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Active [Taeko - The Republic] The Vanishing Villagers

Yukan Koyake

Maxxob Maxxob Karcen Karcen Maverick Six Maverick Six GodlyDnD GodlyDnD Spoiled Bread Spoiled Bread Gwen_Temi Gwen_Temi

Yukan Acknowledged Vince's responses with some respectful nods. Hopefully even if the worse came to worse and some people got killed the party would understand that it had been a necessary move to go up against the threats that lay beyond for the greater good. Yukan knew full well already what it was like to have some people who he was leading end up getting killed by the enemies they went up against and it was an experience which had not left him unchanged as a result.

He'd travel carefully paying attention to their surroundings with the formation, until eventually the enemies were seen in the distance..they didn't look undead, nor were they behaving unlike someone might in that faction, perhaps they had stolen something dark magic related and become more powerful as a result? Whatever the cause was Yukan was ready to bring the criminals to justice.

WIth Okami nearby on point near him, he'd gesture to her to signal that she should follow and attack after him quickly. Since he had stressed the importance of the unit keeping cohesion he hoped that in this first conflict they would be capable of doing so even under fire.

Perhaps albeit deceptively, unfortunately for their enemies Yukan was quite capable of hitting them all the way over there, so presuming he had a clear shot, Yukan would quickly set his gaze on the one holding the gun..as he readied his spear and unleashed a fairly powerful ability on them to get the element of surprise, If there was anyone in front of them in his line of sight he'd attempt to penetrate them too from afar where the group was, forcing his spear in such a way that a powerful energy was released from it and he'd attempt to strike the gun person's body in a position which would be devastating for them to receive, ideally without them having the know how or wherewith all to defend.

Transcendent Transpierce - Range D, Reach D, Penetrating D, Hot Shot D - D grade Ability 2 round cooldown
Yukan unleashes a great piercing jab of energy from his spear in an effort to impale his enemies in a critical vital spot up to 100 ft away, ignoring up to three grades of items used to defend

Hopefully that would be the sign the others would need to jump into action in the ambush besides just Okami as he then moved into position ideally a distance away from the gunner to take advantage of his Reach effectiveness bonus this time keeping point so that he could double tap the gunner, going in for a follow up basic attack on nearest enemy if possible.

1. Transcendent Transpierce ability D on Gunner with clear sight line hoping to hit any enemies in the line of attack.
2. Move as many feet needed leveraging Speed F
3. Basic attack nearest enemy.
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There were four at the entrance to the mountain.

The party outnumbered them, but understood that they were merely guards for a much larger force within. None of the warriors who'd come to that mountain were particularly stealthy, so a subtle approach was unlikely. But, perhaps, they wouldn't need to be to avoid putting the enemy on high alert. A plan was quickly set in place to eliminate the front guards before they could sound an alarm to the rest of the forces.

Yukan and Okami would strike first. Katja would block off- or at least impede- enemy retreat. Vincent and Rei would begin their assault just after. The Ashigaru could give their support. And the bard who'd chosen to provide his assistance. Well...

...we'd just have to see his skillset in due time, wouldn't we?

It began with a coordinated ambush.

Shrouded in the brush at the edge of the forest The Wolf would level her hand with the tsuka of her blade and await Lord Yukan's signal. They were only going to have one chance at catching the enemy by surprise and she had no intention of wasting it. Instead of targeting the heavily armored targets, they chose to strike the lightly armored fae; cutting their numbers in half, immediately, if successful.

On Yukan's que, Okami would unleash the fastest [Red River Flow] that anyone there- save Yukan himself- had ever seen.

Her target was the throat of the elf with the bow. Well within her range at just 40ft. The sound of thunder would echo through the area, but long after her strike had reached it's mark. If things went well, neither of the elves would've been alive to hear it; one cleaved in half by Yukan's Yari, and the other devoid of a head. But she would not wait to see the results of their opening move.

As soon as her blade returned to is scabbard, she would race towards the guards at the mouth of the cave and begin the assault, proper, alongside the rest of her team.

Actions (3/3):
1) Used
[Red River Flow] to attack the Elf armed with a bow and try to land an attack on them while under the [Surprised] condition.
2 & 3). Move 30ft towards the entrance of the cave to engage the enemy.

Red River Flow- Specialized Fighting Style [Wolf's Blood Red Fang] D, Range D, Deflect (1) D- The Wolf draws and sheathes her sword with such speed so as to leave her blade unseen by untrained eyes as she attacks. The thunderous shockwave released from performing this kata acts as an extension to the strike, allowing Okami to cleave a man in two from distances far beyond the edge of her blade. The name of the form comes from the ominous spray of blood that often follows a successful strike.- Grade D- 1 Action- 100ft range- 2 post cooldown.

Maxxob Maxxob TheTimePiece TheTimePiece Maverick Six Maverick Six Spoiled Bread Spoiled Bread Karcen Karcen GodlyDnD GodlyDnD
Katja Galinka


four guards and likely so many more in the hidden mountain lair without a doubt. The main goal should be to keep those that had come with them safe from the cultists as much as possible. The plan they came up was simple enough a swift unseen strike like the hand of god upon the wicked. Mercy it seemed was not on the table, but Katja had doubts any would reach out their hand for salvation, a hand she would be more than willing to grasp. The hearts of mortals were fickle things and sometimes a second chance was what on needed to step out of the dark. All people sinned and some more than others, but any could return to the grace of the lord if they truly wanted to. That was what Katja felt and whole heartedly believed in. She was called soft such things to want to give everyone as many chances as she could so they could become good. People faltered and stumbled and old ways were had to give up. Still this cult had given wickedness to the people and now the people would give the wickedness back upon them. Katja wished to have the villagers to have as little blood upon their hands as possible. They needed to take the cultists in small groups if the others could deal with the cultists before the villagers needed to then it was all the better.

Katja needed to flux her power so that while weaker it would reach further as she lacked the needed skills to cast on the go sadly. Still god would no doubt be with her as he always was and she would trust in him that the barrier would form and hold. " Let not your heart be troubled: Ye believe in God; believe also in me " She prayed Fluxing [The lords' protection] to make it go further and cover the entrance to the lair with a nearly transparent shimmering wall of magic. The prayer was not only to invoke the power, but to in a way remind herself that she should believe in herself and in the others. Sometimes one pair of hands did more good than a thousand clasped in prayer after all.


1 Flux the lords' protection to have Range E without other modifiers to cover the lair entrance in a barrier to block retreat and reinforcement.

Interaction: Maxxob Maxxob Gwen_Temi Gwen_Temi TheTimePiece TheTimePiece Spoiled Bread Spoiled Bread Karcen Karcen GodlyDnD GodlyDnD
Equipped Titles: Human [Mundane], Novice Tinkerer, Novice Blacksmith, Isekai, Mechanic
Language Key: Common | %Analog% |


A whistle. "Those look like some mean motherfuckers. And that cave's so dark I almost wanna fight 'em out here." He wasn't sure how this was going to go. So he had to prepare for different outcomes. Part of him wondered if there were going to be any hostages. Was anyone who was kidnapped even still alive? There were still questions unanswered, but he'd just have to wait till crossing that bridged

A plan had been formed as to how to go about this. And Vince listened carefully and contributed, stating his role clearly. Yukan and Okami would strike and go for the ranged types. Katja would block off the entrance of the cave. Vince would drive up to ram them and knock them over, while Rei would provide the heavy hits that he needed to be successful close range.

In time, he'd discovered that the guy he'd saved and freed was actually supposed to be with them: A bard named Bariton. Thus it was that upon learning his skills, that Vince came to understand that he might have use for the young bard.

"Alright Bariton. You're with me." He said, placing a hand on his shoulder as he lead him to Vince's car.

"So here's the plan. You're gonna get in my....metal chariot." He points to the car -- and leads him to the passenger's seat.

"I'll drive up, and I'll ram those motherfuckers. At the same time, Rei's run up to cut 'em to pieces. YOU? You sing you're little heart out and boost Rei's sword arm." He said, pointing to Rei in question, who was the woman with horns, a tail and a sword.

"You ready? Good. Let's do this." Vince said to Bariton...his question mostly rhetorical.

To the Ashigaru, Vince simply said this. "Wait till you hear us call for you. Then come."

The mechanic and driver slid across the hood of his car and then slipped into the driver's seat, driving the car slowly forward until a point where he'd push it.

The Attack

Vince would quietly move his car over to the proper position, pushing it part of the way for a relative degree of silence rather than driving it for a degree of silence.

As he got inside with Bariton -- he simply sat there and waited. The guards were out of his sight, but he wasn't waiting for any sight. He was waiting instead for a sound like thunder. The same sound that seemed to accompany Okami and Yukan's blades.

The sound of thunder would echo through the area, but long after her strike had reached it's mark.

The signal. The car started up with one smooth twist of the key. And pedal was pressed to the metal.


Wheels kicked up dirt as the car surged forward. Vince and Bariton were both pressed back into their seats as the car hit its max speed in a moment. The car appeared with its roaring engine getting louder and louder the closer it got. The metal carriage that most people of this world would cross 40 feet in two seconds flat. [Gas Gas] Unfortunately for the guy with the greatsword, this would end with the scar spinning upon approach. Tires would screech against the ground as the car would spin and knock the man to the side. Hopefully being slammed by the rear end of a car would knock him on his back. [Tokyo Drift] As well as put him ironically closer to his ally.


As the car came to a halt after its strike, with the window down, Vince held out his gun.

"Sup!" He'd said as he'd hastily fired a shot into the beastwoman center mass, mindful Rei's approach. [Attack]


"Hope you're ready to sing."
He said to Bariton, one hand currently on the wheel and another on his Colt Single Action Revolver.

HP: 2/2 (E-Grade Vitality)
Armor HP: 1/1 (F-Grade Heavy)

Actions: 3/3

1. Gas Gas - Fast F, Energize F - The Car drives pretty fast. Go figure. Car moves 40 feet per action. - F Grade Ability - 0 Post Cooldown

2. Tokyo Drift - Fighting Style: Car Fu F, Knockdown F, Energize F - The Car attacks someone while remaining in place or at the end of a movement. Often manifests in the car "drifting" at the end of a movement or simply ramming them 5 or more feet away. - F Grade Ability - 0 Post Cooldown [Target: Greatsword Bandit] [Team up]

3. Attack
- Vince shoots an unaimed shot at the club wielding beastwoman. [No aim Penalty] [Target: Club Bandit] [Team up]

Vince is carrying Bariton in his car as a passenger.

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