Tales of Salisonia: Rise of the Dragons [Official OOC Thread]


|General Information|

  • Arzur Rynildi

|Biography of Arzur Rynildi|

  • Arzur is almost always calm, and never anything else than calm except for being noticeably sad at times, though that is rare. Growing up in wealth, and a father who was in the Council of the Elves, you would think he would be a bit snobby, or at least a little un-caring for lesser folk. He was actually quite the opposite of that. He was found always handing out coins to the poor elves in Ellegarde, even if it meant being chasticed by his parents. That's how he always was, helping the less-fortunate. If he found someone talking badly to one whom they thought as "lesser" than them, he would quickly get angered and immediately step in to tell the aggressor to back off and occasionally brawled with them. He would also anger quickly if someone harmed the one's he loved, be it physically or emotionally, and easily goes into a rage to protect his loved ones. At his current age, though, he is very reluctant to fight and will only do so when it is needed. He rather not fight due to the fact he won't be able to do too much.

    In his later years, being a well-trained swordsman who later trained others, he either had a lot of patience or none at all. If you are messing around with him and wasting time, he will not wait for you. If you are actually being true to him or trying your hardest, he will wait an entire lifetime. When he speaks, he has that sense of being wise in his voice that comes with many older-folk. One of his fears is the death of Elvsyr, if she died before him, or him dying and leaving her alone. He loves her like his own daughter and will be greatly hurt when she dies, but at the same time, he does not want to leave her all alone, as he knows she will become completely devastated. This is part of the reason why he left Ellegarde to travel in the first place, so that she wouldn't have to be faced with that event. Another reason he traveled was to simply gain knowledge on many different topics. A desire of his is to find Elvsyr and to finally reunite, even

    with his fears.
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I thought so. I mentioned earlier that I might make one, and I'm ready to put her together, and no one told me not to... PAI *raises hand and calls for judge*
I believe you CAN but you would have to ask pai directly and ask her about it, but the two players who were gonna rp dragons haven't posted once

*cough* @Akihito *cough*

So I'm not sure, gotta ask Pai first, see what she says about your dragon and she may give you the deets and requirements, but I suggest making a dragon your second because it's a big task to play one and It'd be better to get a feel of the rp first than just run in crazy crazy


Now I must go into a corner with a bowl of shame and some chopsticks, even though shame is a liquid and must be eaten with a spoon. I'll have to balance the shame on the actual chopsticks.

This is going to be a very long meal.
Mooalally said:
Now I must go into a corner with a bowl of shame and some chopsticks, even though shame is a liquid and must be eaten with a spoon. I'll have to balance the shame on the actual chopsticks.

This is going to be a very long meal.
Silly Mooalally, chopsticks are for people with opposable thumbs :3
MrLlama said:

|General Information|

  • Arzur Rynildi

|Biography of (Arzur Rynildi)|

  • Arzur is almost always calm, and never anything else than calm except for being noticeably sad at times, though that is rare. Growing up in wealth, and a father who was in the Council of the Elves, you would think he would be a bit snobby, or at least a little un-caring for lesser folk. He was actually quite the opposite of that. He was found always handing out coins to the poor elves in Ellegarde, even if it meant being chasticed by his parents. That's how he always was, helping the less-fortunate. If he found someone talking badly to one whom they thought as "lesser" than them, he would quickly get angered and immediately step in to tell the aggressor to back off and occasionally brawled with them. He would also anger quickly if someone harmed the one's he loved, be it physically or emotionally, and easily goes into a rage to protect his loved ones. At his current age, though, he is very reluctant to fight and will only do so when it is needed. He rather not fight due to the fact he won't be able to do too much.

    In his later years, being a well-trained swordsman who later trained others, he either had a lot of patience or none at all. If you are messing around with him and wasting time, he will not wait for you. If you are actually being true to him or trying your hardest, he will wait an entire lifetime. When he speaks, he has that sense of being wise in his voice that comes with many older-folk. One of his fears is the death of Elvsyr, if she died before him, or him dying and leaving her alone. He loves her like his own daughter and will be greatly hurt when she dies, but at the same time, he does not want to leave her all alone, as he knows she will become completely devastated. This is part of the reason why he left Ellegarde to travel in the first place, so that she wouldn't have to be faced with that event. Another reason he traveled was to simply gain knowledge on many different topics. A desire of his is to find Elvsyr and to finally reunite, even with his fears.

  • Problems I see

    also Katanas are from Maitao nature and Salisonia is based off european weaponry like broadswords. The only person to cross Fae's sea is Jia of Arc, she was the only Maitao person on the continent of salisonia. I think having a Katana kinda shifts the history too much, and I already did that so we don't want too many shifts... So I suggest switching Katana with a longsword or broadswords, greatswords? But make then european or nordic in style
No, all of that is in her own bio of her teaching blah blah blah. He just taught her fighting techniques. 
I fixed ittt.
Okay looks better, you sure you want part of the blade's hilt or whatever made from gold? Gold is a super weak material and it bends very easy unless it's a certain purified type with science which isn't advanced that far here. Also I wont accept you yet since im not on my comp but ill try later
He won't really use it much, just due to being so old and it's more decorative. I can change it if you think it would be better, though.
All right @MrLlama *rolls up sleeves*


First off, holy crap that is a large appearance description.

Secondly, wasn't he influenced by his parents at all? Your parents/guardians usually have the biggest impact on your life because you trust them (most of the time) and they raised you. So, did he have any internal conflict happening? Did he have an external influence (friend, relative, something, possibly even the Queen as a role model) to help him become this way?

Who was he trained by? Possibly delve into that? I mean, probably some (Elven? Elvish? Elfish? Elfen?) trainer, but does he or she have a name? Did he have special treatment because he was born of royalty? Did he feel bad because he got special treatment, and others didn't even have the chance to, since he feels bad for the other things (food, gold)?

After his parents were executed, why didn't they suspect him? I mean, blood is thicker than water. Wait, no, I meant the apple doesn't fall far from the tree. If they were evil and tried to kill the other council members, wouldn't they think that they might've passed on their bad tendencies to him? If anything, he should've lost some kind of reputation (this is an example. I'm not saying it absolutely should have it). Possibly had to eat a bowl of shame like I did.

Did he love his parents? I mean, before they were executed. Because if so, you said his parents chastised him whenever he tried to help the poorer Elves, which probably meant they thought of them as lesser beings. They probably discussed this matter before, and might've even explained to Arzur that it was wrong to help these Elves. And like you said, he angered quickly and told them to back off. And even in the spur of the moment, he possibly even fought his father, which would lead to even MORE anger since his loved ones were physically harmed.

Why does his staff seem so magicky?

How does he have the strength to carry such a large weapon as a broadsword in his old age? Does he even lift, bro? In all seriousness though, does he work out? Is that how he managed to keep his strength for so long?

How did his parents get on the Council in the first place if they're mean to poorer Elves, but the Queen is so fair?

These are just some things that ran through my head whilst reading your application.

Notice: I have no power. Feel free to ignore me.

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