Tales of Salisonia: Rise of the Dragons [Official OOC Thread]

Kimmy said:
Pai-Chan's picture isn't Jesus anymore!
And it's an adorable neko!

Pai-Chan, be my non abusive sister?
I don't know when Jesus became the head of all squads in the soul society...
Looks like Jesus on mobile. I dunno.

I'm tired, qualifications are confusing and we are moving on to next year maths :c
"But suddenly, all the wild animals stopped roaring and going batshit crazy, an awkward silence was among them.. Quickly ruined by a wild puerto rican"
"But suddenly, all the wild animals stopped roaring and going batshit crazy, an awkward silence was among them.. Quickly ruined by a wild puerto rican"
For the win.


I presume there is no bestiary for the forest at the moment, yes?

Are their dire wolves in the forest and would a ranger be able to... form a bond with one (tame?)? (For lack of a better term) Or would that be a contractor?
Alrigon said:
I presume there is no bestiary for the forest at the moment, yes?
Are their dire wolves in the forest and would a ranger be able to... form a bond with one (tame?)? (For lack of a better term) Or would that be a contractor?
That'd be a contractor. Then again, wolves are those of a pack, so perhaps the ranger could act as an alpha. But, because they do not have the special "bond" a Contractor and Contracted have the ranger must act like a true alpha wolf, settling disputes and displaying dominace and all that jazz. :)

Cressy said:
I gtg guys hopefully ms pai finishes her chars <.<
Goodnight, my dear Cressandra. ^^ I most likely wont be finished since I have school. But I'll most likely be finished at least one character and I can open the roleplay tomorrow. :)
Well, I'm not looking to be the alpha of a pack xD , and I'm not talking about normal wolves as well. Dire wolves. In most lore (that I've read) dire wolves are lone wolves, only coming together to mate. My idea was my character would have found a pup along his travels and raised it to be his companion. That kind of bond.
Alrigon said:
Well, I'm not looking to be the alpha of a pack xD , and I'm not talking about normal wolves as well. Dire wolves. In most lore (that I've read) dire wolves are lone wolves, only coming together to mate. My idea was my character would have found a pup along his travels and raised it to be his companion. That kind of bond.
Aw! That's cute. x3 Sure, go ahead.
Graci! ^.^ 
I know, I have a lot of questions. xD

For the pictures, does it have to be anime, or can it be general artwork that we've found? As long as it's no IRL pictures.
Alrigon said:
I know, I have a lot of questions. xD
For the pictures, does it have to be anime, or can it be general artwork that we've found? As long as it's no IRL pictures.
As long as it's not IRL pictures and sticks with the fantasy theme, I'm fine with it. And don't worry about it, questions help you learn~ ^^ 

Flabbysaurus said:
I don't want to speak for pai but I used a drawing I found and pai said it was okay as long at wasn't an irl picture.
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Well, looks like Sau beat me to the punch. xD

Here's hopin' these are okay . . .

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_09/Sword.PNG.85510175d703a3666e3974788d194361.PNG" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="6823" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_09/Sword.PNG.85510175d703a3666e3974788d194361.PNG" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

|General Information|
  • Lucius Traiger

|Biography of Lucius Traiger
  • Lucius is every bit the example of "The saddest people smile the brightest." He almost always has a small smile on his face, because his nature is generally peaceful and because he never wants people to be unhappy. He's had enough of feeling that way himself, feeling overburdened and stretched to his limits, and so has chosen not to feel so powerless ever again - at least, to the extent of his abilities. Lucius is a kind person that does whatever he can to help people, though his abilities are limited with the loss of his sight. He's a scholar at heart and loves to learn, and so often makes his closest friend, Reed, read to him the books he wishes to learn from, and he uses that information to make medicines so that he can help others heal in ways that he can't heal himself. Lucius will often make light of bad situations in order to keep others from getting too worried or depressed, and has the better bedside manner between himself and his companion. Lucius has a knight's heart, but a frailer man's body, and he does all that he can to help those that can't help themselves, even if it means giving more than he can really afford to give, or getting himself hurt in the process.

  • <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_09/Iya-chen_full_1529730.jpg.3ecfab2ecbfa456f400af1ed7f77b30d.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="6824" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_09/Iya-chen_full_1529730.jpg.3ecfab2ecbfa456f400af1ed7f77b30d.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

    |General Information|
    • Reed Alister

    |Biography of Reed Alister|
    • Reed has a higher than average IQ which causes him to be better with facts than with people. He tends to get frustrated when others don't understand things as easily as he does, only because it's all he's ever known. He's a generally calm, mild person, confident in his own abilities to defend himself and those that he chooses to defend along with him, as well as his own ability to assess situations and know if anything is a danger or not. His brain is highly analytical and straightforward in most situations, so while he is the eyes and hands of the healing pair, Lucius is still the bedside manor. Reed is highly protective of what little is his, including Lucius, and will protect what's his through any means necessary. If this means taking on people twice his size, then he'll attempt it, even if he can't quite do it. He's lived through enough of having people take what belongs to him while he couldn't stop it to let it keep happening.



  • Sword.PNG
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  • Iya-chen_full_1529730.jpg
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@Nalakitty01 Okay? Okay?! OKAY?! These are amazing! You're obviously accepted! :D Since I'm a little tired at the moment, I shall add your characters to the accepted character list tomorrow when I wake up. ^^

*Sol note: felt like doing something different.

Ah yes a profile of a certain elven girl, here's a transcript from one of our agents on the field, it details a correspondence they had in a tavern no less. I had taken the liberty of omitting the statements of our agent.


|General Information|

  • "Miri Kronen, is that so strange a name for an elf?"

|Biography of Miri|

  • "So how do I act? Were my previous words not getting through to you?! I'm a charming and expressive young girl. No I'm not a woman yet, unless that'll make that guy over there, DONT LOOK, notice me, then I am woman. I don't really think I ever filter my thoughts, I just say what's on top of my mind. If I don't like it, then I don't like it, I'll also take you on in an argument explaining why I don't like it and why shouldn't as well. Well because I don't really filter my thoughts, I sorta run out of things to say. What? Go talk to him? but, but....I'm shy, I dunno if I'd make a good first impression. So what if I'm aggressive?! I only ever do that to my friends not to complete strangers. Yeah you're a friend, so shut it. It-it's not like I wanted to come out here anyway, I'm only doing this because you need it for your job. Shut it, I'm not reliable at all, I'm-I'm the opposite of it, whatever it is. I didn't come out here just you could compliment me.....I didn't say stop."

So ends transcript I hope this profile was what you were looking for, if not feel free to dispose of it as you see fit, ser.


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