Or you could 'make' a fishing shack that's much nice 'abandoned'
Well, with a mod, I can make my own house. Or I can mod a house for myself, so I don't pay anything either :p
If I knew how to mod, I could probably do the same. Skyrim is probably better for modding tho
Oh that's not bad. Nice. I'd show you mine on the play im doing right now, but I have no screen shots of it.
I get the entire island it's on to myself, the only downside is that I have to swim to it from Gnaar Mok, but it's good exercise so I'm not bothered
Well...My house has quicksilver ore down the street from it, and it's right next to an abandoned ebony mine heh
That's cuz you're a dirty rotten cheat with mods

Besides, you can't beat this locale. Fresh sea breeze, a nice little shantytown a hop skip and a jump away, my own private island. Morrowind is the best place to live, ya know
No actually the ebony and quicksilver are part of the original game, the house is the only modded part. Also, I didn't even know about the quicksilver til just a few mins ago. Don't worry, I'm only level 13 atm, so the ebony does me no good til I get my blacksmithing up. For right now, yay quicksilver!

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