Taken [Inactive]

Ali laughed and rolled over so she was facing him under the blanket, smiling at him in the darkness under the blanket. "We can have as many minutes as you like." she told him quietly, tucking one of her feet between his. She smiled broadly as she looked at him. "Then when you're ready to face the day, perhaps we can invest in some coffee..."

Her muscles ached from so much physical activity the night before. It wasn't something she was used to. Her heart still felt light, though. She loved this feeling of closeness and safety. She could wake up every day with it and not get bored. "Thank you. For last night." she whispered, a little shy.
"No, thank you." He mumbled sleepily, there was a hint of a sly grin on his face in the early morning haze. Isaac reached out to touch her face, accidentally slipping and rubbing her forehead instead.

When he was good and ready, he pulled the sheets off of their heads and rolled onto his back to stretch. The morning sun no longer felt blinding and cruel, but warming against his skin. Isaac sat up against the headboard and gently played with Ali's hair.

"Did you say something about coffee?" Isaac rubbed at his eyes. "I could go for that."
Ali shifted so her head was resting on Isaac's lap, her eyes peering up at his, the blanket covering her still naked body. She smiled as he played with her hair, too busy enjoying the contact to respond to his question immediately. His hands had been rough once - slamming doors and full of threats, and now all she could feel in his hands was promise and gentleness.

"Yeah, coffee." she said finally, "I'd really like some. But I don't actually want to get out of bed yet." she laughed, smiling innocently up at Isaac. "But we have to make a move don't we... keep going towards the coast?" She reached down to pull the sheet up to cover her chest more as it slipped down, biting her lip and blushing, a hint of a smile on her lips still.

He's already seen you naked, Ali. Why are you hiding your body from him now? What exactly are you afraid of?
Isaac's eyes peered down with great interest. As casually as he could, he pulled the covers down a bit. Not enough to reveal her, just enough so he could admire her. He stopped playing with her hair and changed to rubbing her back.

"Hey, you've nothing to hide." He cooed. "You're beautiful."

They laid in bed for a while longer, he with his hands on her back, in her hair. When it was too much, and their check out time approached, Isaac rolled out of bed to start coffee from the small machine provided by the hotel for their room. He got dressed, jeans with a gray t-shirt. Then he threw a spare t-shirt onto the bed in case Ali wanted something fresh. They didn't have time to go shopping for her, so it would have to do until they found a decent store.
Ali blushed when he pulled the covers down, but she didn't adjust the covers again, letting him look at her and even enjoying the attention. She enjoyed the peace between them, a silence that wasn't filled with anxiety or tension, but instead a tenderness that she wasn't familiar with in her past.

As Isaac got out of bed, she sat up and watched him get dressed before getting out of bed herself and collecting her underwear from the bathroom where she had left it to dry, slipping it on before walking back to the bed and putting Isaac's spare shirt on with her jeans.

She moved to the kitchen to inhale the fresh coffee and grinned. "That's one of my favourite smells." she told him. "I've always loved it, even as a kid. Coffee. Smells like mornings and sunrises and all good things. Except, you're not much of a morning person, are you?" she asked, a hint of teasing in her tone.
"No." Isaac frowned. "Mornings are just too bright. I like nighttime best." The moon, the stars, and the cool air. "When I was living on the streets, night was just easier. Less noisy, a little bit cooler in the summer. It's just easier to exist during the nighttime."

He poured them both full cups of coffee. Everything they owned was tucked into Isaac's bag at the end of the bed. They didn't have a phone between them, but they had thousands in cash. The negatives were great. No phone, run down car, no clothes, food, or water. But he liked to think it was great they had each other. After all of their struggles and trials, they'd escaped, and it was going to be alright.

"There's probably breakfast in the lobby, then we'll get going." He mentioned, sipping at his coffee. "Okay?"
Ali drank her coffee quietly, her eyes constantly flicking towards Isaac, her lips curling into a smile each and every time. She couldn't help but look at him, feeling a new sort of connection with him after the previous night. She had been nervous about it, but he had been kind and sweet and she was grateful for it.

"Okay." she replied, pulling herself up so she was sitting on the kitchen bench, her legs swinging back and forth ever so slightly. "And uh, maybe we can stop somewhere so I can get some changes of underwear? Not to be a princess or anything, but I value clean underwear." she smirked at him, a dimple appearing in her cheek as she did.

Once her coffee was finished, she slid off the bench and looked up at Isaac, "Shall we?" she smiled, standing close to him, her hand resting on his side.
On the road, they'd stopped briefly for Alison's needs. He wouldn't deny her a fresh pair of underwear. Happy now and back to the car, Isaac had his eyes focused on the road. He'd picked up a pair of aviator shades, having always wanted to try out a pair. His hair was getting longer now, a bit shaggy, but it would suit him once they reached the coast.

"So, after we get there..." He started. "What are we going to do? I mean, we've got cash. It'll get us so far, but. What I'm trying to say is, we need to get some jobs eventually."

It was hard to bring up, but facts were facts. They were on the run now, and they couldn't keep using her credit card forever. It would leave a trail for her father to follow. If they ran out of money, then they'd have a problem.
Ali didn't say it, but she thought the aviators made Isaac look all the more attractive, and she was content sitting beside him in the car, her hand resting lightly on his leg, as they drove. She looked up at him as he broke the silence, asking about jobs. Biting her lip, she considered his words. She had never had a real job. Money had been something that was just always there.

"Maybe..." she frowned, running a hand through her hair. "Uh... How do we go about getting new identities? I mean, we wont get jobs with our real names. You already know that. So, maybe... we need new names." she traced circles on his knee. "Is that possible? Am I being naive again?"

She felt inadequate for the task ahead of them, but she didn't dare say that she was scared.
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