Yeah I tried my best to do that sense I was going to make an area with snow before that. But to keep it all consistent I chose to tie them in together.
Cool, I'll probably work some more on the factions later tonight. I wanna get the daemons up tonight so that way I've got the four basic factions up.
Yay, the four main factions are a go! Now to get as much in before the site goes down this month for the trasfer.
Looks like they're changing the coding formant for the forums, going back to the updated old coding system(BCCode, no more HTML) so the site will be down sometime this month when that happens. No date as of yet tho that I know of.
All the recent crashes and down times seems to have to do with the coding formant it's using apparently.
Hey I was wondering if any of you wanted to help make the quest for the rp. If not I was going to see about finding someone else that might be interested.

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