Tales of Salisonia: Rise of the Dragons [Official OOC Thread]

MrLlama said:

|General Information|

  • Arzur Rynildi

|Biography of Arzur Rynildi|

  • Arzur is almost always calm, and never anything else than calm except for being noticeably sad at times, though that is rare. Growing up in wealth, and a father who was in the Council of the Elves, you would think he would be a bit snobby, or at least a little un-caring for lesser folk. He was actually quite the opposite of that. He was found always handing out coins to the poor elves in Ellegarde, even if it meant being chasticed by his parents. That's how he always was, helping the less-fortunate. If he found someone talking badly to one whom they thought as "lesser" than them, he would quickly get angered and immediately step in to tell the aggressor to back off and occasionally brawled with them. He would also anger quickly if someone harmed the one's he loved, be it physically or emotionally, and easily goes into a rage to protect his loved ones. At his current age, though, he is very reluctant to fight and will only do so when it is needed. He rather not fight due to the fact he won't be able to do too much.

    In his later years, being a well-trained swordsman who later trained others, he either had a lot of patience or none at all. If you are messing around with him and wasting time, he will not wait for you. If you are actually being true to him or trying your hardest, he will wait an entire lifetime. When he speaks, he has that sense of being wise in his voice that comes with many older-folk. One of his fears is the death of Elvsyr, if she died before him, or him dying and leaving her alone. He loves her like his own daughter and will be greatly hurt when she dies, but at the same time, he does not want to leave her all alone, as he knows she will become completely devastated. This is part of the reason why he left Ellegarde to travel in the first place, so that she wouldn't have to be faced with that event. Another reason he traveled was to simply gain knowledge on many different topics. A desire of his is to find Elvsyr and to finally reunite, even

    with his fears.

  • I'll review it.

    is no gud tri aygen
Sedrian said:


|General Information|
  • Sedrian
|Biography of Sedrian|
  • Sedrian is a very unstable human being, this comes from the abuse he suffered as a child, he normally doesn't care for anyone, or anything, unless it has some kind of use to him. He believes the whole world is like his parents were and decided to get them before they get him, he is very paranoid, unable to trust almost anyone unless they prove to him that he can, and doing so is not easy, however he will not kill someone right away if they prove that they are trying to gain his confidence. When around those he trusts he still very rarely let's his walls come down, however he will act kinder towards them. When around enemies or people he doesn't like he acts very much like a man who has lost his sanity, often laughing whenever his opponents cause a wound to him, even going as far as licking someone's blood off his sword to intimidate them, and he normally succeeds. He'll also talk of the most disturbing things he can think of in order to psych out his foes.

  • Can I get this guy reviewed Pai Pai, I never actually did get your opinion on him.

Don't worry, da horse isn't going in. She's more for when he ends his first day of traveling into the labyrinth. xD Horsies and small caverns..badddd choice. ^^
I still never got your take on my character, I need to know from the game maker if he's good, if you want to add that image of clothing I talked about in appearance notes, or if there's stuff that needs added or altered.
All right, I found them. Putting them here for future reference. 

EuRo said:
I'll add more to it later. C:

View attachment 24245

|General Information|

  • Zathriel (Zath) Xavier Myendriali

|Biography of Zathriel|
  • Often times Zathriel is understanding and quiet, an almost docile nature, as a child. Until he was twenty two, his personality radically changed into something more harsh.

    Zathriel views the world with a cold, disconnected mind, once he reaches twenty-two, because of a traumatic experience. Quite clever and sharp of tongue, this halfling ranger excels at finding weaknesses and motives of others by being observant. Most of his time is spent scanning everything and everyone, like they were targets or possible threats. Because of this he fits into the 'guard' role in jobs rather easily. Stern and usually unforgiving, he feels that logic prevails over emotion every time. Even if it's logic he doesn't want to hear.

    Zath is a good one to have in a fight. Trustworthy to a fault, and usually follows orders very well, unless he sees something that someone else doesn't. Most of the time, he goes with instinct and logic. Using emotion only as a means to drive him forward to the next objective. Though he likes to fight, to prove his worth, he's not much of a show-off. Rather following the mantra his mentor drilled into his mind: "Those who know more, speak the less."

    Prefers the solitude and quiet of himself rather than others, Zath can come off as cruel.

    Though, with his darker exterior is penetrated by his friends, he reverts to a more impish nature. He doesn't excel at when it comes to talking to others, he doesn't feel the need to, letting his actions dictate his thoughts.

    He does have a soft spot for children and animals, especially in the case for his trusted steed, Elise.

    Hates: mercy, hypocrites, people prodding into his personal life, and untrustworthy people.

    Likes: proving his skills, dueling, challenges, chess, finding new avenues and areas, and adventuring.

    Excels at: Tracking, hunting, archery, Quarterstaff techniques, sneaking, battlefield triage and planning ahead.

    Poor at: Verbal debates, swordplay, dealing with delicate situations, and expressing his thoughts.

    TheInfamousHavoc said:
    *insert information-lacking profile here*
    Bwahaha! How do you feel about that now, Pai? Hm? HM?!!

    Just kidding. :v This shall be my place holder. I love what you have so far, by the way.

    It's like... a second version of Greek mythology or something.

    I don't exactly know how I should describe it. o-o;;

    I'm excited to read the rest, basically. x3

    Anyways, I proclaim this post as my placeholder! I repeat,



    So I have no idea why the font gets bigger under the tab, "Teens" and "Now." I swear, I've tried everything I can to fix it. ;-;

    • |General Information| •

    • "Just go ahead and call me Fay, I won't bite."

      - Fayette Athitia

      The earth fairy was given the name, Fayette Athitia (fae-yet u-thee-shu).

    • |Biography of Fayette Athitia| •

    • Fayette is what some would say, the definition of naive. Though calm and collected, she's blunt and gullible. If someone wanted to know if they looked fat in their dress, and they truly did, Fayette would not hesitate to straight out tell them that they indeed, looked fat. This trait, of hers has definitely put her in many tight situations, loss of friends, being used by others, and even getting herself hurt. Despite all this, Fayette never changed.

    • Along with her naivety, ironically, comes a more calm nature. Only supported by that blank look on her face she sports from time to time. It is rare to ever find her angry. Frustrated, maybe, but hardly ever angry. Countless times, people would press her buttons, irritating her, hurting her, yet she never got mad. A few young fairies had even made up a game called, "Angry Fay" where anyone who was able to anger her won. Of course, no one did.

      Fay has a strong sense of justice. It is an honorable trait yet a stupid one. If a person were to steal from a merchant, Fayette would be the first to stop the person, whether the thief is the most powerful Paladin in the Universe, or a poor orphan that is on the brink of death from starvation, Fayette will stand up for what is right. If it wasn't for the fact that this naive girl knew how to fight, she would have been dead by now.

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