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Fantasy Tales of Ristafel

This is the OOC section of the roleplay, where people can chill out and relax as they wait for others to post, to chat about everyday things, to input their questions and suggestions into. However, in order to avoid any mess in this section I will instill rules.

Rule#1: No fighting against another role player. You may have different views, and some may have unintentionally offended you, but that does not mean you should fight it out. Respect their opinions and give them the feedback they need.

Rule#2: No spamming. I do not want this area to be flooded by such things, for they annoy not only me, but other role players as well.

Rule#3: There shall be no release of in rp chatting in here, other than planning, collaboration requests and inquiries.
I have come to join thee in your marvelous adventures! Let us Sally forth and walk unto the sunset! For we are adventurers! Travel the world, fight the bad guys, slay the princess, rescue the dragon!

All things and adventurer must do!

The one where it was discoveredd tha tpeople were actually organizing to troll in it? I never even knew people had sites for that. From what i understand you were part of it.

If not, then never mind. forget i said anything
Quite frankly, I'm gobsmacked you still think I was a part of that. I already talked this over with the mods, and it's exactly the reason I was unbanned. One of my friends was with the group that apparently raided RPNation, and they directed me to this site while it happened. When Archer threw a fit and got almost everyone in the thread permabanned, I was one of the people who got caught in the crossfire.

If I recall correctly, you did absolutely nothing to help calm Archer down and actually assess what evidence had been gathered. The whole RP was a cavalcade of mistakes spurred on by a powertripping GM and his fevered search for internet trolls. My very worst sin on this site was making a trio of Mexican cartel members as Masters, and that was almost enough to boot me off the site forever. If you want to talk to me about some mistaken affiliation all those months ago, do it over PM. Don't go out and slander me in the OOC.

If you don't like Beltway or the way I post, that's quite alright. You're welcome to give whatever criticism you want, and I'll do my best to take it. If you're convinced I'm part of some secret band of internet trolls dedicated to ruining roleplaying forever, that's completely fine. You're welcome to think what you want. However, I will not take character assassination like this.

I never heard any of this from them. All i heard is that you were part of .From my stand point and knowledge, it would be in my best entrace to tell the gm, Would you rarher me not say anything yo you and just message the gms? i could have done that, but i wanted to hear it from you

that said, I don't mind your character. i just wanted to make sure. I have no quarrell with you if the above is true.
Good Lord, I wasn't part of the raids, so please stop trying to say that I was. You really need to stop clinging to the narrative that I'm some nasty troll. PMing the mods and trying to insinuate that I'm a troll again would do absolutely nothing to help anyone. I didn't do a damn thing to warrant being banned, and now here you are trying to get me banned again.

I had hoped I would have been able to get over this witch hunt after I was unbanned-- it was an honest mistake from an overly passionate GM, and I've been taking steps to avoid Archer's games since then. If you're so convinced that I'm a member of the troll Illuminati, you really need to settle down and take an objective look at this situation. I've been putting my best into every thread I've been in, I've been an enthusiastic RPer throughout my posting, and I haven't demonstrated any trollish behaviors-- why are you so vehemently against the possibility that I'm not a troll?

Either take this shit to a PM with me, or stop cluttering up the OOC with vicious accusations. I'm going to go to bed before I suffer an aneurysm from the sheer infuriation here.
Neither of you are helping. Both of you knock it off. PM each other if you must. There will be NO REFERENCE to this AT ALL. There will also be no reply messages to any of this.
I'm fine with that. Looking forward to it~

i know Ori is stil working on his character. How big did you two envision this to be?
ValkyrieRose said:
I'm fine with that. Looking forward to it~
i know Ori is stil working on his character. How big did you two envision this to be?
Up to Bravest. I just spitball plot and monster ideas.
I'll have it done tomorrow, technically today but who's counting.

Any suggestions for what I could do? Not that I cannot make my own ideas, it's fun to toss around a ball of ideas between a bunch of folks.

If not, not skin off my nose.
Orikanyo said:
I'll have it done tomorrow, technically today but who's counting.
Any suggestions for what I could do? Not that I cannot make my own ideas, it's fun to toss around a ball of ideas between a bunch of folks.

If not, not skin off my nose.
Find a niche you like and fill it. That's what I did.
Hmm, may aswell start be answering your questions.

Good questions basis for any sort of character really, I'm thinking a human, though thing is we have so many of them, as such I think I may go with either Eitherborn or perhaps Bloodeyes.

Thought what would fit best with what is not already there? I could go with just a straight up magic user, go all spells and dickery doo, thing is I'm not feeling up to pulling rabbits out of a hat lately.

...Wait... I'm going Merc, cleave away and collect you pay, such is the way you'll spend your day. I have a plan, though the race sterotype put up there don't seem to fit that sort of person... Atleast from their traditions, Etherborn seem to be the most flexible in the description, so it shall be.
Guys I'm going through character creation and I need help.

What's a reasonable "limit" on the ability "Summon a swarm of bees"

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