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Fandom Tale of Two Survivors { The Last of Us 1x1 with icedthemoon }

Nathaniel Matthews
Former Firefly | 21 | Current location ;; North Dakota

Nate turned back to the tree, tried to remember his climbing days many, many years ago, and wondered if being 21 was old. Was he too old to learn something new? No, not with the right attitude. Not with the right encouragement. Like someone who full heartedly means it when he says that you can do this. Someone who can stand beneath just in case he slips. Okay, then he could do this. What was going to stop him? Could anything stop him? No. Nothing. He was unstoppable when he had his guiding light. With some mental math, some arm revving, and some dreams of being able to parkour like Max, he jumped up, his fingers grabbing the branch before he fell back down. Step one done! Now he needed to pull himself up. This was easier without the pack, something they did not have the luxury of dropping right now. He could do this. Could he walk his legs up the trunk? Maybe if he jumped closer to the edge. Oh, that was silly of him. No worries, he could pull himself up. Medic muscles for days! And by that, Nate was very aware that his muscles were less than stellar when it came to a lot of people that he knew, but they were enough to move himself around. He pulled himself up, swinging his legs up until they also wrapped around the branch. He peered at Alex upside down and laughed. “This could have gone worse, and I am already finding places where I can improve without you even having to tell me yet.” Then he wiggled himself around up he was sitting on the branch. He let out a breath and shrugged. “Look at me, practically a pro!” Yeah, that was easier when he was like… eight. And also when he knew what he was doing.
Alexander Brennan
Former Seraphite | 19 | Current location ;; North Dakota

Alex was drawn from his thoughts as he watched Nate jump and grab onto the branch. He was right there in case Nate did fall, but he had faith that the medic could to it. Alex watched as Nate pulled himself up, legs wrapping around the branch. Not the prettiest approach but it clearly worked as even as Nate was upside down. "Yeah, you could've fallen. That would've been worse. But overall, not the worst approach to climbing I've seen" Alex said, watching as Nate managed to sit on the branch. "Yes, you are a pro climber. Now watch the master." Alex grinned, leaping up and grabbing the branch, hauling himself up and standing there, looking at Nate. He jumped to a parallel branch, walking it to the trunk. "As you are though, won't be ideal if you have to deal with an ambush though." Alex said. "Do you think you can stand?" He asked. "The best position to be in would be like this" He added, pushing his side against the trunk, the leg closest to the trunk slid so it pressed against the bark. The other found a knot in the tree branch and slid against it. "Now you can either hide or get the drop on them if you have too" Alex explained.
Nathaniel Matthews
Former Firefly | 21 | Current location ;; North Dakota

Nate sat there, still a little winded from the movement his body was not used to doing. He really should get better at this, and he planned on working on this more as soon as they weren’t running from hunters who wanted to ambush them. And then there was Alex doing his magical Alex thing as he gracefully moved like the space between him and the trees meant nothing. He was one with the bark and branches. He could have been the swaying leaves. Nate had never wanted to do nothing but watch something as much as he wanted to watch Alex move. “How exactly are you the most amazing person I have ever met?” The question rolled off his tongue before he could censor himself, but even after he asked, his amazement stayed with the rest of him, and he felt like the question was still was very relevant to the moment. Though he needed to move. He needed to get up. He scooched his little wobbly self to towards the trunk and then unsteadily stood to lean on it. He attempted to match his mentor, but that was probably not going to happen. Not yet. Was he leaning like this? No that was too much. That leg was one with the trunk. Like…. This? “Is this good? am I stealth monkey now?” He didn’t believe it, but it did sound awfully fun.
Alexander Brennan
Former Seraphite | 19 | Current location ;; North Dakota

Alex could tell that Nate was going to need a lot of practice, not that needing it was a bad thing. He blushed as he heard Nate's question. "It just comes naturally." Alex said with a smile, he didn't have any other answer to that. His eyes watched as Nate seemed a little unsteady on the branch. His head tilted as he watched him. He had the part against the tree's trunk down, but his other foot wasn't quite on the knot a few inches away. "Slide your foot slightly further down so it sits against that knot and then you should be stable enough till I get back" Alex said. "We'll get you to stealth monkey status eventually Nate" He added. He wanted to wait until Nate had his foot placed just right and then he'd climb up.
Nathaniel Matthews
Former Firefly | 21 | Current location ;; North Dakota

Okay okay okay he could do this. “Sliding the foot,” he narrated as he hesitantly moved his foot along the branch, ignoring the part where if he were to slip, he would crash to the bottom, and settles next to the knot. Yes, this was better. Okay. See? Pro. Practically a pro after all of like two minutes of practice. What couldn’t he do with the proper guidance? Once secured against the tree, he pulled his hunting knife from the pack and held it firmly. He was prepared this time. He smiled over at Alex, scrunching his face a little as a self-deprecating moment, then shrugged. “Alright Monkey Man, show me the mastery again.” Because yes they needed to make sure they weren’t about to get ambushed again, but also Nate loved this part. He could watch Alex in the trees forever. And he would remember to pay attention to the rest of the world as well this time.
Alexander Brennan
Former Seraphite | 19 | Current location ;; North Dakota

Alex nodded, seeing that Nate looked a lot more secure now, knife in hand. "Alright, I'll be back" He said. Alex looked up and found the next branch, leaping up and snagging it in his hands, pulling himself up. He moved to another, climbing higher. Sometimes stepping from closer branches to get higher. He made it to a good spot to look and spied an old highway cutting through the barren land. Looking towards the border, he saw a small city, nothing huge like Seattle but larger than a town. He could barely make out the city name, but he could see the huge letters that read 'Welcome to South Dakota' He also didn't see any encampments along the way which meant no hunters. A city like that in front of them could provide a lot of supplies but also a good amount of infected or even a larger group of hunters so they still had to be careful.

Alex made his way down, coming to a halt on the branch beside Nate. "I didn't see any hunters or encampments. It's a straight shot to the border and a fairly good sized city there we can check for supplies. We'll have to be careful though, a city that size could have a lot of infected or hunters or both if we're so unfortunate." He said. "Now, to get down, slide your foot up to your body, then slide your body down the trunk so you're sitting. Then flip onto your stomach, slide down feet first and bend your knees when you drop, it'll help absorb the shock" Alex said, before demonstrating himself. He brought his leg close to his body, slid down the trunk, flipped onto his stomach, slid off the branch, bent his knees and landed gracefully. "I'll be down here to catch you"
Nathaniel Matthews
Former Firefly | 21 | Current location ;; North Dakota

He did not have to wait long which was nice. He briefly watched Alex climbed, shook his head, because he was pretty sure he would never be used to any of that, and then looked back down to actually look for any signs of hunters and other various unfriendly friends. Nothing. Just trees. And more trees. And some more trees. How Alex could stand to be in so many trees all the time was kind of incredible. Nate missed cities. The ones that looked different around every corner. That was what he was hoping to find soon. Something that could have specific landmarks that would make everything feel like it was changing around him. That was his problem with directions. When everything started to look the same, he had nowhere to bring his eyes. He had nothing to make him think that he had or had not been there yet.

And then Alex was back, hanging out on his branch like this was a totally normal thing for them to do together. Sure, it could be.

Oh boy. All those instructions, though. He was not following so many words all at once. He watched Alex who made it look like that was the easiest thing to do besides breathing naturally, and he sighed. “Yep, I’m a pro. I can totally do all that stuff you just did.” So he did the sliding of the foot thing and slid himself down until he was sitting. It was all going so well. Until it wasn’t, because then he overshot this flipping onto his stomach thing, and instead of this nice graceful landing with bent knees, he just flat out fell off the branch.
Alexander Brennan
Former Seraphite | 19 | Current location ;; North Dakota

Alex watched as Nate managed to slide his foot to his body and sit down on the branch. Then things went wrong. Alex watched him fall, and he literally had about a minute but in a twist of fate, he was under Nate, caught him, and they both tumbled to the forest floor. Maybe Alex should've explained the trick to flipping onto the stomach better? He didn't know what happened, but definitely more practice was needed. "See, I told you I'd catch you Mr. Pro tree climber" Alex said with a laugh. "We're definitely going to need more practice" He added, shifting himself a little since he'd landed underneath Nate when they fell to the ground.
Nathaniel Matthews
Former Firefly | 21 | Current location ;; North Dakota

Nate didn’t have time to think as he fell. He didn’t notice really what was happening until he was no longer moving and he was on top of Alex- Alex who caught him? Oh, yes Alex who caught him and then fell with him like the hero that he was. His heart was racing and his breath was frantic. And then he was laughing hysterically because what even was happening right now? He just fell out of a tree like a stupid. He turned his face to look at Alex better and that only made him laugh harder. “I am so sorry!” He coughed out between the laughs. “I don’t know what just happened but it went badly.” He reached his hands behind him to help support his weight and not just crush Alex. “Thank you for being my hero though. I apparently need a smidge more practice before I can also be master.”
Alexander Brennan
Former Seraphite | 19 | Current location ;; North Dakota

Alex had started laughing with Nate, just the entire situation was oddly amusing to him. It was not what he'd expected to happen, but then again, he didn't have any expectations anyway. Alex looked at Nate when he managed to say he was sorry. "It's okay, I said I'd catch you, and I did. But no you're crushing me" He said playfully, trying to shift them even as Nate tried to support his weight. "We definitely need to work on your landings" He said with a grin, finally pulling himself free from underneath Nate. He stood up with a smile. "But hey, at least you know I'll catch you" He added, holding his hand out to help Nate up.
Nathaniel Matthews
Former Firefly | 21 | Current location ;; North Dakota

Trying to scoot himself off was difficult with how his whole body seemed to vibrate with the excitement of the moment. It was kind of crazy really. Why was he like this? Why were they like this? Even if this was mostly a Nate problem, he could just tell that this was not going to be the only time he fell on Alex like the klutz that apparently he was. He reached up his hand and held onto Alex. “You know, I never actually doubted that if I was in trouble, you would catch him.” He didn’t. Not ever. Even when he was his angriest yesterday, which was no fun and he would rather forget his misguided breakage, he never doubted Alex when it came to his own safety. Never when it came to something like this. Maybe he started to doubt the entire world and what everyone it it valued, but that had nothing to do with how much he was certain that Alex would never let him drop without at least trying to save him.

He stood, not quite falling but also not quite standing with any stability, and readjusted his pack so that it actually sat on him in a way that was not uncomfortable. “You are the Master Climber and I am the Master Faller. This is good. We can rule over our respective realms together in harmony. It is a peaceful treaty.” He rubbed at his shoulder. Ow. But Alex was the one who got the brunt of it. He was a sad Alex sandwich! “Are you okay? Did I squish anything too bad?”

Alexander Brennan
Former Seraphite | 19 | Current location ;; North Dakota

Alex helped Nate up and smiled at him. "That’s right. Never forget that.” He said, knowing deep down that Nate trusted him to catch him, or help him if he needed it. Alex rolled his shoulders back, testing them. He looked over at Nate who rubbed his shoulder. “I’m fine, how’s your shoulder?” He asked, concern in his eyes. “Well, I’m going to work to prevent you from being the Master Faller.” Alex said with a grin. “Once we get to the city, I’m scouting for food that is not canned beans.” He said laughing.
Nathaniel Matthews
Former Firefly | 21 | Current location ;; North Dakota

Nate looked over at his shoulder, moved it a little, paused, then scooched his pack strap off and dug below the many layers of clothing. “Um…. Yeah, we’re good. Kinda red, but that’s to be expected when you do the stupid thing and barrel roll out of a tree.” He pushed everything back in place and sighed. “Your work is cut out for you if you think you can change this. Buuuuut, if you can, then I will be very impressed. And if you find non canned beans on top of that?” He shook his head and sighed. Again. But out of content this time. “Can anyone be more perfect than you?” Then he shook his whole body once more and pointed in what he assumed was the correct direction. “You ready? Because I need some not beans like stay.”

Alexander Brennan
Former Seraphite | 19 | Current location ;; North Dakota

Alex watched as Nate checked his shoulder and nodded. “Good. We don’t have to worry about that.” He said. Alex laughed, hearing Nate. “I will do my hardest to help you. Just like I will do my hardest to find us something other than beans.” He said with a laugh. Alex blushed at Nate’s comment. “Probably” He said softly. Then he adjusted his pack, looked at Nate and nodded. “Definitely.” He said, “You’re even facing the right direction this time.” He added.
Nathaniel Matthews
Former Firefly | 21 | Current location ;; North Dakota

“It’s a miracle!” Nate chimed as he all but skipped forward. “A good day miracle. No ambushes, no horrific injuries, no terrible failures, no mood swings that change who you intrinsically are. None of that!” He shoved his hands into the straps of his pack as he moved a little quicker than an average walk down this straight shot towards a city he could only hope would bring them good fortune. Not beans. Anything but beans. Maybe he would be could with beans that were different beans but not these beans. Anything but these beans. “I’m voting for soup. Who doesn’t like a good soup? Or a ravioli. Canned ravioli is great. Or one of those mixes of a bunch of vegetables. Not my favorite but I will eat literally anything else.” He swiveled around so that he was walking backwards. “Come on, slowpoke. I thought I was the one who got maimed.”

Alexander Brennan
Former Seraphite | 19 | Current location ;; North Dakota

Alex laughed. “Yes, it’s a miracle alright.” He said with a smile. Alex followed Nate, walking just as quick, eager to find anything other than beans. “I could go for soup or even canned ravioli for sure. Anything but beans.” Alex agreed. “Hey, I’m not slow. I’m keeping pace with you. You’re just walking faster than normal.” Alex laughed.
Nathaniel Matthews
Former Firefly | 21 | Current location ;; North Dakota

Nate rolled his eyes and shook his head. “You are slow. See? This is you being slow.” Of course it was also probably because he just sped up as he moved. Did he do that on purpose to prove his own point? Oh yes. He did like to win after all. “Ooh, you wouldn’t like those canned fruits and vegetables and stuff because you got to have the real deal. Yeah, maybe we try not to have those. But soup! A good soup. One day, we’re gonna have bread and then we can dip the bread into the soup.” He mimed this before running his stomach. “So good. And and and we can make our own bread! I don’t have any idea how to do that, but when we were traveling this one time, this lady had the freshest bread and I think if Mama’s heaven really is a thing, it’s made out of that bread.” He turned back around as they the city.
Alexander Brennan
Former Seraphite | 19 | Current location ;; North Dakota

Alex rolled his eyes at Nate. “Am I really slow? Okay. Why don’t you keep up?” He asked. Alex increased his pace to an easy jog, moving ahead of Nate. He looked back at Nate. “I take the canned fruits and stuff because anything is better than canned beans” He said, shaking his head with a laugh. “I’m sure we can find a way to make bread. I’ve only seen it done a handful of times but it’s definitely a process.” Alex admitted. He kept his slow jog, maintaining just ahead of Nate but able to hear and talk to him.
Nathaniel Matthews
Former Firefly | 21 | Current location ;; North Dakota

Nate sped up and then pushed it to a fast jog. “Um, can you keep up? Come on, Monkey Man. Move those flighty legs.” He spun around briefly for very obvious judgement purposes and then just kept moving forward. Because it was good to move his legs. In fact, he kind of felt like running. So he did. He pushed his legs further to run. Not sprint. Not go too fast or anything. Just ran forward, pumping his arms as he went. “Come on come on come on. Maybe there will be a whole like…. Bakery full of fresh bread. Who said the infected can’t bake? Wouldn’t that be amazing?” He laughed at himself and then sort of looked over his shoulder. “Wait, you’ve made bread before?”
Alexander Brennan
Former Seraphite | 19 | Current location ;; North Dakota

Alex laughed, watching Nate speed up and go past him. "Excuse you" Alex laughed, running after Nate, pushing his legs to move just a little faster. He came up beside Nate and then passed him, holding the front pace again. "Maybe we can find some fresh bread, but I doubt it." Alex said with a grin. "I told we grew wheat, and wheat is what bread is made of. I don't know if I could do it from memory but I'd give it a try if we ever had everything" Alex told him.
Nathaniel Matthews
Former Firefly | 21 | Current location ;; North Dakota

Nate pushed himself to full out run, nearing the city quickly now. “No, excuse you, you don’t get to outdo me, because you’re so like athletic and whatever. That’s unfair and also rude!” He was only currently faster than Alex but the likelihood that a full run would beat his full run was very little. It seemed highly unlikely. That did not mean that he was not going to try. “If I beat you, you’re growing wheat and trying to make me some bread. What say you, betting man? Care to take a gamble?”
Alexander Brennan
Former Seraphite | 19 | Current location ;; North Dakota

Alex increased his own speed, running full out. He and Nate were currently neck and neck. "How is it unfair? I've been doing this since I was little. I raced Yara and Lev all the time!" He said, pushing himself so he was just ahead of Nate by a half a foot. "I'll take that gamble. First one to the city wins" Alex said, pushing himself to move faster. "If I beat you, then I get the first bite of whatever I find that isn't beans!" He said with a laugh. It would certainly be interesting to see who would win. Right now Alex was ahead by a little bit.
Nathaniel Matthews
Former Firefly | 21 | Current location ;; North Dakota

“I feel like this deal is entirely unfair since yours could happen and mine might not!” But that didn’t mean that he wasn’t running like he might win. Wheat for bread sounded amazing, and he desperately wanted it, but there was no way that was going to happen. Sure he met some people who lived on those farms and grew their own crops and could make or bake things, but that was not so much what he thought they could really ever have. That was why he needed to find those people. They could set them up with something reasonable.

He pushed his legs to go faster. He was fast. he was faster than Max and Ben both. He was always faster than his mama who was fast. But could he out run Alex? Maybe? Maybe. He ran. And he ran. And he struggled to keep it going, since his legs were still sore, and the more he moved his arms, the more his shoulder got cranky. But it was still fun. It was so fun. He loved racing. He missed that. When he was alone, there was no one to be with. So maybe that was still a win if he lost.
Alexander Brennan
Former Seraphite | 19 | Current location ;; South Dakota

He looked at Nate, who was proving to be a worthy racer, and smiled. "If we ever get a farm, I will do my best to make you fresh bread" Alex told him. He could see the border in front of him. It wasn't that far now. He could taste the canned ravioli, canned soup and whatever else he could find that wasn't beans. He pushed himself more, the adrenaline and energy rushing through his system. He didn't know if he'd win, but he saw the border coming up. It seemed like no time at all before he ran over the line, officially in South Dakota, only then did he slow to a stop, looking around.
Nathaniel Matthews
Former Firefly | 21 | Current location ;; South Dakota

Nate lost track of where he was as he was moving. He was lost in the memory of what he used to have at a much younger age and what he could have in the future if the world worked that way. He was too busy laughing and running to really pay any attention to anything around him. It was only when he looked over his shoulder to realize that Alex was no longer right there that he too slowed. “Wait, did we do it? Who won? I wasn’t paying attention. I was looking at that big building over there and totally missed it.”
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