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Fandom Tales of the Dragoon


Three Thousand Club
Welcome one and all to Tales of the Dragoon!

This is the section where we will conduct all conversation related to the RP. If you have any questions whatsoever about the RP, information surrounding your chosen character race, or any of the mechanics, then please ask here sooner rather than later.

I will never be bothered by however many questions you have, so have no fear of asking a thousand questions for you shall receive one thousand answers!

I ask that you please do not post in the Rules, Settings/Locations, Lore, Mechanics, or Gallery/Maps threads. They are there purely to provide you with information about the RP, and are not for conversational purposes. Thank you!

Thank you, and once again, welcome!!
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Beowulf said:
I shall make a character tomorrow. But what to be?
You can make the choice to be a normal character of any of the available races (Xeci Elf excluded) or a Dragoon of any available race (again, Xeci excluded). It's up to you.
Yeah, but what race to be? I just don't know what to choose. Elf? Dwarf? Human? Nymph? Fae (fairy)? And tge last one that is escaping me. There is already a dwarf and a human, so I'm crossing those off my list because I don't like have to many of one race. Well, one of the elven species maybe.
I shall be a dragon knight, With an iddy-bitty dragon for a companion. Race......... I'm leaning towards elf. Now, for the species. I will have a cs tonight.

I have decided, wood elf. It makes the most sense. I want to be able to swing that big sword for as long as possible.

Forgive me for not having a complete CS. I shall finish it tomorrow after a full night of sleep.

Can I get someone to look over my CS and make sure everything is how it's supposed to be?
Beowulf said:
I shall be a dragon knight, With an iddy-bitty dragon for a companion. Race......... I'm leaning towards elf. Now, for the species. I will have a cs tonight.
I have decided, wood elf. It makes the most sense. I want to be able to swing that big sword for as long as possible.

Forgive me for not having a complete CS. I shall finish it tomorrow after a full night of sleep.

Can I get someone to look over my CS and make sure everything is how it's supposed to be?
So far the character sheet looks good, but there are two details that have to change in some way (and this is partially my fault for leaving details so vague about classes, which I'll do my best to change over the coming days):

As a Dragonmaster, you are required to wear Heavy Armor and wield a sword. They do not come equipped with any other gear than that. It's a matter of code and identity for them. Their armor is so heavy in fact that it can weigh up to 100 lb. all on its own depending on the material and how much armor they choose to cover their bodies with. The lowest weight a Dragonmaster can expect out of their armor is around 45 lb., and that's still a lot of weight to haul around, not to mention a sword and using all your strength and concentration to remain atop a Dragon while doing it.

At 6' 4" and only 180 lb., he'd have an incredibly difficult time lugging around the kind of armor, using his sword, and staying alive on his Dragon. His weight is going to have to increase unless you change his profession, which I don't think you want to do and, frankly, I don't want to see it change either. A weight of no less than around 220 - 240 lb., will take care of this issue just fine and leave him most of his figure if you change his body type to that of a mesomorph (which is the second detail that should change in order to keep the profile as is). However, 180 lb., is just too light to wear all that armor and still have enough strength and stamina left over to be effective as a Dragonmaster. The laws of physics just won't allow for it, nor will the limitations of the human body proportions and weight distribution.

So if you take care of the weight, then your profile looks just fine so far. I'm looking forward to the biography section.
On it.

Done. Now to figure out his backstory.

I'm sorry, but I don't know where to start with the biography.
Beowulf said:
On it.
Done. Now to figure out his backstory.

I'm sorry, but I don't know where to start with the biography.
Very well.

Then answer the following questions using at least one sentence each. If you want to use more than one sentence, then that's fine. In fact, I encourage more than one sentence per question.

So here it comes... And remember, you brought this on yourself (EVIL LAUGHTER!!):

First Paragraph

* Who are the character's parents?

* Where did they meet?

* How did they meet? (living close together, friend introductions, military service, something else?)

* How long did it take them to fall in love, and were there any obstacles to their love? (time, distance, friends didn't like the romance, parents disapproved, etc, etc)

* Did they ever marry, or was the child born out of wedlock? (Elves usually don't have this problem, but it's not impossible)

* At what point was the child born (birthday), and was it an occasion of joy, sorrow, or a bit of both? (And please don't kill both parents to make him an introvert. I hate that)

* During the child's first years as an infant, did anything special or otherwise unexpected occur? (war, sudden death of family or friends, plague, sudden happiness through some other kind of monuments and happy event?)

* For the parents, did raising one child prove to be enough, or did they want more?

* Are there any siblings for your character to worry about, right with, or love unconditionally?

* If so, when were they born and what purpose did they serve the family in terms of pecking order?

* Did your character rely on their siblings, or shun them? And why?

Second Paragraph

* Growing up as a child, how was your character received by the community they grew up in?

* Did they have many friends, a few, or none?

* Did they make any useful connections?

* Did they educate themselves well?

* Did they follow the expectations of society, or deviate and become a problem child?

* At what point in your character's youth did they discover anything important about themselves or about the world they lived in?

* Did anything happen to influence your character's future at this time such as seeing a Dragonmaster or a wild Dragon (the latter of which is not possible unless they visit the Dragon's homeland which is not only incredibly dangerous, but forbidden on account of the fact that Dragons readily attack any and all trespassers in their territory. All Dragonmaster Dragons are bred in captivity and raised specifically to become mounts for their rider.)

* Did your character take up training at a young age, or did they wait until their bodies were more ready for the rigors of combat to begin their training? (There are merits to both methods)

* During this time, did your character fall in love or experience strong emotional bonds with another individual(s)?

* Did they feel any need or desire to travel, or did they choose to remain where they grew up?

Third Paragraph

* As your character reached their late teen and early adult years, what changed since they were children? (This question should require a few sentences worth of information by itself)

* Did they find love at this point, or not?

* Did they figure out what they wanted to be when they were older, or were they still searching for a purpose?

* If they were still searching for a purpose, what did they hope to become or at least think would be nice to become?

* Did they encounter anyone or experience any events which forced their hands and give them a more direct and concrete path to follow?

* If so, who did they encounter/what event did they experience which made their path become clear?

* As they began their journey down this path, what obstacles did they face?

* Did they make many allies/friends/acquaintances, or did they make enemies? Or both?

Fourth Paragraph

* Your character, by now, knows what they want to become in life. How did they go about achieving this?

* For becoming a Dragonmaster, one doesn't simply ask to join the ranks. You have to earn it by becoming part of the military and demonstrate a certain level of control over other mounts like the horse, Siifele Bear (think a Grizzly with silver fur and glowing blue eyes), and others before they'll be offered the chance to approach a Dragon.

* So with the information in the previous point in hand, how did your character go about their service and what obstacles did they face as they went from one mount to the next and eventually reached the point where the King and Queen felt safe offering him the chance to approach a Dragon to see if it considered him worthy as a rider?

* What kind of Dragon did your character approach first? Did this work out for him, or did the Dragon reject him? (92% of first meetings end in rejection)

* When your character finally found the Dragon which accepted them, what species was it? (You are allowed to be creative here so long as the Dragon is physical and not ethereal, meaning it's not a spirit or see through or anything like that)

* How long did it take your character to master becoming a rider of his Dragon? (Takes a minimum of around 7-10 years)

* Now that your character is a Dragonmaster, how has their life changed?

* Did it change for better, worse, or a little of both? (Being a Dragonmaster means you are permanently a member of the military in your Nation so long as you call yourself a rider. Dragons are service mounts and never truly belong to their rider. They belong to the military. The rider is just the rider. Once the individual leaves the military, the Dragon stays in service and is given a new rider.)
Paragraph two done!

Edit: And three!

Done, but I don't feel good about the last paragraph. Something just rubs the wrong way for it with me. Critic it please and thank you.
Beowulf said:
Paragraph two done!
Edit: And three!

Done, but I don't feel good about the last paragraph. Something just rubs the wrong way for it with me. Critic it please and thank you.
I love it when questions and requests are made which force me to realize yet another shortcoming in my mechanics. Thanks!

I think I know what you mean about the fourth paragraph and last one rubbing you a bit the wrong way, and there are likely two reasons for this.

One: Riding a reputable "bad boy" of a mount isn't enough to earn you an audience at the Dragonmaster headquarters. When I said you had to be good with special mounts beyond just horses and the like, I meant it. You'll have to be a little creative, but the big idea is that your character is good with horses, the special bear thing I mentioned, and other dangerous mounts many individuals would never go near because of their innate ferocity and lack of trust in humanoids.

Eventually, you'll want to mention that your character managed to successfully pacify (as "tame" is too powerful a word and being able to mount it is out of the question) a beast that is, 99 times out of 100, inhacifiable and will kill any humanoid it sees. Perhaps a mythic creature of some kind attacking the outpost where he was stationed which killed several officers and other members, but your character managed to use his gift with nature's children to gain its attention, calm it, and send it on its way without further incident. That would definitely get him an audience with the Dragonmasters. (For the creature, you can either choose from the list I have in the "Lore" page, or you can feel free to make up a creature for this by finding an image of a random creature on google or something)

Two: Dragons don't speak (at least not like humanoids do). Dragons use telepathy when communicating with humanoids, as their mouths are not designed for human speech and thought is universal (at least in this RP). All they can do is roar, growl, grumble, grunt, and use body posture and facial expression to communicate with one another.

So for the last couple paragraphs, make some edits along these lines and you should be fine. When the Dragons reject your character, it will likely come as little more than a snarl and the bearing of teeth to get the message across. Dragons also don't smile, but if it views your character as worthy, or at lest somewhat worthy and worth further allowance to prove himself, it will simply watch him as he approaches and make no other movements or sounds.

What it is doing at that time is feeling him out by sensing his heart beat, smelling his pheromones, sensing his aura, and judging his character based on what it's getting from these elements. If it judges him to be worthy, it will crouch and lower its belly to the ground to give him room to climb on board its back.
Thank you.

Done with the riding section. Hope wrestling a hippogriph (spell check) is enough to do it.

Still working on the dragon section. It's just enough to be a pain to edit (not really).
Beowulf said:
Thank you.
Done with the riding section. Hope wrestling a hippogriph (spell check) is enough to do it.

Still working on the dragon section. It's just enough to be a pain to edit (not really).
Understandable. Is there anything else you need to know about Dragons which I haven't already explained yet?
Anything and everything you can say is appreciated. Like it's breath for instance. Is it limited to just fire? I usually make my dragons breath lightning, but I don't care either way.
Beowulf said:
Anything and everything you can say is appreciated. Like it's breath for instance. Is it limited to just fire? I usually make my dragons breath lightning, but I don't care either way.
Dragons are just as varied as our imaginations can make them. Fire breath (explosive, liquid-like, etc), ice breath, lightning breath/bodily discharge, gale force breath, gaseous breath (poison, parlaying, sleeping, turn to stone, etc). Beyond their breath, they have other abilities like telepathy which is how they communicate with humanoids. Alongside telepathy they have abilities like mind control (for lower life forms like humanoids and animals), ultra strong senses of smell, sight, and hearing, ferocious combat capabilities, etc.

Ultimately the Dragon theoretically has no limits, save for these:

* Only one breath attack

* Only one other special ability (such as mind control, telekinesis, hypnosis, healing "song" ((which is a series of mournful roars which to the Dragons is a beautiful song which can heal wounds no matter how grievous they may be, but it can't bring anything back from death)), and more)
Wait, so it's telepathy or the song? Just want to get this straight before deciding. I have the breath in my head, and just need to decide between those two. Is the telepathy with others? Or if I don't pick it, can the dragon still communicate through thought with the rider?
Beowulf said:
Wait, so it's telepathy or the song? Just want to get this straight before deciding. I have the breath in my head, and just need to decide between those two. Is the telepathy with others? Or if I don't pick it, can the dragon still communicate through thought with the rider?
Telekinesis is the ability to move solid matter with your mind.

All Dragons have telepathy, which is the ability to project and receive thoughts. That's a natural ability which they all share by birth.
Sorry, brain went dead there for a second. Alright? I have it all picked out. Should I just make a small, seperate part on my character sheet for Buras? And also, what is an appropriate size dragon for what I want him to carry? Mostly just a tent and a few smaller knick-knacks. And some food, never forget food.

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