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Fantasy Tales of Ristafel


*insert not the bees joke clip*

In anycase perhaps the character needs to have said bees around in the first place? Have a hive in a bag or something of the sort, a sort of... the word excapes me, word for a parasite and a host working together and left unharmed, a beneficial realationship between parasite and host...

Please, somebody! Help this poor fool!
At work right now, so while I'm interested, I won't be able to start crafting a character sheet until I get home.

That being said, I'm intrigued by the Bloodeyes race, but find the name somewhat... lackluster. Would it be out of line to suggest a change of name? "Sanguine" perhaps?
saw this when I was checking around for games, I think I'll rejoin as well if you don't mind, though I think I'll change my character around
At work right now, so while I'm interested, I won't be able to start crafting a character sheet until I get home.
That being said, I'm intrigued by the Bloodeyes race, but find the name somewhat... lackluster. Would it be out of line to suggest a change of name? "Sanguine" perhaps?
I thought of that name once, but it didn't have an impact to me.

Zerohex said:
saw this when I was checking around for games, I think I'll rejoin as well if you don't mind, though I think I'll change my character around
Of course. The more, the merrier.
So, if we have been accepted, are we free to start posting in the IC, or would you rather post an official declaration of RP engagement?
How you doin', everyone? You ready to start?


DrBones said:
So, if we have been accepted, are we free to start posting in the IC, or would you rather post an official declaration of RP engagement?
You're free to start, and create your own plot. Though there will be a main plot which will be announced soon, players are free to decide whether to participate in it or not.
If not Sanguine, perhaps:

Vitaeus, Maleficar, Goetia, Hemiris, etc.

Something more befitting a gothic-looking blood mage. "Bloodeyes" sounds like a lonely, 40 year old woman naming her cat.
Those names sound really edgy, and aren't really linked to the race's powers at all (beyond "Vitaeus", which sounds like a vampire count). I can feel the teenaged purple prose dripping off them from here. If we're going to focus on the fact that they're aligned with blood and can control it, how about something that's more descriptive and evocative, like Bloodsmiths? Heck, you can just call them Blood Elves and you won't lose anything in translation.

"Hemiris" is a really good pun, though.
It's less clever and more just swapping in synonyms. If you want clever, go for "hemogoblins" or somesuch.
Hmm, you do have some good suggestions. I'll keep those in mind, however, I still prefer the name I have come up with.
I'm interested to join if that's okay, but @Bravest, you're going to have to wait since my newbie status has yet to be revoked, still can't PM and all. Is that alright? (' :) )
Silsa said:
I'm interested to join if that's okay, but @Bravest, you're going to have to wait since my newbie status has yet to be revoked, still can't PM and all. Is that alright? (' :) )
I'll be pm-ing you in that case.

@CallSign Please follow the fourth rule in the IC tab. If you cannot see the settings tab, the link is here. https://www.rpnation.com/threads/tales-of-ristafel-settings-locations.132757/

@ComradeSenpai Please follow the fifth rule in the IC tab. Just edit in the location where your character is currently in.
So a disposable, never-to-be-revisited location used simply to get some content going and possibly get RPing started needs to be treated as an important location? Seriously?

Fine. Meh.

Also, might I remind you that you haven't mentioned the actual place you put your starting post? Might want to get on that yourself.
CallSign said:
So a disposable, never-to-be-revisited location used simply to get some content going and possibly get RPing started needs to be treated as an important location? Seriously?
Do you truly know if that place will never be revisited? And who said everything in the settings tab would be marked as important? I know the rules may be a hassle, and no one is restricting you from speaking your opinion/complaints about them, but if you cannot follow them, you are free to leave.

CallSign said:
Also, might I remind you that you haven't mentioned the actual place you put your starting post? Might want to get on that yourself.
That post addresses the entirety of Ristafel. Besides, it's not really my starting post. It is simply a way to reveal time.
To be honest, it kind of seems like a waste of effort to give extensive backstories to every location, building, and lifeform the RP comes across. For the most part, context clues and a rudimentary amount of prior knowledge should be enough to provide an all-encompassing idea of the kind of place our characters are in. Beyond that, there's not much of a reason to revisit Unnamed Forest, since it doesn't seem to carry anything worth looking into and looks like a wholly-unpleasant place otherwise.

I'd prefer if the "write a backstory to this person, place, or thing" rule only applied to actually important things (as defined by the player), so that way the other players would have an incentive to read what their comrades have written.
Bravest said:
Do you truly know if that place will never be revisited? And who said everything in the settings tab would be marked as important?
How? Probably because I intended for the unimportant little unnamed village - that I wrote - to remain unimportant. But I'm fine with it being reused. You wanted it, you've got it. No hard feelings here.

Now, let's talk dragons. You told me that enhanced physical strength was overpowered in dragon form. I was fine with toning it down a bit - after all, keeping things even is the GM's job, and who am I as a player to get in a fight about it? However, I'm now certain that I've been slighted. Let's take it from the top.

Xaela: Not only is she "skilled in multiple spells" with no explanation of WHAT spells she has, she can also apparently perform advanced chemistry upon the air around her, up to and including covalent bonding to produce gasoline from air or cause enough particle motion to create a CONTROLLED lightning strike. I explained why lightning itself is overpowered through the setting in an earlier PM, but I'll summarize it here for those who haven't seen it: it's an natural energy attack in a setting where the only defenses are physical and magical.

Now, if she were a one-trick pony I'd be fine with it. It's a fairly cool idea for a fantasy setting: use magic to produce chemical results. I like it. But she's not a one-trick pony. She can create undefined chemical weapons. What might these be? Neurotoxins? Strong acids or bases? God forbid, nuclear bombs? On top of THAT, she creates undefined mechanical weapons. Chainsaws are strong in that they tear through armor. Guns? They changed warfare completely. I'm sure you're starting to see why I'm upset that you thought a slight punching power boost - from average to above average - was considered overpowered.

But! I'm not done! We now have a second dragonkin to compare Lily to. Let's take a look at good Nicholas here. What does he have going for him? As a human he's a strong fighter/hunter with a variety of weapons. Okay, cool. But what's this about "limited elemental magic"? I don't see a specification on what element it's limited to. Weird, but I'll go with it on assumption that maybe it means his magic is weak. Human form: okay.

But what's this about his dragon form? "(...) he is quite large as a dragon, almost as large as dragons when they climb towards adulthood and he's still growing. Though physically, he might beyond the reach of other Dragonkin, (...)" What might this be? GREATLY enhanced physical strength, including both size and strength? Amazing. It's almost like you wanted to prevent Lily from overlapping powers with him - almost. But he also has some things that far and away outdo Lily. While his spells are "subpar", he still has them, and they are described as harbingers of death, along with "blades of wind from his wings and plumes of fire erupting from the ground, and his breath". This is starting to sound like a character equivalent of doomsday itself. It doesn't really matter if he misses, as the world will burn to nothing by the time he's done.

Now, what does Lily have in her arsenal? Let's have a look-see. As a human, she has the abilities associated with a Rogue simply because she is of the Rogue class. She has her axe and her leather armor, which are pretty much standard fare, though her axe doesn't fit with her being a Rogue. She is stronger than normal, but by no means superhuman. Finally, she has a bag of holding, which is to store her loot from burglaries or dungeon crawls. All fitting her one-trick-pony setup. In D&D terms, she started with a level in Rogue, then took all her following levels in Warrior or Berserker.

As a dragon, she is again a one-trick pony. I had envisioned her as a full-on Warrior-type in this form. For comparison, envision a Paladin. See him clad in his shiny plate armor, a bastion of both power and defense. This is precisely Lily's build. I even threw away her breath weapon for this setup - no flames, no lightning, no ice, nothing. She is, for all intents and purposes, a close-range fighter with nothing to rely on outside that.

And you took away her strength.

Now, I'm gonna go get myself another vodka sour or five. Feels good to get that out of my mind.
ummm, I'm sorry? I really didn't look at the other CS's until recently so I don't mean to outdo or seem too much. I'll edit some... okay a lot of stuff out if it makes you fell better. I didn't really think it through, so I apologize if I caused any offence.
Silsa said:
ummm, I'm sorry? I really didn't look at the other CS's until recently so I don't mean to outdo or seem too much. I'll edit some... okay a lot of stuff out if it makes you fell better. I didn't really think it through, so I apologize if I caused any offence.
The problem isn't you personally going for a character this strong so much as it is the GM placing different limits on different players, which is blatantly unfair.
Xaela's ability to create lightning and manipulate gas is considered as magic. One cannot do those without the manipulation of Yier. And as said, Dragonkin are highly resistant to magic in dragon form. The lightning would simply bounce off the dragon's hide, and if intense enough, grant it a small burn or wound.

As for the chemical weapons and whatnot, it's not possible for one to create any of those things in a very fast manner. In fact, I'm not even expecting her to be able to create one thing in the first few posts. It would probably take her at least more than twenty posts to come up with a successful product. The availability of the materials that she needs is also most likely scarce. You, a rogue with combat experience, could easily slay her, especially since she relies on these things.

Now as for Nicholas, I see those statements as an exaggerated description of his dragon form. But let's be clear here, if a Dragonkin in dragon form would be pretty much resistant to magic, which is manipulation of Yier, then it would be safe to say that they are unable to use Yier in that form. Therefore, no Dragonkin can use magic in dragon form. To me, the statements "blades of winds on his wings" and "plumes of fire erupting from the ground and his breath" are simply exaggerated words that show a dragon's common ability to blow winds by flapping its wings and its firey breath.

On the said "greatly enhanced strength" in his dragon form, it is stated that he is still growing, and that thing IS a possibility, but is not ensured. That is why there is the word MIGHT. He may or may not achieve this feature. And if he does, it would be at the time where he had finished his growth, not at the current time.

Of course, all these are merely my opinions based my perspective on their characters.
Thanks for the reassurance from Call and Senpai but for the sake of avoiding misunderstanding I just edited them out entirety. Hyperbole is never good in CS I understand that now. If it will appear as gusts of wind and breath attacks in future descriptions to make it look somewhat normal for a dragon at least.
Bravest said:
Xaela's ability to create lightning and manipulate gas is considered as magic. One cannot do those without the manipulation of Yier. And as said, Dragonkin are highly resistant to magic in dragon form. The lightning would simply bounce off the dragon's hide, and if intense enough, grant it a small burn or wound.
As for the chemical weapons and whatnot, it's not possible for one to create any of those things in a very fast manner. In fact, I'm not even expecting her to be able to create one thing in the first few posts. It would probably take her at least more than twenty posts to come up with a successful product. The availability of the materials that she needs is also most likely scarce. You, a rogue with combat experience, could easily slay her, especially since she relies on these things.

Now as for Nicholas, I see those statements as an exaggerated description of his dragon form. But let's be clear here, if a Dragonkin in dragon form would be pretty much resistant to magic, which is manipulation of Yier, then it would be safe to say that they are unable to use Yier in that form. Therefore, no Dragonkin can use magic in dragon form. To me, the statements "blades of winds on his wings" and "plumes of fire erupting from the ground and his breath" are simply exaggerated words that show a dragon's common ability to blow winds by flapping its wings and its firey breath.

On the said "greatly enhanced strength" in his dragon form, it is stated that he is still growing, and that thing IS a possibility, but is not ensured. That is why there is the word MIGHT. He may or may not achieve this feature. And if he does, it would be at the time where he had finished his growth, not at the current time.

Of course, all these are merely my opinions based my perspective on their characters.
"Blades of wind and plumes of fire from the ground" shouldn't be taken as hyperbole when these are actual attacks used in multiple forms of media.

Additionally, the actual race description for Dragonkin doesn't say they can't use magic in their dragon form, which is a really important detail. You also didn't have ValkyrieRose mention the time limits on forming the chemicals, especially if it takes twenty posts to make something useful. You specifically had me state a bee's weak point, but not the time restraints for essentially forming chemicals for nothing. Think about that for a moment.

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