Tales of Salisonia: Rise of the Dragons [Official OOC Thread]


Mordaedel said:
Mary-Sue alert.
Honestly I've only seen some aspects that may make MARY Sue-ish but I can't see much else. But I'll just nod my head and smile.
@VampiricPotato As the others have said before, there are small hints of possible mary sueness, but I have confidence in you to not make her OP. ^^ But, I beg of you to add more to her personality. It seems that all she is is shy and quiet. Somewhat hollow, it feels a little incomplete. :) Please just add more and go into detail. ^^
Alright, you are now Cream, and you shall be my Cream, and I will hug you and feed you cheese puffs and change your newspapers. :3

What 'bout... Marshal Leeeee. .o. *Fangirl.*
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Merp. I think I need to work on my character a bit more before my tablet thingymabob dies on me. I've only done the weapons section, and I don't even know why I started there. x-x'

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