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Fandom Tales of the Dragoon

I have a question. Are @Beowulf and myself's characters Dragoons as well? cause i would very much like to be able to destroy a tree by punching the air shoudl the need arise again lol
zCrookedz said:
I have a question. Are @Beowulf and myself's characters Dragoons as well? cause i would very much like to be able to destroy a tree by punching the air shoudl the need arise again lol
When you created your characters you didn't say you wanted to be one, so I honestly hadn't planned on your characters becoming Dragoons.

If you really want to have your characters become Dragoons, then something will have to be sacrificed on both of your parts. The "curse" on Borgden would be undone and the pact negated, allowing him to return to being a normal Dwarf before becoming a Dragoon. And for Tyr, he'd have to send his Dragon back to the Mortal Plane along with a letter of resignation from the Dragonmasters.

Dragoons are, as part of their code, singular entities who rely only on themselves and other Dragoons. Period. There are no pacts. No companions or mounts. Nothing. Just the Dragoon, their armor, their chosen weapon, and whatever items they believe they need for the coming battle.

Elena will sacrifice her life at her ranch and all of her connections to friends and family in the Mortal Plane. She will never see them again, nor would they recognize her even if they did see her. She'll just become a nameless pair of eyes clad in Dragoon armor to them.

So, are you willing to make that sacrifice? Or do you want things to stay as they are? Even if you don't become Dragoons, your characters will be vital to the survival of the Mortal Plane.
No thank you. I honestly wouldn't know what to do without Buras. Him and Tyr are a team. I'm more then willing to be weak (compared to dragoons) and have Buras then be super powerful and have a hole.
Beowulf said:
No thank you. I honestly wouldn't know what to do without Buras. Him and Tyr are a team. I'm more then willing to be weak (compared to dragoons) and have Buras then be super powerful and have a hole.
Thought as much, which is fine. It's better this way I think. There are a lot more advantages and chances for character development when your character is normal rather than when they're powerful enough to obliterate a tree with but a punch to the air.

Elena will have a LONG way to go before she reaches that stage though, so she won't be much more than her normal self at first even after becoming a Dragoon.
Agreed, I have no intention of playing something that powerfull. I'd rather make Brogden have better control over his powers and advance those. Just thought I would ask.
Okay, so I've only read the overview so far and I will catch up on absolutely everything else soon but... May I join? Pretty pleeaaase?
ataraxiandream said:
Okay, so I've only read the overview so far and I will catch up on absolutely everything else soon but... May I join? Pretty pleeaaase?
It depends on how well made your character profile is. If you make a solid character, I'll accept you into the RP and you can get involved right away. So do your best.
Kyero said:
It depends on how well made your character profile is. If you make a solid character, I'll accept you into the RP and you can get involved right away. So do your best.
Mm, thank you.~ I should get a CS up on Monday, if that's alright.
Ah, I've been looking through everything and it looks amazing! But I'm afraid I won't have the time, or energy, for the amount of detail you'd be looking for between my summer classes and work, so I won't be posting a CS. Sorry for wasting your time.
ataraxiandream said:
Ah, I've been looking through everything and it looks amazing! But I'm afraid I won't have the time, or energy, for the amount of detail you'd be looking for between my summer classes and work, so I won't be posting a CS. Sorry for wasting your time.
It's all right. It happens. Work and school are more important than online role-playing, no matter how fun it can be.
Morning @Beowulf. Please leave details of the cities and such to me all right? If you need to know details about them, ask first either here in the OOC or in a message. Nierdet isn't a run down city such as you described at all. In fact it's quite the busy and prosperous region as it has, as stated when Elena was discussing it with everyone, one of the busiest ports on the coast. This means trade is constant, which means money is always flowing through the place stimulating its growth and development as well as the surrounding areas. It's a small town, yes, but it's still a rather nice place.

And @zCrookedz, as I wrote in my post Elena inquired as to her fate a half mile away from camp while Borgden was asleep. He's not going to know of her fate. I already deleted that part from your post.

Please be sure to read my posts all the way through okay you two. I post important details which you'll need to keep in mind in them every time, so no skimming okay? Otherwise details like those are easy to miss and then things like this will happen. So let's avoid that okay? I don't like writing these little messages saying that I see something wrong with a post.
Beowulf said:
Sorry. I really am. I can delete the post entirely if you want me to.
Just some edits will do fine. It's a pleasant and bustling little port town, though it will, as all towns and cities do, have its small problems here or there such as a few pickpockets looking to make some easy coin off of half witted travelers.
Live and learn you two.

Ask anyone who's known me a while, such as KingHink, and he'll attest to my strict GM methodology. I do my best to keep things fun and friendly, but my personality type doesn't allow for mistakes to slide. At least not without good reason.

So yeah, that's me. Lol.
Hey @Beowulf, @zCrookedz, we might be getting a new player soon. They recently communicated with me their interest in joining, so I'm waiting to see what they have to say about what kind of character they would like to portray and we'll go from there.

Be sure to welcome them if and when they finish their character and join the cast!
Hey @Kyero, and everyone else. Im on a family vacation this week so if my posting is slow I do apologize. I will try and post asap.
Sorry guys... I couldn't resists!!!

I have another RP, Odyssey of Power, which is inspired by Dragon Ball Z but not canon to the franchise. I have composed a piece of music meant to tell the story of a Freiza-type battle, where my character, Era, becomes a Super Saiyan. I had to share it everywhere, so here is the piece!!

I know it has nothing to do with Tales of the Dragoon, but this is my greatest composition to date, and I'm very proud of it! I had to share! Call me self centered. Call me a spotlight whore! Call me whatever!! I had to share because I'm as giddy as a school girl to finally have finished the piece!!!


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