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Fandom Tale of Two Survivors { The Last of Us 1x1 with icedthemoon }

Alexander Brennan
Former Seraphite | 19 | Current location ;; Montana

Alex heard Nate yawn, felt both arms around him and sighed softly. Alex shifted his head, opening his eyes and looked up at Nate. "Morning.." He said quietly, yawning himself. Alex was quite content curled up into Nate's side and he didn't want to move. When Alex shifted, he felt dull pain radiate up his leg when he did so. Unknowingly, he had put pressure on it when he shifted. Alex let out a small soft gasp at the pain, though he tried to bite it back. He didn't want to break this silence, break the comfortable moment and have to move away so his leg could be checked and rewrapped.
Nathaniel Matthews
Former Firefly | 21 | Current location ;; Montana

At the sound of his voice, Nate smiled, nestling his head on the top of Alex’s. If he could wake up like this every night for the rest of his life, he would be happy and content. One day, this was going to be his life. He could feel it. A gasp pulled him out of his thoughts. His happy contentment shifted to rigid worry. He shifted his gaze to Alex, searching for signs of what happened. “Are you okay? Do you hurt?” He moved to sit up, though he didn’t get that far out of fear of hurting him. He leaned against the headboard to keep himself wedged up so that both arms could still be around Alex.
Alexander Brennan
Former Seraphite | 19 | Current location ;; Montana

Alex smiled when he felt Nate nestle his head on top of Alex's. He wanted to wake up like this every day, though preferably without the pain in his leg. Alex knew that Nate had heard him gasp, the moment he heard him asking if he was okay and if he hurt. Alex sighed, looking up at Nate who was leaning against the headboard, both arms still around him. "I'm fine, I just shifted wrong and put pressure on my leg." He admitted. Alex didn't feel anything wrong with it other than it hurt. He didn't want to get off the bed, but he didn't have much grounds to stand on if Nate wanted to check his leg.
Nathaniel Matthews
Former Firefly | 21 | Current location ;; Montana

If he was hurt, Nate didn’t want to stay in whatever position it was that was causing the problem. He wanted to help. He hated when Alex hurt, and that happened so often. Every time it happened, there was this nagging feeling at the back of his throat that it was all his fault. If he had not been so lost, Alex would not have turned around for this journey. He would never had had to deal with the hunters that he managed to evade the first time. He would never have been attacked by that woman. He would never have had to run from that bear. There were so many things that he would never have to do if not for Nate. “Are you sure?” He asked, debating on whether or not he should sit them up now and check or if he should be calm for once. Take a breath, Nate. You don’t always have to worry. “I can move if you want. I can… um…” But his words were lost in the worry of his own faults.
Alexander Brennan
Former Seraphite | 19 | Current location ;; Montana

Alex didn't know what he wanted. He wanted to stay there, but the pain had gotten worse with all the shifting around. He didn't think he had opened anything, but with the wraps, it was hard to tell. He looked up at Nate, taking a deep breath. If he let this go, let this pain continue, it could make things that much worse. He pulled himself up, sitting against the headboard himself. "I just, I don't know. It still hurts but I don't know if its because of the nature or if it reopened" Alex finally managed to say. "M- Maybe we should check out. Better to be safe than sorry right?" Alex asked, even if he didn't want to move at all. Even though he was quite comfortable where he was.
Nathaniel Matthews
Former Firefly | 21 | Current location ;; Montana

The moment Alex decided that they should check, Nate was moving. He pulled Alex up first, supporting him in the hopes that avoided additional pain. He moved himself up so that he was totally sitting up, holding Alex close to him. He moved his legs so that they were protectively still around him but no longer underneath. “Let me check. It may just hurt. That was a nasty swipe.” With a smile, he slid his arm down, realized that where he was could not quite work, so instead of getting up and moving like he should, he shifted both of them. He turned Alex minutely and twisted himself so that they were still very close but he could lean better. He was afraid that if it was bad enough, Alex needed more support than he could give if he moved. With a skilled hand, he pushed Alex’s pant leg out of the way. No blood came through the bandage, and that was good. He skillfully unwrapped the leg with the fingers of his only free hand. He placed them gently on the angered skin. “I don’t see anything wrong. Looks like you didn’t reopen anything. It’s just angry at you for thinking about being mauled by a bear. If it only just now started hurting, you didn’t sleep on it wrong. I can try and work out some of the tension, but that may hurt more.”
Alexander Brennan
Former Seraphite | 19 | Current location ;; Montana

Alex wasn't expecting Nate to move that quickly, though he probably should've been now that he thought about it. He let himself be pulled up, and blush slightly when Nate was still holding him close, and kept his legs around him. Alex nodded, he was fine with that. His hope was that it was just hurt because of the swipe not because he'd reopened it. Alex felt himself turned slightly before Nate leaned down to check. He felt his pant leg moved out of the way, then the wrap taken off. Alex watched as Nate placed his fingers gently on the skin. "I'm glad its not reopened." He said softly. Then he chuckled a little at that. "I'll have to apologize to my leg for allowing the bear to swipe me." He looked at Nate when he spoke, unsure if he wanted him to work out the tension. Maybe it might help with the walking they'd have to do today. "Okay, you can try, and I'll let you know if its gets to be too much" Alex told him.
Nathaniel Matthews
Former Firefly | 21 | Current location ;; Montana

Nate ran a hand over Alex’s arm as he readjusted himself to be a little closer to the hurt leg. “I’m going to try what I did with your back what it was really bad. It will hurt more. I hope that if you can handle it, we can remind your body how it’s supposed to be.” He moved his arm from around Alex to now in front of him, steady hands this time hovering just above. Feeling for heat. It was not nearly as bad as yesterday when it felt like the heat was wafting at him in droves. He had to get much closer before that. That was good. He felt the tender skin around the injury, searching for where the muscles tensed the most. Then he began a succinct and precise massage meant not for comfort but for force. This was not something that was going to feel nice immediately. It was going to be so much worse but hopefully for only a moment. Sometimes you have to rebreak the break to set it right. He needed to pull apart the muscles and meat so that they could settle where they belonged.
Alexander Brennan
Former Seraphite | 19 | Current location ;; Montana

Alex nodded, watching Nate readjust so he could work on his leg. "I'll be fine.." Alex said, looking at him. He felt Nate's fingers touch his leg, and made their way down to the area around the injury. Alex thought he was in pain yesterday, but the flash of pain he got from the massage was not any better. Alex hissed in pain as he felt Nate work, and he spoke before the other male could even say a word. "I'm.. fine. Keep going" He managed to get out as he clenched his teeth together. He knew that it would hurt for a few moments before it would get better. He just had to make it through the few moments of pain.
Nathaniel Matthews
Former Firefly | 21 | Current location ;; Montana

He paused at the tension in Alex’s voice. Definitely painful. He knew how much that would feel, because he had worked this kind of thing out with himself many times before. “Okay.” He kept going, with more determination. He needed to not be too gentle or it would take longer but also not too quickly or it would not work the way it should. “Just another moment.” He quickly assessed the muscles around the injury. One more push. One more deep massage. And then- “okay. I think that’s done for now.” He immediately removed his hands, shoving them into his own lap like he was hiding away something terrible. He was. That was how he felt even if he knew he was helping in the long run. “That should be better. It’s not going to magically no longer hurt, but hopefully it will mean that your leg can settle a little.”
Alexander Brennan
Former Seraphite | 19 | Current location ;; Montana

Alex's hand went pillows and held them tight in his hand. He bit his lip trying to keep himself quiet. He didn't want Nate to feel bad for doing what he had to do. It was necessary and Alex understood that. He didn't enjoy the pain, and he felt tears brimming his eyes as he held onto the pillow and biting his lip. Once Nate stopped, the pain was dulled immensely. And the pain was much more bearable than it had been. He released the pillow, looked over at Nate who had his hands shoved in his lap. Alex was confused at the reaction as he went to wipe the tears that had traveled down his cheeks off. "Thank you, I appreciate it. Are you okay?" He asked, concerned.
Nathaniel Matthews
Former Firefly | 21 | Current location ;; Montana

Nate stared at his lap, trying not to think about it anymore. It was the only thing he could think about. It was the only thing important. But this was better. He knew it was better. He lifted his gaze at the words and his heart dropped, stomach opening into a gaping hole that consumed him. He reached out a hand to Alex’s cheeks. “I’m so sorry.” Sometimes, being the medical professional hurt more than it helped. What he had to do to people was so painful both physically and emotionally. Every yell from Ben. Every tear from Max. Every angry word from his mama. And then there was Alex asking if he was okay. Alex with his injury via bear on top of all the spinal and back wounds asking if Nate who had some scratches and occasionally angered some of the sore parts of his injuries. He almost laughed at the thought of how amazing this man was sitting with him on this bed. He was just in so much pain he had to hide it. Contain it. And he still asked if Nate was okay. “Yeah, I’m okay,” he answered quieter than he wished. He probably did not sound okay. “But I’m not the one you should worry about. I got off with some minor scratches.” Scratches on hands and his face were nothing. He practically forgot about them.
Alexander Brennan
Former Seraphite | 19 | Current location ;; Montana

Alex had a concerned expression on his face as he looked at Nate. He leaned into the touch from Nate's hand on his cheeks. "It's okay.. No need for apologies. It had to be done" Alex said, his own concern for Nate overriding any concern he should have for himself. His eyes searched Nate, looking at the scratches on his face and hands now that he could see. "Do those need to be cleaned?" Alex asked, when he heard Nate say he was okay. "I do worry about you, why shouldn't I? I need you.. to make sure we make it to our farmhouse remember?" Alex said. He didn't like that Nate seemed more concerned for Alex than himself. Then again, who was he to judge? He was doing the same thing.
Nathaniel Matthews
Former Firefly | 21 | Current location ;; Montana

I need you. Oh. There were certain truths that just made sense. With the way they talked and moved together. He should understand that as a truth, but it sounded so crazy, especially when he was so obviously the one who needed Alex. What would he do without him? Who would he be? Because the last few months on his own were a wash. He was just surviving. He was not even sure he could say he was living. “I’m fine,” he repeated. Fine enough. Fine enough for now. “And you don’t have to worry about me.” He rubbed his thumb over scars, over trails where tears used to be. “Are you hungry? Yesterday was a lot.”
Alexander Brennan
Former Seraphite | 19 | Current location ;; Montana

Alex looked at Nate, his eyes searching the man before him. He didn't want to push it, push the fact that he didn't think Nate was fine enough. But what could Alex do? He smiled at the thumb rubbing over his scars. "I won't stop worrying about you. It's who I am." Alex said, raising a hand to cover the one that Nate had on his cheek gently. "But yes, I'm starving." He said with a small laugh. "I'm thinking anything but beans" Alex added with a small chuckle.
Nathaniel Matthews
Former Firefly | 21 | Current location ;; Montana

There was no winning this battle. Nate would worry about Alex, and Alex would worry about Nate. Nate who would continue to be Alex’s burden, but at least he could patch him up on the way. For now. If it got too bad though, could he fix that? What if the bear did worse? What if- no, he couldn’t think that way. He lingered there, studying the lines of Alex’s face like he needed to commit them to memory before he never saw them again. His fingers fell away, and he clambered out of the bed to the bags. “Anything but beans?” He asked, summoning all of his chipper. “I can manage that. How about…” he rummaged through the bag and pulled out a partially eaten can. “Canned corn! We can save the good stuff for later. Make it a special dinner maybe.” He laughed as he pulled out the spoons and handed one to Alex as he sat back on the bed beside him.
Alexander Brennan
Former Seraphite | 19 | Current location ;; Montana

Alex felt Nate's fingers leave his face, as he watched him climb out of the bed. Alex shifted himself so he was pushed against the headboard, bad leg out straight, the other tucked underneath himself. He could see that positivity coming out as Nate made to the bags. Alex laughed as he pulled out the partially eaten can of corn. "Canned corn sounds like an excellent breakfast" Alex said with a grin, taking one of the spoons as Nate sat back down on the bed beside him. Alex grabbed a spoonful of corn, happily eating it. Much better than beans.
Nathaniel Matthews
Former Firefly | 21 | Current location ;; Montana

Nate absolutely loved with Alex smiled. He was just so cute, and it was so frustrating. If he was going to be that kind of cute all the time, how was he expected to look at anything else? Like canned corn. Corn was not nearly as adorable as that. He suppressed the audible sigh that was most definitely happening with a spoonful of canned corn. And also decided to be a good about things. “Mmmm this is the best canned corn I’ve ever had. Best breakfast. What is better than some canned corn and totally not beans right after waking up in a moderately run down hotel room?”
Alexander Brennan
Former Seraphite | 19 | Current location ;; Montana

Alex was much happier eating the corn than he was eating beans. It amazed him just how much he had come to hate canned beans. He knew it already, but it still surprised him at times. Alex looked over at Nate when he started talking. When Nate talked, Alex couldn't focus on anything else. His voice was distracting and he liked it. It made it hard to focus on their surroundings. "I think the only thing better than canned corn, not beans and waking up in the moderately run down hotel room would be having raviolis for breakfast instead but once we find a better shelter further in, we can celebrate with the ravioli." Alex said with a laugh as he grabbed another spoonful of corn.
Nathaniel Matthews
Former Firefly | 21 | Current location ;; Montana

He swallowed another spoonful and laughed when he forgot to chew. It was fine, everything was mushy and small enough. “You’re so right. Ravioli dinner party is exactly what I think we should have later. I’ll make it all nice and everything for you. Maybe we can even find real plates and bowls in one of these places. Sit down at a table. I don’t know what else people do at fancy dinners really.” He took his last bite and shrugged.
Alexander Brennan
Former Seraphite | 19 | Current location ;; Montana

Alex nodded as he listened to Nate. It was like a nice glimpse into what life could be if they made it to the farmhouse. "A ravioli dinner party sounds fantastic. Oh, getting that fancy dinner already? How lucky am I?" Alex asked with a laugh. Alex took one final bite of the corn, before handing the spoon back to Nate. "I don't know what else they'd do at them either. But even just sitting at a table and eating off a plate would be really nice" Alex admitted.
Nathaniel Matthews
Former Firefly | 21 | Current location ;; Montana

Nate took their spoons, wiped them down, and moved them and the can away. “Don’t you think that we deserve it? I feel like we do. I mean, we’ve been through a lot for being together all of what a week? Has it been a week?” He thought about this, unsure. “Kinda feels like forever. So I’m really not sure honestly.” He gave it another second go thought then shrugged once more and began to out everything up to prepare for their leaving. “But I think we can have fancy dinners however often we want them. Why not? Who’s gonna stop us?”
Alexander Brennan
Former Seraphite | 19 | Current location ;; Montana

Alex looked at Nate and shrugged. "I do think we deserve it." Alex started, then he listened to Nate. Has it really been that long? It seemed liked it had been much longer than a week. He thought it had been longer than that. "Has it really only been a week? Definitely feels like forever to me" Alex said with a low sigh. Alex watched as Nate got up to prepare for them to head out. "I agree with that, fancy dinners every night if we can" Alex laughed. Of course, anything could happen in a big city, and Alex had no idea what to expect in this one.
Nathaniel Matthews
Former Firefly | 21 | Current location ;; Montana

Even if it only had been a week, it felt so much longer. It seemed like a lie. “I choose to believe that instead of a week, we have been traveling for at least a month already. Or maybe several. That seems far more reasonable. That’s why we deserve fancy dinners every night.” As he finished packing the bags, he moved to the bed with his hands out. “Are you ready or do you want to wait a little while longer? Has it settled a little?” He nodded towards his leg and tried not to frown.
Alexander Brennan
Former Seraphite | 19 | Current location ;; Montana

Alex smiled, he shook his head with a laugh at that. “Yes, several months for sure.” He agreed. Alex slid towards the end of the bed, sitting on the edge of the bed. He watched as Nate finished packing the bags, and looked at him when he stepped over with both hands out. Alex took Nate’s hands in his and pulled himself to a standing position. He tested his leg and nodded. “I’m fine, it doesn’t hurt nearly as bad. I might need some support eventually but for now I’m good to walk.” Alex told him, a smile on his face.

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