of the Redcoats."

"Redcoats..." Gregory muttered "Wait, as in American War of Independence Redcoats?!" He had studied history during his years in cryo-stasis and knew exactly what that term meant. Forces of the British Empire who had fought the Americans, and lost. As he continued to stare Connor down he noticed the symbol on his belt, it seemed familiar but he couldn't quite put his mind on it.

Gregory and Connor heard what appeared to be lighting and a heavy gust of wind coming from just north of their position. Both men turned their attention to it.

"Another tear..." Connor muttered


"You came through one of them...I assumed you'd know..." Connor replied, turning his attention back to Gregory

"I'm even more clueless than you are." Gregory shrugged, interrupting Connor "What the bloody 'ell is a tear, and where the 'ell am I?"

"This land once belonged to my people, before I was born but they were driven out. They call it the Wilderness but my people called it home once." Connor's tone was glum, almost one of sorrow.

From behind his helmet, a look of shock was on Gregory's face. Redcoats, the American wilderness and now what appeared to be a Native American man. Was this time travel? He'd heard of it, but only in fiction.

"What year is this?" Gregory asked "I don't think this is the twenty-third century."

"Twenty-third century. That's, that's not possible." Connor replied "The year is seventeen eighty."

"Oh god...I feel like I'm going to throw up in me helmet..." Gregory replied with some humour in his tone, resting his head in his right hand.

Gregory snapped himself back into focus as he remembered the "tear"

"I think we should check that thing out. Maybe it might give both of us some answers." Gregory suggested, getting a nod from Connor in response. Connor jumped onto a nearby tree and quickly made his way towards the source of the sound. Gregory replied to this by firing one of his grappling hooks into a tree and using it to climb up. Both men ran towards the location of the sound while on higher ground.

Both men watched as Sayaka began to ask where she was. At the sight of what was potentially a hurt child, Gregory instantly jumped down from the tree, landing on the soft snow. He had to check to see if she was alright.

"Bugger me." He spoke "Are you okay?"
"Yeah whatever, then who are you, and what is the thing you wanted" Said Ultron to the merchant "And how do you know that I'm his creation"
"Call it tools of the trade." The merchant smiled "What I am is not important but what I want is. You can either hand it over willingly, or I will take it by force." His tone became darker "I am here to take away one of your abilities."
Warrior just stood there and skronked to Stevenson "DO YOU HAVE WRESTLING IN THIS WORLD?! SOCIETY DOESN'T SEEM TO HINGE ON IT HERE!"

He seemed very curious about the processing, too. "AND HOW ARE WE GOING TO GET THE PROCESSING FORTRESS?!"
Vance had pulled into a dark alley at some point and fell asleep. He woke up early to the sound of tapping. A bird was tapping sharply on the driver side window. Vance slapped his hand against the window and let out a deep groan. He cracked his eyes open and squinted at the light. It was early in the morning and he stretched out. Vance popped open the car door and stepped out onto the pavement. He started stretching out and let out a long yawn. A roar sounded off in the alley and his eyes snapped to a grate. It lead to the sewer and whatever lived down there made his inner wolf roar for release. Not thinking twice, Vance walked over and ripped the grate off. He tossed it carelessly to the side and jumped down into the darkness.

Sayaka Miki-Magical Girl

Sayaka looked up at the two men, confused as to how she got here. "I'm...fine..." She muttered. Was it possible for a rift to form in a witches dimension? Heck, even if the dimension broke apart, why would she end up in this area? And....

A gasp escaped her lips as she realized she evidently came to this place without any of her friends. "Where's Madoka? Did anyone appear here with me? Maybe a girl with pigtails, about my age?" She stood up in a hurry, and her bright blue eyes darted left and right, anxiety building in her chest. Kyoko had better finish off that witch, or so help me.... No, she didn't have time to think about that, she needed to think about finding her friend, and maybe how she had gotten here.
"Like hell am I giving you my bloodwork. Nobody gets my DNA map. Not after all the shit I've seen," Accelerator immediately asserted. Not after seeing the results of the Dark May project, as well as the Level 6 Shift.

"Fuck if I know how dangerous Academy City would be to you guys, I don't know the first thing on what you lot can do." He wasn't about to bring up the fact that he was perhaps one of the more dangerous creations of Academy City's. He'd been dropped in warzones for use as a weapon a few times, and had been pivotal in the conclusion of WWIII.

"Whatever, let's just go. But if any of you bastards make any funny moves you'll know just what it means to go up against Academy City's number one." Having finished one can of coffee, he tossed it towards a trash bin. The can didn't quite make it but Accelerator didn't seem to care.


"I am Gilgamesh, King of Heroes. The oldest and greatest of Heroic Spirits," He let out a hearty laugh as the two took up arms in a challenge. "Oh? You are quite full of yourself if you think to stand against me! Now then." He held his right hand out. Space warped as a gold disk opened in thin air. From within came a large ornate lance. The indestructible diamond pounder Vajira.

However, Gilgamesh looked troubled. Simply summoning the weapon had taken far too much out of him. "Hm? Is there no free flowing Prana here to fuel the Gate..." He said largely to himself. "No matter. Even with a limitation such as that." He turned the lance towards the woman who was foolish enough to look down on a king. "The thought of you Mongrels standing up against me is laughable at best."

He fired. Vajira was perhaps the most apt weapon he could have summoned, as it's destructive power was not tied to his own Mana supply. Fueled by the lightning of Indra, Vajira rocketed towards the woman with far more force than the previous weapon, and should it somehow be stopped it would detonate with the full might of Indra's lightning. He didn't much care if Angron got caught up in the resulting explosion.
"No, it looks like it's just you." Gregory replied in a sympathetic tone before turning his attention to Connor "Unless...Did anymore of these tears open?"

"No. Just the one you came through and this one." Connor shook his head

"Well, there could be others." Gregory spoke, trying to reassure Sayaka "Is there a cliff or another high place nearby? Perhaps somewhere where we could get a good look at the whole area?"

"Yes, if she can walk."

"If she can't walk, I'll carry her." Gregory replied "Just show us where this high place is."


Nikola Tesla

"There is wrestling in this world, yes." Stevens replied "Why do you ask? And we're going there by helicopter."

Tesla raised on of his hands after the Accelerator responded "We can work something out." He turned his attention to Agent Stevens and nodded.

"Fine." Stevens sighed, reluctantly. He didn't know what The Accelerator was capable of and did not want to make the mistake of angering someone who was potentially very powerful "Are you okay if we interview you though?"


The lance only hit a barrier but rather than generate a shockwave, the barrier itself changed colour to one that matched the aura surrounding Gilgamesh.

"That was pathetic." The woman sighed "Go on, I'll let you try again."

Sayaka Miki-Magical Girl

Sayaka shook her head. "No, no, I can walk. I'll be fine." She stood beside them, smiling. "Thank you for your help. My name is Sayaka. What are yours?" She asked politely, offering her hand. The men had seemed nice enough. And now they were even helping her. She wished there were more people in the world like these two, but.... She doubted it. Her mind went back to the two men on the train she had seen a few days ago. They were talking about their girlfriends as if they were objects, calling them hoes, and crybabies. It made her feel sick, thinking about it.

She then shook herself out of her thoughts.
Stop it. Focus on finding Madoka.... If she even came. Sayaka hadn't seen her when she was pulled in, but.... Maybe... Just maybe.
Accelerator shrugged, "Yeah sure I don't give a shit." He picked up the grocery bag at his side and let out an annoyed sigh. This time travel and alternate universe stuff was going to get frustrating real fast, he could already tell. "So when are we getting out of this dump?"


The Vajira pushed against the barrier, unable to pierce it. "Adaptation? Hah. Perhaps you aren't as low born as I thought, Mongrel," Gilgamesh gave a hearty chuckle before snapping his fingers. Even if she somehow attuned that barrier to him through Vajira, the weapon itself did not use his mana when it activated. The lance exploded, the lightning of a god pouring from the projectile, shooting forward with a terrible roar.

Gilgamesh opened another portal as he waited for the smoke to clear, casually reaching into it and pulling a sword from it. Durandal, the peerless sword. Indestructible, and a weapon that did not require Gilgamesh to expend further mana in using it's abilities. It was a blade capable of granting him three miracles. He held it to his side and let out a small sigh. "You there. Mongrel," He glanced to Angron, "Where am I?"
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Warrior just sort of stood there, wearing multi-colored tassels, facepaint, and trunks. He replied as calmly as he could shout "OH, NO REASON!!!!!"

He then looked to Accelerator. "I want out of this place, too. THERE IS NO CONFLICT HERE!".
Watching as Gilgamesh pulls out a new weapon from a portal, Angron picks up his plasma pistol from the ground and precedes to fire a shot aimed at the arrogant fool's head.
Gilgamesh merely held his hand out. His armor was not simply for show, it was a noble phantasm all on it's own. Capable of repelling powerful magics and physical blows alike. The bolt struck Gilgamesh's outstretched hand hard. Despite the armor the King of Heroes felt the heat from the strike on his palm.

"Mongrel. You know you only yet live because I have decided you have information I need. If you want to squander your usefulness by continuing to attack me then I will simply destroy you." He took a parting glance at the armor struck by Angron's pistol. It would hold if Angron continued to only shoot once or twice, but if he concentrated heavy fire on a single section of the armor he had little doubt it would become damaged.

"Now, tell me where the ruler of this land is. I would like to hear his explanation as to why a gateway to his land has opened in mine." Gilgamesh spoke of the tear he'd entered through which lead him to a room not too far from where this confrontation was taking place. He would not tolerate any attempts from false monarchs to lay foot on his land, so he had come to bring the other side of this tear under his rule before that could happen.
"And... What is that" said Ultron calmly, his sentries now moving closely seemingly forming a circle around him. Some are charging their weapon. "Also........ What will i get from your offer"
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"I know, Sis, I know!"

One minute, he was throwing a wall of bullets at the resident Rack Hive. And, one false step later, he was falling through...whatever this was. It was a kaleidoscope of colors and sound--and quite frankly, that sounded bad to the Siren.

'Excuse me for not wanting to die...again.' That was his sister. She was definitely there, though no one else was able to see or hear her. That's an important plot point, so write it down. And the both of them were being followed in descent--ascent, whatever--by The man's CL4P-TP bot. Sure it was junk. But it was Hyperion junk, so it was the good kind of junk. "MINION! We appear to be heading to our eminent doom...hooray!" the robot belted out, earning a kick from the siren.

"Not now, Claptrap." The man said in a peeved tone, preferring someone more useful like Tiny Tina, or even Mad Moxii's diseased ass. The rip seemed to be endless, until it did. The Man hit the ground with a dull thud, whereas Claptrap hit a nearby table. Go figure, huh? The Siren lifted his head and body off the ground, only to become aware of a battle seeming to unfold before him. One opponent used some kind of gun-type weapon--nothing like a Maliwan, though. The other literally looked like a douche with a bunch of armor and an eternal sneer on his face.



Elemental Hellspawn/ Confused as...well, hell.

'You're screwed.'

"Damnit, I know!" he screeched, standing up and pulling his SMG, Sandhawk, out.
Connor and Gregory

"My name is Gregory Nelson. Capitan of the ship Valkyrie." He smiled before turning his attention to Connor "I don't think I actually caught your name..."

"My name is Connor." He nodded in response

Gregory knew that name and that symbol on this belt were both familiar, he just couldn't put his mind on it.

"Right then, allon-sy." Gregory smiled, walking forwards as if to prompt Connor to show them the way. He could ask Connor to point out the "tear" he came through, but after he helped Sayaka find her friends. At the moment, that and figure out just what the hell was going on were his priorities. Connor took point, leading the three of them through the snow.

He still didn't trust Gregory, but felt that he could take this opportunity to learn more about him. The fact that he was willing to help a child he had just met was admirable, but that still didn't mean he could be trusted in Connor's eyes. He could have other intentions but Connor doubted that Gregory was connected to the Templars.


Nikola Tesla

Agent Stevenson nodded at the three and then pointed towards a Quinjet behind him as it touched down.

"Well if you're all up for getting these interviews over and done with then follow me gentlemen."

"My god..." Tesla muttered under his breath "What is that machine?"

"It's called a Quinjet."

"It's marvellous." Tesla replied

Agent Stevenson climbed inside first, followed by Tesla.

"Are you coming, gentlemen?" Stevenson asked The Warrior and Accelerator

The woman walked in-between Angron and Gilgamesh, raising her hands.

"Stop trying to kill each other." She pleaded in an almost sarcastic tone "I need both of you alive, well for now at least. Once I am done with you you can do whatever the hell you want to each other. Kill, maul, torture...Whatever."


"Well, if you cooperate you won't be harmed. That is something." The Merchant replied to Ultron
Warrior ran into the Quinjet, pumping his fist. "THESE ARE NOT THE MEANS BY WHICH THE NORMALS TRAVEL, ARE THEY?!"
Becoming highly annoyed by Gilgamesh, Angron stops firing his plasma pistol and before attempting to sever the arrogant fool's head with his blade." I do not know who rules this realm. All I need to know is that I will make all inhabitants of that backwater planet feel the wrath of Khorne!"
Once Vance landed in the sewer, he began to bound on all fours. He caught a reptilian scent and sped towards it. Vance ended up in a fairly large chamber with several of the tunnels leading into it. There was a large platform in the middle of the massive reserve of water. Vance watched as an unbelievably large crocodile humanoid rose out of the water. His wolf was absolutely raging inside of him as he looked at it. "What are you!?" Vance yelled in a deep roaring voice. The large creature turned to face him and its eyes narrowed at him."I am the Killer Croc and I thought I smelled a pathetic little wolf." At the word pathetic Vance roared in rage. His body became bigger and his visage turned more wolfish and monstrous. His blue eyes shone brightly and his claws and fangs became slightly longer and sharper. Vance jumped off of the ledge and front flipped on to the platform. He slammed his fist down and growled at his opponent.

(This Killer Croc.)<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/57a8c400e539d_KillerCroc.jpg.c80948419b4b804c5d8e1c8b96abdba4.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="69096" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/57a8c400e539d_KillerCroc.jpg.c80948419b4b804c5d8e1c8b96abdba4.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



  • Killer Croc.jpg
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"It's how SHIELD travels." Agent Stevenson replied, smiling rather smugly "In style."


Max and Syeron

Max and Syeron sat in a darkened room where Syeron was starting to lose her patience.

"They can't just keep us here." She muttered "I know we're from different universes to their own but that does not make us criminals."

Two Alliance soldiers stepped into the room, one activated his omni-tool and an image of Admiral Hackett appeared.

"I'm sorry for keeping you here like this."

"You will be." Max threatened

"It was to prevent a panic. A lot of people across the entire galaxy are starting to become afraid of these tears. I've read both of your records...They're impressive. Your R2 unit contained files on you, Miss Hunwess." Hackett explained "As for you, Mr Valentine I had an old friend send agents of hers into your universe to dig up information on you. I wish we had more time..."

"Just cut right to it." Syeron butted in "Who are you and what do you want from us?"

"Two days ago one of our Specters was investigating the disappearance of some scientists who were studying a tear..."

"The lady asked you a question..." Max butted in, causing Syeron to roll her eyes in response.

"My name is Admiral Hackett."

"Continue, Admiral." Syeron replied

"Both of you are from other universes, so I need you two as tactical support for the platoon of troops I am sending to investigate. We lost contact with the Specter two days ago. We can brief you with more information on the way. Again, I wish I had more time."

Syeron nodded in response

"As long as I can take my R2 unit with me, I'll help you."


Killer Croc simply laughed in response before letting out a powerful growl at his opponent. He lunged forwards towards Vance with his mouth wide open as if he was trying to bit a chunk out of him.
Vance rolled out of the way and let out another growl. He bounded forward and leaped bringing his hand down to slash the Croc in the face.

"In style," Accelerator snickered. This thing was definitely leagues behind proper Academy City tech. They weren't Six Wings that's for sure. "Whatever, let's just go," He proceeded to hobble over to the vehicle, climbing into it with some difficulty.


Gilgamesh quickly bent his entire body backwards, letting the attack aimed at his head soar over him. Gilgamesh smiled as he rebounded, aiming his own swing at Angron. It was a diagonal slash that held immense power despite the seemingly lazy movement. If allowed to strike the ground it would no doubt buckle the floor. He barley even paid the woman any heed. This being who dared fight in the name of a god was an opponent who caught his interest.

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