Loki's evil is more subtle. Like manipulation. Unless you happen to piss her off then she wants you dead. She also, killed that guy who asked to be spared. Although Max did kill someone to, their reactions to it were pretty much total opposites.

Also, Loki is about to do something evil in Max's eyes soon, tho he won't know about it until it's way to late heh
Loki's evil is more subtle. Like manipulation. Unless you happen to piss her off then she wants you dead. She also, killed that guy who asked to be spared. Although Max did kill someone to, their reactions to it were pretty much total opposites.

Also, Loki is about to do something evil in Max's eyes soon, tho he won't know about it until it's way to late heh
Max sicced a summon on a group of lowbies because he didn't feel like dealing with it. Not to mention, he likes to take jabs at Loki for no apparent reason, even though they never work. Also, it's not like Max was absolutely eaten up about killing a player.

Anyways, I can't wait to see what mean crap you're going to pull on the second most milquetoast person in the group (after Yuna). Let's go on this journey of mutual hatred together!

Loki and Max are never going to get along, are they
Oh, sorry
It's cool. XD Loki was well alright with Maxing doing that mind you. Also, as stated by her bio, Max's 'jabs' are pretty tame compared to what she's already dealt with. Besides she's threatened his life so it's a given and take. I see them as mutual business partners. They help each other out when it benefits them, but are ok with seeing the other fall from time to time too, so long as they aren't effected as well.

As for whats in store...let'sjust say, Max has earned a covenant spot on Loki's training team^^

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