TBD (Ampersand & GinjaGen)

Fantastic! Alrighty then, seems we're both open to pretty much anything. I'd prefer OC, a world we build from scratch instead of a fandom. Baring that, is there any particular genre you've been wanting to give a go? 
Ok, maybe I'll throw down a couple of ideas.

-Space western, a la Firefly/Guardians.

-Cyberpunk espionage, Deus Ex style.

-Fantasy meets technology, A Yankee in King Arthur's Court meets Skyrim/LOTR.
Sorry! I didn't get a notification of you writing here!

I too prefer OC, and all of your ideas are lovely (as are the references you use to explain them (love them all)).

I'm a sucker for a good space western, especially because of the wide variety of options and locations. The other options are also interesting!
No prob, space western it is! As we're talking plot ideas let's decide on the RP format. A popular option is the 50/50 split, where we each take on character/s and feel out the adventure with descriptive dialog and plenty of OOC chat. Alternatively, I've had great luck in the past with one player acting as the GM, guiding the narrative and controlling NPCs, while the other is the "player", so to speak. I think the later is more engaging because it's more game-like than a writing collab, but I'm down for anything.
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I've never tried the latter (except in its board game rendition). It sounds interesting! I'm super used to the 50/50, so trying something new could be loads of fun. You'll have to hold my hand for the beginning of it though. Definitely something to keep in mind.
Cool! I'd be happy to GM if you want to play the main character. If you want to give that a go, let's think up some neat plot ideas! I'm about to hit the sack, but here are a few seeds just off the top:

-There's a bounty on your head and an ancient artifact in your hand

-You were paid enough not to ask questions about the cargo you're hauling, but it's attracting the wrong attention

-You've been left for dead in the wastes by your "friends"

-You've found a treasure map, but you're dead broke without a way to get there. Fortunately, you know a guy. Unfortunately, he hates you. Fortunately, he also likes treasure.
Can I just say, your descriptions made me laugh (might have to do with my lack of sleep, but I'm pretty sure it's because they were humerus)

Also, I appreciate you being willing to GM, but if you (at any point) feel bored of it, or want to be the main character let me know!

I like all of your plots! You could suprise me, or make a combination of them if you wish?
Ha, thanks. Ok, I went a little nuts and ended up writing this passage that tied a few elements together. We can continue from this or use it thematically to build with. Tell me what you think.


~A Diamond in The Rough~

"It ain't easy making your way out in The Fringe," said the man wearing two fresh black eyes, "Case in point, here I am, left in the desert to die by 'friends' of all people. And if that wasn't enough, they had to shoot me too, the bastards!" He rode the shoulders of a lanky robot as it carried him across the blistering horizon. "Well, I guess them's the breaks, eh Lodo?" The robot's servos whizzed and hummed and it stepped through the soft white sand.

"Look on the bright side Quinn, they could have ejected you into space. I consider this unusually creative for the Kur'ak brothers, or any Srakakrian for that matter."

"Lucky me. By the way, how much longer did you say it was to Oasis?"

"At our current speed, approximately 47 days. I'm afraid you'll be long dead by then."

"Ugh, stupid Varr'sar and it's stupid three suns. Nobody'd be here if it weren't the best place in the sector to move a hot Lancaster drive. Like anyone's comin' for the scenery. Nothin' but sand. Round dunes, wavy dunes, tetrahedral dunes...hey, wait a sec...what'dya make of that?"

Quinn pointed ahead. In the distance a triangular fixture of sand pierced the desert surface.


The anomaly seemed much larger up close, towering over them by a dozen feet.

"Come on Lodo, lemme down already, I'm gonna take a look. And watch the shoulder this time." The tin man obliged and took to a knee. Quinn stepped off and walked to the jutting structure, now a flat surface with a metallic sheen. With his right arm, he wiped a long strip of sand off the side, revealing strange symbols. Quinn looked back to the robot, "Anything?"

"I don't recognize it, then again, I'm just a mail delivery droid. At least, I was."

Carefully raising his other arm, Quinn pulled back the bloody sleeve, exposing a Digidex-1000 forearm computer.

"Becky, can you identify that?" The computer's screen came to life, followed by a digitally distorted female voice.

"Scanning..." *Beep* "The symbols originate from an ancient language of the human homeworld Earth, used commonly throughout the Terran Federation until its fall in 2816. The complete language is on file."

"This is a human ship?!"

"And it's over 700 years old," added Lodo.

"Becky, translate and pipe it to my spex!" Quinn flipped down a pair of spectacles over his eyes and its integrated heads up displays converted the strange language to something more familiar: "BOREALIS LIFEBOAT-0026"

"THE BOREALIS!!?," they blurted in unison.
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That was awesome! I might just have you write the whole thing and I'll just read it! Just kidding, I want in!

How do you want to go about this?
Haha, well then we wouldn't have all the fun playing it! A 50/50 split story might be more fun for me with this story, though I'd love to try a GM/player style thing later if we like RPing together.

So, I guess that means we still need a plot to guide us by. Tone wise, I'm going for an Uncharted/Guardians feel--a popcorn action adventure. I'm thinking that I'll take on Quinn & Lodo, and you make a character (maybe a strong female lead, but that's up to you) that's currently doing shenanigans on the other side of the planet, at Oasis, the largest desert city on Varr'sar, well known for it's crime, black market, and colossal sand storms.

After we take a few turns of 'character development' to intro the story, our characters will meet up in Oasis, probably under sketchy circumstances. Perhaps they just screwed over the same guy, a guy people don't cross, and literally run into each other while trying to escape. Could be they need each other, begrudgingly; each have a piece of the puzzle.

For the loose plot, the Borealis is a mythical lost ship that was said to be the result of the human's most ambitious research endeavor, hidden to avoid capture in the last throes of a great galactic war. Little else is known about it. Earth and its human colonies still exist, but they've been ruled over by a authoritarian alien government since the downfall of the Terran Federation nearly a thousand years ago. The same government that rules over most of the known galaxy.

That might be enough to start on. Feel free to jump in if you have any ideas! We'll get this RP underway any day now.
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50/50 works for me, and it makes it so you get to be part of the story! Plus I'm more used to it.

You suggested genre is one of my favorites (to watch, read, and rp in). Strong female leads is most definitely something I can do. The biggest problem will be what kind I want. So many choices...

I think a combination of screwing over the same person, each having a piece of the puzzle at the same time, and running into each other (not quite sure what it could be that someone (or either of them) couldn't just take it? Maybe "old" human technology that somehow bonds with just them, or only opens for them for whatever reason?)

I like our evolving plot. The more we talk about the more excited I get. Looking forward to beginning, though I still have to create an adequate character.
Yeah, I'm psyched. Could be a very cool story! I like your idea about the technology only working for humans, but that's a little close to becoming Titan AE (in fact, our whole premise is getting three...eep), so maybe there's something else we can think up. What if the technology only works with other human technology?

Since Quinn has the ship, what if your character has something the ship needs; a special part or a data chip or something? Could be the ship is broken and needs said part to function. That combined with them both being on the run leads them to work together.

As for who they're running from. I was originally thinking that Quinn did some work with these alien brothers for a guy well known around these parts as being the big crime bossman; think Jabba the Hut. Sounds like the Kur'ak brothers decided to cut Quinn out of the deal, but maybe they went on to screw up the job, putting all three of them in ill graces with the bossman. Quinn might be headed there to borrow money or smooth things over...or even better, the bossman's goons find him.

How your character is tied into this mess is up to you. This is an adventure after all, so it will have its twists and turns on its way to the "treasure". Can't have a space adventure without the adventure!
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I totally forgot about that movie! You're right, our plan was heading that way a bit. Hmm. I like the idea of them both being kind of stuck with the ship somehow, but I don't see a way that would work right at the moment. It's not necessary though.

I'm working on my characters as we speak, but I've decided they're going to be running from the boss as well. I'll figure out the reason after I finish the characters' concepts.

Also, I have no idea what the "treasure" should be. :P
Awesome, I'm excited to see what you come up with!

I've been thinking about the treasure and I'm leaning towards an Indiana Jones ending. The Borealis wasn't purposefully hidden, it was lost because something went terribly wrong during experiments and everyone on it was never heard from again. Ark of The Covenant style, at the end, our characters are tied up or escape just before the Borealis Device is activated by whoever is after its technology, maybe the power-hungry government or a religious group, but the end result is that our heroes narrowly escape the same fate as the original crew.

I guess it's Event Horizon meets Indiana, but you know, fun and exciting instead of dark and gruesome.
I like it, as long as we get to be Indiana Jones and not the crew of the Louis and Clark!

How do you want to do the characters? Typical Name, Age, Blah? Or develop them through the narrative?
Awesome. That's so much easier than trying to find a picture of the character, or giving them superficial descriptions/personalities in the character section.
Yeah, though we'll still be doing plenty of OOCing on that front. "psst, what is your character wearing [so I can comment on it]?"

I'm sure we'll be OOC planning the story as we go. If you ever have any sweet ideas, don't hesitate to throw them out there. "Hey, what if the bossman does this and then we do that and escape using the thing?"

So, I'm ready to roll when you are. We can continue to use this thread for OOC and create a new one for the official RP.
I'm ready too! But i think this is a special RP thread, which has a "In-Character-Roleplay" part at the top? Sould take you HERE
Oh, cool, tabbed forum thing, gotcha. I'll get the first post rolling sometime tonight! Excited to kick this sucker off!
Haha I wasn't sure. I'm pretty new to this site so I'm glad it worked like that!

I look forward to it too, but no rush!
Alrighty, first post is up! Tweaked version of the starter I posted earlier. It's as good as any a place to kick things off.

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