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Active [Taeko - The Republic] The Vanishing Villagers

A hearty laugh emanated from The Wolf as the another wave of unholy magic split against the edge of her blade and crashed into the divine protection.

She could feel the shifting tides.

Slowly the Archbishop's powers seemed to wane as those of Okami and her comrades held steadfast. One by one the cultists fell and the war of attrition seemed to be swinging in their favor. Even the Ashigeru looked like they'd gotten their resolve back as they joined in on the slaughter. Even now, the Archbishop continued to overcome their attacks; but the force of his magic grew ever-weaker.

Another strike to counter the Archbishop's latest attack. A nameless blow to weaken its force as she chose to conserve her strength for a more opportune moment. Let what remained crash against her once more, Kajta's defense had already more-than earned her respect. It left the others open to focus on whittling away at this monster's strength. Yukan called out to her as he raced towards one of the remaining cultists.


And, without a moment's hesitation, she would race towards what was likely the final cultist and launch a strike at it as soon as it entered into her range. For a guy who relied so heavily on his people for power, this Archbishop did an awful job of actually keeping them alive. There was certainly a lesson to be learned in this situation. Eh, well. The Ronin was eager to witness The Archbishop without the support of his loyal flock. Just how much of this overwhelming power was his own?

And just how much of it had he been borrowing from the comrades this entire time?

Actions (3/3):
1) Use a [Basic Attack] to counter the Archbishop's spell.
2) Move 20ft from L8 to L4
3) Use [Red River Flow] to attack the cultist at K2 and cleave it in half.
Red River Flow- Specialized Fighting Style [Wolf's Blood Red Fang] F, Range F, (1) Deflect F- The Wolf draws and sheathes her sword with such speed so as to leave her blade unseen by untrained eyes as she attacks. The thunderous shockwave released from performing this kata acts as an extension to the strike, allowing Okami to cleave a man in two from distances far beyond the edge of her blade. The name of the form comes from the ominous spray of blood that often follows a successful strike.- Grade F- 1 Action- 10ft range- 0 post cooldown.
Bariton put a grip on the hilt of his blade. There would be no chance for playing any song of any effect with the combat at such close quarters and he had no idea of what effect there could be with some being that might not really be alive. But if any cultist came near enough they would find he knew how to use his blade too.

Bariton thought still of asking Kajta when there might ever be opportunity about her God. It reminded him of a God he had been hearing about. She sure had access to power this way.

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